When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (2024)

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When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (1)

We’ve all tried new things in our lives. Whether it’s eating at a new restaurant, starting a new job, or buying a new pair of shoes. It’s part of life and it’s part of growing up. But when was the last time you tried something new?

We’ve all been there – on the brink of trying something new and not sure what to do. Do we dive in? Do we worry about looking silly? Do we turn away in fear? It’s not just big things like hiking a mountain or flying or bungee jumping that can cause this panic.

It can be as seemingly simple as taking a new class or going to a new restaurant that causes this kind of panic. Maybe it started out as something you were shy about, like entering a new restaurant or class by yourself. And then you’ve avoided it so much, it started to become something you feared doing. Not just shy about it, but actively avoiding it because you became fearful of doing it.

But we need to take that step and jump in. Here’s why trying new things is important.

Gives You Confidence

Building up confidence is important. You try something new and you’re successful and that gives you the confidence to try something else. Starting small and getting positive results encourages you to keep going and try more new things.

Starting small can be as simple as trying a new recipeat home, which then leads to trying a new dish at your favorite restaurant, which leads to eating out at a new restaurant, and maybe that leads you to a vacation where you can try authentic food in the country it was first created. Each step builds upon the next step.

It’s possible that you might have failed at the first step of trying a new recipe at home because it tasted horrible. But you’re much more likely to keep trying that small step of cooking something new than you would if you started with trying a new restaurant first and having a horrible experience.

In my late 30’s my friend dragged me out hiking with her. I wanted to go, but I was a smoker at the time and horrible at hiking because of it. I might have stopped right then if I was trying it by myself, but someone was with me. And I wanted to do it even though it was hard. And even though my friends were doing harder trails and then doubling back to meet me, I kept at it.

Eventually, I stopped smoking and started hiking faster, went backpacking, and also did several hut hikes in the White Mountains in New Hampshire. I started small, made small victories, which built my confidence (and my fitness) and kept moving forward to the bigger challenges. If I started by trying to hike up Mt. Washington first, I would have failed miserably and never gone back.

Your Brain Works Better

Learning new things changes your brain and it changes different parts of your brain…in good ways. For instance, did you know that in the brains of someone who is bilingual, a different part of the brain, the leftinferior parietal cortex, is larger than in those who only speak one language? This makes sense because the left inferior parietal cortex is the part of the brain involved with language and mathematical computations.

The brain’s ability to change at any age is referred to as brain plasticity. Pretty cool. As long as you’re learning, the different parts of the brain associated with what you’re studying continue to grow. And even as you age, learning new things changes your brain, even though it slows down a little which is why brain training programs are so popular now.

Trying New Things Increases Your Happiness

You might not have realized it when you were in school, but we actually enjoy learning new things. It builds our confidence to learn something new and when we enjoy it, we can find ourselves in a state of flow. That moment when we are “in the zone” and time passes without our noticing. We are absorbed by what we are learning.

And if we enjoy what we are learning it helps us get past the hard parts. If you want to learn guitar and start taking lessons, then your desire to learn will help take you past the struggles of learning something new, past the feelings of “what am I doing?” Then you’ll feel satisfaction in learning the new skill and you’ll also feel good when you think back on your ability to learn the guitar.

For me, I was anxious about writing. For years, I struggled with sharing myself through writing. But these last few years of blogging have been helpful in gaining my confidence, I was taking those baby steps and slowly building up an audience, getting comfortable. And then I decided to write a book.

I actually wrote it in a couple of months and then sent it off to an editor. Each time she sent it back, I was afraid to read her feedback. I’d let it sit for a couple of months until I was “ready” to face it. The funny thing was, reading her feedback didn’t hurt. It didn’t make me get upset or cry. It all made sense and was what was needed to make my book better.

But now I’ve gone and done it. I published my own book for the first time. And let me tell you, at that moment in time, it didn’t matter that no one else knew, yet. It felt so good to finally accomplish it that I wanted to bask in that feeling prior to sharing it.

So what’s stopping you from getting out there and trying something new? Have you tried something new today?

When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (2)


  1. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (3)

    Gilly Maddisonon at

    Oh yes! Never a truer word spoken. Glad you gave up the ciggies – always a good thing. Me too many years ago. My most recent new thing was joining a pop choir 3 weeks ago after saying ‘I can’t sing’ all my life. You are so right, doing new stuff does make your brain work better and it feels SO good.



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (4)

      Jenniferon at

      Isn’t it funny how we “tell” ourselves these things. I can’t, I don’t, etc. until it cripples us. I’m glad you tried and that it feels good.



  2. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (5)

    AnnaRosenblumPalmeron at

    I think it is me that is stopping me. Or, rather, I know it is me. Thanks for this. It is helpful.



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (6)

      Jenniferon at

      I’m glad you think it’s helpful. I think you’re family is also helpful in getting you to try new things, whether you want to or not.



  3. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (7)

    Brenon at

    Good for you!! Trying new things is a must. I mean, doesn’t it keep our minds stimulated and sometimes our bodies more active. I’m all for trying new things as long as it doesn’t involve jumping from high heights or submerging myself into a cave! 😉 Rock it out, girl!



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (8)

      Jenniferon at

      Hahaha….yeah, jumping from heights is not me. It took all of my courage just to get to the top of a mountain, I’m not going to jump off it when I get there. Personally, I think it’s harder to climb down because your always looking at how big the drop is.



  4. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (9)

    Roxanne Joneson at

    Yes, yes and YES! I started a pottery class a few weeks ago. I’m horrible at it, but figure someday I’ll look at my pitiful first pieces and marvel at how far I’ve come. In the meantime, the 3 hours I spend at the wheel each week just fly by; I’m totally focused on what I’m doing in the moment. Thanks for the affirmation and encouragement to just do it!



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (10)

      Jenniferon at

      Keep going! That’s fantastic that you took up pottery. It’s one of those things that I’d like to learn as well–along with a bunch of other stuff.



  5. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (11)

    shelleyon at

    I “retired” and now work harder than ever before and am loving it! I figure doing and learning new things will help keep my young. At least I hope so!!!



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (12)

      Jenniferon at

      I agree that continuing to learn new things or try new things will keep us young!



  6. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (13)

    Bethon at

    As I get older my tendency is to become complacent and do the same thing over and over. I have too many years left to let that happen.



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (14)

      Jenniferon at

      Yes! Too many years left.



  7. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (15)

    I really do need to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. But it so hard.



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (16)

      Jenniferon at

      It can be. But starting small is the best way to do it. I write a lot about trying new things because I often have to remind myself to get out of that rut of sameness. One of my categories for the blog is dedicated to these posts but one good place to start would be https://www.unfoldandbegin.com/it-doesnt-have-to-be-big-to-be-something-new/



  8. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (17)

    Sometimes I get so comfortable with the familiar that trying something new can be intimidating. I am going to be retiring in a few months and may be involved in some big changes that will force me to be experiencing “new” things. It is all good though and stepping out of my comfort zone is a good thing once in a while. Visiting from MSLP



  9. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (18)

    I’m a big believer of trying new things. I had not connected the “growth of trying” however – the new recipe, new food at restaurant, travel to new country link. I’ve realized reading this however how much I’ve grown in just trying new things. I joined OrangeTheory this past fall, and would never have done that without good experiences in trying Zumba and Yoga. I’m not sure what new things will unfold this year … but I will be tracking them! Targeting 101 New Things for the year again.



  10. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (19)

    Debbie from Deb's Worldon at

    I think we all get comfortable at times and need pushing to get ourselves out of our comfort zone. One of the reasons for choosing my word of the year jump, is that it is an action word and actions speak louder than words. I’m hoping to try new things this year too. I’m so pleased for you with getting out and writing your book, congratulations on a great achievement Jennifer! You have inspired me to send my book Dottie and the Wombat to a publisher to see if it is feasible for it to sell. Many thanks 🙂 Have pinned for #mlstl



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (20)

      Jenniferon at

      Deb, I like your word of the year. Yes, please send Dottie and the Wombat to the publisher!



  11. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (21)

    leannelcon at

    I always find new things a bit challenging – the perfectionist in me wants to get things right first time every time, but I’m slowly learning that it’s okay to try something new and not be great at it or to not like it and move on. Being kinder to myself has been such a positive step and lets me step out of my comfort zone more. It’s nice to think that it’s good for my brain too.
    Thanks for linking up with us at MLSTL and I’ve shared on my SM ?



  12. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (22)

    scotton at

    I decided to try pickleball about a week ago. Went to the local community center, met the regulars in the 50+ group – they were very nice and helpful, teaching me, the newbie, the ins &outs of the game. Unfortunately, within a half hour of playing, I pulled a muscle in my calf. My fault, lesson learned – be sure to warm up, stretch, and not overdo it! Doc said 3-6 weeks. I will go back, seems like a fun game 🙂



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (23)

      Jenniferon at

      How awesome that you went out and tried something new. I hope you heal quickly so you can try again. Fun is a big draw.



  13. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (24)

    Christie Hawkeson at

    Probably the last new big thing I tried was starting a YouTube channel. I was scared to death, and the quality of the first video isn’t great, but I’ve learned along the way and think I’m getting better. I tried a new selection at a restaurant recently. I wasn’t too impressed, but at least now I know. Congratulations on publishing your book! That’s a major accomplishment. #MLSTL



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (25)

      Jenniferon at

      Thank you, Christie. Congrats on your YouTube channel. Yes, your videos are getting better and the fact that you were willing to do that is an inspiration to me.



  14. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (26)

    Christie Hawkeson at

    Wow, Gilly! I’m impressed. I hope you are enjoying the choir. I’ve also told myself I can’t sing, but I’ve never proven that theory by joining a choir. I do love music.



  15. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (27)

    Sue from Sizzling Towards 60 & Beyondon at

    Hi Jennifer, as we age it can be intimidating stepping outside our comfort zone to try new things. Last year I started a Fitness Certificate to become a personal trainer for Over 50s. It is something I’ve put off for a few years now but I took the plunge. Thanks for encouraging us to try something different because I know it is always an experience for learning and growth. #MLSTL



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (28)

      Jenniferon at

      Thanks for stopping by, Sue. I am inspired by your willingness to get your Fitness Certificate. It’s a big leap and one that I know you’ll be successful with.



  16. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (30)

    Trudyon at

    Trying new things keeps life interesting and keeps you growing. Why would you choose to stay stagnant?



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (31)

      Jenniferon at

      Exactly. It can be fun and we learn so much about the world and ourselves.



  17. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (32)

    Carol Cassaraon at

    I did water color last year, which was new and daunting.



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (33)

      Jenniferon at

      In honor of my sister, I took up crocheting during this pandemic. It’s not great, but it’s new and I’m getting better at it…I think.



  18. When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (34)

    leannelcon at

    Wow! Go you! Well done on the book and being brave enough to tackle it and then see it through to the end. I don’t feel like I have a book in me, but I’m definitely stretching myself and trying more creative outlets – something I never saw in myself prior to Midlife and having time to explore and not worry about what others thought of my efforts.



    • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (35)

      leannelcon at

      I know I’d commented before – but it still makes me happy when I see other people achieve their dreams x



      • When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (36)

        Jenniferon at

        I love seeing people try new things. I enjoyed watching your journey as you kept trying new things and then found collage and realized that yes, you are creative!



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When was the Last Time You Tried Something New? (2024)


How do you feel when you try something new? ›

New experiences are good for our emotional health. Trying new things gives us a hit of dopamine (feel good chemical) and makes us feel rewarded. Fear is often the biggest barrier to doing something new. To get around this, start small, make a plan and prioritize fun.

What is something new I could try? ›

What Should I Do Today? 151 New & Exciting Things to Try
  • 10 Best Things To Do Today.
  • #1 Curate a playlist for a loved one.
  • #2 Try gratitude journaling.
  • #3 Send someone a postcard.
  • #4 Look through an old photo album.
  • #5 Go stargazing.
  • #6 Watch the sunrise.
  • #7 Start a book, poetry, or music club.
Apr 18, 2024

What does trying new things mean? ›

The phrase "try something new" generally refers to the act of attempting or experimenting with something that is unfamiliar or has not been done before. It can mean trying an activity, learning a new skill, exploring a new place, or trying a new approach to a problem.

How often should I try new things? ›

Try new things often, if not daily, even if this means you'll never become proficient at any one thing you try, even a small experience with one thing can make a huge impact.

What happens when you try new things? ›

It's Healthy. First and foremost, trying new things is healthy for you. Not only does it enhance your mood and increase motivation, but it also has been proven to sharpen your focus, improve cognitive abilities, and increase creativity.

When someone likes to try new things? ›

1(also adventuresome) (of a person) willing to take risks and try new ideas; enjoying being in new, exciting situations For the more adventurous tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide.

Why is it fun to try something new? ›

That's because when you try new things, your body produces and releases dopamine and serotonin—two feel-good hormones that spark pleasure and motivation and reduce anxiety. Feeling inspired and energized isn't just for creative types. Without it, life can feel dull and even pointless.

What do you call someone who tries new things? ›

Open-minded is the word with the broadest meaning. It refers to someone who is willing to consider new ideas or ideas that are different from their own.

Why do I not try new things? ›

Learned Behavior: In the case of neophobia, having distressing or traumatic experiences when trying new things might contribute to the onset of this fear, and you just don't want to risk it. Fear of Risk: Neophobia may be related to the twins known as fear of success and fear of failure.

Is it good to try something new everyday? ›

Columbia scientists have discovered that learning new things can prime the brain for adapting to changing circ*mstances. Researchers at the Zuckerman Institute had mice navigate simple mazes where the rules for finding rewards changed.

Why do some people like to try new things? ›

People who like to experience new things, on the other hand, usually have a very positive view of life. They tend to be excited and optimistic about the new opportunities that could come along with a new experience and not be too afraid of the potential downsides that it might bring about.

What's something everyone should try once? ›

50 Things Everyone Should Try at Least Once in Their Lifetime
  • Get (far) out of Dodge.
  • See a Broadway show—on or off.
  • Hit the road.
  • Master an instrument.
  • Grow or catch your own meal.
  • Put on a show.
  • Catch a game.
  • Do a ride-along.
Jul 27, 2018

What to do on boring days? ›

50 things to do when you're bored
  • Play chess. ...
  • Clean out your closets. ...
  • Find your new favorite podcast. ...
  • Start “my list” on a streaming service. ...
  • Go for a walk. ...
  • Take a bath. ...
  • Phone a friend. ...
  • Do a yoga video.
Dec 22, 2023

What should I do for fun? ›

Fun activities to do when stuck inside
  • Play an instrument. ...
  • Write a short story. ...
  • Do a deep dive on a subject that interests you. ...
  • Fill out a crossword puzzle. ...
  • Try Origami. ...
  • Play a board game. ...
  • Put together a puzzle. ...
  • Watch a rom-com marathon.
Aug 25, 2021

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.