How do you get Zhongli without wish? (2024)

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How do you get Zhongli without wish?

If they don't get Zhongli on the 90th summon, they will get him by their 180th summon.
Here is how players can get Zhongli in Genshin Impact
  1. 1st Summon: 160 Primogems.
  2. 90th Summon: 14,400 Primogems.
  3. 180th Summon: 28,800 Primogems.
27 Jan 2022

(Video) Genshin Impact | this is how you get zhongli for 3 minutes
(Ochame ch)
How do I get guaranteed Zhongli?

If you're trying to obtain a limited 5-star character, then you are guaranteed to get one within 90 Wishes. Meaning if you use 89 Wishes without getting Zhongli, then that 90th Wish will definitely be Zhongli.

(EVO Gaming)
How much pity do you need for Zhongli?

This implies that if players lose a 50-50 once, and start wishing for Zhongli again, they might have to spend another 14,400 Primogems to reach hard pity. In the worst case, Genshin Impact users will have to spend 28,800 Primogems to get at least one Zhongli.

(Video) || Gacha Trick || How to easily get Zhongli
Can I get Zhongli from Standard wish?

Players who check the currently active Banners in the game will notice that Zhongli is missing from the potential drop list, along with characters like Ganyu and Albedo. The only chance that players have of getting these characters is if they return to the game as part of a future Banner.

(Video) Wish Trick Easy Way To Get ZHONGLI GENSHIN IMPACT đź’Ż% Working
(SX impact Ch.)
How do you get 40 free wishes?

Acquire 40 Free Wishes in Genshin Impact

It's true because you can acquire a lot more than forty wishes just by playing the game. So, there is no particular guide on getting 40 free wishes, since you can do that by leveling your Adventure Rank.

(Ryu Gaming)
Should I get Zhongli if I have Noelle?

Yes, Zhongli is a decent battery and is overall a great pick. If you're using Noelle as a main dps, then maybe. If you're using Noelle as a shielder for another character, then probably.

(Video) if you don't have Zhongli watch this video
(GratisStatus? I haven't heard that name in years)
How many Primogems is 50 pulls?

If we convert the currently known chinese prices, a pack of 8080 Primogems would cost around 100$, which result in 50 wishes/pulls.

How many Primogems is 40 pulls?

One pull costs 160 Primogems. For $99.99, you can purchase 6480 Primogems, which equals 40 pulls.

(Video) Zhongli summons, but I made a fatal error.
How many Primogems is 90 pulls?

How much does 90 pulls (pity) cost in primogems? Your soul. Your vitality and 0.5 years off your life. And 14400 primos!

(Video) How to get Zhongli with one wish
Is 60 pity soft pity?

The 75-ish count is called the soft pity. Mihoyo does not mention its existence in Genshin Impact officially, but it does exist. As of now, Genshin Impact geeks have figured out the soft pity count for each banner available in the game.

(Video) GOING BROKE WISHING FOR GANYU & ZHONGLI (50,000 Primogems in wishes)

How many wishes is a 50 50?

You have a 50% chance to pull one of the three featured 4-Stars on a Banner with the 50/50 system, and are guaranteed a featured 4-Star character after 20 Wishes.

Can you get a 5 star at 60 pity?

The weapon banner works slightly differently, with pity being set at 80 rolls instead of 90. Soft pity on the weapon banner is around 50-60. You have a 75% chance of getting a featured weapon in its respective rarity. Weapon banners do not contain five-star characters, but can have four-star characters.

How do you get Zhongli without wish? (2024)
How many Primogems does 90 wishes cost?

Players need an absolute maximum of 180 wishes, or 28,800 Primogems, to guarantee Klee. However, players will only need this much if they lose a 50/50 on their first try. Players who enter 1.6 without facing a 50/50 will only need 90 wishes, or 14,400 Primogems.

How much Primogems is 10 wish?

Instead, if you save up to make 10 wishes at once (1600 Primogems), then you are guaranteed at least one four-star or higher item - although this can mean either a character or a weapon.

Where can I find Zhongli in Liyue?

You meet Zhongli at a restaurant called Third-Round Knockout, listening to a story told by Iron Tongue Tian. As you listen, the camera pans to Ganyu, looking out over Liyue Harbor from above.

How can I increase my chances of getting Zhongli?

How pity works in Genshin Impact. Players who wish consistently on the banner build up pity, increase the chance for any wish to be a 5-star character. After this pity is met, usually around the 70-90 range, the player will receive a 5-star character, and this character has a 50% chance to be Zhongli.

Do I need healer with Zhongli?

With Zhongli? A supplementary healer like Xingqiu is sufficient. Diona has her own healing + shield built in, so if you have her and invested in her HP, you're unlikely to need another healer unless you very much suck at dodging. Otherwise it's Jean for Burst healing or Bennett for heals over time.

Can Zhongli share his shield?

C2 Zhongli can now shield other players during Co-op when he uses his Elemental Burst, a feature that should have existed without a constellation. This makes him viable in multiplayer, but in single-player content, this effect is unnecessary as he already has a 100% shield uptime.

How do you get 8000 Primogems?

Genshin Impact: How to get 8000+ Primogems worth of Fates for the Tighnari banner
  1. Game update and fixed bug compensation (600 Primogems)
  2. Daily Commissions (840 Primogems)
  3. Stardust Exchange (5 Acquaint and Intertwined Fates worth 1600 Primogems)
  4. Spiral Abyss (600 Primogems)
  5. New Quests (500 Primogems)
17 Aug 2022

Are 1 pulls or 10 pulls better?

There's virtually no difference between the single pulls and 10 pulls, because pity carries over between banner. There's a very marginal difference on character banners, because on the off-chance you get two 5*s in a single 10 pull, those could have (very theoretically) been 5*s on two different banners.

How many wishes is 6480 Primogems?

The maximum amount you can buy in one go is 6480 Primogems for $100, which is 40.5 Wishes — and Genshin doesn't do half Wishes.

How much money is 180 wishes Genshin?

It costs 160 Primogems for a pull, so at 180 pulls, that's a total of 28,800 Primogems.

How much does 90 wishes cost Genshin?

Again, in order to be guaranteed a 5-Star item, you need to purchase 90 Wishes, which would cost more than $100 if you're buying the standard Genesis Crystal bundles.

How many Primogems is 75 pulls?

If gamers manage to get Yoimiya through their soft-pity, they will only need to spend around 12,000 Primogems to get to 75 wishes.

Do you get a 5-star every 50 wishes?

Since each weapon banner has 2 featured weapons, the pity system is different and much more unforgiving than the character banner. Firstly, the amount of wishes for a guaranteed 5-star weapon is 80 wishes, so slightly less than that of a character.

How do I guarantee Itto?

In the very worst case scenario, you will get Arataki Itto after your 180th Wish. 4-Star Characters on Arataki Itto's Banner are easier to get. Arataki Itto is only guaranteed after 180 Wishes, whereas a featured 4-Star character is guaranteed after 20 Wishes.

Does pity reset after 6 months?

Turns out pity only lasts 6 months | Fandom.

Can you get a 5 star in 80 pity?

You typically expect a 5 star character at 80 pulls, and a 5 star weapon on the weapon banner at 70 pulls. The normal banner gives a 5 star (weapon or character) at 80 pulls.

How rare is it to get a 5 star at 0 pity?

Even though it starts at a chance of 0.6% for a 5-Star drop, it can get as low as 0.187% and as high as 20.627%. This can be taken advantage of in order to increase the odds of getting a 5-Star character before the pity system kicks in.

Can you get 5 star 80 pity?

Pity does build up, even if they change the display/characters on the banner it will always rollover so if you already did 10 pulls and you currently have 80 now you are guaranteed a 5* on your last pull. The pity system actually has a soft pity to it that begins at 75 wishes.

What percent is soft pity?

The soft pity for either of these banners begins at the 75th wish, granting the player a gradually-increasing rate of obtaining a five-star pull with every wish until it maxes out at a 100% chance on the 90th pull.

What is hard pity?

Hard Pity is a term that just means a player is guaranteed to get a 5-star character on the next pull. According to Paimon. moe's data, this happens on the 87th Wish. It resets after the player acquires a 5-star character.

Does my pity reset after losing 50 50?

If you loose the 50/50 at I think 75 pulls, at 90 pulls, it is pity and you get a guarenteed 5 star and once you get the five star, the pity resets.

Is soft pity at 70?

“Soft pity” is when you start hitting 70 to 80 pulls. The rate of getting a 5-star increases more and more as you reach 80, and is when you usually get a 5-star character.

What is the lowest pity for a 5 star?

Pity odds in Genshin Impact

While Pity odds for 4-star drops is 10 and 5-star is 90, this does change slightly with character and weapon banners.

How do I know if I have 50/50 Genshin?

50/50 means when you hit the pity vote there is a 50% chance you will get the event banner character (example Hu Tao) and a 50% chance you will instead get the regular permanent 5 stars (example diluc, mona, qiqi, kequing, or Jean).

Is Zhongli still available?

Zhongli Banner Rerun In 3.0

Zhongli's banner rerun will be released as part of the first phase of 3.0 Update. The official release date is announced to be on August 24, 2022.

Is Zhongli shipped with Ningguang?

Zhongguang is the het ship between Zhongli and Ningguang from the Genshin Impact fandom. The two have never personally interacted in canon.

Can you get Zhongli in standard banner?

Wanderlust Invocation – Standard Banner

It's a never-ending banner which is slowly updated to include all but the event exclusive characters. That means no Venti, Klee, Childe, or Zhongli, or any of the other new 5-Star characters.

Is there a quest to get Zhongli?

Sal Flore is the first act of Zhongli's Story Quest, the Historia Antiqua Chapter. In order to unlock this quest line, the player needs a Story Key, must have completed Chapter I: Act III - A New Star Approaches, and reached Adventure Rank 40.

Can you get Zhongli through Quest?

Once Travelers have reached the required Adventure Rank and completed the prerequisite quests, you may use a Story Key to unlock Zhongli's story quest, the Historia Antiqua Chapter. Travelers can obtain Story Keys by completing Daily Commissions.

Can you get Zhongli on other banners?

There is currently no way to get Zhongli. Zhongli ran alongside Tighnari's banner in the first phase, so you can choose which banner you wish to pull for the new character, Collei!

Is Zhongli a free character?

A wish on any banner costs 160 Primogems, so at zero pity, these are the currency requirements for getting Zhongli: Players whose next five-star is a 50/50 will need at most 28,800 Primogems to get Zhongli. Meanwhile, players without a 50/50 need at most 14,400 Primogems to get him.

Is Zhongli worth pulling?

Zhongli Is Amazing In Spiral Abyss

One of the main reasons for Genshin Impact's players to pull for new characters is to reinforce their lineups against the Spiral Abyss. If that is the reason why players are pulling for Zhongli, then they can rest assured; He is one of the best characters to fight on the Spiral Abyss.

When was the first Zhongli rerun?

Zhongli Banner Rerun (Gentry of Hermitage) - Release Date

Zhongli's banner rerun will be released as part of the first phase of 3.0 Update. The official release date is announced to be on August 24, 2022.

How do I farm Zhongli?

How can you farm Slime in Genshin Impact? Zhongli requires Slime Condensate, Slime Secretions, and Slime Concentrate throughout leveling up his character. These are necessities in both increasing his talent level and ascending his level cap. All three items are found by killing slimes.

Should I get Zhongli or Ganyu?

Go for Zhongli if you need a great support character with a shield, and you have the right Geo characters to maximize Zhongli's damage. Go for Ganyu if you don't mind mastering her movements and combat-style, and need a high damage dealer Cryo character.

How hard is it to get Zhongli?

The odds of pulling any 5 star character in a Genshin Impact banner is 0.6%. The odds in a “featured character” banner like Zhongli's that the 5 star you get will be Zhongli is 50%.

Where can I find Zhongli?

You can find Zhongli at the very top of the mountain. You need quite a bit of climbing to get there to save up on stamina.

Should I pull for Zhongli or wait for kazuha?

Kazuha or Zhongli? When you cant decide between 2 characters, go with what you need. Try to get Xiao, and if you do try for zhongli and if you don't get Zhongli then you can try for Kazuha. If you happen to not get Xiao it is up to you on who you spend your future fates on.

Will Zhongli get a rerun 2023?

Leaker SaveYourPrimos, who is one of the prominent leakers in the Genshin Impact community, has revealed that Ganyu and Zhongli will receive their reruns during Phase 2 of Version 3.0 which will reportedly be the Anniversary Banner.

Does Zhongli need HP for his shield?

40k-50k is already very comfy for a shieldbot Zhongli. 30k-40k are also fine though, depending on how much damage you can block with I-frames.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

Last Updated: 26/01/2024

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