What Is Shiba Inu And Can I Still Invest? (2024)

Investing in cryptocurrency and crypto assets is high risk. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong.Investing in cryptocurrency and crypto assets is high risk. Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment, and you should not expect to be protected if something goes wrong.

What Is Shiba Inu And Can I Still Invest? (1)

If someone had told you that one of the top 15 cryptocurrencies in terms of market cap only began in August 2020, you’d probably think that crypto is doing something revolutionary.

But altcoin Shiba Inu (SHIB) is anything but revolutionary. With a one quadrillion maximum supply of tokens and over 500 trillion SHIB tokens in circulation, the price of SHIB isn’t even close to a penny. And, while Shiba Inu is built on the Ethereum blockchain, it’s hard to picture dog-themed SHIB as the decentralized cryptocurrency of the future.

However, this altcoin has gained over 5,000,000% in value since its inception and has many investors wondering: Is Shiba Inu a good investment? To understand if you should invest in SHIB or not, you need to understand the history of the altcoin, why its price has been skyrocketing, and the investment risks. We explain all of that and more below.

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Table of Contents

Will SHIB Reach $1? 0.01? - Future Price Predictions And Warnings

How To Buy SHIB

Does Shiba Inu Make Sense For You?

What Is The Shiba Inu (SHIB) Coin?

In August of 2020, anonymous individual “Ryoshi” created the Shiba Inu (SHIB) coin, naming the cryptocurrency after the Japanese dog breed Shiba Inu.

This isn’t the first dog-inspired cryptocurrency. Ever since meme-coinDogecoinbegan in 2013, there have been a slew of similar canine coins, including the likes ofFloki InuandKishu Inu. However, SHIB is one of the most valuable of all these cryptocurrencies, and it’s commonly called the “Dogecoin killer” due to its goal to beat Dogecoin in terms of market cap.

And, when you visit theShiba Token website, the project certainly looks serious. For starters, SHIB is an ERC-20 token, which is the standard token used on the Ethereum blockchain. Shiba Inu’s website also states it’s “a decentralized meme token that evolved into a vibrant ecosystem.”

There’s even aWhite Paper, appropriately called a WoofPaper, where Ryoshi explains the importance ofdecentralized finance (DeFi) and why Shiba Inu and its community are so powerful.

What Is ShibaSwap?

The Shiba Inu community launched ShibaSwap, a decentralizedcryptocurrency exchange where people can trade SHIB. The platform has also created two sub-tokens for the community: Bone and Leash.

What Is Shiba Inu And Can I Still Invest? (2)

Bone tokens are for governance, so holders of Bone can vote on future changes to SHIB. In contrast, Leash tokens are a second token in the Shiba Inu ecosystem with a supply just north of 100,000 tokens.

These new tokens relate to various ShibaSwap features that let people benefit from being stakeholders. For example, ShibaSwap users can “bury” SHIB, Bone, and Leash tokens to earn interest.

Members can also “dig” on ShibaSwap, which basically means depositing cryptocurrency to help increase exchange liquidity. In return for digging, you receive Bone tokens as a reward. Shiba Inu is even launching a marketplace forNFTswhere you can browse a collection of over 10,000 Shiboshis, the community’s own NFTs.

The NFT marketplace is a more recent development that’s still finding its footing. Furthermore, while its own decentralized exchange, staking and liquidity pools, and governance tokens look legitimate on the surface, many still consider SHIB to be nothing more than a meme.

A History Of Shiba Inu - What’s Behind The Recent Price Rise?

Despite its detractors, Shiba Inu is one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies by market cap. So, this rise in value begs the question, "Why did Shiba Inu become so valuable?"

First of all, SHIB certainly launched at the right time. In early 2021, a series of Tweets from Elon Muskalluding to Dogecoin or mentioning the altcoin directly saw a spike in Dogecoin’s value. Musk continued this pattern of Tweeting leading up to his appearance on SNL in May. The social media hype saw Dogecoin’s price rise until the show actually aired, during which timeMusk called Dogecoin a “hustle,”causing the price of Dogecoin to drop.

That’s the Dogecoin story. But like many altcoins, Shiba Inu benefited from the excitement over Dogecoin and also rose by over 5,000% in five days according to CoinDesk.

Media attention didn’t stop there. Ryoshi, the founder of Shiba Inu,sent half of Shiba’s token supply to Vitalik Buterin,the founder of Ethereum. However,Buterin burned most of his SHIB holdingsa few days later stating he didn’t want so much power over the circulating supply of SHIB. Buterin also donated over a billion dollars worth of SHIB tokens to India’s Covid-19 Crypto Relief Fund.

Buterin’s actions caused a dropoff in the price of SHIB, and the altcoin hovered between $0.000006 and $0.000009 for the next several months.

However, since the spike, it's settled into a trend of trading around $0.000010

What Is Shiba Inu And Can I Still Invest? (3)

During this time, it seemed like Shiba Inu’s fate was sealed. But whenCoinbase, a leading cryptocurrency exchange,announced its support for SHIB on its platform in September, prices began to climb once more. Bitcoin and crypto’s overall rally during this time also created the perfect bullish scenario for Shiba Inu’s price to increase.

And, unsurprisingly, another catalyst came from Elon Musk once again. On October 3rd, 2021,Musk’s Tweetof his new Shiba Inu dog sent prices skyrocketing.

When aChange.org petition to list SHIB on Robinhood went viral and amassed over 400,000 signatures, Shiba Inu reached its highest price in history. And with cryptocurrency whales now piling millions of dollars into Shiba Inu, the price has continued to climb.

Should You Invest In Shiba Inu?

The fear of missing out, or FOMO, is a common emotion investors can experience with cryptocurrency. After all, when you hear about investors putting$8,000 into Shiba Inu and making $5.7 billion, it’s easy to feel like you’re missing the next gold rush by sitting on the sidelines.

However, like any alternative investment, you have to understand the risks and potential rewards of investing. For something as volatile as SHIB, this is even more important.

So, should you invest in Shiba Inu? And, how can you decide if this altcoin is right for you? Well, if you want to invest in SHIB because you believe in the future of decentralized finance, you’re probably barking up the wrong tree.

Shiba Inu is built on the Ethereum blockchain. But despite having its own exchange, SHIB isn’t paving the way for DeFi. Ethereum is, of course, the frontrunner for all things decentralized finance. Additionally, there are other cryptocurrency projects that have more apparent real-world utility than Shiba Inu, like Cardano and Solana.

Furthermore, Shiba Inu’s token supply is a concern for some and has been a point of criticism from Wall Street pros like “The Big Short” investor Michael Burry. But even if you buy-in to SHIB's future in DeFi and aren’t worried about its token supply, volatility is a significant risk.

As we’ve seen, a single Tweet or celebrity endorsem*nt can spike or plummet the price of Shiba Inu. Furthermore, according to Coinbase data, the average holding time for SHIB is only 14 days; hardly a signal that this is a buy-and-hold cryptocurrency.

The bottom line is this: Right now, Shibu is only a play for speculative, short-term traders. Unlike with other coins like Bitcoin, there aren’t any fundamental reasons to invest in Shiba Inu. So you should never spend money on it that you can’t afford to lose.

Will SHIB Reach $1? 0.01? - Future Price Predictions And Warnings

One of the reasons many investors flock to altcoins like SHIB is because it's so cheap. On paper, this sounds like an easier way to become rich than to invest in more expensive cryptocurrencies. After all, if you buy a million SHIB for less than $100 and its price reaches $1, you just became a millionaire.

Shiba Inu promoters and people looking to pump and dump their tokens are unfortunate proponents of this line of thinking. There are many SHIB price predictions and targets, with people asking if SHIB can reach a penny or a dollar.

These Shiba Inu price predictions are where you run into the problem of SHIB’s token supply. With over 500 trillion tokens currently in circulation, if Shiba Inu reaches $0.01, that’s over $5 trillion in market cap. For context, the total value of the U.S. economy is approximately $21 trillion according toThe World Bank. Therefore, SHIB reaching a penny is practically impossible at current token numbers.

In fairness, Shiba Inu’s developers are creating ways to reduce the total number in circulation. As mentioned, holders can bury SHIB tokens with ShibaSwap, taking tokens out of circulation for a period of time. The new NFT marketplace also has a burning mechanism in which SHIB tokens are burned when people buy and name their Shiboshis.

However, even with these actions, there are simply too many SHIBs in current circulation for it to reach a penny, let alone a dollar. If a massive amount of tokens were burned or if everyone bought into Shiba Inu, the price could potentially rise much higher than current levels. But from a simple supply and demand perspective, it’s nearly impossible for SHIB to reach $0.01 or higher.

All of this is to say you should be very wary of SHIB price predictions that toute such high figures. Simple math can usually tell you if a price prediction for an altcoin is based in reality or not. So always do your due diligence.

How To Buy SHIB

If you want to invest in Shiba Inu or try your hand at swing trading this volatile altcoin, you have several options.

One of the simplest methods to buy Shiba Inu is toopen a Coinbase account and to buy the crypto there. Coinbase is one of the most popular exchanges in the world. And you can connect your bank account to your Coinbase account to buy SHIB with funds from your bank.

Binance another popular cryptocurrency exchange, also let you buy and sell Shiba Inu, as well as dozens of other cryptocurrencies and stablecoins.

Does Shiba Inu Make Sense For You?

As mentioned, investing in Shiba Inu is similar to gambling right now. The average holding time for SHIB on Coinbase is 14 days. And the altcoin can experience massive swings in price with just a single Tweet or piece of news.

If you want toinvest in cryptocurrency, there are plenty of other more reliable options.

Whatever you decide, understand your level of risk tolerance and how much of your investment portfolio you want to put into crypto. Altcoins like Shiba Inu can and have made millionaires. But if you’re not ready for a wild ride and the potential to lose everything, this isn’t the right investment for you.

What Is Shiba Inu And Can I Still Invest? (2024)


Is it good to invest in Shiba Inu now? ›

Shiba INU (SHIB) is a high-risk investment. However, earlier deemed as a “meme coin” with little utility other than trading, SHIB is increasing its applications. It has its own Metaverse called Shib Metaverse.

What if you invested $1,000 in Shiba Inu? ›

If You Invested $1,000 in Shiba Inu Crypto in 2020, It Would Be Worth $24 Million Now | Nasdaq.

What would it take for Shiba to hit $1? ›

Based on Shiba Inu's current market cap of $5.8 billion, supply would have to fall to 5.8 billion tokens to organically lift the price per token to $1. In other words, roughly 99.99998% of the 589.3 trillion tokens now in supply would have to be burned.

What if you bought $100 of Shiba Inu? ›

That investment would be worth an astonishing $6,398,039.22 today based on a price of $0.00003263 for Shiba Inu at the time of writing. Shiba Inu hit an all-time high of $0.00008845 in October 2021. At its peak, the $100 investment would have been worth $17,343,137.25.

Is it too late to invest in Shiba Inu? ›

Despite the challenges, Shiba Inu's recent rally suggests that investors are still willing to speculate on the token's potential for further growth. While a repeat of its 2021 performance is highly unlikely, some believe the token could potentially reclaim its all-time high of $0.000089.

Will the Shiba Inu coin reach $1 in 10 years? ›

It just can't happen. No matter how explosive the next bull market might be, there is no chance Shiba Inu will hit $1. By just about every measure, this dog may have seen its last day. Should you invest $1,000 in Shiba Inu right now?

Will Shiba Inu coin make me a millionaire? ›

But as things stand today, Shiba Inu is 89% below its peak price. Nonetheless, it has still soared 969,000% since its public launch in August 2020. There's a possibility that this speculative meme token will make you a millionaire. For investors who have watched from the sidelines, this is probably what the hope is.

How much Shiba Inu coin should I buy to become a millionaire? ›

If SHIB reaches $0.0001 per coin, you would need 10 million coins to become a millionaire. If SHIB reaches $0.001 per coin, you would need 1 million coins. If SHIB reaches $0.01 per coin, you would need 100,000 coins.

What happens if Shiba hits a dollar? ›

Simple math suggests that if Shiba Inu rose to $1, its market cap would then be $589.3 trillion. For context, that's more than the total wealth of every person on Earth, which stood at $454 trillion at the end of 2022, according to Credit Suisse.

Which is the best coin to invest in? ›

1. Bitcoin (BTC) Bitcoin (BTC) remains a compelling choice for investors in May 2024 due to its fundamental strength, technical innovation, and favorable macroeconomic climate. Its capped supply of 21 million coins provides scarcity, driving potential long-term value.

Could SHIB hit 1 penny? ›

Despite past price surges, the possibility of SHIB reaching 1 cent is quite remote. Even at its all-time high in October 2021, SHIB would have required a significant increase of 113x in price to reach 1 cent. Despite the unlikely prospect of reaching 1 cent, there is still potential upside for SHIB.

Which is the best coin to buy now? ›

Top 10 Cryptos to Invest In May 2024
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Binance Coin (BNB)
  • Solana (SOL)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)
  • Polkadot (DOT)

Can I sell Shiba Inu for cash? ›

Yes, you can buy and sell Shiba Inu using USD on Kraken.

How many people have bought Shiba Inu? ›

How many holders of Shiba Inu are there? As of 2022, Shiba Inu has over 1.2 million holders.

Did people make money on Shiba Inu? ›

So yes, Shiba Inu once had millionaire-making potential. However, Shiba Inu is much better known these days, which could limit the future upside in the price. Shiba Inu's market cap is currently about $14 billion, down from $39 billion at its peak in 2021.

Will shiba inu coin reach $1 dollar? ›

Shiba Inu has a persistent supply problem

For context, that's more than the total wealth of every person on Earth, which stood at $454 trillion at the end of 2022, according to Credit Suisse. In other words, Shiba Inu rising to $1 is unequivocally impossible in its current state.

Will shiba inu coin reach $1 cent? ›

Can Shiba Inu Realistically Reach 1 Cent? If we assume 30% growth, SHIB can reach 1 cent in the next 29 years. This growth can occur only if there is an active burn program. Taking into consideration how unpredictable the whole crypto market is, the SHIB token has a chance to surprise us.

What will Shiba be worth in 2025? ›

Shiba Inu (SHIB) Price Prediction Table
YearAverage Price*Percent Increase
8 more rows

Will shiba inu coin reach 25 cents? ›

The forecast suggests that reaching the milestone of $0.25 might be more feasible than previously anticipated, albeit within the timeframe of 2040 to 2050. Present Status: In recent activity, Shiba Inu has surged past the $0.00001 mark, currently trading at $0.00001075, marking a 4% increase over the last 24 hours.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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