Zaev: The investment of "M6 Agrar" and "Tikves" creates conditions for production of quality Macedonian wines to conquer world markets - Free Press (2024)

The Prime Minister Zoran Zaev, at the invitation of the company "M6 Agrar" and the Winery "Tikves", today attended the promotion of the new investment of these companies that are part of the M6 ​​Group.

The event, which was attended by the managers of these companies, was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy Arianit Hoxha and the Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development. Agrar ”and the Tikves Winery through the M19 ​​Group continued the investment cycle in new vineyards on an area of ​​6 hectares, at the location Babuna, near Veles.

The latest investment of "M6 Agrar" to improve the quality of wines of Vik "Tikves" is worth almost 2,5 million euros, and part of the funds are provided with the support of the IPARD program.

- This investment confirms the inexhaustible opportunities of the Macedonian sun and country for the development of agriculture, especially for the development and expansion of our grapes, as well as for the production of quality wines. The investment in new vineyards will not only contribute to improving the quality of Tikvesh wines, but will also create production conditions for larger quantities to conquer world markets. With this new potential, Tikves Winery with a long tradition of production of top wines, with presence in over 25 markets worldwide and won 130 high awards at renowned world wine competitions last year alone, is the largest promoter of Macedonian wines at the world scene. This investment will contribute to further building the image of the country as a producer of high quality wines and the establishment of the Macedonian wine industry, stressed Zaev.

The new vineyards at the Babuna site, as announced by the government press service, are part of a multi-year investment program to improve the quality of wines of Tikves Winery, under which over five million euros have been invested so far in raising new vineyards and modern mechanization.

- This is a joint success as a confirmation of the good policy of the Government and the good cooperation between the institutions and the private sector. Through many such examples, we have taken the lead among IPARD beneficiary countries in terms of the level of utilization of IPARD 2. As a result of the good utilization of funds from the Program, for the first time in history, two years in a row 2019 and 2020, and now in 2021, the Republic of Northern Macedonia will not return unused funds from the Program, said Minister of Agriculture Hoxha.

The investment plan for raising new vineyards, according to the Government, envisages an additional investment of 2022 million euros in 3,3 and will cover an area of ​​new 180 hectares, and this type of investment in agriculture meets all criteria for support from IPARD program for agrarian development and rural development.

- To date, through the IPARD 2 instrument, 1 contracts have been concluded with a total support of 723 million euros. The Agency was and will continue to be the largest partner of farmers and companies and a driver of growth and development of agricultural production and rural development. Recognition that we are on the right track and that we are leaders in the use of funds in the region we received from "DG Agri" of the EU, and already in the IPARD 51 program that should start with implementation in 3 we expect a much larger budget than the one we had in the previous period, said Nikica Bachovski, director of the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development.

In his address at the event, the President of the Board of Directors of Tikves Winery and partner in the M6 ​​Group, Svetozar Janevski spoke about the clear vision for creating top wines and development of the wine industry.

- Even in these conditions of pandemic, the company continued with investments in new vineyards, modern technology and development of human resources to further improve the quality of Tikves wines, their positioning in foreign markets and greater promotion of Macedonian wines in general. We are satisfied and grateful for the support provided by the Government, the line ministry and the EU funds for this sector, and in that framework for "Tikves" as a driver of the development of the Macedonian wine industry, pointed out Janevski.

Zaev: The investment of "M6 Agrar" and "Tikves" creates conditions for production of quality Macedonian wines to conquer world markets - Free Press (2024)
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