Why are bonsai soil aggregates so damn expensive and how can I save money? – Bonsai Jack © (2024)

Originally posted 1-18-2014

Why are bonsai soil aggregates so damn expensive?

Inexpensive bonsai aggregates are out of reach for most of
the country. It would be nice to get ¼ inch lava, pumice, turface or Bonsai Block
for $18 a ton directly from the source. That’s just not possible for most

These aggregates skyrocket in price before they reach your
doorstep. The material must first travel by rail or truck to the
distributor(that’s us). This can cost as much as nine thousand dollars per
load, more than the aggregate itself.

The material is then sorted using FMC machinery that costs
several thousand dollars. The finer particles are discarded and the larger
particles are crushed before being resorted. The final ¼ inch material yield
can be as low as 50 percent depending on the aggregate.

The material then needs to be washed, dried and packaged.

At this point our wholesale cost per 3.5 gallon bag is…

Pine Bark Fines $1.86

Maroon Bonsai Lava $5.22

Black Bonsai Lava $7.42

Bonsai Pumice $3.19

Turface(not processed) $5.18

Why are we displaying our product cost? We are writing
this article in order to give some transparency on the issue. We are not afraid
to show production costs or profits.

If you do the math we are pretty efficient. Who else can
purchase, transport, sort, crush, wash, dry, ship and bag a product and only
spend about $1.50 per gallon?

Why are you selling these bags for $25 or more each? We
still have eCommerce and shipping fees to consider.

At the time of sale the retail site, Amazon or Ebay charges
are about 10 percent of the gross sale. If we sell a $30 bag of lava then Ebay
will collect $3.

We then need to factor in credit card or paypal processing
fees. These are about 2.9 percent along with a 30-cent transaction fee.

The final and largest expense is shipping. We ship using
FedEx and USPS. The average rate to ship a 3.5 gallon 22 pound bag is $14.80.
We have the lowest shipping rates available from these two companies. Other
vendors will pay 5 to 35 percent more. These rates are high because the bags
are heavy. We cannot fault these companies for charging $15 to transport a 22
pound bag 3000 miles to your doorstep.

Here is a sample sale from December of 2013 showing our cost
and profit margin.

$33.95 Gross Income

$14.80 Shipping

$5.22 Product cost

$1.28 Paypal Fees

$3.40 Ebay Fees

$9.25 Net Profit

As you can see we are not getting rich from these products.
These prices do not include labor. The original cost of the aggregate is
pennies compared to the final sale price. We have more than one hour of labor
into each bag sold. We could work for free and reduce the cost of each bag by
$9 but we have bonsai trees to support.

How do I, as the consumer, get the lowest price aggregate
from a vendor?

Here are some tips

  • Order
    directly from the wesbite using coupon codes. You can save 10-15 percent.
    We offer a 15 percent discount for all repeat customers. Others may offer
    similar discounts.
  • Shop
    around for local aggregates. Even if you don’t have access to pumice,
    lava, Bonsai Block, or turface you should be able to find a substitute for at
    least one aggregate. I have seen people use other aggregates such as
    course sand and kitty litter. Check with local lightweight cement block
    and red brick manufacturers. Please do not call these companies asking for
    20 gallons, they will hang up on you. In most cases you will need to order
    a yard or more of material. One yard is 202 gallons. One ton is about 1.5
    yards depending on the aggregate. That’s enough to fill 4 large trash
  • Do
    local pickup. Check the website or call the merchant and ask for local
    pricing. You can often save 30 percent or more on aggregates as shipping
    is not involved. A link for local pickup pricing is available from our
    main page.
  • Consider
    bulk orders. Pool your orders with club members and friends to gain buying
    power. Remember shipping is your biggest expense as it often doubles the
    landed cost. Bulk orders can be shipped with reduced rates. We can ship
    four 3.5-gallon bags via Fedex for as low as $45. That’s a saving of $3.55
    per bag!
  • Offer
    to pay the vendor with a check or cash. This will save you and the vendor
    about $1 per bag in credit card processing fees.
  • A very
    important factor is not to try and save $5 on a bag by purchasing unsifted
    and unwashed material. I hear about this everyday. The customer buys a
    3-gallon bag from a seller and only ends up with 1 gallon of useable
    material by the time the 1/8th minus and 3/8ths plus sized
    material is removed. You saved $5 on that bag but you need to buy 3 bags
    to make one bag of useable material. In fact you end up spending $75 on
    three gallons of unwashed material.
    You cannot use ½ inch rocks or dust sized particle in your bonsai
    tree. We will elaborate on this issue on another blog post.

Lastly. Consider reclaiming your used hard aggregates such as lava and pumice. You spend money to gather these prime sized particles and you should reuse them. These rocks have been around for thousands of years and are absolutely re-useable. Almost every aggregate can be separated from a used bonsai mix. Methods include floating in water, screening, and sorting via vibration which separates lighter aggregates from heavier particles. If you do reclaim your aggregates be sure to cook off any pests or organic matter. We recommend 200 degrees for 1 hour.

The End

By Bonsai Jack

Why are bonsai soil aggregates so damn expensive and how can I save money? – Bonsai Jack © (2024)


How do you make cheap bonsai soil? ›

I only have pre-bonsai for the moment so my trees are in a cheap soil recommend by Brent from evergreengardenswork: 8 parts perlite/8 parts pine bark/1 part sphagnum moss + osmocote.

What can be used instead of bonsai soil? ›

If you can't find it or don't want to use it, look for any sort of clay made for use in potting soil. Akadama or Turface are the most commonly used products. Akadama is a clay-like mineral made out of volcanic soil mined in Japan.

How do you make homemade bonsai soil? ›

Basic Bonsai Mixing Steps

Choose a medium-sized grain Akadama for your soil mix. Next, sieve the baked clay to remove the fine dust to provide proper aeration and drain excess water. Now, add your pumice that needs no sifting, and add your lava rock by sifting it to your potting mix.

What is bonsai Jack soil made of? ›

Ingredients: 33% Pine Coir, 33% 1/4 Bonsai Block(calcined clay) and 33% Monto Clay(1/4 inch). Average Pine Coir Size: Dust to 3/8th. Condition: Sifted, Washed, Treated, Dried and Bagged.

Is it cheaper to make your own soil? ›

While making your own potting mix is usually not as cheap as the cheapest potting soil, you can make amazing mixes that are much better for your plants for only a bit more money than the cheapest stuff at the garden center.

Can you put rocks on top of bonsai soil? ›

Bonsai Gravel Top Dressing For Soil and Humidity Trays

These Rocks serve multiple purposes. We've seen people use them to top dress their soil (e.g., different appearance), but they can also be added to humidity trays. Rather than have you bonsai tree sit on top of the humidity tray, place some rocks on the tray first.

Is Miracle Gro good for bonsai? ›

If you have a small bonsai tree, you should avoid using Miracle-Gro. It is too acidic and may cause moisture control problems. It may not be suited for all soils, and you should always read the instructions on the container before use.

Should I remove moss from bonsai soil? ›

Moss will not cause root rot. That is caused by poor drainage. However, moss can make it difficult to notice poor drainage... Liverwort on the other hand may be an indicator of poor drainage (it likes soggy soil), so if you see liverwort in your pots, get rid of it and try to figure out why soil is draining poorly.

Can bonsai grow without soil? ›

It takes time for the trees to adjust, but the creator has several trees growing in only water. Aqua Bonsai is a new Bonsai style using the technology of hydroponics (a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions, in water, without soil).

Do bonsai like coffee grounds? ›

Using used coffee grounds in your bonsai garden is a great way to add nutrients to the soil. However, you should not use the same amount of the ground as you would when using traditional fertilizers. You should be sure to make a mix of green and brown materials that are damp and smells earthy.

Is bonsai soil necessary? ›

Because Bonsai is planted in a relatively small quantity of soil throughout the year on which its existence depends. Through the soil in the pot, the tree must be able to obtain water, nutrients and air in order to grow for very long time. For this reason, a Bonsai must be planted in a good quality Bonsai soil.

How often should I water my bonsai Jack soil? ›

Water the plant well one time and let it dry out for 3-7 days before watering again.

How often should I water my bonsai Jack? ›

The ideal soil mix will absorb a good amount of water and release the majority of it between watering. Most bonsai are watered every 24 to 48 hours.

Can I use Miracle Gro potting mix for bonsai? ›

Excellent question! My answer is a resounding "No"! Miracle-Gro soil, fertilizer or a mixture of the two is not safe for growing bonsai.

How can I make rich soil fast? ›

In addition to compost, there are several other things you can add to your soil to increase the amount of organic matter (and therefore overall fertility.) Grass clippings, shredded autumn leaves, aged manure, or coffee grounds will help your garden soil increase in fertility, water retention, and improved texture.

What is a good substitute for soil? ›

Some people even make their own DIY soil out of materials like mulched paper and vegetable fibers. For those who prefer to keep their hands clean, commercial soil replacements can include a variety of materials, such as moss, shredded bark, mushroom compost, vermiculite, sand, coir, nut husks, and animal manure.

What five 5 ingredients do you need to make soil? ›

Soil is a material composed of five ingredients — minerals, soil organic matter, living organisms, gas, and water. Soil minerals are divided into three size classes — clay, silt, and sand (Figure 1); the percentages of particles in these size classes is called soil texture. The mineralogy of soils is diverse.

How can I save money on my garden soil? ›

Use Mulch. Simply using mulch on garden beds can save you money. A layer of mulch helps the soil hold moisture better, so you don't have to water your plants quite as much. Organic mulches break down over time and replenish nutrients in your soil, so you'll spend less on fertilizers.

Can I make my own soil? ›

Classic Soil-Based Mix:

1 part peat moss or mature compost. 1 part garden loam or topsoil. 1 part clean builder's sand or perlite.

How many years does it take to make one inch of soil? ›

It can take 500 to 1,000 years for one inch of topsoil (the upper layer of soil containing the most organic matter and microorganisms) to form through the interaction of bedrock, climate, topography, and living organisms.

Should you water bonsai from top or bottom? ›

Top-watering may be easier for you if you have a large tree, or if you have many trees that you need to water quickly and effectively. Whereas, bottom-watering may be best for you if you have one tree and you like to dote over it and fret over every little leaf that may fall.

Can I use pebbles in bonsai? ›

You can use white pebbles or colored pebbles placed on top of the bonsai pots. Pebbles not only create a new, clean but also help the pot plant more firmly. For each pot, we can strip 1 layer of gravel or many layers on the surface of each pot. The amount of strip gravel depends on the size of each pot.

Do you need rocks in bonsai? ›

Rocks are added to commercially grown bonsai to make them easier to ship. The rocks need to be removed, as they restrict the tree from receiving sufficient water, they bind the roots of the tree and they don't allow you to see the condition of the soil.

What is the best bonsai fertilizer? ›

For outdoor Bonsai we recommend using a relatively high Nitrogen content fertilizer like NPK 10:6:6. in spring, a more balanced fertilizer like NPK 6:6:6 is more optimal for summertime, and a low Nitrogen fertilizer like NPK 3:6:6 for autumn.

When should I not fertilize my bonsai tree? ›

Deciduous bonsai: These trees should be fertilized weekly during the growing season. Once their leaves fall, fertilization should stop as the tree has gone dormant. Conifers: These trees should also be fertilized weekly during the growing season.

Should bonsai soil always be moist? ›

You are aiming to keep the soil evening moist all of the time. It's ok if the soil dries out a little bit between waterings but do not let it dry out completely. In hot, summer weather, it's likely that you'll need to water it every day.

How often should you change your bonsai soil? ›

This can vary massively depending on the species of bonsai, size of the original pot, age and growing conditions. However, in general the younger trees will need repotting every 2 years while for older trees it is more every 3 to 5 years.

Is it necessary to trim the roots when repotting a bonsai? ›

The roots should be trimmed all around so that the root ball will fit into its new container without having to fold or tuck long roots into it. Place the root ball on a shallow layer of fresh soil in the pot and proceed to add additional soil into the spaces between the roots with a chopstick.

Do you water bonsai after repotting? ›

After the repotting process, let the tree recover for a couple of weeks out of full sun and wind. Do not fertilize until new growth starts to emerge. Water only to keep the entire root/soil mass moist - not soggy. And, you're done!

Should a bonsai sit in water? ›

If the soil surface becomes hard during hot weather simply submerge your bonsai in water, to cover the soil surface, for about ten minutes. Please do NOT allow your bonsai to stand in water. A little water in the drip tray is beneficial to increase the humidity but if a bonsai stands in water it will cause root rot.

How long can you go without watering a bonsai tree? ›

There are many factors to consider when determining the amount of water your bonsai tree requires. It's best to water your plant every two or three days, but you should never let its soil become completely dry. A good way to tell if the soil is dry is by looking at its color or feel.

Are bonsai hard to keep alive? ›

Keeping a Bonsai tree alive is not a difficult task, but there are a few things you should be aware of. Bonsai trees are planted in small pots with minimal space for water and nutrient reserves. That means you need to water and fertilize your tree regularly.

Is it OK to pour coffee on plants? ›

You know that last bit of coffee that always seems to be left in the carafe? Don't just pour it down the drain — you can use it to fertilize your plants, both indoor and outdoor. Coffee grounds (and brewed coffee) are a source of nitrogen for plants, producing healthy green growth and strong stems.

Is coffee powder good for plants soil? ›

Using Coffee Grounds as Fertilizer

To use coffee grounds as a fertilizer sprinkle them thinly onto your soil, or add them to your compost heap. Despite their color, for the purposes of composting they're a 'green', or nitrogen-rich organic material.

Can you put ground coffee on plants? ›

Adding coffee grounds directly to the soil as a fertiliser can be a good option. Coffee grounds are rich in nutrients, especially nitrogen. They also have some amount of other nutrients like potassium and phosphorous. Overall, this means that adding coffee grounds to your garden can work fairly well as a fertiliser.

What is special about bonsai soil? ›

Soil for bonsai has to meet three different criteria: It must allow for good water retention, drainage, and aeration. The soil must be able to hold and retain sufficient moisture yet water must be able to drain immediately from the pot.

Is normal compost OK for bonsai? ›

Most bonsai beginners start by using this as its straightforward and easily available. Multipurpose compost tends to have lots of nutrients in it which means that little or no feeding is required for a few months. When the soil is fresh it holds water well.

Can I use normal compost for bonsai? ›

There are different, specialised compost mixes available for bonsai. However, you can make your own mix: Two parts (by volume) peat-substitute potting compost. Two parts sharp sand or lime-free alpine grit.

Should I mist my bonsai tree everyday? ›

Misting a Bonsai depends on the environment you keep the Bonsai. Outdoor Bonsai trees do not require any misting. Bonsai trees placed indoors benefit from a daily misting.

Should you water bonsai every day? ›

On average, you should water a Bonsai tree every four to seven days. You must never let a Bonsai dry out completely, as this can be fatal for your tree.

How do you tell if you're overwatering bonsai? ›

Minor over-watering is often characterised but soft black tips of the leaves. Another indication of over-watering is the trunk of the bonsai can becoming loose in the pot and it may wobble. The symptoms of lack of water (under-watering) are rapid, the leaves wilt and go dry and crispy and drop off.

Can I water my bonsai with bottled water? ›

5 years 9 months ago #29545. As long as the water does not regularly drain from the pot, it makes no difference.

Can a bonsai go a week without water? ›

If the bonsai tree in your possession is a pine, it can go upwards of a week without water and survive just fine, but other species of bonsai may start dying within a few days of being starved of hydration. Another big factor in how long your bonsai can survive without water is how soil drains.

What is the best bonsai soil mix? ›

The most common components for Bonsai soil mixtures are Akadama, Pumice, Lava rock, organic potting compost, and fine gravel also known as grit. From left to right; organic potting compost, Akadama, Pumice, and lava rock.

How do you make bonsai soil without akadama? ›

Use alternative soil mixes.

Young trees can grow well in a variety of mixes. I use 100% perlite or 100% scoria (lava rock) for most of my pre-bonsai. I've also used mixes that are 60-80% pumice with the remainder an organic-rich mulch or bark.

Can I use potting soil for bonsai? ›

If you are serious about bonsai, then potting soil is not suitable. You need a substrate that drains well, and does not stay wet too long, as well as allows a lot of gas-exchange.

Can bonsai trees grow in regular soil? ›

The answer to the question “Can a bonsai tree to be planted on regular soil?” Is a resounding no. While regular garden soil is a symbiotic relationship between a plant and its surroundings, it lacks the oxygen needed for bonsai. As a result, a bonsai needs a special substrate.

How often should you change bonsai soil? ›

This can vary massively depending on the species of bonsai, size of the original pot, age and growing conditions. However, in general the younger trees will need repotting every 2 years while for older trees it is more every 3 to 5 years. To know when it is time to repot, the key indicator is to look at the roots.

What are 3 things you should not compost? ›

What NOT to Compost
  • Meat and Fish Scraps.
  • Dairy, Fats, and Oils.
  • Plants or Wood Treated with Pesticides or Preservatives.
  • Black Walnut Tree Debris.
  • Diseased or Insect-Infested Plants.
  • Weeds that Have Gone to Seed.
  • Charcoal Ash.
  • Dog or Cat Waste.
21 Aug 2022

Is Miracle Grow good for bonsai? ›

If you have a small bonsai tree, you should avoid using Miracle-Gro. It is too acidic and may cause moisture control problems. It may not be suited for all soils, and you should always read the instructions on the container before use.

Do you need to soak bonsai seeds before planting? ›

Bonsai seeds will need to be "prepared" before sowing in the soil. Stratification is an important step! This is done by soaking the seeds in water, or placing them between layers of wet paper towel, and soaking them.

What is the difference between bonsai soil and regular soil? ›

Bonsai soil is mixed specifically for container-bound trees, having increased drainage and aeration to encourage a dense network of fine roots to grow in small containers. Bonsai soil particles are also much larger than normal soil, sifted to be around 3/16 inch in size.

How often do you need to water a bonsai tree? ›

You may think this is a no-brainer, but the bonsai has very specific watering requirements. Approximately once a week or so (when the topsoil feels completely dry) immerse the entire bonsai plant in a bucket or basin of water. Once the air bubbles have risen to the top, the bonsai has absorbed enough water.

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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.