Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (2024)

Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (1)

Hey Friend!

Today I have something fun for you that I don’t think I’ve ever done before. Firstly, and most importantly, I am going to take you through the simple sales funnel I want you to create and foster in your own online business. This can be so much more simple than you think. There are so many things you can let go of that you don’t have to do in order to find success.

I am then going to explain the Stefanie Gass School to you. How does it work? What are the steps? Where do you fit in? How can we help you build your simple sales model and make more money?

I want to be the person that you can trust to help you know exactly what you actually need to do to make a business work. To have people come into your opt-ins or into your groups. To have people listen to the podcast and then ultimately trust you enough to choose to work with you. That’s the goal here. We want to get people a result and outcome, a true change in whatever it is that you do.

So let’s dive in and understand why I teach what I teach and then how this model fits into the Stefanie Gass school.

Simple Sales Model Step 1: Grow an Audience Quickly and Efficiently

If you are choosing entrepreneurship and an online business there is no getting past this first step. You have to grow an audience. I want you to understand that this does not need to be hard. It does not need to take five to 10 hours a day. You do not need to use paid advertising. You want to do this quickly and efficiently and choose a platform that is the path of least resistance.

For me, the platform was audio. I don’t want to put on make-up and do videos all the time. With little kids, I need to use my voice to be able to pause and edit and record while they are playing in the room next to me. I am able to record around my life instead of trying to force my life to fit into this really busy business that is taking up all of my time. As such, podcasting fulfills my need for a platform where I can grow my audience and generate leads. It is the wide area at the top of my funnel that does the work and the promotion.

Using a Podcast to Grow Your Audience

If you choose to podcast, you don’t have to do anything to promote the podcast itself. But you do have to build it so that it can do the work for you. You can’t just throw a podcast into the world and think it’s going to grow your audience. There is a lot of strategy in here around what it’s called, podcast SEO, how you structure the description, how you are titling things, what the art looks like, etc. All of this strategy is touched on in Podcast Pro University so you can get your podcast launched. But we do a massive deep dive into it in Podcast to Profit, my six-month mastermind program.

We want to make sure your podcast is doing the work. You should be growing your audience from one, maybe two episodes a week in 20 minutes to two hours of your time. We want you to be telling us that you are getting thousands if not tens of thousands of downloads every month. You can do this if you have a structure and a strategy and in my opinion, there is no other way to do it more quickly and almost for free than podcasting!

Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (2)

If you are one of my blogging or video people, I love that. You may be a fantastic writer or rock on video which is amazing! But it takes a lot of time to blog. And I have noticed that with both blogging and video, the growth rate is slower. The conversion rate is also slower. People aren’t able to multitask in this busy life. They don’t have time to sit and watch a YouTube video.

But they are able to go for a run or make dinner or clean up or chase their kids with an earbud in one ear listening to your show. There is a beautiful power in having this platform that they can binge on your stuff while they go about their lives. I hear this from my listeners all the time.

Simple Sales Model Step 2: Nurture Your Audience

If the podcast is how you grow, the next thing you need to do is nurture.Once people are listening to your podcast, you want to capture that listener and love on them. Firstly, how do you capture them? Well, your podcast is going to tell them to either join your list or come to your community. It’s very simple and easy.

Nurturing Through Your List and Your Community

In Podcast to Profit, I have a structure for how you can really nurture and foster your Facebook community in literally 10 to 15 minutes a week. I don’t think this needs to be stressful. You do not need to hire somebody to do this. It should be chilled and easy. You bless and you nurture and you pour out in this space for a couple of minutes a day while it grows.

I also teach in Podcast to Profit how to send out a weekly email to your email list. We look at how you grow a list and how you set it up so that you meet your listener on their individual timelines. Some will jump in, ready to buy all the things but others might take a year or two to decide if they are ready.

It’s not up to us to force people to buy things or to choose to move to the next step. That’s completely up to them in their lives. It’s our responsibility to be there when they’re ready to buy. And how do we do that? We stay front of mind with the simple sales funnel by nurturing them. And there are only two things we do to nurture over here in the Stef Gass world: through email and by building a community.

Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (3)

Simple Sales Model Step 3: Present Your Offer to Your Audience

With an offer, you have so many options. You could sell a product or create an eBook. You might have a membership community. I have sold everything and what I will tell you is that if you are under $100000 in revenue, you need one core offer that you are going to pour into.

Coaching and Online Courses as Your Core Offer

I believe that the fastest way to make money is to start with coaching. My multi-six-figure coaching business grew in a very short amount of time straight from my podcast.Coaching gave me all the knowledge I needed to be able to build courses in the future and then be able to exit coaching.

Inside Podcast to Profit, I teach you all about coaching. I show you how to coach and where to coach. I give you a framework with all the information you need from contracts to how to work with people. We practice coaching in my program to validate what your offer will be. You coach a minimum of five people to do market research and collect data. From here, if you don’t want to coach, you can move into what I believe to be your highest profit potential, income-generating machine there is – an online course.

My online courses bring in hundreds and thousands of dollars every single day straight from my show. People get a result. They get to pay a much lower price than they would ever pay to work with me one on one. Once they get the result, they move into the next offer. With every $100,000 in revenue, you can add one more offer to take people through this beautiful tier of steps and success. But start with one core offer!

Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (4)

Build the Simples Sales Model – How We Can Help You

You may have been reading the above feeling overwhelmed by what to do to get started. Or you might be reading it with some of these strategies already in place. If you are going to really take advantage of this simple sales model, we need to figure out where you are in this process. And how we at the Stefanie Gass School can help you move forward and make use of the funnel so that it works for you. As you read this and think about your business, you are going to be in one of three camps.

Camp A: You Don’t Have a Business or You Don’t Have Clarity on Your Business

At this stage, you don’t have a business. You don’t have clarity on what that business could be and you need help. Or you have a business but it’s very messy and unclear. It’s not making money yet and you need help. You are looking for the exact steps to get clear on what your business should be. You need a roadmap to help you figure out the title, the tagline, who you are going to serve, who God’s calling you to be and how you bring this all into one beautiful brand.

If this is you, you are in phase one of the Stefanie Gass School which is clarifying your calling. And I have a course for you. It’s called Clarify Your Calling (CYC)! This is where you are going to get clear on your niche and on what your business plan is going to be. This course is four weeks long and once you have finished it, you will be in camp b and ready to move on.

Camp B: You Don’t Yet Have a Podcast

Once you have clarity on what your business will be, or if you already have a clear business plan but want to grow your audience using podcasting, you are in phase two of building the simple sales method. Here, you are going to start that podcast! Inside my second course, Podcast Pro University (PPU), there are 12 steps for you to follow to actually have a podcast out there in the world. Most of my students go through PPU in 30 days although if you need to take a little longer, that’s ok with me!

The goal is to see you go through CYC in 30 days and PPU in 30 days which will take you to Camp C. This is where you are ready to take your podcast to the next level.

Camp C: You Have a Podcast – Successful or Not

If you have gone through CYC and PPU, or if you already have a podcast, you come straight into my six-month mastermind program, Podcast to Profit.It doesn’t matter if your podcast is awful or if you feel like it’s the most embarrassing podcast on Plant Earth. Or if you already make $200,000 in revenue from it. There is more to be had. There’s another level of optimization. There is always room to grow, 100% of the time.

So what is Podcast to Profit? This is a live group experience where you spend six months with me and my team. In this experience, you get coaching. You have office hours with my team. We offer back-office training. You get every template, tutorial, or thing that I actually use in my own business in this training. We give you six months because this program is a beast. I want you to be able to sprint but I want to give you all the tools to actually be making money.

There is so much in this program that can help you to create your simple sales model and take full advantage of it. You learn how to set up a sales page, an email list, email marketing, and what goes in a sales pitch. You learn nine different methods of sales. I show you how to do a live launch from start to finish based on your numbers. There are bonuses like legal, operations, podcast pitching, and more.

I am so proud of this course. It has just been redone it for the fourth time and I am over the moon with it. I am so proud of the work and effort and the clarity that this course now provides people on how to actually make money from a podcast! And I love seeing people use it to make the simple sales model work for them.

Kickstart Your Simple Sales Model Today!

I hope that this brings some clarity to you around how it is I believe you can build a business without sacrificing your time, your sanity, your family, or your faith, and how you can do it through the Stefanie Gass School. Whichever camp you are in on the journey of building your simple sales model, go to stefaniegass.com/school and click on the link based on which camp you are in. Go and get registered and get the support that you need to move into the next stage.

If you have any questions at all remaining after this, email us at support@stefaniegass.com. We are here to help you make this decision. And I pray that if it’s on your heart, you will take a big leap of faith and join me. I would love to work with you and to be your coach.

I pray this blesses you!




Before you go, be sure to watch the free workshop!

Thisfree workshopis for you if you want to grow an online business in less time.

It will teach you how to explode your audience without the social media hustle, make consistent sales using a podcast, and plan, record, and launch a podcast with ease!


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Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (6)
Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (7)

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Online Business for Christian Women with Stefanie Gass

Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (8)
Why My Simple Sales Model Makes MONEY! (2024)


Do people in sales make good money? ›

Yes, sales is an excellent career. Salespeople have the potential to earn a high salary and often have a clear career path within their organizations. Most importantly, anyone can get into sales. You only need to have the drive to grow your sales skills and the desire to succeed.

What is the simple sales system? ›

A REVOLUTIONARY SALES STRATEGY. Turn the tactics of an in-person sales process to a seamless and profitable online sales approach, increasing your revenue from each session. ‍

How to make more money in sales? ›

By focusing on maximizing the size of each sale, you will unlock higher profitability, increased commissions, and ultimately, greater earnings. This simple idea of bigger > more is one of the most important sales strategies that will make you rich.

How to make a sales model? ›

6 Steps to Building a Sales Model
  1. Step 1: Calculate Average Selling Price. Cost Plus Pricing. ...
  2. Step 2: Determine Price Decline.
  3. Step 3: Figure Out Your Sales Cycle.
  4. Step 4: Product Ramp.
  5. Step 5: Determine Wins Over Time.
  6. Step 6: Refine As Needed.
  7. Using The Sample Sales Model Spreadsheet. ...
  8. Good Luck And Happy Sales Modeling.
Aug 1, 2019

How to make $500,000 in sales? ›

Yes, it is possible to earn $500,000 a year from a sales job, but it typically requires a combination of factors: 1. High-Value Products/Services: Selling high-value or high-margin products or services, such as luxury real estate, medical equipment, or enterprise software, can lead to substantial commissions. 2.

What type of sales makes the most money? ›

Review this list of some of the highest paid sales jobs in the industry:
  • Pharmaceutical sales representative. ...
  • Direct sales representative. ...
  • Business development representative. ...
  • Sales engineer. ...
  • Sales professional. ...
  • Sales manager. ...
  • Real estate agent. ...
  • Vice president of sales.

What is the 7 sales process? ›

There are seven common steps to the selling process: prospecting, preparation, approach, presentation, handling objections, closing and follow-up. The first three steps of the selling process involve research into prospects' wants and needs, with your presentation midway through the selling process.

How do you make sales simple? ›

  1. Be Present With Clients And Prospects. ...
  2. Look At Product-To-Market Fit. ...
  3. Have A Unique Value Proposition. ...
  4. Have Consistent Marketing Strategies. ...
  5. Increase Cart Value And Purchase Frequency. ...
  6. Focus On Existing Customers. ...
  7. Focus On Why Customers Buy. ...
  8. Upsell An Additional Service.
Mar 30, 2021

How do you keep sales simple? ›

Make it easy for them to do business with you.

Help them spend it! They may need to put what you offer in place before moving on to something else. There's even urgency that you can create in terms of, “Hey, if we don't get this order in by this date, we're going to run out of inventory.

Can you be a millionaire from sales? ›

Yes, it is possible to become a millionaire or a multi-millionaire as a salesperson. I've worked with some salespeople who regularly make more than $1 million a year from sales and at least three of my clients have made more than $10 million in one year from sales. That's not how much they sold. That is their income.

How to make 300k a year? ›

If you want to earn a high salary, look at some of the jobs that pay $300,000 a year to the top earners.
  1. Radiologist. ...
  2. Chief executive officer (CEO) ...
  3. Chief financial officer (CFO) ...
  4. Principal software architect. ...
  5. Obstetrics and gynecology physician. ...
  6. Emergency medicine physician. ...
  7. Psychiatrist. ...
  8. Physician.

What is the easiest type of sales? ›

Best sales jobs that don't require a degree
  1. Advertising sales agent. ...
  2. Store manager. ...
  3. Sales associate. ...
  4. Customer service representative. ...
  5. Travel agent. ...
  6. Insurance agent. ...
  7. Real estate agent. ...
  8. Leasing agent.

How do models make money? ›

In addition to working with model agencies, models can also pursue freelance modelling opportunities. This can include working with local designers or photographers, or booking jobs directly with clients. Freelance modelling can be a great way for models to build their portfolio and earn additional income.

What makes a successful sales model? ›

One of the most popular traditional sales models focuses on a group of salespeople with relative independence in their sales processes, methods, and customer relationships, also known as a “sales stars” model. In these models, company success relies on the high-performing reps' continued sales success.

How to be a model for beginners? ›

If you want to become a model, here are steps you can take:
  1. Decide what kind of model you want to be. ...
  2. Start practicing at home. ...
  3. Build your work portfolio. ...
  4. Look for an agent. ...
  5. Take relevant classes. ...
  6. Look for opportunities to build a reputation. ...
  7. Use social media.
Jul 31, 2023

Do sales make a lot of money? ›

Yes. A six-figure income is possible with hard work and dedication. Achieving such a level of income means developing solid sales rep skills, closing big deals, and consistently meeting your quotas.

Can you make big money in sales? ›

You can have anything you want in life if you learn how to sell. People go to school to get a “good job” paying 60–80K a year. In sales, you can start doing 60–80K a month, but you have to learn sales.

Is a career in sales worth it? ›

Because of its large growth potential and direct relationship between effort and earnings, sales is a great career for people who like to push themselves and constantly strive for new levels of success.

How much money do people in sales make? ›

How Much Do Salesman Jobs Pay per Week?
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$76,500$6,375
75th Percentile$60,000$5,000
25th Percentile$33,500$2,791

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.