What is Nitrogen Pollution? (2024)

Growing Awry

Nitrogen makes plants grow. But too much of a good thing is a bad thing. When too much nitrogen flows to our bays, fast-growing plants out-compete and kill slower-growing beneficial plants. Decaying plants use up oxygen, which kills fish and other marine life. Algae blooms such as brown tide, rust tide, and the macro-algae called Ulva, (AKA Sea lettuce) are examples we now see around Long Island.

Poisonous for People and Wildlife

The red tide algae Alexandrium produces a powerful neurotoxin that accumulates in filter feeding shellfish that can poison the people or wildlife that eat them. Toxic algae are increasingly occurring in Long Island’s bays and harbors.

More costly water quality sampling and enforcement by government to open and close shellfishing areas is becoming the norm. But wildlife can’t read the no-shellfishing signs and the results can be devastating.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (1)

We're Oyster Farmers


An oyster farm with 1 million oysters can filter 50 million gallons of water per day, making them a critical piece in protecting Long Island's water quality from nitrogen pollution

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (2)

Jim's Solution

A Freeport junkman Jim Ruocco has witnessed what happens when 50 million gallons per day of minimally treated sewage effluent are discharged into a poorly flushed estuary.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (3)

Answers & Solutions


As a fishermen and scientist, Carl LoBue ponders what our successors will think about the decisions we make today, and how those decisions will impact the island’s fishing future.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (4)


Shelter Island

See how Long Island’s smallest township is a microcosm of the region-wide water quality problem.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (5)

On Display


When the new Great South Bay inlet created by superstorm Sandy opened up, it formed an 8-mile undeveloped stretch of Fire Island called the Otis Pike High Dunes Wilderness Area.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (6)

It's Imperative

Mastic Beach

Mayor Maura Sperry talks about how water quality affects one of Long Island’s most flood-prone communities.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (7)

Something Lost


George Remmer, commercial fisherman, restaurant owner, and college professor, laments the changes he has seen around Great River, Grand Canal and Great South Bay.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (8)

Collapse of a Legacy

North Sea

Howard Pickerel has hand-built 600 boats in his backyard. Pickerel boats were at one time the backbone of Long Island’s shellfishing industry.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (9)

A New Perspective


Evelyn O'Doherty is a year-round stand-up paddleboard racer, paddler, surfer and yoga teacher who lives in East Hampton.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (10)

On Georgica Pond


Even Long Island’s most bucolic communities are not immune to the effects of nitrogen pollution.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (11)

A Chef's Connection


Forty years ago Bruce Bollman had a vision that Long Island’s North Fork would become a destination calling for gourmet artisanal eateries.

What is Nitrogen Pollution? (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.