Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (2024)

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (1)May 20th, 2010, 08:42 AM


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Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields

What is the plant and what is it used for? It is blooming now in northern France and Germany. Vast fields of the stuff along the highways. Looks like wild mustard we see in the spring in California, but this is a comerical crop.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (3)May 20th, 2010, 08:44 AM


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It's all over Europe in the spring. It's rape seed and very beautiful to look at.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (5)May 20th, 2010, 08:44 AM


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commercial mustard - and yes unending fields of yellow make it a sweet sweet site.

German Mustard Description and Use - Senf oder Mostrich
This is made with a yellow and brown mustard seeds and is the most popular style in Germany. Sometimes it is mixed with horseradish in the Eastern German ... -

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (7)May 20th, 2010, 08:46 AM


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I was told it's rape seed used for canola oil. So which is correct?

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (9)May 20th, 2010, 08:49 AM


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I'm pretty sure it's rape seed, aka canola. That's what I was told by a local German tour guide several years ago when I was in Germany around this time of year.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (11)May 20th, 2010, 08:50 AM


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adrienne you are correct. Rape which produces an 'oily' seed is primarily used for oil as in canola and is also used as a feed crop. There are several different types of rape and therefore several different uses.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (13)May 20th, 2010, 08:54 AM


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I've always called it oil seed rape and I'm allergic to it but it looks pretty from a distance.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (15)May 20th, 2010, 09:00 AM


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It's name is COLZA. Rape is one of the plants in it's family.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (17)May 20th, 2010, 09:33 AM


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Thanks everyone, now I know.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (19)May 20th, 2010, 10:16 AM


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It is rapeseed aka Canola. Although it is grown for human and animal food purposes its main use is in bio diesel.

Latin name : Brassica napus

It is not subject to any restrictions, so is a very popular crop.

Some are allergic to the pollen.

I've seen it throughout UK and down to about the centre of France.


Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (21)May 20th, 2010, 10:36 AM


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Mustard is also from the same family, as are cabbages and turnips.

Canada actually produces 90% of the worlds mustard seed. Saskatchewan alone produces 50% of it.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (23)May 20th, 2010, 10:40 AM


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It is rapeseed. The oil made from it is called "colza" in France.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (25)May 20th, 2010, 10:43 AM


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It's definitely rape seed and it is sprouting up all over the UK as well. Probably due to the huge incentives that the idiots in Brussels are paying farmers to grow the stuff. It produces amounts of pollen and leaves myself and my wife in agony over the summer months.

The scientists deny any link over and over but many people report a reaction to it. We certainly do.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (27)May 20th, 2010, 10:44 AM


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Those fields grow all the way to near Lapland. Rape oil is very healthy, it has even more good stuff in it than olive oil. And it is the best oil for fish because its taste is very neutral.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (29)May 20th, 2010, 11:29 AM


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Kerouac: Do you know how widely colza oil is used in cooking in Paris - or for that matter olive oil? My system is sadly becoming increasingly intolerant of butter and, while I don't want to annoy any of the chefs by going so far as to make such a request, I'm just curious as to whether it's unheard of to use the other oils as alternatives. (At least in Provence, I know it'll be easier to find huile d'olive.)

Elina, you're right about the neutral taste. I only use either olive, soybean or canola oil at home. Canola (rapeseed, colza) is the best for baking. (Note: I am not a California health guru or vegan by any means; this is by necessity rather than choice.)

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (31)May 20th, 2010, 11:41 AM


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Canola oil is nutritionally very controversial in some circles. This link provides both sides of the argument.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (33)May 20th, 2010, 11:42 AM


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It is rapeseed (Brassica napus). 75% of the rape oil is used to produce biodiesel fuel. Another large portion is used to produce soap, detergents, plastic and industrial lubricants.

A small percentage is used for animal food and human consumption. Rapeseed used to be bitter and toxic and therefore it was not suited for consumption. Newer sorts (the 00 variety) are not bitter and used to produce colza oil. The downside is that rapeseed has a narcotic effect on hares.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (35)May 20th, 2010, 11:55 AM


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Good grief, Cimbrone. That's alarming! (So, canola is crapola, huh?) Oddly, DH asked me a couple of weeks ago what seed or plant canola came from and I didn't know. Guess it's back to olive, soybean or safflower for me.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (37)May 20th, 2010, 12:02 PM


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sap, make sure you read the rebuttal to the original email/article. The email on the evils of canola contains some dubious statements (someone's arm was split open like a rotten fruit because she had been ingesting canola oil??!! Doubt it.) One of my dearest friends, however, insists the stuff is poison. That's how I know about this.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (39)May 20th, 2010, 12:12 PM


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It's all over the English countryside.

It stinks. Makes you sneeze and the eyes water. Chest and throat go tight and breathing becomes difficult.

Some days when the wind is in the (wrong) direction I can smell it inside my house and have to close the windows.

Thankfully the fields round here that were planted with oilseed rape last year don't have it this year, so I can breathe a bit easier. There are others but they are a bit further away.

Horrid stuff.

Yellow crop (flowers) grown in vast fields (2024)


What are the yellow flowers that grow in fields? ›

Most of the yellow-flowered plants currently in fields is butterweed. Native to the United States, butterweed (Packera glabella) can be found from Texas east to Florida, northward along the Atlantic coast to Virginia, and west to Nebraska.

What is the answer to yellow flower? ›

YELLOW FLOWER Crossword Clue
Yellow flower with 9 Letters
10 more rows

What are the yellow flowers growing in fields in Ohio? ›

Cressleaf groundsel is so-named because its lower leaves resemble watercress. Its alternate common name of butterweed comes from its conspicuous buttery yellow flowers. Cressleaf goundsel is a winter annual meaning that seeds germinate in late summer to early fall.

What crops have yellow flowers in Montana? ›

Canola is recognized most notably by its yellow blooming stage.

What is the yellow flower that grows wild? ›

Round Leaf VioletCommon MulleinGoldenrod
DandelionBalsam RootGoldenrod
Yellow SalsifyBog DeervetchTall Silvercrown
Oregon GrapeStonecropTansy Ragwort
Monkey FlowerTansy Ragwortflower parts
6 more rows

What are the little yellow flowers in my pasture? ›

One of the signs that spring has arrived is when the yellow flowers of buttercup begin to appear, but it's during the winter months that the vegetative growth of buttercup takes place. As a cool season weed, this plant often flourishes in over grazed pasture fields with poor stands of desirable forages.

What are these yellow flowers called? ›

Marigolds are popular annuals. Their popularity likely comes from their bright colors and ability to bloom all summer long. They have carnation-like flower heads with thick layers of ruffled petals.

What does yellow flowers mean to your girlfriend? ›

You can absolutely offer a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses to your beloved girlfriend to express your admiration and your desire to live happy moments by her side. Moreover, yellow roses are synonyms to kindness and affection. They can also be offered to celebrate births and anniversaries, but also weddings.

What are three yellow flowers examples? ›

Here's a list of some of our favorite yellow flowers of all time.
  • Sunflowers.
  • Begonia.
  • Ranunculus.
  • Water Lily.
  • Pansy.
  • Black-Eyed Susan.
  • Dahlia.
  • Roses.
Aug 7, 2018

What are the yellow flowers in wheat fields? ›

Cressleaf groundsel can be identified by its hollow and grooved stem with a purplish color, and yellow sunflower-type flowers. It is a winter annual that emerges in late summer into fall, and can infest late-summer seedings of forages and hay, and fall seedings of wheat.

What are all the yellow flowers in the fields in Kentucky? ›

FANCY FARM, KY — These beautiful bright yellow fields are canola plants.

What is the yellow flower in farm fields Indiana? ›

Canola is a versatile and unique crop, one that Indiana has little experience with. The plant is a cool-season, annual oilseed crop, which farmers plant in early to mid-September. Harvesting is done in June in central Indiana.

What is the yellow flower crop in Nebraska? ›

Its bright yellow flowers offer great relief from the drab winter. Forsythia x intermedia, border forsythia, is the most common forsythia we plant in Nebraska. This is a great early spring blooming shrub.

What yellow crop is grown in North Dakota? ›

Mustard is a cash crop that can be planted in rotation with small grains. Mustard is available in three types: yellow, brown and oriental. Yellow mustard (Sinapis alba) is the most common type grown in North Dakota.

What crop has yellow flowers in South Dakota? ›

South Dakota consistently ranks as one of the world's top sunflower producers. This makes late summer an amazing time to experience gorgeous yellow fields that seem to stretch forever.

What is a tall wild plant with yellow flowers on top? ›

A wildflower, herb/invasive weed that is seen towering five to 10 feet tall displaying small yellow colored blooms on flowering spikes kind looks like a torch is the common mullein. The common mullein, Verbascum thapsus a biennial plant, it grows over two years.

What is a wild yellow flower that blooms in spring? ›

Forsythias are easy to grow, but do require some maintenance. After a long, drab winter, most gardeners anxiously await the arrival of spring. One sure sign that spring has truly arrived is the bright yellow flowers of the forsythia.

What is the big yellow flower growing in water? ›

Ranunculus flabellaris (Yellow Water Buttercup)
Also known as:Large Yellow Water Crowfoot
Family:Ranunculaceae (Buttercup)
Life cycle:perennial
6 more rows

What are the yellow flowers in fallow field? ›

FLAGLER COUNTY EXTENSION What are those yellow flowers growing in farm fields? That would be Sunn Hemp – a leguminous cover crop that adds organic matter and nutrients to the soil during the fallow times of the year.

What is a yellow wild flower you can eat? ›


Common dandelion flowers seem to be everywhere by mid-spring. The yellow petals are sweet but pick away the green parts unless you don't mind the bitter. Eat dandelion flowers raw or cooked.

What is a yellow wildflower with yellow sap? ›

Celandine is native to Europe and Asia, and it had been important as a medicine for 2,000 years, going back to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Colonists also used celandine as a yellow dye. If you tear a leaf or break a stem, you'll see a bright yellow sap that oozes out.

What is the most popular yellow flower? ›

Sunflowers, calendula, and marigolds are some of the most popular annual yellow flowers.

What is the yellow flower in the United States? ›

Nelumbo lutea is a species of flowering plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. Common names include American lotus, yellow lotus, water-chinquapin, and volée. It is native to North America.

What flower means infidelity? ›

For example, a yellow rose signifies “infidelity” in both the old and new versions of the flower language writings. The more modern version of the yellow rose's meaning begins its description with “jealousy, decrease of love,” adding infidelity at the end.

What do yellow flowers mean at a funeral? ›

Yellow flowers signify friendship, warmth and hope. Pink flowers represent grace, compassion and innocence.

What do yellow flowers symbolize? ›

Yellow flowers

The color yellow is primarily associated with spreading happiness and joy; however, it is also the ideal color for symbolizing friendship. With their bright hue and cheery personality, yellow flowers can be used to better someone's day and increase the positive energy in a room.

What flower symbolizes love? ›

The red rose is known as the flower of love. The red rose symbolizes deep emotions and desires. Red roses are traditionally given to symbolize love, but aren't the only ones to earn this title. Other types of love flowers include peonies, sunflowers, or tulips, which symbolize happiness, prosperity and romance.

What does yellow symbolize? ›

Yellow is a color associated with sun. It symbolizes optimism, energy, joy, happiness and friendship. It might also stand for intellect. On the contrary, yellow can indicate jealousy, betrayal, illness and danger.

What is flowering of wheat called? ›

Flowering is marked by the extrusion of anthers from the spikelets; the reason for which this process is also referred to as anthesis. Flowering will continue over the next 7-10 days. The identification of this growth stage is very important for the management of Fusarium head blight (head scab) with fungicides.

What are wheat flowers called? ›

spicata) is a summer annual or short-lived perennial (zones 9-11) grown as an ornamental for its distinctive, erect flower spikes sort of reminiscent of a sheaf of wheat that give it the common name of wheat celosia.

Why is wheat crop yellow? ›

Nitrogen deficiency symptoms of wheat are characterized by yellowing of lower leaves since nitrogen is mobile within the plant. Not to be confused with nitrogen deficiency, potassium deficiency can also cause yellowing in the lower leaves.

What are the tall yellow flowers in Kentucky? ›

Yellow fields of Goldenrod appear across Kentucky the flowers bloom in late summer and early fall. While many species of the plant are celebrated, state lawmakers singled out the Solidago Gigantea species as the Kentucky state flower.

What are the top crops grown in Kentucky? ›

Crops grown in the state include corn, soybeans, hay, wheat and tobacco. Historically, hemp has been a cash crop in the state (see hemp in Kentucky). Finished agricultural products produced in the state include Kentucky bourbon and Kentucky wine.

What rare flower only grows in Kentucky? ›

The Kentucky Glade Cress (Leavenworthia exigua laciniata) produces a small flower that only grows in Kentucky and nowhere else in the world. The Kentucky glade cress is a small flowering plant that grows from two to four inches in height.

What are the yellow flowers on the side of the highway? ›

Scotch broom usually grows between 3 and 10 feet high, and is distinguishable each May by its bright yellow flowers.

What is the invasive yellow flower in Indiana? ›

Sulphur Cinquefoil is an invasive yellow wildflower in Indiana. This fast-spreading species native to Africa, Asia, and Europe can threaten native plants and ecosystems. Make sure to avoid this plant! In the wild, Sulphur Cinquefoil grows in nearly every habitat.

What crop in North Carolina has yellow flowers? ›

The bright yellow flowers that covered the rapeseed plants drew a lot of attention from people who drove past the field. “We got all kinds of questions about the flowers we were growing,” Powers laughs. The number of bees the rapeseed field attracted was another topic of interest for the North Carolina grower.

What is Nebraska cash crop? ›

Nebraska's Ag Facts

Nebraska's 10 leading commodities (in order of value) for 2021 cash receipts are cattle and calves, corn, soybeans, hogs, dairy products (milk), hay, wheat, misc. crops, chicken eggs, and dry edible beans.

What is the main crop in Nebraska? ›

Corn is the most widely grown crop in Nebraska and has a variety of uses, from feeding livestock and poultry, to producing ethanol, distillers grains and even bioplastics.

What are the golden flowers in Nebraska? ›

Goldenrod flowers appear at the end of summer, making the Nebraska state flower one of the last flower “shows” of the year. Early Native Americans used the plant's late bloom to their advantage.

What farm crop is bright yellow? ›

That field of yellow flowers is a crop of canola.

What is the yellow crop in Minnesota? ›

Canola grown in Minnesota is typically the spring annual variety; currently available winter varieties are not well suited to Minnesota and other Northern U.S. states due to their lack of winter hardiness.

What is the yellow crop called? ›

Rapeseed (Brassica napus subsp. napus), also known as rape, or oilseed rape, is a bright-yellow flowering member of the family Brassicaceae (mustard or cabbage family), cultivated mainly for its oil-rich seed, which naturally contains appreciable amounts of erucic acid.

What is the yellow crop in the fields? ›

Rapeseed, or oilseed rape as it is often known, is the bright yellow crop that you see in the fields in the run up to summer, a sure sign that winter is almost behind us.

What are three examples of yellow flowers? ›

The three plants that have yellow flowers are marigold, sunflower and daffodil.

What are examples of 3 plants that have yellow flowers? ›

Examples of flowers with yellow flowers are Tulips, Roses, Sunflower, etc.

What is a yellow flower with prickly stems? ›

Sonchus asper, or Prickly Sowthistle, is a spring or summer annual herbaceous wildflower, with spiney leaves and yellow flowers and is often considered a weed because of its aggressive spread.

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