When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (2024)

Here You Will Find:

  • What is the veg to flower transition?
  • When to switch from veg to flower
  • How to transition from vegetative to flowering
  • Other stuff to think about
  • What to expect after you start the veg to flower transition
  • Key Takeaways about when to flower cannabis
  • FAQs related to how to flower weed

The flowering stage of your growth is a super-exciting time.

Your plant changes dramatically, developing sticky buds and colas, piling on the pounds, and stinking out the tent (in the most amazing way possible).

Unless you’re growing autos, it’s up to you to know when to switch from veg to flower. Known in trade as flipping.

I’ll show you when and how to flip your plants, how to adjust the feeding and plan for the stretch, how to get it all right.

The point at which you flip has a massive bearing on final yield, and knowing when to flower your own marijuana plants can be the difference between an average or super-heavy harvest.

So get yourself comfortable, kick off your shoes and relax. In 10 mins you’ll know exactly how and when to switch from veg to flower.

I got you. Let’s roll.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (1)

What is the veg to flower transition?

Your cannabis plant has four growth stages:

  • germination (3-10 days);
  • seedling (2-3 weeks); 1-3
  • vegetative (3-16 weeks); 1-10
  • flowering stage (7-11 weeks).

During the vegetative phase, the plant grows new shoots and develops its root system.

The change to flowering represents sexual maturity, when the plant is ready to produce buds or pollen sacs.

Plants know when to switch to flowering because the sun tells them.They sense the shortening days and know they need to reproduce before the end of their life.

Indoor growers replicate nature by mimicking the light schedule, flipping from 16 hours to 12 hours of continuous light. Continuous darkness of 12 hrs is what makes them flower.

Knowing how to grow cannabis indoors is knowing how and when to do this.

I’m going to explain it all here, but I want you to check out my flipping video first.

See you in five minutes!

When to switch from veg to flower

Okay, let’s get into it. How big is your tent? How much vertical space do you have? This is crucial information, the most important factor in determining when to start flowering.

Your plants can double or triple in height after flipping and you don’t want them to outgrow the tent. Nor do you want to waste the space and produce smaller yields than you had to.

You should measure from the base of your plant to around 12 inches below your lights. When your vegging plants reach about one third of this height, you can flip into flower.

Did you know? If growing outdoors or in a greenhouse, you can use light-deprivation techniques to cause your plants to flip.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (2)

How to transition from vegetative to flowering, step by easy step

Step 1: Switch off lights for 12 hours per day, uninterrupted

When you start flowering, you need to switch your lighting from 16–20 hours (depending on strain) during the vegetative stage to 12/12 to induce flowering.

12/12 means your plant should receive an equal amount of continuous light and darkness each day.

Step 2: Focus on the climate

Reduce the relative humidity from 50–70% in veg to between 40–60% when you start flowering.

This can help prevent mold, mildew and other problems.

Increase Co2 beyond standard atmospheric conditions using a Co2 kit or increasing the air exchange rate.

Stay within the optimal flowering temperature range of 68–82°F.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (3)

Step 3: Protect your plants

It’s far easier to deal with pests and diseases during the vegetative stage.Check for problems before you flip into flowering, they’ll be harder to treat in full flower!

Step 4: Adjust the nutrients

When you start flowering cannabis, don’t feel you have to overfeed.

You need to start adjusting the feeds to include more magnesium and phosphorus, while reducing the amount of nitrogen.

Tip: make sure you slowly switch the nutrients to avoid stressing the plant.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (4)

Other stuff to think about

Knowing when to start flowering cannabis plants

Commercial growers keep their plants in the vegetative stage for around 60 days. For you, it will be determined by the space you have in the tent / room.

If you’ve transplanted recently, give your cannabis plant at least two weeks to recover before making the veg to flower transition.

After low or high-stress training, give your indoor plant time to heal, grow more shoots, and get used to the environment you’ve placed it in.

A happy and settled plant is also a productive plant!

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (5)

Plant height: this is vital!

If you’re lacking in vertical space, you’ll need to make the veg to flower transition much earlier.

Most cannabis plants double or triple in size when flowering, with the most dramatic changes happening during the first three to four weeks.

Make sure there’s enough space overhead (at least 12 inches) from the top bud to the lights.

Did you know? Some lights run cooler (LEDs, for example) so you can grow the plants a little closer.

Genetics (indica, sativa, or hybrid)

Your plants might be short indicas / indica-doms or taller sativas / sativa-doms.

Generally, when you start flowering you can expect indicas to double in height, sativas can stretch up to three times the pre-flip height. This is only a general guide, not a hard and fast rule. Most modern strains are hybrids and you should confirm the final height / stretch with your supplier.

If you’re only just learning how to flower cannabis, you’ll want a nice, uniform set of plants.

This means keeping your canopy even through trimming and training, and growing plants of the same cultivar.

Growing techniques

Growing techniques promote even light distribution to the budding sites.

Let’s look at when to start flowering cannabis in conjunction with some basic training techniques.

Sea of green (SOG)

You flower earlier with a SOG, a technique more suited to indica / indica-dominant cultivars.

Knowing when to start flowering weed in a Sea of Green is plant and set-up dependant, but you’re generally going to flip when the plants are about a foot tall.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (6)

Screen of green (ScrOG)

The veg to flower transition happens later with a ScrOG, once your plant has spread out nicely and is happy in the weave.

As the plant stretches post-flip, your focus will be on maximizing the number of bud sites that receive light.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (7)


Lollipopping marijuana means cutting off lower growth so energy for the top chunky buds isn’t wasted below.

Flipping when lollipopping depends on your plant’s height. Knowing when to switch from veg to flower in lollipopped strains is crucial.

You should switch sativas early because they usually double (sometimes even triple) in height during flowering.

Switch “lollipopped indicas a little later.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (8)

What to expect after you start the veg to flower transition

You’ll notice rapid growth in the first 2–3 weeks of flowering, as the plants beef up to support the growing buds.

During the veg to flower transition, you’ll see tiny pistils that stack in the thousands to form buds. The buds then join to form colas.

The female plant then starts producing huge amounts of sticky and clear resin on leaves and buds. This resin contains the most significant quantity of THC and CBD.Use a lighted loupe or a magnifying glass to amplify your view of that glorious, delicious, sumptuous resin.

Depending on the strain, the buds might become so heavy they’ll need support.

Key Takeaways about when to flower cannabis

Cannabis is an incredible plant. It has lots of quirks that set it apart from its cousins; the key among them is the veg to flower transition.

Let’s recap:

  • Change your light schedule to 12 hrs or more to switch from veg to flower.
  • It’s not all about the lighting—the climate and nutrients need to change as well.
  • Never put a stressed plant into flower.
  • Consider the space for your particular strain.
  • Outdoor growers rely on the seasons and don’t have much control as indoor growers.
  • Autoflowering plants switch to flowering no matter the amount of light they get—such varieties usually flower after 3 to 4 weeks in veg.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (9)

How tall should the plant be before switching to flower?

It depends on the genetics of the plant (tall sativas / bushy indicas) and your grow area.Use the height of your grow tent as a reference showing when to switch from veg to flowering.

Should I flush before switching to flower?

Don’t flush before flowering unless there are lockout issues due to toxicity.

Plants need nutrients, especially in early flowering, as they bulk up for the buds. Depriving the plant of nutrients at this stage only hurts your final yields.

Flush a week or two before harvest for a smoother smoke. The first week of flowering should be treated as your last week of veg.

How many nodes should I have before flowering?

The number of nodes you have depends on genetics, meaning you can’t rely on this figure for making the switch.

You just need to ensure the top buds receive maximum light in relation to your surface area.

Maybe you did a SOG or ScrOG, which can offer you a different number of nodes every time before any veg to flower transition.

Does longer veg time increase yields?

Most definitely! If space isn’t an issue for you, let your plant stay in the veg stage as long as possible.

If you live in a climate that allows you to start growing in the spring and harvest in the fall, take advantage of it, since some strains could easily reach for the sky with a long vegetative stage!

Can you veg and flower in the same room?

No—unless all your plants are autos.

Note that the veg to flower transition requires different environments as well. For example, flowering plants need slightly lower temperatures and humidity.

Do plants need more water during flowering?

Like any fruit, the buds are full of water, so cannabis needs more water than ever after the veg to flower transition.

You’ll notice more demand for water as the pistils and calyxes grow larger, with the roots absorbing more water that goes straight to the succulent buds.

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (10)

Flipping into flower

It can be confusing when switching from veg to flower, hopefully, this article and my video will have helped!

You should now know what to consider before making your decision, the best times to transition, and why you’d want to make the switch late or early.Check out our other blogs here at Homegrown Cannabis Co. for a whole host of tips and tricks for getting the most out of your plants.

About the Author: Kyle Kushman

Kyle Kushman is a legend in the cannabis community. He is the modern-day polymath of pot: cultivator, breeder, activist, writer, and educator. After winning no less than 13 Cannabis Cups, there’s nothing this guy doesn’t know about indoor growing – he’s been there, done it, and is still doing it to this day!

When To Switch From Veg To Flower? | Homegrown Cannabis Co. (2024)


When should I switch to flowering stage in cannabis? ›

Growers can switch to the flowering stage as soon as the clone has established a solid root system. In optimal conditions, plants should be kept in their vegetative stage for approximately 60 days. This time period should give the plant the opportunity to maximise yield and acclimatise to growing conditions.

How do you know when to switch from veg to bloom? ›

Switching from Veg to Bloom

Plants begin budding when they get at least 12 hours of 'uninterrupted' darkness each night (12/12). This must continue until harvest. Even if darkness is interrupted briefly, flowering will be hindered. In fact plants may revert back to veg unless 12 hour nights are maintained.

How long does it take for cannabis to go from veg to flower? ›

The flowering stage in Cannabis plants usually goes from 8 to 11 weeks, depending on the strain. It's usually divided into weeks or three stages. The flowering period for Indica strains is typically around 8 weeks, but it may take up to 10 weeks. Sativa strains may take up to 10-12 weeks.

Should you flush cannabis when switching from veg to flower? ›

Cleansing cannabis of old nutrients is a good way to reset soil while a plant is transitioning into a new stage of growth. Think of this as a preventative flush. It's not required, but by the time a plant reaches the flowering stage, it has sucked all the nutrients from the soil and could benefit from a fresh start.

Does longer veg time increase yield? ›

The longer you keep your plants in the vegetative stage, the bigger your plant will be, resulting in bigger yields from plants that were vegetated longer.

What should my buds look like at 5 weeks? ›

In week 5 of flowering, you can observe the buds all over your plant becoming thicker. You may also spot new buds growing in new places such as along the main cola. With buds abounding, your cannabis plants will get fatter every day. This is a surefire sign you are in full flowering mode.

Should I have on both veg and bloom switches? ›

Always have both switches ON (VEG and BLOOM) once you plants are in the Blooming stage. It will cost more in electricity but your final harvest will reward you!

How often should you water a flowering stage? ›

Flowering stage

Even though it can receive a certain amount of water from the soil at this stage, this is not enough for proper plant development, especially in regions without frequent rains. At this time, it is recommended to water the bushes at least once every 3-4 days.

How many nodes before flowering? ›

It is recommended that you wait until your plants have at least four nodes before topping them, and most growers recommend topping the plant above the sixth node. Nodes are the part of a plant that connects new stem offshoots with older growth, which can form a branch, a leaf, or in the case of cannabis plants, a bud.

What happens if you veg cannabis too long? ›

Photoperiod cannabis plants kept in the vegetative stage will continue to grow. So if you veg them for too long and don't control it, they will grow very large and unwieldy. Some strains of cannabis like to grow tall and spindly—for instance, landrace sativas.

What does pre flower look like? ›

The female pre-flower will look like a fuzzy female flower, but with only two white or pink fuzzy pistils growing from the node of the plant. It is best to wait to induce flowering to your plants before the pre-flowers appear and this will help eliminate the male plants from your crop before flowering.

Does cannabis need more water in veg or flower? ›

While the plant is young, it doesn't require a lot of water and flushing is one of the most common techniques for watering cannabis seedlings. Younger plants also need less frequent watering. However, as the plant grows and reaches the vegetative or blooming phases, it will need more and more water.

Should you prune cannabis during flower? ›

At the flowering stage, the plant experiences rapid growth, and any significant pruning at this stage will lead to plant shock. Although defoliation is still effective, it should only be done in the first period of flowering. Trimming is one of the most popular and easiest ways to boost harvest.

Should I defoliate in veg or flower? ›

Ideally, we recommend defoliating your plants once during veg and once during flower. If you're an inexperienced grower, only defoliate once during veg. If you are more experienced, you may want to try defoliating multiple times (given your grow schedule allows enough time for plants to recover after each defoliation).

Do buds fatten up during flush? ›

When the flushing process has reached the fan leaves, they will begin to yellow and turn lighter as they send the stored nutrients to the flowers. The flowers will fatten up during these last few weeks while flushing; this can be up to 25 percent of the final weight.

Do bigger pots mean bigger buds? ›

Pot size will have an effect on the final yield. Put simply, a bigger pot means a bigger potential harvest.

Is 4 weeks veg enough? ›

Most cultivators vegetate their plants for 4–8 weeks. After this time, a switch to 12 hours of light per day is required to initiate flowering. In contrast, autoflowering plants flower on their own. Provide them with 18–24 hours of light per day throughout veg and flowering, and watch the magic happen.

How often should you feed in veg stage? ›

A good potting mix that is well-fortified with organic materials and perhaps even some mineral fertilizer will require less feeding than a medium that is more inert such as rockwool. For a standard potting mix, fertilizing once or twice a week should be sufficient.

What are the signs of ripe buds? ›

Most growers tend to view optimum cannabis ripeness as the point where the trichomes are mainly cloudy. Pistils may be mostly red/orange at this stage and the buds may have a general feeling of 'ripeness' to the experienced eye.

What week of flowering do buds smell the most? ›

Week 5: Buds Grow More and More

This is a good sign that the plant is in full flowering mode. The odor will be very strong at this point.

What week do buds get the fattest? ›

The last three weeks is when your buds can actually gain the most weight – that is if you feed them Overdrive®. After your peak bloom phase, your plants enter their late bloom phase (the precise timing and length of which depends on the strain of cannabis you're growing).

How often do you add nutrients during flowering? ›

You can feed your plants 1-2 times every week, gradually increasing the nutrients, but at the same time pay attention to your plants' reactions after each feeding.

When should I change my nutrients for flowering? ›

By the mid-vegetative phase (roughly 6 weeks after germinating), you'll want to aggressively increase your plants' nutrients to help them develop strong, healthy foliage. Most growers are still using their nitrogen heavy veg fertilizer in this stage.

Should I use full spectrum during veg? ›

The advantages to using a single, full-spectrum LED grow light for both vegetative and flowering lifecycles include: Plants don't experience shock when changing spectrums. When plants grow leaves, they optimize the leaves for the light they are currently receiving.

Should you water everyday during flower? ›

Generally, you want to water every 2 or 3 days during Flower and you want to water enough that 10-20% of water comes out from the pot as runoff. You can check your soil moisture by sticking a finger in the pot: if the soil is dry a couple inches down, then it is time to water again.

Should I feed every watering in flower? ›

For soil growers, plants can be fed once every second or third watering. If plants are fed with every watering then nutrient buildup and lockup becomes a problem causing stunted growth, “crows foot” (curling downwards of the leaves), leaf burn, deficiency symptoms, burnt and damaged root system and decreased yields.

Should you water flowers every night? ›

Watering Plants At Night Isn't Needed: Although the idea has been around for years, most plants don't need extra care by watering them at night. There are a few exceptions, but 99% of your plants, indoors and out should only be watered during the day.

What will make buds bigger during flowering? ›

The bigger the leaf area, the bigger your buds will be. Nitrogen is the nutrient needed most for this green growth. When plants reach their mature size and begin flowering, they need more phosphorus, the nutrient most essential for budding.

How many sets of leaves before flowering? ›

Once a seedling develops 7 sets of pointed leaves, it enters vegetative growth. After being relocated to a larger pot, the growth of a cannabis plant soars. It's stem become thicker and grows taller, it produces more leaves, nodes, and branches, and its root system becomes more established to prepare for flowering.

Can I cut a bud off my plant? ›

To answer your question—yes, you can cut the mature buds from the top of the plant and clear the branches and leaves to allow better light penetration to the lower portion of the plant. And the lower buds will continue to grow and ripen and can be harvested a week or two later.

How many times can you top a cannabis plant in veg? ›

Most growers top their plants early in the vegetative stage when plants are still relatively small. It's typical to top plants 1-3 times throughout the veg cycle. Again, topping can be stressful, so observe you plants for about 2-weeks between toppings to ensure they are healthy enough for further trimming.

When should I stop giving my cannabis plants nutrients? ›

To prevent harsh tastes and unsavoury chemicals making their way into your stash, you can simply stop feeding any nutrients in the last 1.5–2 weeks of flowering. If you are growing hydroponically, you shouldn't stop feeding until the last five days as they will be growing in water only.

Can you over dry cannabis buds? ›

If you over-dry your cannabis, it'll be more likely to go moldy, so it's important to monitor the drying process closely. If your buds are too dry, they'll be more likely to crumble when you try to break them up for smoking, so it's important to take them out of the drying chamber before they become too dry.

Do pistils mean flowering? ›

Pistils appear early on in the flowering stage. The first pistillate flowers to appear are often called “preflowers” because they don't resemble the large buds that develop later down the line. However, the first of these structures to appear are in fact full pistillate flowers.

Why are my fan leaves turning yellow during veg? ›

Nutrient Deficiencies

If there is not enough nitrogen, the upper leaves may begin to absorb nitrogen from the lower leaves. As a result, the leaves lose the nitrogen they need and begin to turn yellow and fade. To prevent this, the plant should be given sufficient nutrients, including nitrogen.

What does week 1 of flowering look like? ›

Week One. Week one is the transition stage between pre-flowering and full flowering when your plant switches from growing tall to producing buds. During this transition, some strains will double in height from what they were a week earlier. Because of this rapid growth, week one is commonly known as “the stretch”.

Should I water cannabis everyday? ›

We recommend watering every 2-3 days, but test your soil as usual to see if your plant even needs water. There is a simple way to remember when to water cannabis: When—If the soil is dry an inch deep, you can water. If the plants are drooping, you can water.

Should I feed cannabis every time I water? ›

Should We Feed Cannabis Every Time We Water? Consider factors such as growth stage and soil type before deciding when to feed your plant. Most cannabis plants don't need fertilizer every watering. In fact, it can even harm them!

Should you give cannabis nutrients every watering? ›

Nutrients or plain water: For coco and Rockwool, use nutrients at each watering. For soils with high capacity to retain nutrients (high CEC), it may be beneficial to use nutrients at just each alternate watering. This will help minimize salt build-up and the need for frequent flushing.

Should you take off fan leaves during flowering? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

Should I cut off big fan leaves? ›

Should you remove fan leaves? Yes, removing or pruning some fan leaves is a necessary step when cultivating cannabis healthy plants. When fan leaves become too large or abundant, they block the light and airflow to parts of the plant that can hinder trichome and cannabinoid production.

When should I cut fan leaves off? ›

Usually, growers trim the fan leaves weeks before harvest, which is a period that leads to senescence, a phase in the plant cycle when the larger leaves start fading away. It is safe to start removing these dying leaves and continue until harvest.

How many weeks should you veg before flowering? ›

Most growers vegetate their indoor plants for 4-8 weeks, depending on the desired plant size. Cannabis plants are usually able to start flowering from the 4th week of the vegetative stage. Probably as a result those plants will be smaller in size.

Can I lollipop during flowering? ›

Lollipopping is a simple technique, but you should still exercise caution. You'll want to lollipop your plants just before they begin flowering. We also recommend pruning—removing unnecessary branches—as well, although you should proceed slowly, and with a plan. Start with sharp, clean shears to prune your plants.

Can I remove all fan leaves during veg? ›

During the earlier stages of plant growth, the fan leaves should only be removed if they yellow or dry out. However, once the plant begins to flower, you can trim off some of the fan leaves. However, don't remove more than half of the fan leaves, because they are still needed by the plant.

How do I make my buds more solid? ›

A bud hardener is an additive you can use at the end of the flower cycle to tighten up your flowers and pack on weight. They are typically used in the final 3 weeks or so of the grow cycle and contain a mix of macronutrients, micronutrients, minerals, essential oils, etc.

What makes buds fluffy? ›

These airy flowers are often the result of suboptimal growing conditions, a lack of light, or nutrient deficiency. Fluffy buds don't only look less appetising, but you'll need to use more of your harvest every time you roll a blunt or hit a bowl.

What nutrients make buds harder? ›

Potassium makes the plant hardier and stronger, better able to withstand hardship or disease. All of these are vital for growing large marijuana buds, but you have to use them wisely. Sulfur is another nutrient that, like potassium, helps the plant absorb other nutrients and water.

When should I switch to bloom nutrients? ›

Towards the end of the vegetative phase, it's a good idea to start lowering your nitrogen levels and preparing your plants for the switch to their bloom booster. Flowering cannabis plants need less nitrogen and more potassium to promote the growth of big, resinous flowers.

How do I know when my flowering stage starts? ›

The early signs of flowering begin to appear in the second week of 12/12 lighting. Development of the reproductive organs can be seen 8 to 12 days in. During this time, the plant will also be going through its stretching phase. As the stretching slows down, the flower development will begin to accelerate and mature.

What are the first signs of flowering? ›

To help plants get into the flowering stage, the amount of light hours must be reduced to less than 12. In these light hours the plant creates sugars through photosynthesis. During the dark hours, these sugars are used to create buds. The appearance of buds is one of the clearest signs of flowering.

What is the best flowering time for cannabis? ›

Best Practices

Feeding: This period (weeks 5 and 6) is considered peak flowering time for most cannabis strains. Make sure to keep a very close eye on your plants and look out for any signs of nutrient deficiencies or overfeeding.

Should I use veg and bloom during flowering? ›

Always have both switches ON (VEG and BLOOM) once you plants are in the Blooming stage. It will cost more in electricity but your final harvest will reward you!

How often should you feed in flowering stage? ›

The nutrient requirements will change dramatically when the plants enter the flowering stage, and this may be a little hard for new growers. You can feed your plants 1-2 times every week, gradually increasing the nutrients, but at the same time pay attention to your plants' reactions after each feeding.

Do you veg or bloom first? ›

A: You use the veg light along with the bloom lights while flowering for maximum results. Never use just bloom.

Can I cut a bud off my plant early? ›

While technically you can start harvesting as soon as your plant produces flowers, the cannabinoid levels remain very low until the buds are mature. Avoid premature harvesting as much as possible, but if you really need to, it isn't the end of the world.

What does week 2 of flowering look like? ›

During week 2, the first white pistils will grow on the female cannabis plants. These fine, wispy white hairs develop at the locations where the big fan leaves meet the main stem. These white hairs are what later become the buds of the plant, called colas.

What week do buds swell the most? ›

Week 7: The calyxes in the seven-week varieties swell to near bursting as THC is produced in the glands. At the end of the week they will be ready. The trichomes stand more erect and the caps swell with newly produced resin. At the end of the week the flowers reach the peak zone.

Is it OK to remove fan leaves during flowering? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

Can you overwater during flowering? ›

Overwatering during flowering

During the bloom period, some leaves might fall off the plant, and you'll need to prevent them from remaining inside the pot, as if they mix with soil and moisture, they could rot and give way to harmful fungi, which can contaminate the roots and attack the plant's metabolism.

What does week 3 of flowering cannabis look like? ›

Week 3. Your cannabis plants have still not entirely stopped growing and will now be about 50% bigger than what they were just three weeks earlier. Although still stretching a bit, the stretch will now gradually slow down and soon come to a complete halt.

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