10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (2024)

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (1)

So, you have decided you want to start a small business. Good for you! Before you venture much further, the most important considerations you need to make are: how will you set your business up, how much in taxes you will need to pay, and how often. Many entrepreneurs feel overwhelmed by the thought of taxes and the preparation that goes into them. Rightfully so, however, it may not be as hard as you think. Here are the 10 tax considerations that you must consider when starting a small business.

10 Tax Considerations when starting a Small Business

1. Know your bracket

Each of us is bucketed into a bracket. These brackets define how much tax we will need to pay as small business owners. How are brackets defined? There are seven tax brackets that the federal government have defined ranging from taxes at 10% to 37%, click here to view.

2. Determine how you typically file

Keep in mind that this may not be all you have to pay as there is still, State and Self Employment taxes. Also consider how you file i.e.) Single, Married filing Jointly, Married filing Separately, Head of Household

Based on the type of structure you plan to implement for your business, you may decide that you want to explore your options rather than proceeding with how you typically file based on your overall tax picture.

For example, if you file jointly with your spouse, you will both be responsible for the tax due. If you file separately you will not be eligible for certain credits such as the child tax credit etc.

Be sure to speak with a professional to review the most advantageous options for your overall tax picture.

3. Schedule time with your accountant

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (2)

Don’t have one? Find one.

The legalities of structuring your new business are complex and can sometimes seem daunting. Having a qualified accountant that can help you sort through your options is a MUST HAVE.

4. Align with your Spouse

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (3)

One of the biggest mistakes you can make in a marriage or partnership is not ensuring that each party is informed and aligned. When I started my business, this was a huge point of contention and it is not the fighting you will have later to do this on your own.

There is a lot of money that will be due to big brother and you will want to ensure that each of you understands the amount of taxes that you will both be required to pay.

Make no mistake that if you are married, you will be taxed on both of your income and therefore it should be a mutual decision.

5. Self-Employment Tax

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (4)

Self-Employment tax are the Medicare and social security taxes that you must pay for yourself. When you have an employer, that employer pays a portion of these taxes in each paycheck. As the employee are responsible for a portion of these taxes.

When you are self-employed, you must pay both of these amounts.

As a self-employed individual you must pay taxes on the net income received. “The current self-employment tax rate is 15.3% of net self-employment income,” as per fundera.com.

This comes from the 12.4% social security tax (up to $132,900 in earnings for SS) and the 2.9% Medicare tax.

If it seems like a lot, it is! The silver lining however is that the IRS understands this cost to business owners and lets you deduct half of your self-employment taxes (7.65%)

If your company net profits are more than $400, then you must file

6. Understand your business structure options as defined below:

Sole Proprietorship

This is a business that is owned and operated by an individual. This is one of the easiest options for business owners as it provides the following benefits:

As a sole proprietor your generally required to fill out your personal tax return on a 1040 form as well as a Schedule C tax form or Schedule C EZ.

The Schedule C form will give you the total taxable self-employment income that you will report on your 1040 form.

Benefits of a Sole Proprietorship

  • Simplicity with only one person’s taxes involved
  • Report your income profits and losses of the business on your personal return
  • Your write-off’s and home deductions also are reported on your personal return
  • Business profits will be taxed at your personal income rate

Disadvantages of a Sole Proprietorship

  • Unlimited liability (your assets are at risk)
  • Can be difficult to raise investment capital
  • May be difficult getting a line of business credit


If you decide to structure your business as a corporation you have two options, S- Corp and C-Corp.

There are a couple of advantages to starting your business as a corporation including the potential for benefits in taxes, liability, and opportunity to raise money (fundera.com).

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (5)

C Corp

  • This is a traditional corporate structure containing shareholders, directors, employees.

Benefits of a C-Corp

  • No restriction on ownership (unlimited growth potential)
  • They offer LLC for shareholders
  • Tax deductions that are not available for other structures
  • Greater ability to raise capital and grow
  • No limit on the number of shares a C-Corp can issue and they can have multiple classes of stock
  • No shareholders limit and both individuals and firms can apply
  • Enhanced credibility
  • Can deduct 100% of health care premiums and fringe benefits

Disadvantages of a C-Corp:

  • Double taxation (taxed at company level 21% and shareholders pay personal taxes on their dividends)
  • Expensive to open and start
  • No deduction of corporate losses
  • Greater regulation and government oversight

Similarities between a C-Corp and an S-Corp

S Corp

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (6)

S Corporations are pass through entities like a sole proprietorship where the shareholders claim their taxes and income on their personal tax returns.

They are taxed only on the individual level versus both the corporate and individual level. S Corp’s file on a Form 1120S.

The business owner then provides a Schedule K-1 to each shareholder as that reflects the profits or losses in the business that belong to the shareholders.

Benefits of an S Corp

  • Protects the personal assets of its shareholders
  • Unlimited number of management employees
  • Flow through taxation
  • Good privacy protection
  • S Corp owner does not have to pay self-employment tax on the pass-through income / distributions for the business
  • Plan ahead with reduced taxable gains (if the owner decides to sell the company the taxable gains will be lower than a c-corp).
  • Unlimited life span, the business will continue to exist when the owner leaves the company.
  • Ownership transfer is easy (through the sale of stock)

Disadvantages of S Corps

  • Limited to 100 shareholders
  • Cannot be owned by another C Corp, S Corp, LLC, Trusts or partnerships
  • Cannot have more than one class of stock
  • All shareholders must be us citizens
10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (7)


Partnerships are companies that contain more than one party and are considered co-owners of a business for profit.

There are two types of partnerships (general and limited partners).

General partnerships are those that own and manage the company and assume liability for the partnership.

Limited partnerships contain both general partners and limited partners who serve as investors only.

When filing, each partner files a Schedule K-1 form, showing his or her share of partnership income, deductions and tax credits.

Benefits of a Partnership Company

  • Pass-through taxation (income, deductions and credits flow through the individual owners)
  • No taxation at the partnership level
  • Easy to establish
  • Increased ability to raise funds
  • Wider pool of knowledge and resources
  • Flexible management
  • Flexibility to allocate income

Disadvantages to a Partnership

  • Unlimited liability (your assets may be at risk)
  • Liability potential for negligent or wrongful acts

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Limited Liability companies bring together a blend of both partnerships and corporate benefits.

Benefits of an LLC

  • Limited personal liability (protests your personal assets)
  • Do not have a tax classification but Can be assumed under a S Corp, C Corp, Partnership or Sole proprietorship.
  • Can take advantage of pass-through taxation (passes through to the owner’s personal tax return where the owners pay on their profits)
  • Flexible management
  • Flexible profit distributions (i.e. you can distribute profits how you choose)

Disadvantages of an LLC

  • LLC’s can be more expensive than a sole proprietor’s expenses to operate
  • Checks made out to an LLC cannot be cashed, they must be put into a corporate bank account
  • Business records must be maintained separate from personal records, including meeting minutes.

7. Each State has Different Requirements

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (8)

Just as the federal government requires you to pay taxes, so does your state. Each state is different so refer to each state's website for more guidance to your particular situation.

Be sure to set aside additional funds to compensate for your state taxes due. Click here for more information on your state's current small business tax rate.

8. Start-up Expenses can be written off

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (9)

As you start your business you will incur start up costs, even with a business that maintains low overhead. The IRS allows you to write off up to $5,000 in startup costs.

Typical costs can range from office space, technology needs, a website, office supplies, business assets, and professional fees. To see more on deductible start-up expenses click here. For how to for how to create a start-up budget for your business click here .

9. Set Up a Separate Bank Account

Regardless of your business's structure, it is wise to keep your finances separate. Choose a bank that suits the needs of your business.

Prior to opening a bank account you will need to apply for an EIN (Employer Identification Number) on the IRS website.

If you are going to be doing a significant amount of work online, ensure that there are the capabilities to track online transactions and perform online business banking.

Once you understand an estimate of what you will need to pay in for taxes, you should separate this money from any additional company revenue.

For a great guide on how to set your business up for success financially, listen to Amy Porterfield's interview with Amber Dugger titled, "Profit First."

10. Additional Tax Considerations

Dependent on the product or service you sell, your company may be responsible for additional taxes due in April.

Here are some of the other most common types of taxes business owners need to be aware of:

  • Self-Employment Tax (as indicated in number 5 above)
  • Payroll Taxes (if you have employees you will be responsible for withholding and paying federal, state, medicare and social security taxes)
  • Excise tax (indirect taxes included in the price to the consumer, paid by the business such as cigarettes, alcohol or gasoline)
  • Sales Tax (indirect taxes included in the price of the product to the consumer, paid and reported to the government by the business).
  • Property Tax (if you own commercial real estate)

Next Tax Steps to Starting a Business

Apply for an Employer Identification Number (EIN) to begin the process of opening your own business. Here you will select a business structure and make your company officially recognized. Then you will name your business.

I cannot stress enough, be sure to check your preferred domain name (web address available) and all of your social media handles so that your business can can fully occupy the marketing space and more easily get customers to your business.

For more tips like these head to the 10 Steps to starting a business blog and download my free workbook below to successfully think through all of the important details for your business!

10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (10)
10 Must Read Tax Tips and Considerations when Starting a Business (2024)


What 3 things must you know to determine your taxable income? ›

  • Step 1: Determine Your Filing Status. First, determine your filing status. ...
  • Step 2: Consider Your Types of Income. The IRS requires you to report all of your income. ...
  • Step 3: Calculate Deductions and Taxable Income.

When starting a business why is it important to understand and consider tax implications? ›

When starting a business, why is it important to understand and consider tax implications? Different forms of business ownership result in businesses and owners being taxed differently. It is important to understand these differences in order to choose the scenario that best fits your needs.

Are taxes an important consideration when choosing the type of business to form? ›

While taxes are an important consideration in choosing a business structure, they are not the only one. Depending on the nature of your business, your potential for personal liability should also be high on the list.

How do taxes work when you start a business? ›

Self-employed taxes

Since you're your own boss, you'll need to pay self-employment taxes, which is comprised of Social Security and Medicare taxes. The total self-employment tax rate is 15.3% of your income.

What are the 5 most common types taxable income? ›

The Income Tax Act divides taxpayer earnings into 5 heads of income: Salary, House Property, Profits, Capital Gains, and Other Sources. Taxpayers must accurately classify earnings under these heads for tax calculation. Each head has specific rules and exemptions.

What are the 3 main types of income taxes? ›

Discover the three basic tax types—taxes on what you earn, taxes on what you buy, and taxes on what you own.

How do taxes affect small businesses? ›

High Tax Rates Hurt.

For example, one study showed that a 5% increase in the individual tax rate reduced by 10% the number of owners making capital investments. Taxes interfere with small-business cash flow. Small businesses rely on cash flow to pay day-to-day expenses like wages, benefits, and utilities.

Why should business be concerned about taxes? ›

Business taxes are any taxes businesses and corporations must pay on their income. These taxes fund various government programs, including infrastructure, education, and defense. Businesses also use taxes to comply with regulations, such as environmental ones.

Do you have to pay taxes when you first start a business? ›

Understanding your tax requirements. As a first-time small business owner, you're responsible for paying federal income taxes according to the rules set by the IRS.

Why is a tax number important to a business? ›

It's essentially a unique identification number assigned by the IRS to businesses for tax purposes. It's important to have this number as it helps identify your business for tax purposes and other legal requirements.

What is the most important type of tax? ›

Income taxes are major sources of revenue for the federal government and many state governments.

What are three disadvantages of a corporation? ›

Here are some disadvantages to forming your business as a corporation:
  • A corporation is a distinct legal entity. The business is governed by a board of directors. ...
  • Double-taxation. Corporations pay taxes on profits distributed to shareholders. ...
  • More complicated to form. ...
  • More requirements. ...
  • Higher costs.

How much can a small business make without filing taxes? ›

Income of $400 or less after deductions

Generally, self-employed individuals must pay a self-employment tax to make sure they pay their portion of FICA taxes based on their annual income. But, if your net earnings from self-employment were less than $400, you don't have to file a business tax return.

What are the four basic types of business taxes? ›

  • Income Tax. All businesses except partnerships must file an annual income tax return. ...
  • Estimated tax. Generally, you must pay taxes on income, including self-employment tax (discussed next), by making regular payments of estimated tax during the year. ...
  • Self-Employment Tax. ...
  • Employment Taxes. ...
  • Excise Tax.
Nov 13, 2023

Will I get a tax refund if my business loses money? ›

If you open a company in the US, you'll have to pay business taxes. Getting a refund is possible if your business loses money. However, if your business has what is classified as an extraordinary loss, you could even get a refund for all or part of your tax liabilities from the previous year.

How do you determine taxable income? ›

For individual filers, calculating federal taxable income starts by taking all income minus “above the line” deductions and exemptions, like certain retirement plan contributions, higher education expenses, student loan interest, and alimony payments, among others.

How do you figure out your taxable income? ›

To calculate taxable income, you begin by making certain adjustments from gross income to arrive at adjusted gross income (AGI). Once you have calculated adjusted gross income, you can subtract any deductions for which you qualify (either itemized or standard) to arrive at taxable income.

How to understand taxable income? ›

Taxable income is the part of your gross income (the total income you receive) that is subject to federal tax. Taxable income and gross income differ for several reasons. First, not all income is taxable. Additionally, tax deductions and credits can lower the amount of your income that is subject to tax.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.