How do you take care of a dwarf elephant ear plant? (2024)

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How do you take care of a dwarf elephant ear plant?

Sunlight: Put near bright sun (south or west window), but not in direct sunlight. This can burn the leaves. Ideal temperatures: 60-80 degrees. Humidity is important: Place plant on a saucer with pebbles and water to create a humid ambiance.

(Video) Alocasia Care For Beginners
Should I cut off dead elephant ear leaves?

Cutting off dead leaves won't hurt your indoor plants! It will encourage and stimulate new growth, like this elephant ear portodora.

(Video) Alocasia Care Guide | Secrets to Thriving Elephant Ears
(Plant Friends)
How much sun does an elephant ear need?

Elephant Ears perform best in sun or part shade. While most can be grown in partial shade, the darker colored varieties are best grown in full sun. Provide a sheltered location to protect the decorative leaves from strong winds.

(Video) ALOCASIA POLLY PLANT CARE | dormancy, propagation + more! | alocasia amazonica
(Good & Planty)
Do Elephant Ears like sun or shade?

Sun or Shade: Elephant ears will grow in sun or shade. If you grow them in a hot, sunny location, be sure they get a little shade during the middle of the day. Zone: Elephant ears are tropical plants. In zones 9-11 they can be grown outdoors year-round.

(Video) Warning Elephant Ears Can Kill You
(Poppy's Farm)
Do elephant ears grow better in pots or ground?

I recommend growing elephant ears in large pots, where they can reach their full growth potential. Smaller pots equal smaller growth, which is fine if you're growing a more compact variety or you only have a small patio or balcony. But if you want a lot of va-va-voom, opt for a big pot and a big variety.

(Video) Re Potting my big Alocasia Plant - Elephant's Ear Houseplant
(Desert Plants of Avalon)
How often do you water elephant ears in pots?

Elephant ear indoor plants need to be watered anywhere from every few days to once a week. Elephant ears are native to tropical regions and are accustomed to large amounts of water. They grow best in soil that stays consistently moist, but not soggy.

(Video) Trimming a Alocasia Elephant Ear for NEW HEALTHY GROWTH! 🌿
(Expedition Homestead)
What is causing my elephant ears to turn yellow?

Yellowing leaves on Elephant Ear plants are generally due to either too much water and not enough sun or the reverse, too much sun and not enough water. If your leaves are turning yellow, try adjusting the sunlight it receives first and go from there.

(Video) Colocasia, Elephant Ear Plant. Esculenta. Propagation, Watering, Feeding, Winter Care. Top Tips.
(Mark's Garden UK)
How do you bring an elephant ear plant back to life?

Also, if the elephant ear is dying, it might be due to lack of nutrients in the soil or the soil type is not suited for growing the plant. “These plants need nitrogen nutrients in plenty. Apply fertilisers but not in large amount to avoid burning the leaves,'' says Mr Osiolo.

(Video) Plant Care & Repot : Alocasia Amazonica/Alocasia Polly | Houseplants Propagation
(Jolene Foliage)
Should I mist my elephant ear plant?

This tropical house plant can be somewhat fussy, preferring the high humidity of a greenhouse to an average home. However, a room humidifier and frequent misting of the leaves will give it the moist air it craves. Regular misting also helps to keep away red spider mites that are attracted to dry conditions.

(Video) How to Repot an Alocasia or Elephants Ear Plant
(Our English Tropical Garden)
How big do dwarf Elephant Ears get?

It reaches about 2 feet high. CareProvide humusy, moist or wet soil in partial shade.

(Video) Saving my Dead Alocasia - Update & Journey , Aroid Rescue, Houseplant
(MY Tropical Plant Adventures)

Do Elephant Ears do well in pots?

If you decide you don't want to plant your elephant ear plants in the ground, container growing is perfectly acceptable for these plants. Elephant ears do well in containers so long as you provide them with the right sized container, proper soil, and adequate sunlight.

(Video) Colocasia
What temperature is bad for Elephant Ears?

Elephant ears are great for adding a tropical feel to your garden. They may be planted in large containers. Elephant ear foliage adds drama to large flower arrangements. Plants cannot tolerate temperatures below 50 degrees.

How do you take care of a dwarf elephant ear plant? (2024)
Do elephant ears like Miracle Grow?

Best Fertilizer For Elephant Ears

A water-soluble 20-20-20 fertilizer is a good option that provides a good balance of nutrition. You can also use all-purpose Miracle Grow to feed Elephant Ears plants.

Do elephant ears come back every year?

Are elephant ear plants perennials? Most are perennials in Zone 9 and warmer, where they will come back each summer. If gardening in cooler zones, you can treat them as annuals or dig up the tubers before the first frost and keep them in a cool, dry place over winter.

Do elephant ear bulbs multiply?

Elephant ears can be propagated by division. The best time to do this is when the plants first begin emerging from the soil in spring, but you can also divide plants in fall when you are removing tubers to overwinter. Follow these steps to propagate your elephant ear: Identify a large, healthy clump.

Do elephant ear plants like coffee grounds?

Elephant ears thrive in soil rich in organic matter, but too much coffee can add too much caffeine to the ground and suppress the growth of elephant ear plants. It can also kill beneficial microbes in the soil that help the plant stay healthy and thriving.

Do elephant ear plants like bathrooms?

If you're growing your elephant ears as a house plant, it will need bright but indirect light and a humid atmosphere – a steamy bathroom or conservatory is ideal.

What kind of pots do elephant ears like?

Larger pots also dry out more slowly than smaller pots, and elephant ears need consistently moist soil. The container should be made of a nonporous material, such as plastic, fiberglass or glazed clay, rather than plain terra cotta. This will help retain moisture in the soil.

Do you water elephant ears from the top or bottom?

  • Fill the plant tray with water.
  • Make sure the soil is in contact with the water on the tray.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes.
  • Feel the soil to see if it absorbed enough water —> if the soil is moist throughout, remove any excess water from the tray.
  • If it's still dry —> add more water to the tray.

What does an overwatered elephant ear look like?

Crown, leaf spot, and stem or root rot: These diseases are caused by overwatering and usually appear as dark brown or black spots on the leaves surrounded by a yellowish rim. To prevent this, avoid over-watering, keep the leaves dry, and provide it with good air circulation.

What time of day should I water my elephant ears?

Best Time To Water Elephant Ears

A plant showing signs of dehydration should be watered right away. Typically, during the summer, water Elephant Ears in the morning. Give the plant time to soak up water before the day heats up since high temperatures and lots of bright light will dry out the soil.

What kills elephant ear plants?

Repeated applications of a 2% solution of glyphosate on the surfaces of the leaves may be effective. Painting an herbicide on the stem also may prove effective against all three species of elephant ears. Glyphosate is a systemic nonselective herbicide that is applied typically to plant leaves.

Do elephant ears need Epsom salt?

Epsom salt helps ferns and plants similar to ferns, such as elephant ear, have rich, dark foliage. Add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt to a gallon of water and spray ferns and elephant ears to achieve the look.

Where do you cut dead elephant ear leaves?

Snip off the leaves near the base of the plant, leaving about 2 inches above ground. Make clean cuts straight across the foliage and stems. Do not tear. Discard the leaves in the compost pile or trash.

How do I save my elephant ear?

After your first frost, cut the stems to about 6 inches tall. Put the tubers in a grocery bag, plastic pot or bulb rate and cover with a mix of peat moss and soil. Add water to the container and store it in a cool, dark place to ensure the tuber stays dormant throughout the winter.

Why do elephant ear plants cry?

If your Elephant Ear plant gets too much water, it will let you know by “weeping” or dripping water from the tip of the leaf.

Is it safe to touch elephant ear plants?

Elephant Ears are poisonous to children. Touching the stems or leaves can cause skin irritation and possibly a rash and itching. Eating the leaves, stems, or sap can cause a burning sensation in the mouth and throat and lead to swelling.

How big do elephant ears grow in pots?

Planting in Containers:

Elephant ears have a secret rule regarding container or pot size, the smaller the pot, the smaller the plant. We recommend using a container no less than 10 to 12 inches in order to grow a plant approximately 36 to 60 inches (of course, this depends on the variety of elephant ear you purchase).

Where do elephant ears grow best?

Elephant ears grow best in rich, humusy, moist soil to the point of being wet (but not soggy). This plant is ideal for boggy areas, marshes, swampland, or water gardens.

Why are my elephant ears staying small?

Water the elephant ear plant regularly since little water leads to low growth rates. Ensure that the plant is in a place where the temperature ranges between 85 degrees F during the day and 60 degrees F at night. If the temperature drops below 60 degrees F, the plant will stop growing.

What do you do with potted elephant ears in the winter?

Potted elephant ears plants survive winter well when left in the dirt inside their containers. Move the pots to a frost-free spot where they aren't exposed to rain so the soil in the pot remains dry during dormancy.

Are elephant ears toxic to dogs?

This plant may be nice to look at, but it can be toxic to your dog. In fact, it can even be fatal if not treated right away. If your dog eats any part of the elephant ear plant, the first symptom you might see is also the deadliest; a swollen airway leading to inability to breathe.

Do elephant ears like to sit in water?

Many varieties grow in swamps and marshes so can propagate in water. After the last frost you can plant elephant ears in water by sinking the pots to the rim in a pond.

What are the benefits of elephant ear plant?

Elephant Ear Philodendron

This plant plays a significant role in filtering the toxins, off-gases and airborne allergens by increasing and rejuvenating the air quality. Elephant ear philodendron is a very beautiful and striking houseplant, it can be placed in both indoors and outdoors.

Can elephant ears survive indoors?

Elephant ear or elephant's ear is a name used for both alocasias and their cousins in the genus Colocasia, also called taro. Alocasias can thrive in indoor, filtered light year-round.

Do elephant ear plants flower?

Although elephant ears are grown primarily as foliage plants, they can bloom – but flowers are not common in the Midwest. The inflorescences are the typical aroid type with a white to yellow or light green spathe surrounding the spadix.

What are the cons of elephant ear plant?

The Pros & Cons of Elephant Ear Plants

Colocasia is beautiful and easy to grow, but on the downside, in areas where the plant does tend to grow aggressively, its large heart-shaped leaf can block the sun for smaller, native plants and can cause damage and species loss.

Can I leave my elephant ears in the ground?

You can leave elephant ears in the ground over winter if you live in USDA Zones 7-11 or if the weather stays mild (above 40°F (4℃)) through winter. However, you will still need to protect your plants in the ground with some insulation, such as chopped up leaves and lawn cuttings piled over the tubers.

How fast do elephant ears multiply?

Just like Colocasia plants, well-watered Alocasia elephant ears will start to sprout in a period of about three to eight weeks whether they are planted indoors or out. Also like Colocasia, they'll rest for a few months between growing cycles, losing leaves before growing speedily in the warm seasons.

What happens if you plant an elephant ear bulb upside down?

But many like the elephant ears (a rhizome) do not have as distinct top and bottom. Fortunately, even bulbs planted upside down will find their way to the surface. It just wastes energy when they have to take the long way around. Place canna and elephant ear rhizomes on their side when planting.

How many years do elephant ear bulbs last?

Special Note: Begonia tubers gradually get better each year for about 8 years, and then die. Replace with newly purchased tubers. Lift: Before hard frost as the leaves decline (typically October). Special Note: Storage works well for 2-3 years, after that corms will begin to decline and you will need to buy new corms.

Can you leave elephant ears in pots over winter?

Potted Plants

Potted elephant ears plants survive winter well when left in the dirt inside their containers. Move the pots to a frost-free spot where they aren't exposed to rain so the soil in the pot remains dry during dormancy.

How do you store potted elephant ears for winter?

Put the tubers in a grocery bag, plastic pot or bulb rate and cover with a mix of peat moss and soil. Add water to the container and store it in a cool, dark place to ensure the tuber stays dormant throughout the winter. Keep your Elephant Ears moist but not wet.

Do elephant ears grow well in pots?

If you decide you don't want to plant your elephant ear plants in the ground, container growing is perfectly acceptable for these plants. Elephant ears do well in containers so long as you provide them with the right sized container, proper soil, and adequate sunlight.

Why are the leaves on my elephant ears turning yellow?

Yellowing leaves on Elephant Ear plants are generally due to either too much water and not enough sun or the reverse, too much sun and not enough water. If your leaves are turning yellow, try adjusting the sunlight it receives first and go from there.

What temperature is too cold for elephant ears?

Elephant ears are great for adding a tropical feel to your garden. They may be planted in large containers. Elephant ear foliage adds drama to large flower arrangements. Plants cannot tolerate temperatures below 50 degrees.

Can elephant ears live indoors during winter?

Colocasia, commonly known as elephant ear, makes for a stunning landscape plant. If you want it to survive winter though, you'll need to dig it up and care for it indoors. It's the perfect time to roll up your sleeves and get your plant into a toasty room.

Do elephant ear plants go dormant indoors?

Another issue you might run into is that your alocasia probably will try to go dormant at the end of the growing season – even inside. In its native environment, the plant dies back and "rests" for a couple of months before starting a new cycle.

Do elephant ear plants come back every year?

Are elephant ear plants perennials? Most are perennials in Zone 9 and warmer, where they will come back each summer. If gardening in cooler zones, you can treat them as annuals or dig up the tubers before the first frost and keep them in a cool, dry place over winter.

How do you get elephant ears back after winter?

If you're in zone 8 and expect frosty conditions, winter pruning is necessary to keep your plant alive after the winter season. Cut back elephant ears two or three days after the first killing frost, after the leaves turn brown. Prune off the leaves near the base of the plant, leaving about 2 inches above the ground.

Is Epsom salt good for elephant ears?

Epsom salt helps ferns and plants similar to ferns, such as elephant ear, have rich, dark foliage. Add 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt to a gallon of water and spray ferns and elephant ears to achieve the look.

Do I cut off yellow leaves?

When you see an entirely yellow leaf, you should remove it from your plant using a sterile cutting tool. Removing the leaf will let the plant focus its nutrients on healthy leaves. A yellow leaf has lost its chlorophyll (pigment) and it can't turn green again even after you correct the problem.

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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Last Updated: 20/02/2024

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.