You Should Trim Hemp Fan Leaves During Flowering, Here's Why.... — Greenlife Organics (2024)

Trimming and defoliations is an important technique that can help in keeping your cannabis plant as healthy as possible. If done correctly, trimming can give the harvest from your cannabis plant a significant boost. However, many growers do not know the importance of trimming during flowering stage.

The simple answer is trimming induces the growth of new branches. More branches mean a much higher harvest.

Why Trimming Matters

Like many growers, you may have concluded that pruning can help you achieve a greater harvest. In as much as pruning can help you in getting higher yield, if not done correctly, it can seriously hamper the growth of your cannabis plants leading to a massive loss.

Trimming (also known as Pruning) and defoliation involves removing some amount of foliage during different stages of the life cycle of your plant. If done wrongly at a delicate time, it could lead to severe consequences. One of such sensitive times of carrying out trimming or pruning is during the flowering phase of the plant’s life cycle.
I would not advise against any pruning or trimming once your Cannabis plant starts to flower. Although you may do away with a few dead leaves here and there or those under-productive branches and still end up with a good result as a whole, the idea of pruning during flowering is not good.

Trimming Boosts Harvest

At the flowering stage, the plant experiences rapid growth, and any significant pruning at this stage will lead to plant shock. Although defoliation is still effective, it should only be done in the first period of flowering.

Trimming is one of the most popular and easiest ways to boost harvest. Many Gardeners do some amount of pruning to keep their cannabis plants neat and tidy. For others, it could be because it is the best way to deal with the plants as they can sometimes grow out of hand and become challenging to deal with.

The Benefits of Trimming

There are little risks associated with trimming, it has a lot of benefits to individual plants; including Hemp.

Trimming helps the size of your plant small, all the while maximizing its production but opening bud sites to receive enough light. This is especially important in situations where the number of plants you can have is limited. In other words, with pruning, you can enjoy maximum yield from fewer plants.

If done right, you can make your valuable marijuana more valuable. Despite all the benefits of pruning, it is essential to know that I do not advise beginners to practice it on their plants. This is because having experience and a plan is essential. Pruning of marijuana is a delicate process and could inevitably lead to a whole lot of loss and damage if it is not done correctly. Therefore, I advise that if you do not have any knowledge of pruning, then its best to not prune at all.

Pruning is not a necessity; most seasoned growers don’t bother with pruning. Despite this, I know for sure that a moderate and controlled pruning has massive benefits. You can have a more significant and healthier-looking harvest if you prune.

The Basics of Trimming

Cannabis Pruning simply involves the mechanism of cutting or clipping pieces or parts of the plant. Pruning is just the same as grooming. In the life cycle of a marijuana plant, a specific amount of leaves will die. Pruning simply removes these dead leaves at a faster pace preventing the plant from wasting resources of these dead parts. The leaves die slowly, so helping the plants get rid of them enables it to divert its resources on the other vital parts.

The process of doing away with already dead parts of the plants through defoliation and trimming is comparable to the removal of dead tissue from human wounds. It enables sunlight to get to those smaller leaves.

Also, when you trim, you enable the plant to focus its energy on another crucial aspect of its growth, such as the healthy leaves present or the new sprouting leaves. By doing so, your plants grow faster, producing more chlorophyll. With careful pruning, there is a more efficient use of resources by your plant. Thus it becomes larger and healthier, providing a better harvest.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article!

Greenlife Organics

You Should Trim Hemp Fan Leaves During Flowering, Here's Why.... — Greenlife Organics (2024)


Should fan leaves be trimmed during flowering? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

How many fan leaves do you need to remove during flowering? ›

Removing Fan Leaves During The Flowering Stage

Cutting off more than 50% of the fan leaves will definitely stress your plant, so just to be safe, remove a maximum of 20-25% of the foliage.

Should I trim all fan leaves before harvest? ›

Usually, growers trim the fan leaves weeks before harvest, which is a period that leads to senescence, a phase in the plant cycle when the larger leaves start fading away. It is safe to start removing these dying leaves and continue until harvest. However, the main trimming processes commence after harvest.

Do fan leaves help buds grow? ›

WHY SHOULD I REMOVE FAN LEAVES? Fan leaves are vital for cannabis plant growth and development, so removing them can seem counterintuitive. However, methodically removing leaves—a practice known as defoliation—is actually common among weed growers, as it can help to: Stimulate new growth.

Should you defoliate all fan leaves? ›

We recommend defoliating vegging plants just before you switch them to bloom: Start by removing big, hand-sized fan leaves first. These tend to overshadow almost anything below them, making it hard for light to properly penetrate your plant's canopy.

How do you get buds to swell up? ›

Another tip for growing bigger buds involves regularly feeding compost tea to your soils. Compost teat helps develop healthy mycorrhizal relationships between the soil and mycelium. The more mycelium in the soil, the more nutrients the plant is going to take up, which will result in bigger buds.

Should I remove yellow leaves during flowering? ›

Removing all the yellow leaves is not recommended surgery, especially for young plants. Correct identification of the source of the problem and swift remedial action can restore marijuana. Senescence is when plants will naturally yellow off and die. During the final weeks of flowering do not be alarmed.

How do you fatten up buds before harvesting? ›

To some degree, more light translates to fatter buds and higher yields (you'll need to pay attention to the distance between your grow light and plants or your plant may suffer from light burn). Increasing light intensity is the most effective way to fatten up buds.

Do fan leaves get trichomes? ›

While fan leaves also have trichomes, they are far less concentrated and therefore, less potent. However, fan leaves can still be used when making edibles. Different strains will have different amounts of sugar leaves with different amounts of trichomes.

Should I put a fan on drying buds? ›

When drying your cannabis, ventilation must remain consistent at all times. You do not want the air to remain stagnant when drying your cannabis. To achieve consistent ventilation, you can install a fan system that will help air circulate the room. That will help you remove pockets of air and moisture inside the room.

How often do you defoliate during flowering? ›

So there are three different times we recommend defoliating during Flower: Right before you switch to 12/12. Once between the beginning of Flower and the 3-week mark. 3 weeks after beginning flower is the last time you'll want to defoliate.

What is the best bud hardener? ›

General Hydroponic KoolBloom

Available as Liquid KoolBloom or Dry KoolBloom, this additive is widely regarded as the best bud hardener out there.

How do I make my buds solid? ›

Light is perhaps the most important factor in achieving dense buds. It's needed by plants to conduct photosynthesis, create vital sugars, and grow. However, not any old lights will do. Plants need optimal intensity and the right spectrum of light to put out plump, resinous flowers.

What week do buds fatten the most? ›

Weeks 4-6: Buds Fatten Up

At this stage of cannabis flowering, your buds are getting bigger. They'll still have all the white pistils sticking out, but you'll be able to see the buds getting bigger every day.

Should I cut off yellow fan leaves? ›

It's perfectly okay and quite effective to remove any leaves that are yellow from your plants. Typically, as plants mature, the lower leaves will start to yellow as they are no longer being used to convert light into cellular growth.

Should I cut the leaves off my buds? ›

Even these trichome-heavy, tiny leaves will give your buds a harsher experience, so it's best to remove them — but definitely don't waste them! Why? Because if you collect all the plant matter you cut off your buds, you can later use them to create other products such as hash, teas, butter, tinctures and edibles.

Should I remove all leaves from flowers? ›

Before you place your cut flowers in a vase, take some time to remove any extra leaves at the base of the stem if the leaves would likely rest under the waterline of the container. Eliminating the foliage will decrease any bacteria in the water, helping keep the water clean and free of foul odors.

How do I make my buds heavier after harvest? ›

Use bloom boosters – When you give your plant a proven bloom booster, you're giving it extra “supplements” that help it grow bigger, denser, heavier and more potent buds. The less the plant has to make these elements itself, the more energy it can direct towards flowering.

How do I grow more dense nugs? ›

To grow the densest, biggest buds possible, your plants need plenty of light. If you're growing outdoors, make sure your plants receive at least 6-8 hours of sunlight a day, but 10-12 is optimal. Put your plants on a south-facing slope and they'll get the most sun possible.

How do you get dense nugs to grow? ›

Review: How to Grow Dense Buds!
  1. 1.) Provide the right amount of light.
  2. 2.) Start with a strain that tends to grow dense buds.
  3. 3.) Control temperature.
  4. 4.) Cannabis Nutrients.
  5. 5.) Expose all buds to both light and a gentle breeze.
  6. 6.) Take care of roots.
  7. 7.) Keep Humidity Under 55% RH for Last 2-3 Weeks Before Harvest.
  8. 8.)

When should I defoliate during flowering? ›

Right before you switch to 12/12. Once between the beginning of Flower and the 3-week mark. 3 weeks after beginning flower is the last time you'll want to defoliate.

Can you Deleaf during flower? ›

Deleafing is most effective during the flowering cycle. When done around the 20th and 40th day of flower, this technique will allow for good airflow throughout the canopy and help ensure that most of the plants' energy is directed towards flower production. However, it's essential not to remove too many leaves.

What should you not do in the flowering stage? ›

Do not interrupt the dark periods by opening “just for a sec” your growing environment. Light contamination may cause your plant to slow the budding process or even to revegetate (go back to veg stage) or start producing hermaphrodite flowers.

Can I prune during flowering? ›

Can you prune during flower? You should avoid pruning during flower. Pruning can be stressful for your plant, and pruning may slow bud development. You can remove large fan leaves if they are getting in the way of flowers, or if you feel they are using too much energy.

Does lollipopping increase yield? ›

Cannabis plants have a finite amount of energy. As a grower, you'll want to help them direct energy to the areas producing the best possible bud. As it turns out, lollipopping is one of the best ways to do just that.

Should I remove sugar leaves during flowering? ›

It's up to you as a grower to make the decision. Some growers will choose to leave them on for the extra weight. On certain strains, the sugar leaves will even make the buds more visually appealing due to the abundance of trichomes on them. They will also help the drying process happen more naturally.

Should I remove leaves in flower? ›

The stem has to be in the water. The leaf however serves no purpose in the water. In fact, it has a negative effect! Therefore, it is recommended to remove the lower leaves which would otherwise be in the vase water.

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