What to Do With Your Tax Refund (2024)

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What to Do With Your Tax Refund (2)

It is getting close to that time of year when all the places you shouldn’t be spending your tax refund will be hanging banners that say, “YOUR W-2 IS YOUR DOWN PAYMENT!” Scary. So other than to heed my advice and stay away from places like that, how should you go about using the tax refund that an estimated 55-65 of Americans will receive?

What to Do With Your Tax Refund (3)

Bankrate.com did a survey of those who will receive a refund and got some pretty interesting results: 58% will either pay down debt or save their refund, while 26% will buy necessities. But I bet when the check really comes, those numbers won’t be very accurate. Why? Because having a big chunk of money in your hands without a concrete plan almost always equals choices that aren’t nearly as good as if you write down what you will do when the money arrives. So let’s talk about how to plan out the most effective way to use your tax refund (or any big chunk of money you might happen upon):

Make a Plan in Advance

As obvious as this sounds, don’t wait until the check arrives or the direct deposit occurs. As soon as you know how much you’re getting, sit down and carefully consider what to do with this money. If you owe money, make your plans for that too. Don’t ignore the IRS – I promise they won’t go away. Expert gst registration services will guide you on the applicability and compliances under GST for your business and get your business registered under GST.

It is Your Money

Even though I’ll tell you what I think you should do with this money, remember that it is YOURS. If the IRS is giving you a refund, it means you worked hard all year and simply paid them too much of YOUR MONEY. They are nice enough to give it back (wow, never thought I’d say the IRS was nice…forgive me for that slip).

Be Strategic

If you don’t already have something to shield you from an emergency, your first priority needs to be to set aside as an emergency fund. How much? At least the amount of one paycheck. Break the cycle of living paycheck-to-paycheck. Then, assuming you have consumer debt (meaning you’re a “normal” American), I have five steps I teach to knock out debt and get your financial life in order.

  1. Cut Expenses
  2. Maximize Income
  3. Get Current on Everything
  4. Use the Dave Ramsey Debt Snowball to Arrange Your Debts
  5. Make a Call Every Time You’re Ready to Pay Something Off

I provide details on each of these in my book, so you may want to check it out if you really want to make the most of this year’s refund.

One Last Thought

If you got a huge refund this year, you should reduce your withholdings to reduce thisrefundIF you can use the money throughout the year responsibly – if not, maybe thetaxrefundapproach is necessary for now. But always be working toward the goal of avoiding paying the government too much of the money that belongs to you.

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What to Do With Your Tax Refund (4)

About Barry

Barry is the husband half of the Humorous Homemaking team. He speaks and writes mostly about personal development and personal finance issues. He is the author of From Debtor to Better: The Details of Debt and How to Get Out! and regularly speaks at conferences and other events.

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  1. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (5)Jenny says

    I would’ve never thought to call and ask for interest charges to be removed. Our credit card company took off $150 when we used our refund to pay the balance off. Thank you so much for the great tip!


  2. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (8)Marjori says

    We are putting it towards paying off my car and buying an ammunition reloader + supplies for husband. I just paid off his truck yesterday & with his payment + mine & any extra bonus money, it will be paid off in August! PTL!
    The 2 car payment amounts + any extra bonuses will then start going towards a (stupid) home equity loan we got 4 years ago for renovations on the house. I can’t wait until that thing is GONE – 8.25% on $35K makes for a long, expensive, rash decision. BUT, with this plan, it will be paid off in 3 yrs, as opposed to 22!! 😀

    Thanks for all you do!!


  3. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (10)Alicia says

    We’re going to put most of it into savings to help restore the bit of our emergency fund we dipped into when we bought our first (and I hope, only) home last year. We are going to spend some to buy a new fridge – the one in our house is as old as I am so the doors don’t seal. I’ve already had to throw out food because it wasn’t cold, so it’ll save us money in the long run on waste and I’m pretty sure on energy costs too.


  4. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (12)Amanda says

    My husband and I work incredibly hard, make good money, make donations, and have toddlers, but barely seem to get anything back even though our exemptions are married and 1. Others we know get tons back and don’t even have kids. I realize every situation is different, but it makes us wonder if we should pay extra and change from our regular lady (who’s done taxes for years) or switch to a firm who is costly. Any suggestions?


    • What to Do With Your Tax Refund (13)Barry says

      Unless your tax prep person is doing a poor job, it is unlikely that is the issue. I actually encourage you to get as small a refund as possible, as that means you’re not paying the IRS too much throughout the year. I’d say it is related to your income vs. deductible expenses. Wouldn’t hurt to have someone else take a look, but be prepared to pay for what will likely be no or very little difference.

  5. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (14)Margaret says

    Ours is going to pay rent for the time during the summer when we are incomeless. Otherwise, it would go into our house savings fund. Same as every year. Boring, but necessary. 🙂


  6. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (15)Jessica Smartt says

    So here’s my question…What are YOU doing with yours? I’m curious what people who already have an emergency plan in place might do with extra cash! Any room for a splurge? Give away? College savings? Or maybe you, like my father in-law, have it down to such a science that the IRS owes you $0.00 and you also owe them nothing!!!
    You can plead the fifth here if you want! 😉 Just curious!


    • What to Do With Your Tax Refund (16)Barry says

      Thanks for asking, Jessica. This year we are going to owe the IRS. Where I moved to a new employer, we rolled my 403b from the previous employer into a Roth IRA so we’ll have to capture that taxable gain. In addition to that, we’ll have the income from my financial counseling and book, then Stacy’s cookbook and this site. The IRS loves us and wants us so much I expect we’ll probably have to start paying quarterlies. Our tax situation is not very much fun, but making money sure is!


  7. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (17)Megan says

    We’re filling up the emergency fund and putting the rest toward being able to grow more of our own food and livestock. A living emergency fund, if you will.

    At least a small part will go toward stocking up the pantry. When my husband was laid off, that extra food was the difference between eating well and going skimpy.

    Extra guns are a great idea, too!


  8. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (19)Faith Storms says

    Do you still suggest using the Dave Ramsey debt snowball method if you have debts that are not collecting interest and ones that are? For example, we owe my husband’s parents a small amount of money that is not collecting any interest. We also owe money on my husband’s student loans that are collecting interest. According to the debt snowball, we should pay off the smallest debt first, but that leaves the larger debt accumulating interest while we work towards paying off the smaller debt.


    • What to Do With Your Tax Refund (20)Barry says

      I would still suggest the debt snowball for you. The point is not to save interest money – the point is to kill off the debt! I liken it to a bunch of bad guys in a dark alley – if I’m walking down the alley and they are all threats, I don’t care which ones go away, I just want them gone. Which ones are the easiest to make go away? The smallest ones! Since you also mentioned your husband’s parents being the creditor, I would put extra importance on getting that paid back. The Bible makes it very clear that the borrower is slave to the lender and I would want to remove those chains ASAP!


      • What to Do With Your Tax Refund (21)Faith Storms says

        Thanks for the suggestion! I will share your “dark alley” analogy with my husband. We are getting a HUGE refund back, so we should have enough to pay off the small debt we owe his parents and still put a chunk towards the student loan debt that is still accumulating.


  9. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (22)Lori says

    No, Barry, they are not “nice,” they are “obligated,” HA! You are forgiven!

    I filed my taxes yesterday, and I am paying off one huge debt, getting ahead on my daughter’s dance tuition and saving the rest for an emergency fund.


  10. What to Do With Your Tax Refund (24)Tara H says

    Quick update on us…we had 6 debts (including our car payment). We were able to pay 3 completely off!! We also saved $1,000 for an emergency fund, bought all of our school books for our boys for next year, saved enough for a small vacation (we try to make sure we can take the boys somewhere, usually just Chattanooga), and my husband got 2 new guns. That was important to us in light of what’s happening in our country.
    Thanks for all of your advice! Now we just have 3 more debts to go! Praise God!


What to Do With Your Tax Refund (2024)


What to Do With Your Tax Refund? ›

That's why financial pros generally advise clients to put any refund money toward financial goals rather than spending it. Many Americans have the right idea: Just 11% say they plan to use their refund to fund a vacation or a splurge, according to a recent survey from Bankrate.

How to spend your tax refund wisely? ›

Strategies for using your tax refund wisely
  1. Plan ahead before spending. Without a plan, you may spend impulsively. ...
  2. Pay off bills. ...
  3. Save for needs in the coming year. ...
  4. Save for short- and long-term financial goals. ...
  5. Save for long-term financial security.

What experts say you should do with a tax refund? ›

That's why financial pros generally advise clients to put any refund money toward financial goals rather than spending it. Many Americans have the right idea: Just 11% say they plan to use their refund to fund a vacation or a splurge, according to a recent survey from Bankrate.

Can I spend my tax refund? ›

Pay Down Your Debt With Your Tax Refund

Personal debt and car loans also may have higher interest rates. Use of your tax refund to lower or pay off credit card debt can help minimize the unnecessary interest payments. If possible, it is strongly suggested to fully pay off your credit cards as bills come in.

What is a smart thing to do with your refund? ›

It can be tempting to treat a tax refund as found money, but instead, you should use it to better your finances. Boost your savings, pay off debt, and invest for your future. Also consider using your refund to further your education, upgrade essential items in your life, or make home and car repairs.

What not to do with a tax refund? ›

7 Ways to Spend Your Tax Refund That You Should Avoid
  • Unneeded Material Things.
  • Casinos.
  • Don't Put It in Your Checking Account.
  • Don't Use It on a Car You Can't Afford.
  • Refund Advance Loans.
  • Paying Off Credit Cards You'll Max Out Again.
  • Excessively Expensive Vacations.
  • Tips for Using Your Refund Wisely.
Mar 30, 2022

What is the biggest tax refund ever? ›

Ramon Christopher Blanchett, of Tampa, Florida, and self-described freelancer, managed to scoop up a $980,000 tax refund after submitting his self-prepared 2016 tax return. He also allegedly claimed that he earned a total of $18,497 in wages — and that he had withheld $1 million in income taxes, according to a Jan.

Is it possible to get a $10,000 tax refund? ›

You could end up with a $10,000 tax refund if you've paid significantly more tax payments than you owe at the end of the year.

How to get $7000 tax refund? ›

Requirements to receive up to $7,000 for the Earned Income Tax Credit refund (EITC)
  1. Have worked and earned income under $63,398.
  2. Have investment income below $11,000 in the tax year 2023.
  3. Have a valid Social Security number by the due date of your 2023 return (including extensions)
Apr 12, 2024

How can I make more money on my tax refund? ›

Here are four simple ways to get a bigger tax refund according to the experts we spoke to.
  1. Contribute more to your retirement and health savings accounts.
  2. Choose the right deduction and filing strategy.
  3. Donate to charity.
  4. Be organized and thorough.
Mar 4, 2024

Should a tax refund be considered income? ›

If you receive a refund of (or credit for) state or local income taxes in a year after the year in which you paid them, you may have to include the refund in income in the year you receive it.

How do I get the best refund? ›

4 ways to increase your tax refund come tax time
  1. Consider your filing status. Believe it or not, your filing status can significantly impact your tax liability. ...
  2. Explore tax credits. Tax credits are a valuable source of tax savings. ...
  3. Make use of tax deductions. ...
  4. Take year-end tax moves.

What do most people do with their tax returns? ›

In total, 67% of taxpayers say they expect a refund this year, a recent Bankrate survey found. So what do Americans plan to do with that money? Nearly 30% of taxpayers receiving refunds plan to put theirs into savings, Bankrate found.

Should I use my tax refund to pay off debt? ›

As long as you have $1,000 in a starter emergency fund, you should use your tax refund to pay down your debt. But if you're out of debt and have 3–6 months of expenses saved for your fully funded emergency fund, use our investment calculator to see how your tax refund can do great things for your retirement account.

Who can take money from your tax refund? ›

Garnishing your refund

Federal law allows only state and federal government agencies (not individual or private creditors) to take your refund as payment toward a debt.

Can I send my tax refund to my wisely card? ›

Yes. If you pass a validation process, the primary cardholder can direct deposit income from second jobs, your tax refund, or other government benefits onto your Wisely Pay card. 2 Enter your account and routing numbers into the applicable direct deposit form or hand it to the HR person responsible for your pay.

How do I cash out my tax refund card? ›

You can also get cash from your card at ATMs, banks and credit unions, and participating stores. Cash from an ATM: There's no fee to withdraw cash at in-network ATMs that carry the Allpoint or MoneyPass brands, but fees may apply if you use an out-of-network ATM.

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Name: Errol Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.