Why Do Pine Cones Open and Close? (2024)

Meatball has a certain fascination with pine cones…I have piles of them all over my house. This pine cone science experiment came to be when the question of why do pine cones open and close came up during a painting activity. While painting with pine cones Livia discovered that some of the pine cones that were shut up tight began to open, and so we had to explore.

I was surprised at just how quickly this science experiment developed and what it turned into!

Items Used

Why Do Pine Cones Open and Close? (1)

Because the paint was wet Livia decided that the pine cones opened and closed due to moisture. We decided to use water because it would be easier to observe changes in than other liquids such as paint.

Exploring How Pine Cones Open and Close

The first thing my kids noticed when the pine cones hit the water was that they float! Since we had some pine cones that were open and some that were closed we had to take a moment to see if whether that affected if the pine cone floated or not. This quickly turned into a sensory soup as Meatball tried to fit all the pine cones into the water container. They also noticed that the round part of the glass acted like a magnifying glass giving us a really neat up close view of our submerged pine cones.

Once wet our pine cones almost immediately closed up. The ones in the cold water closed quicker than the ones in the hot water. As soon as they were closed Meatball would transfer them over to the dry container. It was fascinating to watch them slowly reopen as they dried.

Why Do Pine Cones Open and Close? (3)

This led to some fun conversations while playing!

The Science Behind Opening and Closing Pine Cones

The scales of seed-bearing pine cones move in response to changes in humidity. When warm and dry the pine cone opens up to release the cone’s seeds. When it is damp or cold, the scales close up.

Why Do Pine Cones Open and Close? (4)

There was a lot of questions about the mechanics behind the opening and closing of pine cones. When wet the pine cones cells expand, when dried they shrink. We did pull out some sponges to provide a more visual representation of this concept (which at that time I was elbows deep in a water mess and the camera was far far away).

Why Do Pine Cones Open and Close? (5)

We had an absolute blast with this hands on exploration of pine cones and the following sensory soup. With next to nothing for set up, no large time commitment, and this much fun, we will definitely be exploring this one again. Maybe next time with different liquids 😉

Turn this science observation into a fun at home or in the classroom learning experience with our printable pinecone observation and recording worksheets. This printable packet includes instructions on how to do the experiment, observation recording for before and after the experiment, and a handy dandy K-W-L (know, wonder, learned) chart. We hope y’all have a blast with this!

If your family does this science experiment we would love to see the fun!

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Why Do Pine Cones Open and Close? (2024)


What causes a pinecone to open and close? ›

The scales open when dry because their outer halves shrinkmore than their inner halves, and they pull away from the cone. When wet, the scales swell shut. People who make crafts from pine cones often heat the cones inan oven to make the scales open. Trying to wash off the cones willmake the scales close again.

What does it mean when a pine cone is closed? ›

"Pine cones fold their scales when it rains to prevent seeds from short-distance dispersal. Given that the scales of pine cones consist of nothing but dead cells, this folding motion is evidently related to structural changes.

Do pine cones open and close depending on the weather? ›

Pine cones open and close depending on the humidity to help seed dispersal. Inside the pine cone there are lots of feather light seeds. When the weather is dry the pine cone opens up and any wind will catch the seeds and allow them to be dispersed in the air far away from the original tree.

How do you keep pine cones from closing? ›

Baking the Pinecones

The pinecones just need some gentle heat to help dry them fully, so they'll open again after soaking. Set the pinecones on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. If you don't have any parchment paper, you can use aluminum foil instead. Leave some space between each pinecone.

Do pine cones mean a tree is stressed? ›

But more pine cones can also mean the trees are producing more reproductive seeds as a way to deal with the stress of a dry or changing climate. It's a matter of survival: The tougher, drier the season, the stronger the urge for the trees to reproduce through seeds so the species can survive.

Can a pinecone predict the weather? ›

The interesting thing about pinecones is that they can also be used to forecast rain. In dry weather, pinecones stay open in order to drop pollen and seeds, but as humidity rises, the scales of a pine cone close up to protect the seeds or pollen inside.

Do more pine cones mean a bad winter? ›

However, there is also an assumption that an abundance of pine cones in autumn means there is a cold winter to follow. This is actually wrong, as trees can take up to three years to fully produce cones and vary their production each year.

Do all pine cones open and close? ›

Pine-cones open in hot and dry weather and close in moist and cold weather. This behavior has to do with seed development, but its function is essentially unknown. This seems to be in common to all coniferous trees and probably helps the trees reproduce.

Are some pinecones opened only by fire? ›

Serotinous cones.

These “serotinous” cones can hang on a pine tree for years, long after the enclosed seeds mature. Only when a fire sweeps through, melting the resin, do these heat-dependent cones open up, releasing seeds that are then distributed by wind and gravity.

Can pinecones predict rain? ›

If you see closed pine cones on a tree, you should expect precipitation in the future, but if you see that the pine cones on a tree are all open, you can anticipate dry weather in the forecast!

How do you know when pine cones are ripe? ›

When the cones open up, that's when we know they're ready for seed extraction.” Once the pinecones have fully dried and their scales are open, they're ready for seed extraction.

How long do pine cones live? ›

Did you know that pinecones can stay on pine trees for more than 10 years before falling to the ground? During that time seeds for new pine trees grow under the scales of the pinecones.

How do I make sure my pine cones have no bugs? ›

A quick dunk in some warm water mixed with vinegar should also do the trick to keep pesky bugs out of your pine cone projects this season. Mix two parts warm water with one part regular white vinegar and place pine cones in the solution for about 20-30 minutes.

What happens when you soak a pine cone in water? ›

Summary. Since pine cones are seed holders, the way they open and close has to do with either holding onto or releasing seeds into the environment to sprout. When you put your cones into the water, they closed, and they did it pretty quickly. But then when you put them in the oven for a while, they opened back up again ...

How do you activate pine cones? ›

Bake Before Use

Before using pine cones in your home or for crafts, it's a good idea to bake them to kill any unwanted pests or plant diseases. Place them on a foil or parchment-lined baking sheet and bake them at 200 degrees F for 20-30 minutes. (Your house will smell great.)

What does it mean if a tree has a lot of pine cones? ›

Aside from weather-related stresses, botanists have speculated that heavy pinecone production may also be a defense mechanism that the tree uses to prevent insect infestations. Insects prey on the seeds dropped by trees and will “camp out” beside a dubious source of sustenance.

Do pinecones have a purpose? ›

Cones, such as found on pine trees, serve to protect the developing seed. Sometimes too, pine cones function in dispersal of the seeds.

Is a pine cone alive or not alive? ›

Examples for once living items are: piece of bark, dead grass, a dead insect, flour, wood, pine cone, bird feather, sea shell,and an apple. Examples for nonliving items are: rock, plastic animal, sand, spoon, pen, glass cup, penny, and bouncy ball.

Are pine cones dead or alive? ›

Interestingly, even though the cones are made of dead cells, you will find them folding up during rains to protect the seeds from short-distance dispersal. The dark brown, scaled cones that you normally see are the female cones. These scales are a protective device for keeping the seeds safe.

Can you hear pine cones opening? ›

Other trees may have seedpods that pop open to release seeds, which could cause a popping sound. Even pinecones can make this type of sound. Although these are relatively harmless sounds, the seedpods could be seeding new trees throughout your lawn, or you may find the sounds themselves annoying.

Should you leave pine cones on the ground? ›

Pine cones can work as a nesting spot for insects. So, I would recommend leaving some in a specific area in your yard, or if you have an area of taller plants, I would leave them in there. That way, you'll still be giving the insects their nesting spot, while also making loud cracks from pinecones.

Do squirrels eat pine cones? ›

During the winter, red squirrels subsist on seeds of cones and may eat up to two-thirds of the pine seed crop produced in a forest each year.

How long do pinecones take to open? ›

After 2-3 minutes in the microwave, your pinecones will open beautifully and be ready to show off.

Why do pine cones open in heat? ›

Closed-cone pines have evolved to use the heat from a forest fire as a trigger to opening their cones. The extreme heat melts the resinous sap, allowing the cone to open and exposing the seeds to the outside world.

Are there male and female pinecones? ›

But pine trees actually produce two kinds of cones: a female cone and a male cone. Cones are modified stems that have been retasked for reproduction. The female cone, which is larger than the male cone, consists of a central axis and a cluster of scales, or modified leaves, called strobili.

Is it safe to bring pinecones inside? ›

Fresh pine cones in nature come filled with bugs and can grow mold and mildew if not properly prepared for indoor use. This post teaches how to properly wash them in water and vinegar and then bake them until fully bloomed, leaving them suitable for crafting and other indoor projects and decor.

Why do pinecones only grow at the top? ›

Conifers depend on the wind to reproduce, Lobdell says. In the spring, short-lived male cones produce pollen, which is carried to female cones by the breeze. Usually, male cones grow toward the bottom of the tree and female cones toward the top, which reduces the chance that a single tree will pollinate itself.

Do pine cones bring luck? ›

It is said to this day, that a silver pinecone on your holiday mantel will bring good luck in the coming year. Pinecones also symbolize the promise of spring, and re-birth, and make a great non-denominational decoration for the holiday season.

Should I remove pinecones? ›

Christmas tree growers want maximum new growth to help develop tree shape and density. These fir cones are a detriment. The other concern is that fir cones disintegrate in the fall; if they are not removed, large holes or gaps are left where the cones were growing.

Do pinecones need fire? ›

Without fire, the seeds would likely never be released. "What's necessary for those cones to open up and release those seeds is the heat that's generated from a passing fire," Renkin says. "Once the fire burns through those resins that hold them together, the cone scales open up and the seeds fall out."

Why so many pine cones this year 2022? ›

When a harsh winter is on the way, pine trees produce as many cones as they can - they somehow “expect” that squirrels and birds share their opinion on the coming season, and will forage for more pine seeds to stock up ahead of time (you hear this one about other trees too – acorns, walnuts etc).

What time of year are pine cones ready? ›

Pine cones mostly fall to the ground in autumn, so can usually be found from September through to December. The best place to look for them is under conifer trees in woods, parks and gardens. Look for pine cones scattering the floor beneath conifer trees.

At what temperature do pinecones open? ›

Step 6: Preheat the Oven

You don't want the temperature to be any more than 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Place the pan of pine cones in the oven to warm them and remove the moisture that causes them to stay closed. As the cones heat, they will begin to open.

What happens if you bury a pinecone? ›

Even if the seeds in the cones are at the exact perfect stage of ripeness, sprouting pine cones by planting entire pine cones still won't work. The seeds need sunlight, which they can't get when they are enclosed in the cone. Also, planting entire pine cones would mean the seeds are actually much too deep in the soil.

What happens if you plant a pine cone? ›

You can grow pine trees using seed in pine cone scales that are harvested from female cones. Female pine cones are considerably larger than their male counterparts. Mature pine cones are woody and brown in appearance. One cone produces about two seeds beneath each scale.

What eats pine cones? ›

Pine cones are a significant food source for crossbills, woodpeckers, squirrels, and other forest creatures. Humans can eat seeds from particular pine cones, including Sugar Pine, Western White Pine, Longleaf Pine, Red Pine, and Pitch Pine.

Do pine cones attract mice? ›

These mice are known for hoarding food in or near their nest sites in wall voids or other hidden places. They mostly bring in seeds from trees such as acorns, pine cone scales, and beech nuts, but you might also find a hidden stash of birdseed, grass seed, or dry pet food.

Do pinecones keep spiders away? ›

Unfortunately, there's no proof this is true. The story goes that conkers contain a noxious chemical that repels spiders but no-one's ever been able to scientifically prove it. There's hearsay that if a spider gets close to a conker it will curl its legs up and die within one day.

Are there worms in pine cones? ›

Larval feeding cavities inside cones are filled with frass and webbing. Biology: Larvae begin feeding in ponderosa pine cones in late spring. They make an entry hole in the basal portion of the cone and consume seeds and scale tissues.

Why do you soak pine cones in vinegar? ›

3 – Soak the pine cones for 10-20 minutes in a bucket of water with ½ cup of white vinegar. This helps to kill any bugs or mildew and remove settled in debris. The pine cones will close up more tightly when they get wet.

What does it mean when you find a pine cone? ›

They're pretty ubiquitous and unassuming around here, but they possess deep meaning when we take the time to dig into their symbolism. Throughout the span of recorded human history, pinecones have been a symbol of human enlightenment, resurrection, eternal life and regeneration.

How do you open pine cones in the microwave? ›

Put the cones on a plate or tray and cover them with a paper towel or paper napkin. Put them in the microwave for approximately one minute, depending on how dry they are. Listen to them pop open as they heat in the microwave. Remove the cones from the microwave and allow them to cool.

What happens when you pour bleach over a pine cone? ›

Bleaching pinecones won't turn them truly white, but they get a beautiful light, weathered look. They look great grouped together, or create great visual interest mixed in with the darker natural ones. It gives a fresh new look when decorating, and goes perfect with the ever so popular farmhouse decor look.

How do you refresh pine cones? ›

If you collect your pinecones outside, bake them on a foil lined tray for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. This will kill off any lurking critters and will also help your pinecones open up.

How often do you water pine cones? ›

Water a little daily, but do not drench the pinecone and let it remain soaking wet or it will rot. Using a mister bottle works well for this part.

Why are some pine cones open? ›

If it's dry, pine cones on the ground will let down their slender scales and open up like the fingers of an unfurling fist. If rain and humidity are in the air, the scales will clamp up like a castle drawbridge, overlapping one another and sealing the cone into a tight ball.

What is the rarest pine cone in the world? ›

Its cones are rounder. However, many botanists think that Pinus dalatensis is the rarest pine in the world. This tree grows on two hills near Dalat, Vietnam, and it was discovered only in 1960. Another candidate for rarest is Pinus rzedowskii.

What does it mean if someone gives you a pine cone? ›

All of these depictions seem to use the pine cone as a symbol of spiritual consciousness and enlightenment, awakening, or immortality. For my ancestors the Celts, pine cones represented regeneration and were used as a fertility charm.

What is a Widowmaker pine cone? ›

The Heavyweight: Coulter Pine (Pinus coulteri)

Coulter pines, native to the mountains of southern California (U.S.) and Baja California (Mexico), produce the most-massive cones of any pine species. Known colloquially as “widow-makers,” those giant pinecones can weigh up to 5 kg (11 pounds)!

How do you debug and open pine cones? ›

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees and place your pine cones on a foil lined baking sheet or casserole dish. Place the pine cones in the oven, making sure to check them often so they don't burn. Once the pine cones have opened up and the sap has had a chance to seep out and dry up, the pine cones are done.

What happens if you bury a pine cone? ›

Even if the seeds in the cones are at the exact perfect stage of ripeness, sprouting pine cones by planting entire pine cones still won't work. The seeds need sunlight, which they can't get when they are enclosed in the cone. Also, planting entire pine cones would mean the seeds are actually much too deep in the soil.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.