Why Do Cucumber Leaves Feel Crispy? Causes And Fixes (2024)

If you have noticed that your cucumber leaves feel crispy recently, you should act fast. There are a few things that may be responsible for this problem, and it’s important to figure out the cause sooner rather than later.

The main culprits or causes of crispy cucumber leaves include:

  1. Lack of moisture
  2. Powdery mildew
  3. Too much moisture
  4. Fertilizer burn
  5. Not enough space

If you are unsure about which one of the above is causing your cucumber leaves to feel crispy, you may need to look out for other symptoms as well, such as discoloration and wilting.

To find out in more detail what causes cucumber leaves to feel crispy, be sure to keep reading.

Plant Leaves Turning Brown And Cris...

Plant Leaves Turning Brown And Crispy

Why Do Cucumber Leaves Feel Crispy? Causes And Fixes (1)

Why Are My Cucumber Leaves Dry?

Cucumber leaves need moisture to stay alive and remain healthy. In hot, dry weather, they are more likely to dry up and turn crispy from leaf scorch. If the leaves begin to dry up at the tips, and then continue to dry, it is most likely due to a lack of moisture and can be fixed by watering the plant.

Another word for this is leaf scorch because the leaves are essentially scorched from the hot and dry weather. Luckily, it is possible to restore leaves that are scorched if they are not too damaged. You can do this by watering the plant, spraying the leaves, or even immersing the leaves in water, to rehydrate them.

To prevent your cucumbers from drying out, ensure you are watering them often, but not too often. Watering them too often can cause other problems, and you want to avoid that!

Cucumbers are more likely to lose moisture during the summer, so it’s important to maintain them as much as you can.

Why Are My Cucumber Leaves Crispy?

Now, let’s look at some other common causes of crispy cucumber leaves in more depth.

Reason #1: Leaf Scorch

We addressed leaf scorch already, but it’s the most common cause of crispy cucumber leaves. So if you didn’t read the above section on leaf scorch, make sure you give it a read by scrolling up now.

Reason #2: Powdery mildew

Powdery mildewis a fungal disease that can spread quite quickly on cucumber leaves. If your leaves are crispy and have white blotches that appear powdery, this is likely the culprit.

Fungus thrives in warm and moist environments, so your leaves are more likely to develop powdery mildew if you live in a region with a more humid climate.

It’s important to note that fungus is highly contagious, so if you think this might be the cause of your leaves being crispy, you should remove any affected leaves immediately. Unfortunately, it’s not guaranteed that you can fix fungal-infected leaves.

However,potassium bicarbonatemight be able to fix the problem.

Potassium bicarbonate is also useful for preventing future cases of powdery mildew, which is useful if you live in a warm climate. All you need to do is apply it to your cucumbers daily, and it should prevent fungus from spreading.

Reason #3: Too much moisture

Although lack of moisture can cause crispy cucumber leaves, too much moisture can also cause problems. If the soil becomes drenched in water, the roots lose access to oxygen. When the roots lose oxygen, they are unable to transfer water and nutrients to the leaves.

The leaves subsequently begin to dry up and turn crispy. Too much moisture can be caused by heavy rain or overwatering, for example. To ensure the roots don’t get waterlogged in the soil, it is important to keep them away from overly wet conditions.

Too much moisture can also cause your cucumber leaves to wilt. As soon as you notice your cucumber has too much moisture, you should avoid watering it until the soil dries.

Why Do Cucumber Leaves Feel Crispy? Causes And Fixes (2)

Reason #4: Fertilizer burn

If you over-use fertilizer, it can scorch your cucumber leaves.Fertilizer draws moisture from plants, so using too much of it dries them out. As well as crispy leaves, you may also notice brown discoloration because of fertilizer burn.

There are things you can do to prevent fertilizer burn, such as using slow-release fertilizer or using compost. If you suspect your cucumber plants are suffering from fertilizer burn, you should keep watering the soil for a few days to drown out the fertilizer.

If you do this, be careful not to over-saturate the soil; you don’t want to cause too much moisture, either!

Reason #5: Not enough space

If your cucumbers have limited space, it can cause the leaves to turn brown and crispy. This happens because the roots become crowded and are not able to absorb water through the soil.

If this is your problem, you can simply move your cucumbers andre-potthem to give them more space to absorb water.

What Are the Signs of Overwatered Cucumbers?

Some of the signs of overwatered cucumbers include:

  • Yellow and brown leaves
  • Rotting roots
  • Soil that is green
  • Leaves that are crispy and dry, but can also have a wilted appearance

To avoid overwatering your cucumbers, you should keep them away from soil that is saturated and manage the amount of water you apply to them. If you notice your cucumber leaves are discolored, you should check the base of the cucumber. There shouldn’t be anyexcess water around the bottom.

If there is excess water, stop watering the plants and ensure there are adequate drainage holes for the water to drain out of.

You can fix a lot of the issues related to over and underwatering issues of your plants by setting up a drip irrigation system. Drip irrigation has the added bonus of lowering a water bill by being smarter about overall water usage.

Why Are My Cucumber Leaves Turning Yellow and Crispy?

If your cucumber leaves are turning yellow and crispy, this is yet again a sign of either too much water or too little water. As you know from above, too much water can cause the leaves to turn yellow due to the root’s lack of oxygen and too little water causes the same issue!

So, if you notice your leaves turning yellow, you should be able to decipher what the issue is quite easy.

Why Do Cucumber Leaves Feel Crispy? Causes And Fixes (3)

Next Steps

There are many things that can cause cucumber leaves to feel dry and crispy. Hopefully, after reading this guide, you now know what is causing your cucumber’s problems.

Always be sure to act as soon as possible if you suspect a problem with your plants.

One thing you can do right now to make sure you know what to do to act is to subscribe to our newsletter. We’ll email you with tips, tricks, and ideas to keep your garden growing while also making things run more efficiently. The newsletter is totally free, and we’d love to have you join our growing community of backyard homesteaders.


Learning from your own experience is important, but learning from others is also smart. These are the sources used in this article and our research to be more informed as homesteaders.

  • Lamp’L, Joe. “Controlling or Eliminating Powdery Mildew.” Growing A Greener World®, 26 Feb. 2020, www.growingagreenerworld.com/controlling-or-eliminating-powdery-mildew.
  • “Leaf Scorch.” The Morton Arboretum, 1 Dec. 2021, mortonarb.org/plant-and-protect/tree-plant-care/plant-care-resources/leaf-scorch/#!
  • “Powdery Mildews – 2.902.” Colorado State University Extension, 22 Feb. 2016, extension.colostate.edu/topic-areas/yard-garden/powdery-mildews-2-902.
Why Do Cucumber Leaves Feel Crispy? Causes And Fixes (2024)


Why are my cucumber plant leaves turning crispy? ›

Moisture Misstep

Cucumbers are shallow rooted plants that will quickly show evidence of drought, such as dry, brown or yellow leaves. Water cucumbers deeply so that at least the top 6 inches become moist, instructs Clemson Cooperative Extension. Water regularly as well, at least once a week.

Why are my cucumber leaves turning brown and crispy? ›

Cucumber Leaves May Be Brown Due To A Lack Of Care.

This can happen if the plant isn't getting enough nutrients, water, or sunlight. It's also possible that there is not enough air circulation around your cucumbers, which can cause them to turn brown.

Why are my cucumber plant leaves turning yellow and crispy? ›

Cucumbers are notoriously heavy feeders when it comes to soil nutrients, and according to SFGate, their leaves can turn yellow if they aren't getting enough nitrogen or potassium in their “diet.” Nitrogen is an essential nutrient when it comes to plant growth.

What do overwatered cucumbers look like? ›

If you have overwatered your cucumber plant, you may see some leaves that are wilted, yellow, or brown. These leaves are no longer able to photosynthesize and should be removed. Removing the dead leaf or leaves will allow the plant to focus its energy on new growth.

Can you revive crunchy leaves? ›

Keep them in a shady spot to give them a chance to recover: even plants that look terminally crispy can often revive and re-sprout with this treatment. Larger pots should be heavily watered, then allowed to drain – one deep watering is better than daily sprinkles.

How do I keep my cucumber plants happy? ›

Cucumbers will grow quickly with little care. Be sure they receive an inch of water every week. Make the most of your food growing efforts by regularly feeding plants with a water-soluble plant food. When soil is warm, add a layer of straw mulch to keep fruit clean and help keep slugs and beetles away.

Is Epsom salt good for cucumber plants? ›

The cucumbers grow in the warm weather, but as days pass, it loses its vigor and looks weathered down. Not only that but the plant starts to produce less and fewer fruits. Epsom salt gives this vegetable plant a boost that rejuvenates them. The trick is to apply it at least once in the mid-season and not weekly.

Should I cut off Brown cucumber leaves? ›

' 'Remove older leaves from the plant to let light get in to reach your new fruit and improve how the air circulates. Trim off the shoots that branch from your plant's main vine stem routinely,' adds Stark.

How do you tell if cucumber plant is overwatered or Underwatered? ›

Leaf yellowing is a common sign of overwatering. When roots are sitting in water, they become damaged and unable to absorb nutrients. When leaves are yellow from overwatering, they will often be stunted and limp and may fall off. When this happens, check drainage around the base of the cucumber and reduce watering.

Why do my cucumber leaves look burnt? ›

Brown leaves can be a result of poor soil conditions.

Meaning, if the soil is lacking in nutrients or if it is not sterilized, then cucumber plants are very vulnerable to diseases. These diseases can cause mottled leaves, brown and discolored leaves, and even stem rot.

What fertilizer is good for cucumbers? ›

Q. What kind of fertilizer should I use for cucumbers? Most vegetable and tomato fertilizer types are suitable, but be sure to select a fertilizer where the nitrogen (N) content is equal to or less than the other numbers in the NPK ratio. For example, 5-6-8 NPK or 3-3-3 NPK.

Should you water cucumbers everyday? ›

Cucumbers perform best with regular, deep watering once a week or so and with more frequency if the weather is very hot for a period of days. Inadequate or inconsistent moisture can cause oddly shaped or poor-tasting fruit.

How often do cucumbers need to be watered? ›

The main care requirement for cucumbers is consistent watering! They need at least one inch of water per week (or more, if temperatures are particularly high). Inconsistent watering leads to bitter-tasting fruit.

How can you tell the difference between overwatering and underwatering? ›

Wilting: Plants will wilt when they're overwatered and when they're underwatered, so check the soil to determine which it is. If the soil is wet, it's overwatered - if it's dry, it's underwatered.

How do you fix crispy leaves? ›

A good soaking may restore a leaf-scorched plant if the damage isn't too severe. Excessive moisture – Leaf scorch can also be attributed to too much moisture. This occurs when the soil is so wet that the roots are deprived of oxygen. As the roots smother, the leaves turn dry and papery, and the plant eventually dies.

Should I cut off crispy leaves? ›

When you see dead leaves, dormant stems, or brown parts of leaves, cut them away. It's fine to pluck dead leaves or stems with your hands when possible, just don't pull too hard, or you may damage the healthy part of your plant. For tougher stems or to remove brown leaf tips and edges, use scissors or pruning shears.

How do you make leaves not crunchy? ›

One method of leaf preservation is to put them into a glycerin/water solution. This will preserve your leaves yet leave them relatively flexible. This preserving method works because the natural moisture present in the leaves is replaced by the glycerin solution, maintaining the leaf's texture and form.

Does baking soda help cucumber plants? ›

Organic Treatments

To make this treatment, mix one tablespoon of baking soda with one gallon of water. Spray this mixture on both sides of the leaves of the cucumber plant. The baking soda will raise the leaf's pH levels, making it more difficult for fungus spores to survive.

Can I use Miracle Grow on cucumber plants? ›

Mix Miracle-Gro® Performance Organic® Edibles Plant Nutrition Granules. into the soil around your cucumber plants, following label instructions. This will provide extra nutrition to help cucumbers grow, and feeds for up to 6 weeks.

Can you spray soapy water on cucumber plants? ›

Don't use soapy water on the leaves of the plant! That will harm the plant severely. I know because I accidentally splashed a tiny amount of soapy water on leaves of a squash plant in my garden. The only advice related to soapy water is that one use it for disposal of cucumber and squash bugs.

How do you know when a cucumber plant is dying? ›

Bacterial wilt kills cucumber plants

The first sign of infection is wilted and drying leaves, sometimes seemingly overnight. It's extremely disheartening to have healthy, prolific vines one day and then wilted and dead vines a few short days later.

Why are my cucumber leaves wilting and dying? ›

Cucumber bacterial wilt is caused by the bacterium, Erwinia tracheiphila, and is characterized initially by wilting and drying of individual leaves, especially those exhibiting cucumber beetle injury. Cucumbers and muskmelons are more susceptible than pumpkins or squash; the disease is rarely a problem on watermelons.

What is a homemade fertilizer for cucumbers? ›

Banana Peels are great fertilizers for cucumbers as they are a fantastic source of potassium that boost plants' growth. Place 4-6 banana peels in a jar, fill it with a liter of water, and seal it. Let it sit for 5-7 days before using this fertilizer tea on the plants.

Should you spray water on cucumber plants? ›

The smaller plant can be treated much more easily with sprays to manage pests and diseases. Less foliage, means it is easier for you to spray the entire plant, top and bottom. The plant is also disease and insect free which means they sprays will provide maximum protection as the disease or insects try and take hold.

What does bacterial wilt in cucumbers look like? ›

How to tell bacterial wilt apart from other cucurbit issues. Leaves first appear dull green, wilt during the day and recover at night. Leaves eventually yellow and brown at the margins, completely wither and die.

Can you fix scorched leaves? ›

Once leaf scorch has occurred, there is no cure. The dehydrated portions of the leaf will not turn green again, but with proper water management, the plant may recover. Prevention of scorch needs to begin with winter watering.

What does fertilizer burn look like on cucumber plants? ›

Damage from excessive fertilizer application generally appears as browning of leaf edges or leaf scorch. Soluble salts from fertilizers can pull moisture out of root tissues and cause wilting, marginal yellowing, and stunting.

How do you get rid of burnt leaves? ›

Ugly as it is, the best thing to do about burnt growth is to leave it be and to provide as much water as possible to damaged plants. Regular deep watering along with a weekly application of a seaweed tonic (not one containing any fertiliser) helps plants to recover.

What are the symptoms of calcium deficiency in cucumbers? ›

Calcium deficiency

Symptoms The youngest leaves show transparent white dots near the edges and between the veins. An interveinal chlorosis gradually increasing in severity appears in most leaves; the main veins stay green. Growth is stunted and internodes are short, especially near the apex.

What should not be planted by cucumbers? ›

Plants to Avoid Growing with Cucumbers
  • Brassicas. Plants in the brassica family (like brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, and kohlrabi) have a mixed relationship with cucumbers. ...
  • Melons. ...
  • Potatoes. ...
  • Sage. ...
  • Fennel.
Jun 7, 2021

Are coffee grounds good for cucumber plants? ›

Spinach, cucumbers, beans and tomatoes are some of the vegetables that seem to benefit from the anti-microbial activity of coffee grounds. They are prone to many rust and mildew diseases, especially when they are in the seedling stage. Compost containing just 5% coffee grounds can provide this protective effect.

What happens if you leave cucumber in water overnight? ›

If you choose to leave your cucumbers in water, in my experience, the cucumbers will start to go soft and get a little strange the following day. They're still edible and taste fine. If you leave them in for another day, the water may start to fog up which is not ideal.

Do cucumbers need extra fertilizer? ›

Cucumber plants need a small dose of fertilizer every 10 to 14 days for maximum growth and production. The best way to do this is by using liquid versions that absorb via the roots and foliage.

Why are my plant leaves crunchy? ›

If a plant gets thirsty, its leaves get dry. If your plant is looking crispy all over, it probably needs a drink. To be sure, put a finger in the soil. If it's dry to a depth of two inches it's definitely time for water.

Should I cut off damaged cucumber leaves? ›

'Ideally you want to start trimming your cucumber plants to remove any damaged or dead portions as you see them,' says Jen Stark, founder of Happy DIY Home (opens in new tab). 'Prune outside leaves, branches, fruits, and flowers as needed throughout the entire season.

How do you treat crispy leaves? ›

A good soaking may restore a leaf-scorched plant if the damage isn't too severe. Excessive moisture – Leaf scorch can also be attributed to too much moisture. This occurs when the soil is so wet that the roots are deprived of oxygen. As the roots smother, the leaves turn dry and papery, and the plant eventually dies.

How do you keep leaves from getting crispy? ›

Always throughly soak your soil! If you need to, take your plant to the sink and thoroughly soak it. Let all the water drain away, and then place your plant back in its growing location. Try not to let your houseplant's soil go too dry for too long.

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