White Pearl hyacinths - best practices to care for them (2024)

White Pearl hyacinths - best practices to care for them (1)

‘White Pearl’ hyacinths are remarkable hyacinths because of their extraordinary white bloom.

In pots or in the ground, they are magnificent when combined with other colors.

White pearl hyacinth facts

Name – Hyacinthus orientalis ‘White Pearl’
Family – Liliaceae (lily family)
Type – bulb flower

Height –
8to12inches (20to30cm)
Exposure – full sun, part sun
Soil – ordinary

Outdoor blooming – March to April
Indoor blooming – December to March

Planting ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths

Outdoor ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths planted directly in the ground for spring blooms:

  • It is best to plant your ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths in fall, 4inches (10cm) deep, and they will bloom in spring.
  • ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths are much more appealing if you create clustered spots of color.
    For that, you should plant bulbs in groups, spacing them 4to6inches (10to15cm) apart.
    The more, the merrier!
  • Check our advice on Planting bulbs in the ground.
  • Here are also our tips to plant plant bulbs in clay and waterlogged soil.

Potted ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths for fall or winter blooming

‘White Pearl’ hyacinths can easily be forced, which allows them to bloom earlier and decorate our homes during winter.

White Pearl hyacinths - best practices to care for them (2)It is possible to make hyacinths bloom inside your house, from fall till the beginning of spring.

Starting in September and until January,

  • In a pot or tray, prepare a bed of soil mix 1to 1½inches (3to4cm) thick.
  • Place the bulbs so that they touch, to create a nice clumping effect.
  • Cover with soil mix, barely letting the tip of the bulbs jut out.
  • Place the pot in a cool, dark and rather moist place.
  • As soon as leaves sprout, place the pot in a well-lit place that is slightly warmer, around 50°F (10°C).
  • A few days later, you can bring them in your house to admire the blooming.

Caring for ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths

Outdoor ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths planted directly in the ground

‘White Pearl’ hyacinths that are planted in fall will bloom in spring. This is the normal, natural blooming cycle.

  • When blooming is over, cut leaves back only when they have already turned yellow, and only then. The span of time between blooming and wilting leaves is when the bulb is stocking up on nutrients for the next blooming cycle.

Potted ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths

‘White Pearl’ hyacinths purchased and grown in pots are for indoor blooming in winter. It is useless to keep them in their pots, because they will not bloom again, unless they are planted outdoors.

  • When blooming is over, no need to keep your potted hyacinths, because those that have bloomed indoors will only bloom once.
  • However, if you plant them outdoors in the ground, they will bloom again one or two years later.

All there is to know about ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths

With their nice bunched flowers, they produce fragrant little white colored bells.

‘White Pearl’ hyacinths put on a great show at the very beginning of spring outdoors, and in December when grown indoors.

In flower beds, garden boxes or in bouquets, they can be combined with pastel, pink or blue colors for outstanding decorative impact.

Smart tip about hyacinths

Don’t be surprised by the fact that ‘White Pearl’ hyacinths bloom less and less over the years, this is inevitable.

You must remember to add new bulbs regularly.

Read also on the topic of bulb flowers

Credits for images shared to Nature & Garden (all edits by Gaspard Lorthiois):
Pure white petals by Mic under © CC BY 2.0

White Pearl hyacinths - best practices to care for them (2024)


How do you care for white hyacinths indoors? ›

Once the shoots have grown, bring your hyacinths indoors to a bright, cool spot such as a window sill. Take care not to put them near a heat source such as a radiator, as they can grow too quickly and topple over. Water as and when you need to, typically when the compost starts to feel dry.

What do you do with hyacinths when they have finished flowering? ›

After your hyacinths have bloomed, remove the faded flower spikes and allow the foliage to die back. Dig up the bulbs, discard any damaged or diseased ones, and then dry them and store in paper sacks before replanting in the fall.

What are the best conditions for hyacinths? ›

They prefer well-drained, moderately fertile soil in full sun if they are going to remain in one place for a few years. They will also tolerate partial shade for a one-off display, but they will bloom less well in the following years if left there.

How hard are hyacinths to take care of? ›

Hyacinth bulbs are generally low-maintenance and bloom quite easily on their own in the spring. That being said, you can give yours a leg up by cutting down the flower stalk when this year's blooms fade. Then, when its leaves turn yellow, cut them away as well.

How long do potted hyacinths last? ›

Hyacinth blooms last longer than most bulbs—about two weeks, sometimes longer. Outdoors, hyacinth bulbs can last about three to four growing seasons if grown in a place with cold winters. Indoors, they're usually treated as annuals.

Where should hyacinths be placed indoors? ›

You want to keep your hyacinth bulb in a cool, dark place that is below 10 degrees C. A shed or garage is ideal. If this isn't possible, you could put a cardboard box over the top of your bulb or loosely cover with a black bin bag. It needs to stay in this cool, dark spot for 4-6 weeks, or until roots have formed.

How long do hyacinth flowers last indoors? ›

After 8 to 12 weeks of blooming, your hyacinth will begin to go dormant. First the flowers will die, and eventually the leaves will wither. When most of the flowers are brown, cut the entire flower stalk off.

Do hyacinths do well indoors? ›

Enjoy Glorious Color and Fragrance In The Winter By Growing Hyacinths Indoors. hyacinths: plant them in pots to brighten your home through the dark winter days. Hyacinths are one of the most popular spring flower bulbs for growing indoors.

Do you water hyacinths after they bloom? ›

After Your Hyacinth is Done Blooming

Do not water or feed the plant. If you'd prefer, you can remove the bulbs from the pot, clean off the soil, and store them in a mesh bag in the same conditions, but don't forget to label the bag!

Will hyacinths bloom twice? ›

Hyacinths bloom just once per year (in the spring), but they will happily bloom again in subsequent years if provided with the proper care. They are a perennial plant. Bulbs are prone to gray mold and bulb rot when kept too wet.

How do you stop hyacinths from flopping? ›

To prevent hyacinths from flopping, push a thin bamboo stake into the soil right next to the flowering stem. Insert it only a few inches so that you don't pierce the bulb. Tie the stake to the stem just below the flower.

How often should I water my indoor hyacinth? ›

"Usually, this is once or twice a week, depending on your climate." Moreover, make sure you let the ground dry between each watering.

What month do hyacinths bloom? ›

Tulips and hyacinths planted in the next few weeks generally bloom in March and early April when the weather is more likely to be favorable. Remember that tulips and hyacinths, like most spring bulbs, look better when planted in masses or groups rather than single rows.

Do hyacinth bulbs multiply? ›

Hyacinth bulbs will spread and multiply if left in the ground to return the next year; however, they will generally only last 3 or 4 years.

Do hyacinth bulbs need a lot of water? ›

Hyacinths need very little water and cannot tolerate any waterlogging at their roots. As hyacinths are native to warm and dry climates, they use their bulb as a storage organ for water and nutrients. As a result, they should be watered sparingly, if at all.

Should hyacinth bulbs touch water? ›

Fill your vase with water up to the neck of the vase. Then sit your Hyacinth bulb so it sits firmly in the bowl area at the top. The water level needs to be about ¼”/0.5cm below the bulb base. If the bulb touches the water, it'll rot, so avoid this.

Do hyacinths need deep pots? ›

If you are planting them in containers indoors, they need to have their snouts just poking through the compost. If grown in the garden or in pots outside they are better planted about 10-15cm deep.

How many years will a hyacinth bulb bloom? ›

Hyacinths bloom in late spring, generally later than most daffodils and other early bloomers. However, that single bloom time lasts for up to four weeks, so you'll get a lot of mileage from that one bloom. Hyacinths typically have a lifespan of about five years, coming back each season.

What causes hyacinths to droop? ›

Reasons for Hyacinth Plant Flopping

Top heavy hyacinth flowers cause the stem to flop over while in full bloom. Some of the taller varieties of hyacinth flowers are naturally prone to flopping. Light and Temperature – Another reason for hyacinth drooping is either not enough light or excessive heat.

Can I put a potted hyacinth outside? ›

You can grow them indoors or outside. You can even winter them over in your garage or basem*nt if needed. Force potted hyacinths to bloom by chilling them first. Plant the bulbs in containers and keep the temperatures consistently between 40 and 45 degrees for 12 weeks or more.

How do you water a hyacinth indoors? ›

Watering and Fertilizing Indoor Hyacinth Plants

The potting compost mixture or gravel should only remain moist and never soaked. Push a finger 1 inch beneath the surface to check that the growing medium is dry to that depth before lightly watering, avoiding the plants' leaves.

Can you keep indoor hyacinth bulbs for next year? ›

Yes you can, but the easiest thing to do is to plant them out, as soon as the flowers have faded, in the garden. Put them into pots (at least 10cm deep). They may look a bit odd the next spring, but should be fine in the following years.

Why is my indoor hyacinth dying? ›

Too much light can cause brown leaves on hyacinth, as well as not enough. Water. Root rot is another major problem with indoor hyacinths. Overwatering can cause the root system to turn into mush, inhibiting its ability to move nutrients through the plant.

How long do you keep hyacinths in water? ›

Place the hyacinth bulb and vase in a cool and dark area (40-55º F), such as your garage or refrigerator. Keep cool for roughly 4 weeks, or until the hyacinth's root system has developed in the water of the jar and growth from the top of the bulb has begun.

What do hyacinths symbolize? ›

Hyacinths symbolize jealousy, a desire for forgiveness, joy, and sincerity, depending on the flower color. Yellow hyacinths are linked to jealousy, purple flowers mean you're seeking forgiveness, and blue hyacinths are tied to sincere care.

Do deer eat hyacinth? ›

Hyacinths produce a strong scent and a poisonous biochemical that gives them their deer resistance. Similar to an earlier article on deer-resistant summer bulbs, rhizomes, tuber and corms, here is the fall version on that same topic—deer-resistant bulbs that can planted in the fall.

Why is my hyacinth not fully bloomed? ›

You may need to replace your bulbs if you want blooms again. Prior Year's Care – Your plants need plenty of time in a full sun location after they bloom to recharge their batteries for next year. If you cut them back too soon or plant them in a low light location, they may lack the strength to bloom at all.

When should hyacinths be cut back? ›

Once all the leaves of the plant are then brown and dry, it is time to cut back the grape hyacinths. Many garden owners are not aware that their grape hyacinths have to be cut back: Once the long and grass-like leaves have dried up and turned yellow, they are trimmed to approximately 2 cm above the earth.

Can I plant store bought hyacinth? ›

If the potted bulbs from your hyacinth plant gift were grown in soil, you can transplant them to the garden for years of enjoyment. Those grown in water vases or pebbles tend to rot, so are best thrown out after they finish blooming.

How much water does a potted hyacinth need? ›

Watering hyacinth about once a month with 1 inch of water when rain is lacking is all that is generally necessary. During winter, you do not need to water hyacinths while the bulbs are overwintering.

Do hyacinths like sun? ›

Sun or Shade: For the largest flowers and straightest stems, plant your hyacinths in full sun. The bulbs will also flower in light shade or half-day sun. Hardiness Zone: Hyacinths are winter hardy in growing zones 4-8. In warmer climates, the bulbs need to be pre-chilled before planting.

Do hyacinths attract ants? ›

Perfect for any garden close to a window for spring fragrance. Hyacinths are native to southwestern Asia and the Middle East. They are myrmecochory, meaning their seeds are dispersed by ants. Ants find the hyacinth seeds and take them to their burrows where they germinate.

What does a white hyacinth mean? ›

White Hyacinth Meaning

White hyacinths are positive flowers. They represent true care and love for someone as they represent pure love and care.

What flowers go well with hyacinth? ›

Best Companion Plants

Lofty daffodils and tulips are good planting companions. Most hyacinths bloom in early spring. For a hyacinth bloom show that coincides with daffodils and tulips, be sure to select tulip and daffodils varieties that also bloom early in the spring season.

How many flowers come from one hyacinth bulb? ›

Sweetly fragrant with a delicate, fresh scent, each hyacinth bulb produces 4-6 narrow, upright leaves and 1-3 spikes of fragrant star-shaped flowers in colors of blue, lavender, purples, orange, peach, salmon, red, pink, yellow, and white.

How long does it take for a hyacinth to grow from a bulb? ›

Growing Tip

Whether they're placed in water or soil, hyacinths will produce flowers in about 6 weeks. Start by purchasing the best-quality pre-chilled bulbs you can find, choosing ones that are large and blemish-free. To force the bulbs in soil, pot them in containers with a well-drained soil mix.

Is hyacinth indoor or outdoor plant? ›

Like narcissus, hyacinths can be grown indoors in a soil mix, or simply in a vase of water. To plant in soil, prepare, plant, and care for them as described above, but use smaller containers suitable for indoor spots like windowsills. If your indoor containers lack drainage holes, layer the bottom with bulb fiber.

Do hyacinths like full sun or shade? ›

Sun or Shade: For the largest flowers and straightest stems, plant your hyacinths in full sun. The bulbs will also flower in light shade or half-day sun. Hardiness Zone: Hyacinths are winter hardy in growing zones 4-8. In warmer climates, the bulbs need to be pre-chilled before planting.

Can you leave hyacinth bulbs in the ground all year? ›

Hyacinth bulbs can remain in the ground throughout the year in most planting zones. If you live a warm climate where temperatures do not get below 60°F, bulbs should be dug up in the fall and refrigerated in a cool, dry area for 6 to 8 weeks. Hyacinths require a period of colder weather to bloom.

Can hyacinth stay in pots? ›

Hyacinths are famous for their pleasant fragrance. They also grow very well in pots, meaning once they're in bloom you can move them wherever you'd like, perfuming a patio, a walkway, or a room in your house.

How often do you water a potted hyacinth? ›

Regular watering

Water your Hyacinth every two to three days. During the winter, you will probably water less frequently whereas, in the summer, you will water more often. Don't let the soil dry out completely but, at the same time, take care not to over water your plant either.

Where is the best place to keep a hyacinth? ›

You want to keep your hyacinth bulb in a cool, dark place that is below 10 degrees C. A shed or garage is ideal. If this isn't possible, you could put a cardboard box over the top of your bulb or loosely cover with a black bin bag. It needs to stay in this cool, dark spot for 4-6 weeks, or until roots have formed.

Should hyacinth bulbs be above the soil? ›

Hyacinths require a moist soil, as if they become too dry the flower spike will be stunted. Bulbs should be planted into the container so that the top quarter is visible above the soil line.

Should I soak hyacinth bulbs before planting? ›

Should you soak spring bulbs before planting? There's no need to soak them before planting. However, if you are late getting them into the ground, then soaking them for 12-24 hours can speed up the rooting process.

Do hyacinths attract bees? ›

Hyacinths come in a wide range of colors from blue, purple, pink, magenta, red and white. It is a good early nectar source for bees and butterflies.

Will deer eat hyacinths? ›

Hyacinths produce a strong scent and a poisonous biochemical that gives them their deer resistance.

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