What to plant in February (2024)

In the UK, February is a good month to sow seeds of hardy annuals such as cosmos, and greenhouse crops such as tomatoes. By sowing seeds early on in the year, you can enjoy flowers and vegetables for a larger part of the year – the growing season can then be extended by carrying out repeated sowings from March onwards.


If you have a heated propagator and grow lamp, you can start sowing chillies, aubergines and sweet peppers in February. Otherwise, sow seeds of hardier vegetables such as kale, and hardy annual flowers such as cosmos, in pots on a warm, sunny windowsill.

February is also a good time to plant summer-flowering bulbs in pots, most of which do best in free-draining soils. You can plant hardy perennials such as Japanese anemones and hardy geraniums, too. Most are dormant in February, with little or no foliage growing above the ground. However, by planting them in February you can get them off to a good start, as they will start growing as soon as temperatures increase.

Outside, in soil warmed beneath a cloche, you can sow broad beans and plant out young plants of hardy salads.

You will need:

It’s exciting to be able to start sowing a variety of different seeds at this time of year, and to give them the best chance you might find that it's worth investing in additional kit, which we've suggested below.

Flowers to plant in February


What to plant in February (1)

Cosmos are easy flowers to grow and they look great in borders or meadows. The seeds need light to germinate, so sow on top of peat-free seed compost in a tray or plant pot placed indoors in a sunny spot such as a window sill, then prick out when large enough to handle.

Sweet peas

What to plant in February (2)

Sweet peas are a stalwart of summer garden and they're easy to grow. Sow seeds individually into biodegradable pots or cardboard tubes, as they can be planted out in their containers to avoid root disturbance. Keep them in an unheated greenhouse or cold frame and harden off before planting out.


What to plant in February (3)

Salvias are great for providing structure and height in the garden, and many varieties can be grown from seed. Sow the seeds in February, scattering them on top of peat-free seed compost, and then cover the seeds with a fine layer of compost or vermiculite. Keep the pots in a light, warm spot indoors, ensuring the compost stays moist.


What to plant in February (4)

Lilies are fantastic summer border flowers, and work well in cut flower arrangements. Plant the bulbs any time from autumn to spring in a sunny spot, in rich, well-drained soil, around 15-20cm deep. If you have heavy, wet soil, it's best to plant them in pots, to plat out later.

Lots of lilies to plant? Check out our expert's guide to the best bulb planters, and here's the list of the top scorers:


What to plant in February (5)

Exotic pineapple lilies (Eucomis) are usually planted in spring, however, it's not too early to plant them in February, but you'll have more success if you plant them in pots, as open ground can be wet at this time of year, causing the bulbs to rot. Plant the bulbs 15cm deep in pots in a cold frame or unheated greenhouse, and plant out into the garden when all risk of frost has passed.


What to plant in February (6)

Liatris are tough, herbaceous perennials hailing from North America, beloved by bees and butterflies. Large, extravagant blooms come in shades of pink, purple and white. Plant the bulbs in light, free-draining soil, around 5cm deep. If you have heavy, or waterlogged soil, plant the bulbs in pots to plant out later.


What to plant in February (7)

There are many beautiful types of agapanthus to grow, and getting them started couldn't be easier. Containers are ideal for growing agapanthus, as you can bring them under cover in winter if you need to. Plant the bulbs 8-10cm deep, 10-15cm apart in good quality, well-drained compost. Once frosts have passed, move the pot outdoors to a warm, sunny position.


What to plant in February (8)

Galtonia, or summer hyacinths, are stately plants that produce tall spikes of nodding white flowers, which look particularly good when planted in large drifts. They do best in a sunny position in free-draining soil, where the bulbs should be planted 10cm deep, 10cm apart. In heavy soils, plant in pots.

Hardy geraniums

What to plant in February (9)

Hardy geraniums, also known as cranesbills, are useful plants to have in the garden. The flowers will last for months, providing food for pollinators, and they're easy to grow. They can also be grown in sun or shade. These robust plants will adapt to suit most soils, except those that are waterlogged. For deep shade, why not try sowing seeds of herb robert?

Japanese anemones

What to plant in February (10)

Reliable and vigorous, Japanese anemones are well suited to borders, blending well with other plants and adding height and structure. Grow them in partial shade, in moist, well-drained soil.

Vegetables to plant in February


What to plant in February (11)

While very hardy, kale seeds need to be started off indoors during winter, as it's too cool outside for the seeds to germinate. Sow seeds indoors in modules or 7cm pots, with 2-3 seeds per module, then thin to leave the healthiest seedling. Keep on a sunny window sill.


What to plant in February (12)

The seeds of tomatoes need a minimum temperature of 10ºC to germinate, so are best started off in a heated propagator. However, if you wait until the end of the month, a sunny windowsill should be warm enough to encourage germination, just make sure the pots or trays are covered to stop temperatures falling dramatically at night.


What to plant in February (13)

Chillies are a good crop to start in February, but only if you have a heated propagator as most varieties need a minimum temperature of 25ºC to germinate. Sow 2-3 seeds thinly per small individual pot using seed compost. Cover to own depth with vermiculite.


What to plant in February (14)

Harvest July to October.

Like chillies, aubergines need a minimum temperature of 25ºC to germinate, but the earlier you sow them, the longer their season of growth and the greater chance they have to fruit. Sow 2-3 seeds thinly per small individual pot using seed compost. Cover to own depth with vermiculite.


What to plant in February (15)

Basil needs a minimum temperature of 15ºC to germinate, so it's best sown in a heated propagator, but you may have success on a sunny window sill from the end of the month. Sow basil thinly on the surface of pots or trays of seed compost, and cover with vermiculite.

Broad beans

What to plant in February (16)

Sow broad beans in February for a head start on spring sowings. Sow direct outdoors if conditions are mild or if you have pre-warmed the soil using cloches or fleece. In cold conditions, sow in multi-celled trays in a greenhouse or cold frame, and then plant the young plants out when temperatures have increased.


What to plant in February (2024)


What can I plant in February right now? ›

Vegetable Seeds to Start in February
  • Tomatoes.
  • Peppers.
  • Lettuces.
  • Eggplant.
  • Broccoli.
  • Cauliflower.
  • Brussels Sprouts.
  • Cabbage.

What plant should be planted in February? ›

You still have time to start seeds of cool-season annuals (indoors) such as pansies, dianthus, calendula, English daisy, ranunculus, monkeyflower, annual poppies, primula, Veronica, and forget-me-nots this month. Giving them an early start ensures you'll have blooming plants this spring.

What vegetables do you plant in February? ›

Carrots, onions, and early potatoes can be seeded in warm, sandy soil. Other cool-weather crops that can be sown where the soil is workable are beets, cabbage plants, carrots, cauliflower plants, chard, lettuce, mustard, onions plants and sets, peas, Irish potatoes, salsify, spinach, and turnips.

Is it OK to plant in February? ›

While it's too cold to plant outside in most parts of the northern hemisphere, February can be a great time to sow seeds in pots in a greenhouse or inside. For example, certain spring-flowering plants, summer produce, and herbs can be germinated inside before transplanting outdoors after the last frost.

What can I plant in winter in February? ›

Winter Sowing. Sow cold-hardy perennials or annuals. For me in zone 6, sowing time is February and early March. Examples: Brussels sprouts, Monarda (bee balm), pansies.

Is February too late to plant bulbs? ›

Bulbs aren't like seeds. They won't survive out of the ground indefinitely. Even if you find an unplanted sack of tulips or daffodils in January or February, plant them and take your chances.

What can you plant in cold months? ›

Common cool-season vegetables: asparagus, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, chives, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, Swiss chard, kale, leek, lettuce, onion, parsnips, peas, radishes, spinach, and turnips.

How cold is too cold planting? ›

Light freeze - 29° to 32° Fahrenheit will kill tender plants. Moderate freeze - 25° to 28° Fahrenheit is widely destructive to most vegetation. Severe or hard freeze - 25° Fahrenheit and colder causes heavy damage to most plants.

Can I plant tomatoes in February? ›

For cooler areas, February is a great time to sow your tomatoes and peppers. You should start drawing out your garden for all the vegetables you want to grow. In late February, there are several cool weather vegetables you can directly sow out in the garden.

What vegetables can you plant in February and March? ›

Gauteng, you are good to go for:
  • Spinach.
  • Radish.
  • Lettuce.
  • Onion.
  • Spinach.
Mar 3, 2021

What are the best fruits and vegetables to plant in February? ›

Some vegetables to plant in February include: tomatoes (in warmer conditions), celery, Brussels sprouts, eggplant and lettuce. You may also begin to plant cauliflower and broccoli as well as peppers - a deer-resistant plant. Start planting berries in February to enjoy later in spring and summer.

What month do you plant winter vegetables? ›

Fall and winter vegetables can be started by seed from late August to mid-September, then transplanted into the garden later. Seeds should be started indoors where temperatures are cooler, then the seedlings slowly transitioned outside once temperatures cool down in early October.

Is 40 degrees too cold for garden plants? ›

Whether or not you can plant annuals in 40-degree Fahrenheit temperatures depends on the type of the annual, on your climate and on whether you have the plants themselves or the seeds to get into the ground. Some types of annuals actually need cooler temperatures, while others will die when the temps drop.

What is the easiest plant to grow in winter? ›

Winter vegetables to grow outdoors
  • Beets. Plant beets 6 to 8 weeks before your first expected frost. ...
  • Broad Beans. Slow growing but delicious, broad beans will grow through the winter months if planted in mid to late fall and staked in areas with lots of snow. ...
  • Garlic. ...
  • Cabbage. ...
  • Carrots. ...
  • Kale. ...
  • Onions. ...
  • Peas.
Aug 25, 2021

What seeds can be planted outside in February? ›

Aubergines and tomatoes grow fast and can be sown later to avoid having a triphid on your windowsill.
  • Aubergines.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Celery.
  • Chillies.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peppers.
  • Tomatoes.

What bulbs can I plant in Feb March? ›

Bulbs to Plant in March
  • Lilies. Large, showy and exotic. ...
  • Begonias. One of the most popular summer flowers in the British garden. ...
  • Gladioli. A traditional and well-loved summer flower. ...
  • Ranunculus. Add a dose of colour to any summer garden. ...
  • Roses. Bare rooted Roses can still be planted until May. ...
  • Bulbs in the Green. ...
  • Perennials.
Jun 17, 2021

Is February too early to plant flowers? ›

Start flowers and vegetables that benefit from an early start indoors in February. Use grow lights to germinate begonia, geranium, coleus, eggplant, and peppers. For best results, use a soilless seed-starting mix and hang grow lights just a few inches over the top of your plants.

Should I soak bulbs before planting? ›

Should you soak spring bulbs before planting? There's no need to soak them before planting. However, if you are late getting them into the ground, then soaking them for 12-24 hours can speed up the rooting process. Adding fish emulsion or liquid kelp to the water before soaking will help them root even faster.

What grows in extreme cold? ›

According to Myers, the hardiest vegetables that can withstand heavy frost of air temperatures below 28 include spinach, Walla Walla sweet onion, garlic, leeks, rhubarb, rutabaga, broccoli, kohlrabi, kale, cabbage, chicory, Brussels sprouts, corn salad, arugula, fava beans, radish, mustard, Austrian winter pea and ...

What plants Cannot survive winter? ›

Crabgrass, petunias, and snapdragons are types of annual that will not survive cold temperatures and will need to be cared for to survive winter.

Can I cover plants with garbage bags? ›

Yes – if you secure the plant properly. Garbage bags work to cover plants and protect from frost, but they must not be allowed to touch the plant's surface. Use stakes and supports to create a tent-like structure over the plant, which will retain warm air. Make sure the trash bag goes all the way to the ground.

Will 45 degrees hurt plants? ›

Cold weather, even if it doesn't drop below freezing, can harm cold-sensitive plants. Freezes are rare, but frosts can occur at above-freezing temperatures. Even temperatures at 45 degrees for more than several hours can harm some tropical orchids.

Should I cover my plants at 39 degrees? ›

A. Our recommendation would be to remove the cold protection covering once temperatures are above 32 degrees. If you leave the covering on when it gets warm and the sun is shining brightly, it may get too hot inside the cover and stress out the plants.

When to plant strawberries? ›

Strawberries are best planted in the spring, as early as several weeks before the last frost date. By selecting a range of strawberry varieties you can spread your harvest from late spring through to early fall.

When should I plant peppers? ›

When to Plant Peppers
  1. To start peppers indoors in pots, sow seeds 8 to 10 weeks before your last spring frost date.
  2. Plant pepper starts or transplants outdoors about 2 to 3 weeks after the threat of frost has passed and the soil has reached 65°F (18°C).

When to plant potatoes? ›

When to Plant Potatoes. Potatoes grow best during cooler weather. Plant potatoes 2-4 weeks before the last frost in the spring, when the soil temperature is at least 40 degrees F. In warm climates, potatoes are planted from January to March and harvested between March and June.

When should I start my vegetable garden? ›

In most areas, that's between 2-4 weeks before the last spring frost. Avoid planting in soggy soil that is still full of moisture from snow or spring rains. Wait until the soil dries out a little so your seeds or transplants don't rot.

What vegetables should be planted in the beginning of spring? ›

In late February to early March, start cabbages, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, leeks, endive, escarole, fennel, lettuce, and artichokes indoors. In mid- to late March, direct sow peas, spinach, fava beans, and arugula outdoors. Start peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, Swiss chard, and tomatillos indoors.

What should I start gardening in March? ›

There are number of vegetables that you can start seeding indoors (or in a greenhouse) in March, including brussels sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, squash and perennial herbs (all under cover), chili and sweet peppers and celery. If you have a greenhouse, you can also start sowing cucumbers, gherkins and tomato seeds.

What vegetables grow fast in cold weather? ›

To get a jump-start on your garden and grow some fast-growing, cold-tolerant plants you're going to want to try out some radishes, turnips, sugar snap peas, kale and spinach.

Which fruit grows in winter? ›

Here Are Winter Fruits That Should Be A Part Of Your Daily Diet In Winter
  • Apples. You are likely to find apples in most households during winter. ...
  • Grapes. Grapes are a fruit available throughout the year but they are beneficial as a winter season fruit as they are rich in antioxidants. ...
  • Kiwi. ...
  • Oranges. ...
  • Strawberries.
Dec 30, 2022

What winter vegetables grow well together? ›

Companion Planting Chart
Crop NameCompanions
WINTER SQUASH and PUMPKINSBeans (pole) Buckwheat Calendula Corn Marigold Nasturtium Oregano
SPINACHBeans Cilantro Eggplant Oregano Peas Rosemary Strawberries
TOMATOESAsparagus Basil Borage Calendula Dill Garlic Nasturtium Onion Parsley Thyme
16 more rows

What seeds can I plant in February? ›

From mid-February onwards you can start to sow these seeds indoors.
  • Aubergines.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Celery.
  • Chillies.
  • Lettuce.
  • Peppers.
  • Tomatoes.

What fruits and vegetables grow in February? ›

Ready to harvest
  • Sprouting broccoli.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Cabbage.
  • Celeriac.
  • Leeks.
  • Parsnips.
  • Swede.
  • Turnip.

Can you plant seeds in 40 degree weather? ›

Seeds of early spring cool-season crops can be planted when the soil temperature is 40 degrees or above. This includes lettuce, peas, kale, radishes, arugula and spinach. When the soil reaches 50 degrees, plant seeds of leeks, onions, Swiss chard and turnips.

What seeds grow quickly in winter? ›

Sage, parsley, coriander, rosemary, thyme, and mint are perfect for growing in the cooler months. Plant with full sun and harvest in a matter of weeks, although a lot of herbs can be picked right after planting seedlings.

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