What Is Your Bearded Dragon Trying to Tell You? (2024)

Bearded dragons exhibit a variety of behaviors. Recognizing what behavior your beardie is exhibiting and why it is showing this kind of behavior is important to truly understand your pet. It is also helpful to know what behaviors are normal and which ones are signs of stress or illness.

The Wave

Arm waving is used by both sexes to show submission. Young bearded dragons may do a slow "wave" with one of their arms to signal, "I'm just a baby! Don't hurt me!" Your young beardie may even do this when it sees you walking up to it if it is intimidated by you, but they usually do this to older bearded dragons whom they don't know very well.

The Head Bob

When bearded dragons feel they have dominated something or someone they may bob their heads. This is literally what it sounds like. They bob their head as though they were saying "yes." More dominant beardies may do this in passing to younger beardies. Younger bearded dragons may do "the wave," while the older or more dominant dragon may concurrently "head bob."

The Beard Puff

Bearded dragons get their names from the area on their throat where a human might have a beard. This "beard" can be puffed out and darken to black on-demand when your beardie gets upset. It may also choose to puff and darken its beard if it feels threatened, if it isn't feeling well, or if it is trying to display dominance (often done during mating season to impress the ladies).

Color Changes

Overall body color changes and beard color changes may occur slowly as your bearded dragon grows, but if a sudden or temporary color change is noted, it could be due to stress, illness, or an emotion. Beardies will often darken or turn black if threatened or upset. If your bearded dragon's coloration of skin becomes lighter, it could be due to an impending shed.

They will also darken their beards while exhibiting the beard puff. Most bearded dragons will change colors and darken when brought to their exotics vet if they aren't used to traveling (keep your beardie warm on the way to the vet) or handling.

Glass Surfing

This is strange behavior that bearded dragons exhibit in times of boredom and stress. Beardies will run back and forth alongside their enclosure (often a glass tank) and stand on their hind legs trying to run up the side. It looks comical, and you may even think your beardie is playing or sees his reflection in the glass but it isn't doing this for fun.

If your beardie is glass surfing, it may need a larger enclosure or more playtime outside of its enclosure, or something else is stressing it, such as a pet cat staring at it or the loss of a cage mate. Glass surfing should be considered an abnormal behavior, and beardies can actually hurt themselves by rubbing their feet, bellies, and faces on the glass repeatedly.


Female bearded dragons may naturally burrow if they are trying to lay a clutch of eggs. In the wild, beardies cover their eggs to incubate them and keep them safe from predators. In captivity, they shouldn't have to worry about the predators, but most bearded dragon breeders will remove the eggs after they are laid and incubate them at controlled temperatures in incubators.

If your beardie is digging, be sure to provide the appropriate substrate so that it can lay its eggs, make sure you are offering enough calcium in its diet, and monitor its eating and activity levels carefully. Many bearded dragons become egg-bound and need assistance or surgery to remove all of the follicles or eggs from their bodies.


Brumation is like hibernation for reptiles. Some reptiles in the wild will brumate when the weather gets cooler and food is more scarce. In captivity, temperatures are controlled and food is always available, so brumation is not necessary nor is it recommended. If your reptile isn't eating, moving much, burying itself, and defecating, he or she may be trying to brumate or could be sick. Make sure you contact your exotics vet to make sure your beardie isn't sick or dying.

Do not stop lighting, heating, or offering food to your bearded dragon in order to force a brumation. Continue to keep all of these resources available at their normal levels and quantities.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

What Is Your Bearded Dragon Trying to Tell You? (2024)


How do you know if your bearded dragon trusts you? ›

While not effusive and certainly not as emotional as dogs, cats, and other mammals, bearded dragons are known to show signs of affection to their owners. For example, they will remain calm when handled or sit still on their owner's lap. Bearded dragons are not social creatures by nature. In the wild, they live alone.

Do bearded dragons care about you? ›

Bearded Dragons are the only known reptile to show affection for their human companions, which is why they make great exotic pets if a reptile is the kind of animal you are looking for.

Do bearded dragons know you love them? ›

Continue to love your dragons as if they are loving you back. They do not recognize love but they recognize you and feel the pleasure that you give them when you're giving them that fat hornworm!

Should I talk to my bearded dragon? ›

The only way your bearded dragon is going to get comfortable around you is if you make your presence known regularly. Before handling your dragon (see below), try coming into the room and singing or talking sweetly to them.

What do bearded dragons love the most? ›

In the wild, Bearded Dragons mainly eat animals, they make up about 75% of their diet and can include crickets, co*ckroaches, worms and even small creatures such as mice however mice aren't fed to bearded dragons kept as pets. Greens, vegetables and limited fruit make up the other 20% to 25% of their diet.

How often should I hold my bearded dragon? ›

Bearded dragons usually tolerate handling better than other lizards. Regular handling helps bearded dragons get used to people, so you should handle your beardie daily. Doing so also minimizes stress during regular care, such as bathing or tank cleaning.

Can bearded dragons bond with you? ›

While bearded dragons offer a much different relationship from dogs and cats, owners can still develop close bonds and enjoy many similar types of interactions as other pets. The more attention you pay to your bearded dragon, the more you and your pet will get out of your relationship.

What are bearded dragons attracted to? ›

Bearded dragons are diurnal, visually oriented lizards. They spend the hottest time of the day in underground burrows. They do see colors and are attracted to green food. They also use their sense of smell, both to detect danger and to “sample” potential food items.

What not to do with your bearded dragon? ›

Don't - Keep your bearded dragon out of their habitat for too long. They don't necessarily enjoy being handled, even if they like you. You have to remember; people aren't just picking them up in the wild. They might not be upset, but they would most likely prefer to go back into their habitat.

What do bearded dragons do all day? ›

Unlike lizards who are active at night, bearded dragons are awake during the day. They often like to climb branches and sit on logs to bask in the sun. As a result, they make great pets for people who want to interact with their pets during waking hours.

How smart is a bearded dragon? ›

Bearded dragons are able to imitate other bearded dragons to open doors. “The ability to learn through imitation is thought to be the pinnacle of social learning and long considered a distinctive characteristic of humans.

Do bearded dragons like kisses? ›

Play safely: Don't kiss or snuggle your bearded dragon, and don't eat or drink around it.

What does it mean when a bearded dragon opens its mouth? ›

When a bearded dragon reaches its thermal maximum, it will often sit with its mouth open. This behavior, called gaping, shows that the lizard is at its optimal temperature for basking. This gaping will allow a bearded dragon to dissipate extra body heat.

Do bearded dragons miss you? ›

So do bearded dragons miss their owners? Not exactly. Bearded dragons don't experience the feeling of missing their owner when they're gone. However, bearded dragons can absolutely feel happy whenever they see their owner!

How do bearded dragons say hello? ›

Arm Waving

This behavior can be very amusing, because it appears that the bearded dragon is waving “Hello”, or “Good-bye”. This is generally a signal of submission. It's the bearded dragon's way of say, “hey, I'm friendly!”.

How do you read a bearded dragon's body language? ›

The tail curling gesture in bearded dragons signals alertness. Bearded dragons will curl their tails up when excited, chasing prey or running around for other reasons. They will also exhibit the tail curl as a reaction to warmth – when put in hot surroundings or in warm water.

How long does it take for a bearded dragon to trust you? ›

Many new owner reports suggest it takes up to three or four months for the bearded dragon to get comfortable. With time, the beardie will trust you and look forward to your petting. They can go for several days or even weeks alone. We recommend paying close attention every day.

What do bearded dragons think of their owners? ›

Yes, Bearded Dragons Feel!

Bearded dragons can become attached to their owners and perhaps other animals. Many pet owners tell stories of their bearded dragon's affection from seeking attention to cuddling up (article on bearded dragon cuddles).

Why is my beardie jumping at the glass? ›

Glass surfing is thought to be a result of stress and a bearded dragon may be stressed for several reasons: An enclosure or tank that's too small for it can stress a bearded dragon out. Another bearded dragon, even if they're not housed together, may be interpreted as competition for a bearded dragon and cause stress.

Do bearded dragons need constant attention? ›

Beardies love their owners. They'll recognize you, look in your eyes, beg for food, and sometimes want to be held. Unlike furry friends, beardies don't need constant attention or handling. They need alone time but will miss you if you're gone for too long.

Should I spray water on my bearded dragon? ›

Using misters on bearded dragons not only is effective for providing them with water, but also for making the shedding process go more smoothly. If you mist your beardie's skin during shedding, you increase the moisture in the environment -- and on his skin -- and therefore facilitate the loss of the old skin.

How many times do bearded dragons poop in a day? ›

Baby bearded dragons that are 3 months old or younger usually poop one to three times a day because their diet is rich in proteins. A young bearded dragon (4 to 18 months old) will have a bowel movement every day or so, while you can expect those older than 18 months to poop 1-7 times a week.

Do bearded dragon bites hurt? ›

The answer is it's situational, but the worst-case scenario really isn't that painful. Even though these lizards have tiny sharp teeth, it really just feels like a brief pinch or sting. The age of your bearded dragon when it bites you will impact how much their bite hurts too.

How do I relax my bearded dragon? ›

A warm bath (85-92 F) will relax your beardie, as well as giving them a chance to clean and hydrate themselves. Offer food daily. Alongside their normal greens, offer food daily, even if they are disinterested. This will help the beardie to positively associate with you.

Do bearded dragons like cold or hot? ›

What is the ideal temperature gradient for a Bearded dragon? During the day, the optimum basking area temperature for a Bearded dragon is 40-42°C (104-107°F) with the cool end sitting at around 22-25°C (71-77°F).

What upsets a bearded dragon? ›

Loud noise, such as outside traffic, dogs, yelling, TV, music, or a crying baby. Vibrations and rumbling from loud noises can bother your dragon almost as much as the noise itself. A new pet (even a new dragon or reptile in another tank can upset your dragon).

Can you get sick from kissing a bearded dragon? ›

Don't kiss or snuggle your bearded dragon, or eat or drink around it. These actions can spread Salmonella germs to your mouth and make you sick. Keep your bearded dragon out of your kitchen and other areas where you eat, store, or prepare food.

How many times a day should a bearded dragon get fed? ›

How often should I feed my bearded dragon? Most young bearded dragons eat once or twice daily, while older lizards can be fed once daily, depending upon each pet's individual appetite.

How do bearded dragons see the world? ›

Dragons also have their third eye (parietal eye), which can only detect shadows and changes of light, but this is useful for detecting predators and telling the dragon what time of day it is. Where they fall short, however, is when it comes to night vision, dragons do not see particularly well in the dark.

Do bearded dragons watch TV? ›

Sadly the answer is no, Bearded Dragons don't have the mental capacity to understand what a TV is. Sure they might detect movement on the screen and stare at it, but I assure you that they are not following along with the plot.

Do bearded dragons ever get lonely? ›

Since bearded dragons are naturally solitary creatures, they do not get lonely if placed alone in a cage or left for some time away from their keeper. They much prefer having their food and heat to themselves rather than sharing it with another bearded dragon.

What kind of music do bearded dragons like? ›

Latin music is popular among bearded dragons because it causes them to bob their heads in time with the beat, much like they would when basking under a heat lamp. This type of music also encourages them to forage and hunt naturally.

Do bearded dragons learn their name? ›

Can Bearded Dragons Recognize Their Name? Whether or not a bearded dragon can recognize their name is a subject of much debate. However, it has been observed that a bearded dragon can learn to respond to their name, if they associate it with something that benefits them i.e. food.

Do bearded dragons like their chin rubbed? ›

Aside from the head-to-tail petting, bearded dragons also enjoy having their cheeks and chin rubbed, their beards scratched, or their spikes stroked. Some dragons like their feet and tails to be petted too although this is less common.

Do bearded dragons love baths? ›

Many beardies don't like drinking from bowls, but will happily slurp up their bathwater. Baths are of course also important for hygiene. Plus, they help with shedding and constipation. Last but not least, many lizards simply enjoy a good soak!

Do bearded like being held? ›

Some bearded dragons like to relax and lounge on their owners' laps while they're getting a little weekend reading done. Some bearded dragons respond positively to being picked up. Fully grown bearded dragons tend to be especially accepting of physical contact with people.

Do bearded dragons trust their owners? ›

While bearded dragons offer a much different relationship from dogs and cats, owners can still develop close bonds and enjoy many similar types of interactions as other pets. The more attention you pay to your bearded dragon, the more you and your pet will get out of your relationship.

Do bearded dragons imprint on their owners? ›

Bearded dragons can learn to recognize their owners, and do so primarily as a food source. While they are generally docile, they do develop preferences for certain people and are more comfortable and trusting when handled and cared for properly.

How can you tell what mood your bearded dragon is? ›

Dragons tend to puff their beards out when they feel stressed or threatened. Your dragon may be severely stressed out by something new in his environment. Or he may be too hot or cold, or something else may be off in the terrarium.

What does it mean when a bearded dragon opens its mouth at you? ›

It's A Sign of Aggression. Bearded dragons are generally calm and docile lizards. However, if they feel threatened, angry, or afraid, they may open their mouths as part of an aggressive stance. When an animal feels threatened or afraid, it will go into a fight or flight response.

Do bearded dragons form bonds with humans? ›

Now, with this being said, your bearded dragon can absolutely bond with you, like you, and even display small signs of affection! In fact, some owners will swear to you that their dragon does in fact love them!

How often should you hold your bearded dragon? ›

Bearded dragons usually tolerate handling better than other lizards. Regular handling helps bearded dragons get used to people, so you should handle your beardie daily. Doing so also minimizes stress during regular care, such as bathing or tank cleaning.

Can you hold a bearded dragon too much? ›

Even the calmest bearded dragon will eventually become stressed out if you handle him for too long. In fact, it is important to understand that bearded dragons probably do not “like” being handled – they simply “tolerate” it. So, it is wise to avoid pushing their limits by keeping handling sessions relatively brief.

How do bearded dragons recognize their owners? ›

Beardies recognize and respond to their owners' voices and touch and are usually even-tempered. They can be great pets for someone who wants a reptile who likes to be held and taken out of his cage.

What does a stressed bearded dragon look like? ›

Depending on your dragon, stress marks may look like dark lines, ovals, or spots, or your dragon's entire beard may be black even while it is not expanded. Sometimes, the stress marks will be found on your dragon's limbs in addition to her belly. If you notice stress marks on your bearded dragon, don't panic.

What does it mean when your bearded dragon tail goes up? ›

Tail up — Your beardie is feeling alert! This is typically displayed while hunting down bugs or adventuring. And it's terribly cute. Head bobbing — This is a territorial display, as well as a sign of dominance.

How do you pick up a bearded dragon? ›

Do - Be as gentle as possible with your bearded dragon. Slowly reach your hand in their terrarium and lift up on their chin. This will usually prompt them to start climbing onto your hand/arm. If they don't climb, you can slowly place your hands around them and place them on your hand.

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.