What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (2024)


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When we first started researching for our trip to Japan, I was immediately taken with the idea of staying in a ryokan, a Japanese traditional inn. I wanted to have that cultural immersion experience of tatami floors, sleeping on futons, eating kaiseki meals and bathing in an onsen. But could we stay in a ryokan with kids? There is no doubt they would make a good Japan honeymoon place to stay, but with kids? The Japanese are renowned for their serene and quiet demeanor, which does not meld with my loud and playful children. Not quickly deterred, I decided we could make it work with the kids.

I started researching more and realized that the cost to stay in ryokans is quite high and I was having trouble finding a ryokan in our budget. Breakfast and dinner are usually included in your nightly rate at a ryokan, but still the prices were very high for our family of 5. The average price of a ryokan stay is 15,000-25,000 yen/person ($140-240 USD/person) – YIKES! Eventually I foundGion Shinmonsoin Kyoto that would be a splurge for us, but we could swing it for one night. I didn’t know if we would ever be back to Japan and I knew staying in a ryokan was an experience I really wanted to have.

You can read all about our time in Kyoto with kids in this post.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (1)

The boys were so worn out they fell asleep at dinner


  • 1 What is a Ryokan?
  • 2 Where to Stay
  • 3 Checking In
  • 4 The Room
  • 5 The Onsen
  • 6 Meals
  • 7 Sleeping
  • 8 Cost
  • 9 Kid-friendly?
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What is a Ryokan?

A ryokan is a traditional Japanese inn that has existed for hundreds of years. It features tatami mat flooring, communal bathing facilities, and seasonally prepared meals. Ryokans are most common outside of major cities, often in scenic areas known for their hot springs. They are popular with both domestic travelers and increasingly, with tourists. Japan is a society ruled by clearly defined etiquette and it can be scary for a first time visitor to try to navigate the etiquette of staying in a ryokan. Especially if you have young, loud, and active children with you.

So should you risk it with kids? Definitely! It is such a unique experience and our kids loved all the new experiences – wearing a yukata, eating weird foods, sleeping on futons on the floor and naked bathing in the onsen. I had done some reading before our arrival about the dos and don’t of a ryokan stay and our ryokan also had an English “manual” in the room. This gave me the confidence to feel like we wouldn’t make any major faux pas during our stay.

Where to Stay

If this is your first time to Japan and you are covering Kyoto and Tokyo like we did, Kyoto makes a wonderful place to experience a ryokan. With its narrow streets, traditional architecture and slower pace of life, Kyoto has many ryokans to choose from. Another popular ryokan destination is Hakone, outside Tokyo, where the natural hot springs lure city dwellers out of the city.

Checking In

When we arrived we were shown to our room, which was a standard sized room suitable for 2-6 people. Since we were in Kyoto and we had chosen a ryokan that catered to both Japanese and foreign visitors, the hostess spoke a fair amount of English. Like everywhere in Japan, before you enter the room, you take off your shoes. The ryokan provides slippers that you can use throughout the inn. Make sure to not bring wheely bags onto the tatami flooring as they can damage the floor.

When we entered our room, the hostess pointed out the amenities like the yukatas you are given to wear during your stay. We had tea and traditional cookies waiting for us on the table. The kids were very happy to see a television set in the room, which we did use briefly.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (3)

Enjoying tea and sweets when we checked in

The Room

A ryokan room is a multi-purpose room that functions as your sleep space, dining area and relaxation area. The floors are covered with tatami mats and there are sliding rice paper doors. These are delicate and so our wrestling and energetic kids were warned about not getting close to them. Luckily, our ryokan had solid walls and we had no issues with sound between the rooms.

The daytime set up of the room consisted of a short table with pillow seats on the floor. We had our own private bathroom, which featured one of those fancy Japanese toilets. The kids loved testing out all the different types of washes and music.

Through rice paper sliding doors we had a small sitting area with two raised chairs.

We changed right away into our yukatas (keep your undergarments on) and had a lovely relaxing tea as a family. Our kids got really into tea while we were in Indiawhere they loved drinking the milky, sweet Chai. We played some cards and relaxed before dinner.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (4)

All dressed up in our yukatas

The Onsen

An onsen is a communal bathing area, often part of a ryokan. It was another one of those experiences that I was keen to have while we were in Japan. The baths are divided by gender and you cannot wear a swim suit while bathing. Some welcome kids, while others do not. If you have tattoos you are generally not welcome in the onsen because they are seen as a symbol of the Japanese mafia. Make sure you ask in advance.

I had talked to the kids before we arrived about what an onsen is and how it works. Understandably they weren’t super keen on going naked into the communal baths. They had gotten pretty used to being shushed a lot while we were in Japan and again I warned them that an onsen is not a boisterous swimming pool, but a quiet place of relaxation.

We had some time before dinner, so we decided to head down to the first floor of our ryokan to use the onsen. Since we were divided along gender lines, I had the easy task of bathing with our 9 year old daughter. Paul drew the short end of the straw and had to bathe with our two rambunctious boys.

We wore our yukatas and slippers down to the onsen, carrying the provided large towel and smaller towel. These towels are important. The large one is for drying off when you are done and the small one is used to shower before you enter the bath. You undress and keep your clothes in the baskets or lockers before entering the shower and bath area.

The bath was a small, shallow pool and we were extremely happy to see no other bathers. Following the instructions we had read about, we sat on the tiny stools and using the soaps provided and small towel, we washed thoroughly. It definitely feels foreign strutting around naked in a semi-public place, but you get used to it. It definitely helped that we were alone for now.

The bath or hot springs are extremely hot and lovely to relax in after a day of sightseeing. While we were soaking, we were joined by some Japanese women and it really wasn’t too bad. After we couldn’t handle the heat anymore, we self consciously walked to get our belongings and dry off. Success! Ella loved the nice lotions they had available and we felt cozy and refreshed.

We enjoyed the onsen so much that we went back the following morning and once again had the place to ourselves.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (5)

You sit on these little stools and wash thoroughly before entering the water.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (6)

The female bath area


We had eaten sushi, ramen, udon, and tempura already while in Japan, but were eager to try the kaiseki cuisine of the ryokans. Kaiseki refers to small, varied and seasonal dishes that are artfully prepared and plated. This was one of our 7 food highlights of our trip to Japan.

You select a dining time and your dinner is usually served in your room. You eat sitting on the ground at the table in your room. Since my husband and I are vegetarian, we requested a vegetarian meal when we checked in, which stressed out the woman quite a bit. We explained that we could eat fish,to which she visibly relaxed. Japan is not a vegetarian-friendly destination we had already discovered!

The children had special kids meals that were still Japanese but featured a cute plate and more kid-friendly foods. Our kids are pretty flexible eaters and the food was totally fine for them.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (7)

Kids meals at our ryokan

Our meal consisted of 1-2 small dishes brought to us every 10 minutes. It was definitely a game of guess what that food item is as there were many things we had never seen or tasted before. Often we would taste an item and it would taste surprisingly different then we expected. Did we like our kaiseki dinner? It was a great experience with lots of laughs, but I can’t say I loved the food. I think like anything in life you have to try new things numerous times before you get used to them.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (8)

Lots of interesting little dishes for dinner

For breakfast, we had also picked a time to eat when we checked in. Breakfast was served in a dining room and once again the kids had special meals for them. We were confronted with a charcoal grill and some tiny fish and a few other small dishes. Again, there was lots of giggling as we tried to guess what we were eating and put our little fishies on the grill.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (9)

Breakfast at Gion Shinmonso


After we were done our dinner and the food was cleared away, two of the hostesses began the process of switching our room from the dining layout to the sleeping layout. They moved the table and cushions to the side and began laying out the futons on the floor. They laid out pillows and large, fluffy duvets. Since there were five of us, the futons took up most of the room. It kind of felt like a family sleep out on the floor, which the kids quite enjoyed. The futons and pillows were not very soft, but we slept fine.

What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (10)

Sleeping configuration with futons on the ground


We paid 32,400 yen ($300 USD) for our night at Gion Shinmonso for our family of 5. For us, this was a big splurge, butit did include breakfast and dinner. I am so glad we got to have this cultural experience and it was definitely one of the highlights of the trip for us.

Ryokan pricing is based on per person rates and they will charge different amounts for children of different ages. Some give children a greater discount then others, so it pays to shop around. Remember, that not all ryokans accept children, so check before you book.

Use Tripadvisor to look at some of the best ryokans in Japan.

Find a deal in Kyoto on Agoda:


Staying at a ryokan is not really kid-friendly, but neitheris traveling in Japan. So would I recommend both? Yes! If you properly prepare your kids with what to expect, ryokan etiquette and emphasize this unique experience, the whole family will enjoy a ryokan stay . Try to choose a ryokan that caters to foreigners since there is more likely to be English spoken and they are used to helping visitors. We found Gion Shinmonso to be a good family friendly ryokan in Kyoto.

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What to Expect at a Ryokan with Kids in Japan - 5 Lost Together (2024)


Do ryokan accept children? ›

When going to Japan a ryokan stay experience is high on everyone's to-do lists, even parents. As a parent you may be telling yourself, “I'd love to stay at a ryokan, but I have kids and ryokan seem so mature and fancy for kids.” Yes, they do, but that is why parents AND kids love them!

What do people do at ryokans? ›

People often visit ryokan with the aim of relaxing in a peaceful and comfortable atmosphere. Ryokan go to great lengths to create beautiful gardens, baths and other common areas for their guests to enjoy. Be sure to take advantage of the various facilities during your stay.

What is the Japanese experience in ryokan? ›

Ryokan is a traditional accommodation style in Japan unlikely to be found in any other countries. More than just a place to sleep, you have the opportunity to experience the traditional Japanese lifestyle and hospitality, and elements such as tatami floors, futon beds, Japanese style baths and local cuisine.

What is it like to stay at a ryokan? ›

Staying at a Ryokan

As with any hotels, every ryokan is different and they range from modest to highly luxurious, where western beds and amenities are provided. Most ryokans offer private en suite bathrooms. We recommend staying one to two nights in a ryokan if it is your first-time visiting Japan.

What not to do in a ryokan? ›

Guest room etiquette
  • Taking off your shoes. ...
  • Don't drag luggage around on the tatami mats. ...
  • Don't put luggage in the alcoves.
  • A member of staff will take care of getting your futons out and putting them away.
  • Don't run around or make a lot of noise in the corridors.

What clothing do you wear at a ryokan? ›

During your stay, a yukata (cotton kimono) is provided for you. You can wear the yukata in your room, around the ryokan, and if you like you can wear it when you take a short walk near the ryokan. If it is cold, a tanzen (outer robe) will be provided for you to wear over your yukata.

Do you sleep on the floor in a ryokan? ›

The trip notes describe ryokans as Japanese-style inns that involve sleeping on futons or mattresses on tatami mat floors, with bedding often packed away during the day.

What do you wear to dinner at a ryokan? ›

A yukata is a cotton robe featured in most ryokan stays. Yukata can be worn to the baths, to dinner and even when going to bed; In many hot spring villages, they are worn when walking around town as well. The correct way to wear a yukata is to place the left side against your body, then fold the right side over it*.

How long do you stay at a ryokan? ›

How long should I stay in a ryokan for? One night makes for a lovely retreat, but we would recommend at least two nights for the full ryokan experience.

Do you wear yukata to dinner in ryokan? ›

Regardless of the location, most people choose to wear their yukata to dinner, although your own clothes are also acceptable. Alcohol is not included in the price of the ryokan stay, but is ordered separately and added to the final bill.

What time is breakfast at a ryokan? ›

Breakfast is usually between 7 am and 8:30 am. Many will take the chance to enjoy the warm water one last time either before or after breakfast.

Does ryokan include food? ›

Traditionally, ryokan weren't just a place to stay for those traveling Japan's highways, they were also where guests would dine. Keeping to that, most ryokan will serve you dinner and breakfast during your stay with the meals included in the price of accommodation.

Is one night in a ryokan enough? ›


The reason I'd advise this, is because most people, even the Japanese only do a ryokan stay for one night due to availability of holiday leave, cost etc; however if you stay 2 or more nights, the food becomes even more impressive!

Do ryokans have WiFi? ›

Internet in the room is less common at ryokan (traditional Japanese hotels with mattresses on the floors). Instead, many ryokan provide wireless internet or a public computer in their lobby.

Do ryokans have private bathrooms? ›

Many ryokans also offer the possibility of using a traditional bathroom privately (upon reservation), for those who do not like to bathe with other people or simply want a little intimacy with their partner. Some higher level ryokans also offer rooms with a full private bathroom in the room, with shower or bathtub.

Can I bring my baby to ryokan? ›

If you are planning to bring your baby along for a trip to ryokan, it is definitely worth considering one that is baby-friendly. Some hotels do not allow infants in the rooms, so it is better to check beforehand to avoid getting rejected when you have already arrived.

Are children allowed in Japanese onsen? ›

Because many local families run the local businesses (ryokan, restaurants) and consider the 7 public baths their second bath, families with kids of all ages are welcome!

Can toddlers go into onsen? ›

Babies and toddlers wearing diapers are not allowed in the tubs. Most onsen are divided into male and female sections. In most cases, however, kids under 7 can accompany a parent or guardian of either gender. Most establishments have soap, shampoo and towels available, but quality, price and availability vary.

Are minors allowed in Love hotel? ›

Guests must be 18 years or older to stay. This hotel is not intended for families. Rooms may come with adult goods, TV Channels and videos. Guests arriving after check-in hours must inform the property in advance.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.