Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (2024)


Rated 4.3 out of 5

“Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing” by Robert Kiyosaki is a financial book that explores how the wealthy approach investing and wealth accumulation differently from the average person. It emphasizes the importance of changing one’s mindset, acquiring financial knowledge, starting a business, and becoming a sophisticated investor to achieve financial success.

Table of Contents

  • Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing Summary
  • Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing Reviews

Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing Summary

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (1)

Kiyosaki starts by challenging the conventional wisdom about money and success. He raises a fundamental question: Do you want to be financially comfortable or truly rich? While most people aspire to be wealthy, many believe that their financial fate is predetermined and that they will never achieve significant wealth. Kiyosaki dispels this belief by emphasizing that becoming rich is a choice that anyone can make.

The author emphasizes the importance of financial education and literacy as the foundation for successful investing. He argues that truly wealthy individuals have a deep understanding of financial principles, allowing them to make informed decisions. For them, analyzing financial statements and assessing investment opportunities become second nature. Kiyosaki’s message is clear: to become rich, one must invest in learning about money and investments.

One of the central ideas in the book is the disparity between how the rich and the poor/middle class invest their money. Kiyosaki points out that the wealthiest 10% of the population controls 90% of the money. He compares this to the 80-20 rule, stating that in the context of wealth distribution, it’s more accurately described as the 90-10 rule. This leads to the realization that the rich invest in a way that sets them apart from the rest of the population.

Kiyosaki explains that some investments are off-limits to those with limited financial resources due to regulatory restrictions. In the United States, certain investments are restricted to accredited investors, who must have a net worth of $1 million or a consistent annual income of $200,000. This limitation prevents many people from accessing some of the most lucrative investment opportunities available to the wealthy.

To bridge the gap and enter the top 10%, individuals must adopt the mindset of the rich. Kiyosaki challenges the traditional advice of “get an education, work hard, save money” as a path to financial security. He argues that this approach keeps people in the 90% bracket with limited wealth. Instead, he advocates for a shift toward investing in assets and businesses before paying taxes, which allows for more substantial financial growth.

One of the key concepts Kiyosaki emphasizes is the importance of distinguishing between assets and liabilities. He argues that understanding this distinction is critical for making sound financial decisions. Many people mistakenly consider their home an asset, but Kiyosaki contends that true assets generate positive cash flow, while liabilities drain money from your pocket. This insight helps individuals make better financial choices.

Kiyosaki acknowledges that the terminology and complexity of investments can be intimidating, leading many to shy away from investing. However, he underscores the value of financial education in overcoming this barrier. Learning the language of finance, including terms like price-to-equity ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, return on equity, and financial leverage, is essential for making informed investment decisions.

The book introduces different categories of investors, including accredited and qualified investors, and highlights the benefits of becoming an inside investor. Inside investors create their own assets by starting businesses, which can become valuable sources of income or be sold for substantial profits. Kiyosaki emphasizes that becoming an inside investor is a crucial step toward accessing the investment opportunities typically reserved for the rich.

Starting a business is presented as an achievable path to wealth creation. Kiyosaki dispels the notion that only certain individuals have the ability to start a business. He provides examples of successful entrepreneurs who began part-time while working other jobs. This demonstrates that anyone can start a business with creativity and determination.

To build a successful business, Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of having a clear mission, assembling a strong team, and being an effective leader. He encourages readers to volunteer for leadership roles to develop their leadership skills. Additionally, he underscores the significance of effective communication and selling skills in business success.

Kiyosaki concludes by discussing the transition from business ownership to becoming a sophisticated investor. A sophisticated investor gains more control over management, corporate structure, investment decision-making, and taxes. This level of investment allows for maximized returns and greater financial security.

Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing Reviews


Rated 4.3 out of 5

4.3 out of 5 stars (based on 78 reviews)


Very good13%




Kindle version is a disaster

Rated 2.0 out of 5

December 27, 2023

Kindle version is a disaster. Images are not formatted as images so you cannot enlarge them. In other words, you cannot see Robert’s diagrams. It’s a great book, but do not buy the kindle version. Those who rate the Kindle version as good are disregarding Robert’s diagrams, which are critical to getting the most out of the book. Buy physical copy.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (2)

Guido Konopelski

Nice book

Rated 5.0 out of 5

December 26, 2023

Nice book to build a way of thinking about planning your financial future do recommend to anyone who is clueless about creating financial opportunities

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (3)

Ashton Kuvalis

Now I know something about Money

Rated 4.0 out of 5

December 26, 2023

This book changed my whole concept around money. There were things I considered assets which were liabilities. Potentially a game changer

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (4)

Russell Zulauf

Great book!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

December 24, 2023

Allowed me the opportunity to develop a different mindset. I look forward to to reading and learning more about investments.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (5)

Nasir Kityamuwesi

Must Read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

December 20, 2023

I would choose this book for someone who’s hungry for success, otherwise completing this book is challenging where it’s long, dry, with an overload of information.But for someone who’s really hungry, he’ll need someone to stop him from reading. This book is worth a Million Dollars, anyhow you’ll make way more with the tips in it.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (6)

Kenny Von


Rated 5.0 out of 5

December 17, 2023

Once again I have been given a lot of ammo for my brain to use. Robert is the truth I love the way he writes his books.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (7)

Herta Hand

Not as strong as his first two books

Rated 2.0 out of 5

December 11, 2023

This book is too repetitious and not filled with enough new ideas. If you read his first two books, then you have read 75% of this book. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the material repeats so often you will feel like you read the first two books 10 times over when you complete this book. I love his thoughts and concepts. I don’t have to agree with them. I love that he presents information in a different way for me. But do you have to present it as though you’ve forgotten you told me the same thing every day for the last two years! It was like being in the movie groundhog day with Bill Murray. Skip this book. I’m skeptic on reading more from Rob. I would need a major discount or a free book to check out his other books. I gained minimum value from this book when compared to the first two.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (8)

Cletus Crona

More difficult to read than rich dad poor dad. Get more familiar with that title and ...

Rated 5.0 out of 5

December 6, 2023

More difficult to read than rich dad poor dad. Get more familiar with that title and his 4 quadrant principle before diving into this title

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (9)

Jayshree Rout

Great Read . Points that have changed thinking.

Rated 5.0 out of 5

December 3, 2023

This book changed my mindset about life. There are many great points on investing with deeper thought effect all areas of your life. If I can only now come up with a great idea to start my own business to get me out of the rat race that I have been trained for 37 years to do, may I find the true path in the B quadrant. I never dreamed the things I have been taught just like poor dad taught his son would lock me into this road. My mind is open and the challenge is before me. Thank you Robert for such a great educational inspirational book. I look forward to teaching my five year old your cash flow game as she gets older.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (10)

Dimakatso Conradie

I look forward to taking control of my financial future and setting myself up for success.

Rated 4.0 out of 5

November 29, 2023

I’ve listened to its audiobook and it has been incredibly helpful in giving me insight into what makes the rich successful. It is full of practical advice on building wealth through investing, and the writing style is easy to understand. I’m already seeing the benefits of the suggestions in this book and am grateful for the knowledge it has imparted. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about how to make their money work for them.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (11)

Willem Evans

Great book on learning the fundamentals of investing and creating cash flow opportunities

Rated 4.0 out of 5

November 23, 2023

I got a lot of great insight ion the fundamentals of investing but most chapters were repetitive and the constant sales pitch of products and services was another reason for not giving this a 5

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (12)

Aarti Sarkar

loved it

Rated 5.0 out of 5

November 13, 2023

Everyone should read this book. This book should be required reading for all students before they graduate from high school.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (13)

Lucy Kibirige

Nothing more than a motivational book

Rated 1.0 out of 5

November 6, 2023

While reading, you find yourself waiting for the writer to get to his point already, but he never does. There is absolutly no usable information in there, just “yes you can do it !”. The writer repeats himself over and over again without getting to a meaningful information.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (14)

Elaina Feest


Rated 5.0 out of 5

November 4, 2023

Second in a row, keeps me excited for the next one, discovering greater challenges, highly recommended if you seek insight and desire to educate and re-educate yourself,.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (15)

Enrico Wisozk

Great book

Rated 5.0 out of 5

October 20, 2023

Learned a lot from his three books, the main thing I will keep in mind is that being rich or poor is just a mentality. This book is definitely a way to switch towards a rich and abundant mentality.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (16)

Doug OKon

Must read if you feel stuck in your job

Rated 4.0 out of 5

October 11, 2023

It really opened my eyes to a new world of possibilities. I wish there was more practical examples especially about financial planning.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (17)

Andy Koch

Reading this book got me on a whole new way ...

October 9, 2023

Reading this book got me on a whole new way of thinking on my finances, future, family and education of my kids. It encouraged me to do further research so much so that I can’t remember what my perspective on life was before. Thank you Robert. We never met but you have changed my life forever

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (18)

Colleen Zondo

Paradigm shift from employee mindset to employer

Rated 5.0 out of 5

October 6, 2023

It continues the story of rich dad and gives you a deep dive into concepts introduced in rich dad poor ad. Now that you know you won’t become financially free being an employee now you are thought what the best investment you can make is. Very important concepts are introduced such as the B-I triangle and the three E. Robert teaches helps you change your point of view of what is the purpose of a job. If you want to increase your income potential this is a must read.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (19)

Jonathon Rowe

Waste of my time

Rated 2.0 out of 5

October 3, 2023

I have not found anything new in this book. It was just waste of my time and money. I do not recommend this book.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (20)

Ram Dada

It is a great read especially if you are a business owner

Rated 5.0 out of 5

September 25, 2023

Anything written by Kiyosaki is worth reading if you are at all concerned about your financial future. It is a great read especially if you are a business owner.I would recommend reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and Cash flow quadrants BEFORE reading this.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (21)

Judy Erdman

Highly recommend

Rated 5.0 out of 5

September 16, 2023

So clear and his perspective and experience shared is invaluable. I am sharing it with friends and family! Read it!

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (22)

Yadu Sachdev

This series and author is fantastic

Rated 4.0 out of 5

September 14, 2023

It boosts my confidence in an area I’m not certain of anything. However this book is quite slow. Still very informative and would recommend to anyone.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (23)

Lelah Borer

Great book

Rated 5.0 out of 5

September 12, 2023

Very helpful and helped me on how and where to start investing, recommend to anyone who doesn’t know where to start

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (24)

Billy VonRueden

Even the smartest people can learn from this book

Rated 5.0 out of 5

September 8, 2023

I thought I was good at money management and financial planning, but this book really highlighted huge opportunities in how I can be better with my finances. Strongly recommend it for anyone interested in making money.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (25)

Gunjan Babu

He brought out that they do not teach you in ...

Rated 4.0 out of 5

August 25, 2023

He brought out that they do not teach you in school on how to start a company. You learn that on the street

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (26)

Johnny Kalumba

Another banger from Robert

Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 22, 2023

Like his first two books, there are countless valuable lessons to take away here. Based on the title, you (as i did) probably expect this book to be heavy on specifics in terms of types of investments to focus on. This is not entirely incorrect, however what he details and the mindset he lays out will challenge your preconceived notions of the world of business and investing. Really, it’s more a business book than an investing book, which is one of his main points. Overall great sequel to Cashflow Quadrant and in a lot of ways is a more in-depth look into it. I would highly recommend Cashflow Quadrant before reading this.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (27)

Constance Kunze


Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 19, 2023

Very useful information especially to a person just starting out in the investing world. If you have a taste for learning new things this book will definitely provide plenty of opportunity to do so.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (28)

Lesego van den Heever

Brilliant book!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 11, 2023

This book really helped me to realise what I wanted my future to look like and how my investment strategy was key to achieving my goals. I’ve already begun creating portfolio income and I am in the process of creating passive income for my future.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (29)

Cali Denesik

Required Reading

Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 9, 2023

The first book should be required reading for all high school students. Those that comprehend it should read the second and this the third book. They will have abundant lives. Very good that there are some concrete steps and advice. I will be taking my first steps on this road.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (30)

Damilola Miracle

Presented to you like a mentor. Powerful and enlightening.

Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 5, 2023

You’ve been walking the halls of your mind with a concreate block and chain latched onto to your leg. You’re searching for that one great thing that will help you “figure it all out” or bring you one step closer to a vison that seems so distant. With this book Kiyosaki reaches out to you and cuts that chain while presenting you with a key. This key opens a door that only you will notice when you see it, and by cutting the chains, you are now able to run through these halls and find the door thats been hidding your entrepreneurial spirit.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (31)

Leila Thompson

Nice to read, scarce new content

Rated 3.0 out of 5

August 4, 2023

This book reads easily. It is even fun, same holds for the audiobook.New content us scarce, however, if you read “Rich Dad, poor Dad”.Motivation-wise it is a good book.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (32)

Ardella Schroeder

Good read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 3, 2023

I wish people would understand his books are about you realizing there’s a lot to learn and must be willing to take the extra steps to learn what you can and find the professional help for the rest.I’ve seen the negative reviews, but this book op bed my eyes to a world I’ve been avoiding.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (33)

Sister Johnston

Another step forward to liberation

Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 1, 2023

Education and experience leads to truth, joy, and abundance. Cash just comes along. Thank you RK 👊🏼 for feeding one more thirsty mind.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (34)

Marty Smith

Excellent Introduction to Investing

Rated 5.0 out of 5

July 15, 2023

Great introduction to the method and mindset of investing. Would recommend for anyone not sure where to start. The book suggests several resources to learn more.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (35)

Ifunanya Aderonke

Great read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

July 13, 2023

Easy to connect and most people can relate to what he is saying. This book does not only talk about finance it teaches you about real life lessons.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (36)

takalani Mnguni

A must to read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

July 2, 2023

Everyone needs this book in their life. I bought some for friends too. They all loved it and feel wiser.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (37)

Marcos Bradtke

Illustrations unreadable in Kindle Edition

Rated 1.0 out of 5

June 25, 2023

The illustrations in this book are important as they illustrate the financial concepts discussed. Yet the illustrations are displayed so small on the screen that they are unviewable. Makes the purchase of the Kindle Edition unreadable. Don’t waste your money. I tried to give it a zero star rating, but Amazon wouldn’t let me post it unless I gave it at least a 1-star rating.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (38)

Carley Kuhn

Great Read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

June 5, 2023

Loved the flow of words that spoke to me at the most basic level. Forced me to think about my own place in the world and how to reshape how I see limitless potential in myself. Loved it.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (39)

Gwendolyn Welch

Expressing 💡 ideas

Rated 3.0 out of 5

May 28, 2023

I like this book because it gives you the ideas you need to be a business man. Example:learn how to read financial statements. One thing I don’t like about this book. is that it tells you learn to read financial statements but doesn’t tell you how? He just says get financial help from a professional. He doesn’t go into detail. 3rd book I read and I feel like I need to read more and more I guess that’s how he makes his money.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (40)

Pink Armstrong

Wraps up the core series

Rated 4.0 out of 5

May 22, 2023

Lessons from the first 2 books were repeated over and over but only because it was for a new reader’s benefit. However it is a great guide to point you in the right direction of what you need to study to further enrich your financial education.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (41)

Marlee Berge

great read!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

May 13, 2023

I would recommend this book to anyone today that would like to understand how to invest money to get ahead and leave a legacy.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (42)

Yusuf Sabdat

The point is missing

Rated 1.0 out of 5

May 12, 2023

As many above have said, he tells a bunch of stories. I get that he wants to encourage a investor mindset, but he never actually tells you HOW to do anything, just story after story of conversations that have no real advice. This does not help guide me in how to be a good investor.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (43)

Aracely Langworth

Appreciate the introduction to how people can get rich

Rated 3.0 out of 5

April 26, 2023

After learning more about money I found Mr. Kiyosaki isn’t the best teacher for investing. I appreciate his introducing me to the subject but prefer Dave Ramsey’s plan. After seeing this guy on a late night info-mercial for buying silver I lost respect for him and can not use his advice.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (44)

lindiwe Martin

A lot of words...not much substance

Rated 2.0 out of 5

April 13, 2023

The book started out interesting enough but really fell flat in the 2nd half. You could pretty much summarize the 2nd half by saying you need to start you’re own business. That’s about it. Not much content in this book. I’ve read just about every other Rich Dad book including the ones by other authors and this one was by far the least fulfilling. I was really expecting quite a it more.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (45)

Tanuja Bandi

Having my own uncle as a rich person, what ...

Rated 5.0 out of 5

April 4, 2023

Having my own uncle as a rich person, what he said and taught in his book do actually make sense to me.I can relate his stories with my rich uncle and start to understand how he builds his wealth.Other than informative, this book does actually boost your confidence and motivates you to think outside the box and to not trapped into the rat-race. Worth to read but not for everyone since some people think that he discourages people from working as an employee.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (46)

Rudi Maree

Derived from previous book, but nuggets are there.

Rated 3.0 out of 5

April 1, 2023

I read this immediately after Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The conversational format of the book was tiring after 2 books and I found myself skimming for the points. I’m not going to say it’s bad, but the format can be tiring.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (47)

Nadia Kelly

Love you this book

Rated 5.0 out of 5

March 27, 2023

Robert is an amazing writer. His rich dad is a legendary investor who’s princples are powerful and transformational. Please read this book if you want to become a better investor.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (48)

Lolade Mayowa

Great book !

Rated 5.0 out of 5

March 25, 2023

Another great book that makes you question and think outside the box compared to the old way of thinking !

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (49)

Aracely Bergstrom

Long but good

Rated 5.0 out of 5

March 19, 2023

It all comes together towards the end of this book. I recommend reading rich dad poor dad, then quadrants THEN this book. If you agree or not, you will learn a lot and be able to apply some if not all of it. ~inspired.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (50)

Jerome Jordaan

Good Insights

Rated 4.0 out of 5

March 12, 2023

I enjoyed the straight forward guide and advice throughout this book. I would recommend this to anyone who is serious about becoming financially literate!

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (51)

Pauline Owen


Rated 5.0 out of 5

March 8, 2023

I owned this in paperback for years. Gave it to my daughter because she prefers books and I prefer Kindle

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (52)

Laurel Carter


Rated 5.0 out of 5

March 6, 2023

The main idea of this book is to tell you to never stop learning and improving you education over time.The best thing I’ve learn from this book is the BI triangle concept.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (53)

Dewayne Mills

Definitely recommended

Rated 5.0 out of 5

March 6, 2023

This book is both inspiring and and informative. My worldview has completely changed it’s as though the scales have fallen from my eyes! I have completely different ambitions and goals after reading this book. If you enjoyed the first rich Dad Poor Dad book you will definitely enjoy this one too.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (54)

Gabrielle Jacobi

A light in the darker life of poor people!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

March 2, 2023

I call this book a light because it helps people understand that they live in an age, Information Age, where they don’t need a lot of money to get out of poverty, they don’t need expensive education that leads to high student loan, or rich parents. All they need is a business idea, a mindset, motivation, and creativity. I highly recommend it to everyone on this planet because people in any country or from any culture or religion can benefit from it.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (55)

Lila Kihn

Eye opening

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 27, 2023

Best book I have ever read related to making money. It unveiled many concepts and ideas used to accumulate and grow wealth.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (56)

Vaughn Kiehn

A Must-Read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 24, 2023

As the third book in the series, I absolutely enjoyed this book and I recommend it to anyone who’s affraid of investing.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (57)

Aarif Maheshwari

Totally Awesome Book

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 17, 2023

Well worth reading to see how business has changed over the years and how easy it is now to become more wealthier through easy to create assets.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (58)

Yvette Buthelezi

Simply excellent!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 14, 2023

So many concepts and new perspectives given in one book. Makes you rethink and see things from a different approach. I highly recommend this book to those who want to change and improve their lives.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (59)

Everette Hand

Very good and mind changing book..

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 11, 2023

This book change my mind from investing secure than investing in business.This book give good guidance for financial planning and how to keep challenging your own ideas in this information age..Thanking you Mr Robert for great inspiration..

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (60)

Prerna Dhillon

Good and simple read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 9, 2023

The book has beneficial ideas that make the breeder think about things differently. Challenge the status quo. I recommend to anyone who wants to try and start something on their own.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (61)

Travis Heaney

Liked the information - seeds investing thoughts

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 3, 2023

Though lengthy for the content it communicates but good information where it seeds investing thoughts.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (62)

Andy Bennett

Mind blowing reality

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 2, 2023

Reading book like this make you understand that your reality is shaped by the examples and teaching some one received while growing. I really enjoy having the opportunity to distinguish that different realities through the eyes of Robert.Good book that set de basic of thing that you have to consider when investing.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (63)

Neva Prohaska


Rated 2.0 out of 5

January 26, 2023

Basically waffle. If you have read Rich Dad Poor Dad original then I don’t think you need to read this.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (64)

Amani Glover

Awesome book

Rated 5.0 out of 5

January 24, 2023

I did not expect to read all the book since I wasn’t looking a book of investment but it really impressed me and I loved it

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (65)

Olaide Egbochukwu

Great piece of advice

Rated 5.0 out of 5

January 24, 2023

I was no sure I could become a successful investor until I read this book…now I think different and feel more confortable about learning and ranking action… thanks again Robert and Kim

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (66)

Joaquin Huel

Too much fluff

Rated 2.0 out of 5

January 24, 2023

This book would’ve been much better as an article. You really get the impression that it was limited content stretched out to fill enough pages to sell a book and promote a board game. I realize repetition is a teaching tool, but the repetition of some pages seemed – again – to be more about filling pages to sell as a book. Not enough good content to recommend reading.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (67)

Mashudu Mathebula

Very eyeopening

Rated 4.0 out of 5

January 22, 2023

As a noob when it comes to the world of investment, I feel like Richard has equipped me with the knowledge I need to know where to start. Thank you.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (68)

Nilam Pingle

Great Book

Rated 5.0 out of 5

January 21, 2023

This was a great book. I highly recommend reading it, however I suggest reading Rich Dad Poor Dad and Cashflow Quadrant first.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (69)

Samantha Vermaak

Good book!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

January 15, 2023

As usual, Kiyosaki knows to translate wisdom in a very simple way. It’s a googd guide to know how to invest.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (70)

Theresa Leuschke

Deja Vu

Rated 3.0 out of 5

December 5, 2018

While I found the book quite helpful, I just couldn’t help but feel deja vu reading this book. He states things over and over and over. I’m not sure if this was to make it stick in your brain, or if he was just trying to fill the pages. I would rather the book be shorter than to read the same thing over and over. I take notes when reading a book. Repetitiveness is quite annoying!Besides from that, I felt like the book was more of a guide to investing, rather than physically telling you what to do. He points the path, and good luck to you! I really did learn a lot from the book, but I expected something different.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (71)

Orin Smitham

Defined, but not refined

Rated 3.0 out of 5

October 24, 2018

Intricate guide to investing, and has good classification to the different types of investors. However, it does has some repetition in the amount of times it references the first few chapters. A bit of a filler if you ask me. The questions at the end of each chapter he claims will transform your thinking really is just a series of simple questions that doesn’t really provoke your thoughts.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (72)

Patricia Robertson

Good book by Robert!

Rated 3.0 out of 5

October 6, 2018

Quite informative book, written 20 years ago it still remains helpful. I don’t agree with the debt concept, but I recommend this book to every new investor, it will really help you see investing in an other way, more practical way.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (73)

Simisola Maryam

Mind Opening!

Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 10, 2018

This book is very eye-opening and Mind Opening! It really makes you think and question what of financial goals you want to set for yourself in life!

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (74)

Roscoe Klocko

Investing in yourself

Rated 5.0 out of 5

August 9, 2018

Excellent book. Goes well beyond traditional financial advice. Down to earth. This book took me to a new level. With this book you ar investing in yourself.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (75)

Isabella Mugisa

Great Read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

March 18, 2018

For anyone who wants to change their lives for the better, they should read this book as soon as possible

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (76)

Ebiere Aderinsola

I enjoyed this audio book and learned a lot abiut investing. Looking forward to becomibg reach 🙂

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 13, 2018

I liked a very simple narration style and the fact that the book focuses on the big picture around investing, not just on the technical aspects. However, as a beginner in investments, I need to read more books on investing that focus on the technical side of investments.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (77)

Jeanette Metz

A must read

Rated 5.0 out of 5

February 10, 2018

Informative book indeed, i would recommend this if you are serious about learning to invest. I plan on buying more books from the Rich Dad Series.

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (78)

Emmie Kuhlman

Great book

Rated 4.0 out of 5

January 3, 2018

I really liked the book. Need more improvement on the graphic but for the rest is great. The pictures on the book are too small and some I had issues to zoom it out

Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (79)

Melissa Asasira

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Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki (2024)


Book Summary: Rich Dad’s Guide to Investing by Robert T. Kiyosaki? ›

Brief summary

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Brief summary

Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki is a personal finance book that emphasizes the importance of financial education, teaches how to make money work for you, and challenges traditional beliefs about money.

What is the purpose of the book "Rich Dad, poor dad"? ›

It advocates the importance of financial literacy (financial education), financial independence and building wealth through investing in assets, real estate investing, starting and owning businesses, as well as increasing one's financial intelligence (financial IQ).

What books does Robert Kiyosaki recommend in Rich Dad, Poor Dad? ›

Robert Kiyosaki's Book Recommendations
  • Makers and Takers. Rana Foroohar. The Rise of Finance and the Fall of American Business.
  • The Only Game In Town. Mohamed A. El-Erian. ...
  • The Millionaire Next Door. Thomas J. Stanley and William D. ...
  • Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. Joseph Schumpeter. ...
  • Turning Pro. Steven Pressfield.

What is Rule #1 in Rich Dad, Poor Dad? ›

Rule 1: The poor work for money. The rich put their money to work. Do you 'live to work, or work to live? ' This is one of the basic concepts 'Rich Dad, Poor Dad' sheds light on.

What is the moral of the Rich Dad Poor Dad? ›

Robert Kiyosaki's rich dad advises embracing calculated risks and seeing failures as opportunities for growth. In the world of investing and entrepreneurship, taking risks is inevitable. However, the key lies in educating yourself and making informed decisions rather than acting impulsively.

Why is Robert Kiyosaki so successful? ›

His entrepreneurial drive propelled him to further success in the years that followed. Through his successful career as an author, speaker, and entrepreneur, Kiyosaki has accumulated substantial wealth, solidifying his position as a financial role model.

Is Rich Dad Poor Dad a must read? ›

It's a timeless classic that continues to have a positive impact on people's lives. Empowering Financial Wisdom - "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is a Must-Read!

What is the summary of the rich and poor? ›

Rich and Poor is a novel of a man who washes dishes for a living and decides to kill a billionaire as a political act. It is literature as political theory and theory as pure literary pleasure—a spiralling, fast-paced parable of joyous, overly self-aware, mischievous class warfare.

Can beginners read Rich Dad Poor Dad? ›

Reading your first book is an exciting adventure. The choice of that first book can set the tone for your reading journey. “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki is a fantastic choice for beginners.

Can a 14 year old read Rich Dad Poor Dad? ›

This book is awesome for teens and the author has shared his personal experience when he was in school and a very practical guide. Must read this!

Is Rich Dad Poor Dad best selling? ›

Rich Dad Poor Dad: The #1 Best-Selling Personal Finance Book Ever.

What is the 90 10 rule rich dad? ›

Kiyosaki's 90/10 rule says this: 90% of people earn only 10% of the world's money. The secret to being part of the wealthy minority, he says, lies in positioning yourself to have low income and high expenses.

What is the rule 3 of Rich Dad, Poor Dad? ›

3. Change the way you think. Pain points in your life suck. But it is also wasting your time and energy.

How to invest according to Rich Dad, Poor Dad? ›

How to become rich: Ten powerful money lessons from 'Rich Dad Poor Dad' that you should implement from today
  1. 1)The rich don't work for money. ...
  2. 2) Improve your financial intelligence. ...
  3. 3) Don't be scared to take risks. ...
  4. 4) Understand the power of leverage. ...
  5. 5) Control your spending. ...
  6. 6) Learn how to handle debt.
Jul 14, 2023

What is the first lesson in the Rich Dad Poor Dad? ›

Lesson 1: The Rich Don't Work for Money

“The poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.” Life pushes everyone around. Some people figure out how to learn from being pushed around.

What is the fifth lesson in Rich Dad Poor Dad? ›

The fifth lesson in "Rich Dad Poor Dad" is that the rich invent money. This lesson emphasizes the importance of creativity and innovation in wealth-building.

What is the main point of lesson 4 Rich Dad Poor Dad? ›

In lesson 4 of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” the author discusses the concept of “work to learn, not to earn.” He argues that many people focus too much on earning a high salary and not enough on learning valuable skills and gaining knowledge.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.