Why Watercolour Is Hard And How To Overcome Obstacles (2024)

Taking up watercolour as a hobby is intimidating for beginners because they’ve heard watercolour is the hardest medium to learn.

But is this belief true?

Many watercolourists agree on several unique characteristics that make watercolour a challenging medium to paint with.

Watercolour is hard due to its unpredictable nature. Watery pigment flows wherever it wants, which makes it difficult to control. And since watercolour is translucent and appears lighter once the pigment has dried, it’s hard to fix mistakes because they show through the layers.

So, is it even possible to learn to paint with watercolours?

Keep reading to discover how to overcome the most difficult aspects of watercolour painting.

Table of Contents

Is Watercolour Hard to Learn?

Since watercolour is unpredictable and uncontrollable, it has a reputation for being unforgiving. This perception leads people to believe that watercolour is hard to learn.

Although watercolour is difficult, it’s possible to learn this skill if you have good art education and the determination to succeed. By following step-by-step tutorials, taking art classes online or in person, and practicing on a consistent basis, anyone can become a skilled watercolourist.

Achieving this goal is possible when you learn how to work around the difficult aspects of watercolour painting.

For example, if watercolour is notorious for being uncontrollable, the solution is to learn how to control water.

In other words, learn how to balance the paint-to-water ratio because different amounts of pigment and water will allow you to apply techniques more effectively.

An example would be using more water with the wet-on-wet technique to create spontaneous washes of colour.

Or using less water and a lot more paint to create texture with the dry brush technique.

Is Watercolour the Hardest Medium?

Did you know that acrylic and oil painters often struggle to learn how to paint with watercolours?

In the watercolour vs acrylic and oil debates, watercolour usually reigns as the hardest painting medium.

One of the major problems is that you can’t undo a mistake by painting over it in an attempt to hide the blunder.

Watercolour is the hardest medium to master because it can be very difficult to fix mistakes. The transparent nature of watercolour means that mistakes show through the layers. As such, you cannot easily erase or paint over the errors in the same way that you would with opaque mediums such as acrylic or oil.

So, how do you fix watercolour mistakes?”

The best solution is to learn the fundamental watercolour techniques so that you understand how to apply the paint properly.

Doing so will reduce the likeliness that you’ll apply the pigment incorrectly and make mistakes.

So when you study the techniques in detail, you’ll understand how to avoid creating streaky brushstrokes and accidental blooms that look like little cauliflowers.

As well, you’ll learn that laying down watercolour requires a very different approach than acrylic or oil paint.

Related: Check out this popular article to learn how to apply fundamental watercolour techniques that every painter needs to master.

Why Watercolour Is Hard And How To Overcome Obstacles (1)

How Do You Leave White Spaces in Watercolour?

Traditionally, the white of the paper is preserved in order to create highlights and deepen the contrast in a painting.

For this reason, many watercolourists do not use white paint and prefer to use the white of the paper.

In watercolour, white spaces can be preserved by using masking fluid to prevent pigment from seeping into that section of the paper. In addition, the lifting technique can be applied to lift watery pigment off the paper by using a damp, clean brush.

However, if you’re not careful about keeping the white of the paper clean, you can accidentally lose it while you’re painting.

This is why you need to plan ahead before you start painting so that you know exactly which areas of your painting need the whiteness to be preserved.

So, another reason why watercolour is hard is because you must learn how to reserve the white paper without dirtying it.

Check out the YouTube video below to learn how to preserve the white of the paper in a watercolour galaxy painting.

What Paper is Best for Watercolour?

Anyone who has painted with watercolours for a while will tell you that the biggest hindrance to progressing in watercolour is painting on cheap, low-quality paper.

The best watercolour paper is made of 100% cotton. This type of paper is high-quality because it is thick and super absorbent, meaning it can handle many washes and layers of paint without warping or buckling. 100% cotton cold-pressed paper is the most well-rounded paper for watercolourists.

You see, 100% cotton paper is more absorbent than cheap watercolour paper which is made of cellulose or wood pulp.

Cellulose and wood pulp paper can’t handle much water or many washes because the paper is too thin. So, it’s more prone to buckling, warping, or tearing.

This is why experienced watercolourists advise beginners to invest in watercolour paper more than any other art supply, including paints and brushes.

Related: Consult this list of recommended watercolour art supplies to find the best quality paper.

Why Watercolour Is Hard And How To Overcome Obstacles (2)

How Do You Mix Vibrant Colours in Watercolour?

I’ll be the first person to admit that I had no clue how to mix pigments when I was a beginner. As a result, my paintings often looked dull or muddy.

Not knowing how to mix colours prevents beginners from progressing because they often produce lifeless, muddy colours.

So, the best solution is to know how to avoid muddy colours by learning about the individual properties of your paints.

For example, study each paint’s pigments. You can find this information with the set of paint that you bought, including:

  • The paint’s pigment properties
  • Lightfastness rating
  • Opacity/translucency
  • Staining rating
  • Granulation

Refer to the chart below to see the colour swatch I made for my White Nights paints. The chart contains each paint’s pigment properties at the bottom of each square.

Identify which paints use fewer pigments. Those paints are likelier to mix better. Paints made of too many pigments often clash and contaminate one another, thus producing dull and lifeless mixes.

In addition, understanding colour theory basics will help you understand which colours work best with one another.

For more information about learning how to mix colours correctly, I highly recommend that you check out this article about colour theory basics for watercolourists.

Why Watercolour Is Hard And How To Overcome Obstacles (3)

How Long Does It Take to Get Good at Watercolour?

It takes time and dedication to learn any new skill. Watercolour is no exception.

Although everyone is different, there are a few general guidelines that will help you progress faster.

You can get better at watercolour by practicing for 15 to 30 minutes several times a week because repetition is the key to success. The more consistently you practice painting, the faster you’ll develop your painting skills and become a successful watercolourist.

If you really want to improve, you need to make time for watercolour art by scheduling it into your calendar.

Then make it a routine and practice several times every week. And make it a non-negotiable so that you always prioritize time for art.

When all is said and done, the time it will take for you to succeed at watercolour painting will directly correlate to the amount of time and effort you invest into mastering this craft.

Now that you know what to do, it’s time for you to get out there and make it happen!


In this article, you’ve learned about the most common obstacles and setbacks about watercolour painting.

By now, you should have a good understanding about why watercolour is hard but not impossible to learn.

With the right supplies, attitude, and instruction, you can become a successful watercolourist.

If you’re serious about developing this artistic skill, you’ll make time for it and practice on a regular basis.

So, I recommend that you start improving your watercolour education by checking out these easy step-by-step watercolour tutorials because they’re beginner-friendly.

They’ll help you learn the fundamentals and build confidence in your painting skills, so have a look at them right now.

Good luck with your paintings!

Why Watercolour Is Hard And How To Overcome Obstacles (4)

MIRANDA BALOGH is an artist who loves teaching her audience how to paint confidently with watercolours. As a former ESL teacher, she uses online education to inspire artists to leverage their skills in an increasingly visual and digital world. Follow her art YouTube channel and Instagram for more art content.


Why Watercolour Is Hard And How To Overcome Obstacles (2024)


Why watercolor is the most difficult? ›

Watercolour is hard due to its unpredictable nature. Watery pigment flows wherever it wants, which makes it difficult to control. And since watercolour is translucent and appears lighter once the pigment has dried, it's hard to fix mistakes because they show through the layers.

How difficult is Watercolour painting? ›

However, painting with watercolors can be difficult. It is a hard medium to master, largely because it can be unforgiving and unpredictable. Mistakes are difficult to correct, and its fluid nature makes it hard to control. Yet it's these very qualities that give the medium its undeniable charm.

What are the strengths and challenges of watercolor painting? ›

Watercolors are very versatile and work well with pastels, pen and ink and other water-based paint. Learning to control colors and avoiding a muddy appearance is one of the biggest challenges in using watercolors.

What is the hardest part about painting? ›

The hardest part of creating a painting is coming up with an amazing idea, and then turning that idea into an inspired design. Producing the painting (that is, putting the paint on the canvas) isn't a piece of cake either, but that seems to flow once the first part is nailed down.

What is the most difficult type of painting? ›


These styles garner huge attention and praise from the public, but not necessarily other artists. For those who do not practice painting, hyper-realism and photo-realism are often considered the most difficult due to the wow factor.

How do I get better at watercolor? ›

How Do I Get Better At Watercolour? (6 Watercolour Tips)
  1. Use Good-Quality Watercolour Supplies. Use High-Quality Paper. ...
  2. Practice, Practice, and More Practice. ...
  3. Study Colour Theory & Colour Mixing. ...
  4. Don't Overwork Your Painting.
  5. Stop Comparing Yourself to Other Artists.
  6. Respect the Law of Repetition.
Feb 13, 2021

What is the weakness of watercolor? ›

The disadvantages of watercolour include paint pigments that dry lighter than when they're first applied, watercolours can only be painted on thick water absorbent paper, and the wrong paint to water ratio can ruin your painting.

What are the challenges of using watercolor in your artwork? ›

  • Too much water. ...
  • Too little water in your watercolor painting washes. ...
  • Painting into damp paper with a too wet a brush. ...
  • Not waiting till a wash is totally dry before laying a glaze over the top of it. ...
  • Using a wrong sized brush for the shape being painted. ...
  • Poor quality paper. ...
  • Trying to paint too large too soon.

What are the common difficulties in painting? ›

From blistering and flaking, to foaming paint film, we answer your most common decorating dilemmas.
  • Blistering and flaking. Cause. ...
  • Bleeding/Staining. Cause. ...
  • Cissing. Cause. ...
  • Filler shows through the paint. Cause. ...
  • Foaming. Cause. ...
  • Mud cracking. Cause. ...
  • Cracking of plaster. Cause. ...
  • Mould growth on exterior surfaces. Cause.

What are some challenges in art? ›

Therefore, this article highlights some of the common challenges faced by artists worldwide.
  • 1) Finding Aspirations. Many times artists find it hard to find their aspirations. ...
  • 2) Keeping Up With The Talent. ...
  • 3) Self-trust. ...
  • 4) No Response. ...
  • 5) No Sale Plans.
Dec 28, 2020

What is the golden rule of watercolor? ›

With watercolor, you can do a lot of things. You can summarize a landscape or an atmosphere with only few brush strokes. Golden rule 2: Use a lot of water. At the beginning use a lot of water and you reduce it gradually as you go along the painting.

What art is difficult to understand? ›

Abstract art doesn't contain recognizeable objects, so there is nothing to grasp or hold onto. This can be very confusing, even threatening, to some who are not used to assigning their own meaning to what they see before them.

Is learning to paint difficult? ›

Becoming a proficient painter is a relatively quick process. With focus and practice, you'll be making paintings in a very short time. Becoming an excellent painter can take a lifetime, but you'll find that the learning process is engrossing and worthwhile.

Why is painting so powerful? ›

Art is a powerful way to express oneself, and it is also one of the most important ways to connect with others. Art helps you process your emotions and understand your surroundings. It allows you to see life from a different perspective and it makes you feel alive.

Which is harder watercolor or acrylic? ›

Both are great mediums, but acrylic paints are easier to use, and any mistakes can be easily fixed. Watercolors can be difficult to learn and any mistakes you make are extremely difficult or impossible to fix. So, when it comes to watercolor vs. acrylic for beginners, acrylics might be the better option.

What is the hardest thing for an artist to draw? ›

Generally the hands are the most challenging body part to draw. This is because there are many different components in a human hand, and they can be quite difficult to draw.

What type of paint is watercolor? ›

Known for its translucency, watercolor is a water-soluble paint made of pigments suspended in a water-based solution. This flexible and non-toxic coloring medium works well in a wide range of arts and crafts projects. Watercolor paints are used to create beautiful, transparent watercolor paintings.

What makes a great watercolor painting? ›

A good watercolour painting embodies vibrant colours, luminosity, and translucency. A watercolour artist must master these three important traits in order to create beautiful watercolour paintings that are better than average.

Which is more difficult watercolor or oil? ›

Watercolour materials are easy to source, and they're even easy to bring on the go if you have water brushes. Oils, however, generally require a larger amount of supplies and aren't so easy to make a travel kit for.

What is the hardest painting medium? ›

Some say watercolor painting by far is the most difficult medium.

Is watercolour challenge on every day? ›

Each week four artists will be challenged to paint some of Britain's finest views against the clock – with just three hours to complete their paintings in each location. They're encouraged by Fern Britton, who is both a presenter and a judge, and guided by a professional artist acting as both a mentor and a judge.

What is the basic knowledge of watercolor painting? ›

The watercolors are painted onto a wet surface, that is, onto a blank sheet of paper that has been soaked with water, or over a still wet coat of paint. Once applied, the color flows when it comes into contact with the wet surface. What you need to know: the wetter the paper, the more the paint flows and disperses.

What qualities characteristics do Watercolours have? ›

Artist Quality Watercolours are characterised in a number of ways, including Opacity, Transparency, Granulation, whether Staining or liftable as well as Lightfastness. Some may have a number of characteristics and the tube will often give an idea of what to expect.

How does art helps us in dealing difficult situations? ›

Art gives us immeasurable personal and social benefits. We rely on the arts to help us through difficult times. Art reminds us that we are not alone and that we share a universal human experience. Through art, we feel deep emotions together and are able to process experiences, find connections and create impact.

What were the difficulties or challenges you encountered in creating your artwork craft? ›

6 Challenges you Face as an Artist
  • 1- Finding inspiration. ...
  • 2- Keeping up with your talent. ...
  • 3- Building an unbreakable self-trust. ...
  • 4- Dealing with too many constraints. ...
  • 5- Having the ' no-response ' nightmare. ...
  • 6- Persistence, persistence, and persistence.
Feb 3, 2019

How do you overcome paint failure? ›

The solution

Remove the loose paint by scraping. Prime bare spots and repaint affected areas. Make sure to apply high-quality paints at the recommended spreading rate and thinning rate. When using bright colours, it is best to use the best quality paint that you can.

What is the most common reason for paint failure? ›

Poor Surface preparation

This is the most common reason for paint failure. Poor surface preparation causes poor adhesion of the paint on the surface. Lack of proper sticking of the paint to the surface results in the paint coming off early.

Why is being a painter hard? ›

Some painters work on residential homes and buildings while others work on commercial or industrial buildings. Some painters work on both residential and commercial or industrial buildings. Painting is a physically demanding job that requires extensive standing, climbing, bending, kneeling and reaching.

How do you challenge yourself as an artist? ›

4 ways to push your own boundaries as an artist
  1. Try something completely new and… … ...
  2. Cross pollinate. Find inspiration in other media and challenge yourself to translate it to your own. ...
  3. Uplevel your current skills. ...
  4. Work from a baseline.
Jan 2, 2017

How do you stay motivated in art? ›

How to stay motivated
  1. Have a structured daily regime. I maintain a fairly consistent painting schedule throughout the week. ...
  2. Have a contingency plan. ...
  3. Have a sense of the project's arc. ...
  4. Have clear short-term goals. ...
  5. Write about other people's work. ...
  6. Learn a new technique.

What does challenge mean in art? ›

Art challenges come in all sorts of shapes and sizes but generally involve a commitment on the part of an artist to complete some sort of series of work over a period of time. An art challenge can be a great way to for any artist to improve their skills, build a body of work and can even be a fairly social activity.

What are the 4 watercolor techniques? ›

The 4 Watercolor Techniques
  • Wet-on-Wet.
  • Wet-on-Dry.
  • Dry-on-Wet.
  • Dry-on-Dry.
Dec 6, 2022

What are the 7 watercolor techniques? ›

  • Step 1: Preparing To Practice Watercolor Techniques. ...
  • Step 2: Wet-On-Dry Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 3: Dry-On-Dry Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 4: Dry-On-Wet Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 5: Flat Wash Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 6: Gradated Wash Watercolor Technique. ...
  • Step 7: Variegated Wash Watercolor Technique.
Apr 24, 2016

What are the two watercolor techniques? ›

There are 2 basic watercolor techniques that will be fundamental to your practice—wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry. In this tutorial, I cover what these terms mean, when to use each of the two techniques, and how to do it successfully.

What is the easiest thing to paint in watercolor? ›

Fruit and Vegetables. I think it is nice to start off with something that has a rather simple shape. And for complete beginners, my preference is that the simple shape is not too uniform and symmetrical. I highly recommend fruit and vegetables as an easy painting subject.

Is watercolor painting difficult? ›

However, painting with watercolors can be difficult. It is a hard medium to master, largely because it can be unforgiving and unpredictable. Mistakes are difficult to correct, and its fluid nature makes it hard to control. Yet it's these very qualities that give the medium its undeniable charm.

Is watercolor more difficult than acrylic? ›

Both are great mediums, but acrylic paints are easier to use, and any mistakes can be easily fixed. Watercolors can be difficult to learn and any mistakes you make are extremely difficult or impossible to fix.

Which is more difficult watercolor or acrylic? ›

Watercolor can be more challenging. With watercolor you can build up layers of colors while painting, but you work in a different order than you do with acrylic paint. Watercolor is translucent and unlike acrylic, you can not cover up your mistakes.

What do professional watercolor artists use? ›

The ARTnews Recommends Editors
  • ARTNEWS RECOMMENDS. Winsor & Newton Professional Watercolor Tubes and Set. ...
  • TOP OF THE LINE. Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolor Tubes and Sets. ...
  • ALSO CONSIDER. Holbein Artists' Watercolor Paint Tubes and Sets.
May 7, 2022

What is the highest quality watercolor? ›

The Best Watercolor Paints on the Market Today
  • Best Watercolor Paint Overall: Winsor Newton Cotman Professional Watercolor Paints Set.
  • Best Watercolor Tubes: Daniel Smith Watercolor Paints Set.
  • Best Professional Watercolor Paints: Winsor-Newton Professional Watercolor Paint Set.

What type of watercolor is best for beginners? ›

The Top 5 Watercolor Paint Sets for Beginners:
  • Daniel Smith Introductory Watercolors. ...
  • Van Gogh Watercolor 12 Tube Pocket Box Set. ...
  • Reeves 24-Pack Watercolor Paint Set. ...
  • Prima Marketing Watercolor Confections: The Classics. ...
  • Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolor Sketchers Pocket Box.

What are the hardest colors to paint? ›

The Most Difficult Paint Colors To Work With
  • Red. Red is difficult because there are many hues that simply aren't made for wall space. ...
  • Taupe. Taupe may seem like an easy shade, it's simply a shade away from white, but it can be difficult when matching up with other things. ...
  • Blue. ...
  • Gray.
Apr 16, 2014

What do you call a person who is good at arts? ›

artist. / (ˈɑːtɪst) / noun. a person who practises or is skilled in an art, esp painting, drawing, or sculpture.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.