What is central bank digital currency (CBDC)? (2024)

What is central bank digital currency (CBDC)? (1)

Dissolving Euro banknote

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When was the last time you paid for something with cold, hard cash? While physical currency is still widely used all around the world, people in some countries have been using it a lot less lately—especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, with its cash shortages and hygiene concerns. As people shift away from cash, many are increasingly turning to digital financial transactions. Globally, banks and financial institutions process far more transactions digitally than they do in physical branches.

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Vinayak HV is a senior partner in McKinsey’s Singapore office and leader of McKinsey Digital in Asia–Pacific; James Manyika is a senior partner emeritus in the Bay Area office, where Marc Singer and Olivia White are both senior partners.

A variety of recent digital disruptions, including the emergence of cryptocurrencies and blockchaintechnology, have made waves in the financial-services sector. Digital currencies are part of that story, and central banks have started to take note.

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are the digital form of a government-issued currency that isn’t pegged to a physical commodity. They are issued by central banks, whose role is to support financial services for a nation’s government and its commercial-banking system, set monetary policy, and issue currency. Examples of central banks include the US Federal Reserve System, the Bank of Japan, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC), and Germany’s Deutsche Bundesbank.

CBDCs are similar to—but not the same as—stablecoins. Stablecoins are a specific type of private, stabilized cryptocurrency pegged to another currency, commodity, or financial instrument with the goal of maintaining a relatively stable value over time. Unlike cryptocurrencies, which are decentralized, CBDCs are state issued and operated.

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What are the different types of CBDCs, and where are they currently in use?

There’s no one type of CBDC; a wide variety of approachesare being piloted in various countries. One type of CBDC is an account-based model, such as DCash, which is being implemented in the Eastern Caribbean. With DCash, consumers hold deposit accounts directly with the central bank. At the opposite end of the spectrum is China’s e-CNY, a CBDC pilot that relies on private-sector banks to distribute and maintain digital-currency accounts for their customers. China showcased e-CNY during the 2022 Olympic Games in Beijing. Visitors and athletes could use the currency to make purchases within the Olympic Village.

Another model is the one under consideration by the European Central Bankin which licensed financial institutions each operate a permissioned node of the blockchain network as a conduit for the distribution of a digital euro. A final model, popular with “cryptophiles” but not yet fully trialed by central banks, is where fiat currency (currency that is government issued but not backed by a commodity) would be issued as anonymous fungible tokens to protect users’ privacy.

What is central bank digital currency (CBDC)? (2)

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At present, 87 countries—representing more than 90 percent of global GDP—are exploring CBDCs. Here’s a closer look:

  • Jamaica’s JAM-DEX launched in June 2022and is the first CBDC to be ratified formally as legal tender. It’s a relatively simple offering, with no advanced use cases (such as cross-border payment for smart contracts). JAM-DEX isn’t blockchainbased, unlike the Bahamas’ Sand Dollar and the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank’s DCash.
  • Nigeria, the first African country to roll out a CBDC, launched eNaira in October 2021.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa is poised to adopt CBDCs. The widespread use of M-PESA, a mobile money transfer service, has established a strong social and financial infrastructure for the potential future use of CBDCs.
  • Project Aber is an initiative launched jointly by the central banks of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates that tested the use of a jointly issued digital currencyas an instrument for domestic and cross-border settlements between the two countries.

Why have central banks become interested in CBDCs?

Four trends have likely spurred central banks’ interest in CBDCs:

  • Plummeting cash usage. In Europe, cash usage declined by one-third between 2014 and 2021. In Norway, only 3 percent of payment transactions are made with cash. This trend has forced central banks to reexamine their role in the monetary system.
  • Growing interest in privately issued digital assets. In the United Kingdom, 10 percent of adults report holding or having held a digital asset, like cryptocurrency. The European Central Bank says that as many as 10 percentof households in six large EU countries own digital assets. Consumer use of digital assets can be viewed as a potential challenge to fiat currency as a unit of measurement for value.
  • Decreasing sense of central banks as payments innovators. CBDCs offer central banks a new opportunity to lead strategic conversations on cash use cases in a public forum.
  • Rising global payment systems. Many central banks seek to establish greater local governance over increasingly global payment systems. Central banks see CBDC as a potential stabilizing anchor of local digital payment systems.

There are potential benefits to establishing CBDCs, but they aren’t without risk. Read on to learn more.

What are the potential benefits of CBDCs?

Advocates of digital finance believe that new digital tools, among them CBDCs, can address many issues related to efficiency, security, and access:

  • Reduced costs. Financial-service providers stand to save $400 billion annually in direct costs by shifting spending away from physical infrastructure and toward digital finance. But reduced costs must be measured against the significant investments in new technology that CBDCs will require.
  • Increased speed. CBDCs could improve the speed and efficiency of many countries’ electronic payment systems. (This argument is becoming less compelling, as we’ll see below.)
  • Greater access for those without bank accounts. Just under 5 percent of US adults don’t have bank accounts; in 2016, there were 1.6 billion unbanked people around the world. CBDCs accessible through mobile devices could potentially increase financial inclusion. And for providers of digital financial services, mobile money presents a gateway into untouched markets. However, adoption isn’t a guarantee; many underbanked people may favor the total anonymity afforded by cash.
  • Heightened security. Deploying a regulated digital currency accessible via mobile devices could potentially enhance payment securityby ensuring that a transaction is finalized and unalterable—even without a formal bank account—reducing the chances of fraud. Regulated use of private-key cryptography could enable users to “sign” transactions digitally, reducing the wait time for a transaction to be irreversibly final and giving the parties greater peace of mind.

Learn more about McKinsey’s Financial Services Practice.

What are some concerns around CBDCs?

While central banks are enthusiastically exploring the potential of CBDC, there are some challenges to be considered as well. When money becomes digital, it also becomes traceable and therefore taxable. McKinsey analysts anticipate this to become a hurdle to voluntary adoption. Another issue is a lack, so far, of technological stability. In January 2022, the digital version of Eastern Caribbean DCash went offline for two months because of technological issues.

There are also concerns that the business case for CBDCs is weak. For one thing, it may take more effort for central banks to develop infrastructure for digital currencies than can be justified by the relatively meager reward. Also, CBDCs may not confer the increased speed as predicted: many developed countries now activate instant payments using legacy (nonblockchain) infrastructure. Central banks in some nations, such as Canada and Singapore, have come to the conclusion that there isn’t currently a strong case for digital currency.

How does China use CBDC?

Private cryptocurrency is banned in China, but the country has still been dabbling in digital currency. In fact, China’s central bank, PBOC, has created the most advanced market applicationof CBDC to date. China’s CBDC pilot of e-CNY relies on private-sector banks to distribute and maintain these accounts for their customers.

In late 2019, PBOC began testing e-CNYthrough app- and wallet-based payments for government services, shopping, transportation, and other consumer lifestyle use cases. The pilot initially launched in four cities, then quickly expanded to five more. As of May 2022, 4.5 million merchant wallets and 260 million transactions worth more than 83 billion renminbi had been performed through the e-CNY pilot.

An early look at lessons from China’s use of CBDCfound the following potential benefits:

  • Encourages financial inclusion. Having a bank account isn’t a prerequisite to use e-CNY. Consumers without an account can download and deploy digital wallets from six authorized, state-owned banks.
  • Supports know-your-customer (KYC) protocols. CBDC, like blockchain-based cryptocurrencies, enables customers to use unique digital fingerprintsto identify themselves to banks. This helps banks avoid working with unverified actors, which can deter their implication in fraud and other criminal activities, including money laundering.
  • Reduces compliance costs for banks. The use of CBDC could result in savings for banks related to transaction monitoring and reporting.
  • Simplifies government programs. It might be possible for e-CNY to streamline the distribution of subsidies, such as transportation for employees.

Learn more about McKinsey’s Financial Services Practice.

How can various stakeholders prepare for the future of CBDCs?

It’s still too early to predict what the future holds for CBDCs. But despite the uncertainty, central banks can consider the following five questions:

  • What’s the end game in adoption compared with traditional money? Business cases and scenarios should be based on assessments of the current and future payment landscape and realistic adoption goals.
  • Which constituencies does the CBDC aim to address? Design choices should be based on the user segment: private citizens, commercial banks, or corporations. Decisions should be informed by expertise outside the traditional central-bank organizations.
  • What role will the central bank play? Whether or not the central bank envisions itself as deeply involved, existing relationships with commercial banks and corporations should be used to achieve adoption goals.
  • What resources and capabilities will be required? Central banks are likely to need new decision-making processes, new change management practices, and talent experienced in forging partnerships.
  • What changes beyond payments will central banks need to enforce? Hurdles in regulation, commerce enablement, and fiscal rights will need to be overcome to achieve central banks’ adoption goals.

But as we’ve seen, central banks aren’t the only organizations invested in the game. Here’s how other stakeholders can prepare for the arrival of CBDCs:

  • Providers of financial-service infrastructure should optimize their design choices for interoperability with digital currencies.
  • Retail banks, merchants, and payment service providers should consider the level of infrastructure investment that might be needed to implement CBDCs successfully as they address other requirements for modernizing payments.
  • Chief risk officers and CFOs should monitor the impact of digital currencies on bank liquidity and capital requirements in light of potential policy changes.
  • Investors in popular and speculative cryptocurrencies should anticipate how CBDCs will affect their assets. The emergence of central-bank solutions could hinder the growth of crypto ecosystems.
  • Commercial banks should learn to conduct effective KYCand anti-money-laundering monitoring of digital currencies. In models that involve commercial banks issuing CBDCs to customers (in return for deposit-based revenue opportunities), they will also be expected to carry the cost burden for KYC compliance.

While much is still unknown about the future of CBDCs, a fuller picture of their benefits and disadvantages will emerge with time. One thing is clear: CBDCs have the potential to significantly affect the world.

For a more in-depth exploration of these topics, see McKinsey’s insights on financial services. Learn more about McKinsey’s Financial Services Practice—and check out finance-related job opportunities if you’re interested in working at McKinsey.

Articles referenced

  • Olivier Denecker, Arnaud d’Estienne, Pierre-Matthieu Gompertz, and Elia Sasia, “Central bank digital currencies: An active role for commercial banks,” McKinsey, October 13, 2022
  • Ian De Bode, Matt Higginson, and Marc Niederkorn, “CBDC and stablecoins: Early coexistence on an uncertain road,” McKinsey, October 11, 2021
  • Matt Higginson, Atakan Hilal, and Erman Yugac, “Blockchain and retail banking: Making the connection,” McKinsey, June 7, 2019
  • Sonia Barquin, Vinayak HV, and Duhita Shrikhande, “Reaching Asia’s digital banking customers,” McKinsey, April 16, 2018
  • Chris Berry, Susan Lund, James Manyika, Marc Singer, and Olivia White, “How digital finance could boost growth in emerging economies,” McKinsey Global Institute, September 21, 2016
What is central bank digital currency (CBDC)? (3)

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What is central bank digital currency (CBDC)? (2024)


What is central bank digital currency (CBDC)? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a form of digital currency issued by a country's central bank. It is similar to cryptocurrencies, except that its value is fixed by the central bank and is equivalent to the country's fiat currency. Many countries are developing CBDCs, and some have even implemented them.

What is the meaning of CBDC? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a digital version of a country's central bank money or fiat currency. Fiat money is not tied to a physical commodity such as gold or silver.

Is the US going to a digital dollar? ›

U.S. President Joe Biden ordered officials to look into a digital dollar in 2022 but it has become a divisive political issue with Biden's Republican rival in this year's U.S. election race, Donald Trump, vowing not to allow it.

What is CBDC for dummies? ›

A Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is a digital form of fiat money, directly issued and regulated by the central bank of a country.

What is an example of CBDC? ›

Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the digital currency issued by the central bank that is legal tender in digital form. Examples of digital currency projects include Project Jasper, launched by Payments Canada, and Digital Euro, issued by Eurosystem.

Will CBDC replace cash? ›

Will a U.S. CBDC replace cash or paper currency? The Federal Reserve is committed to ensuring the continued safety and availability of cash and is considering a CBDC as a means to expand safe payment options, not to reduce or replace them. 3.

What are the risks of CBDC? ›

A UK House of Lords economic affairs committee report concluded that a CBDC poses two main security risks: first, that individual accounts could be compromised through cybersecurity weaknesses; and, second, that a centralised CBDC ledger could be a target for attack from “hostile state and non-state actors”.

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Issues Addressed by CBDCs

Eliminate the third-party risk of events like bank failures or bank runs. Any residual risk that remains in the system rests with the central bank.

What will replace money in the future? ›

The future of money is expected to be heavily influenced by technology. Predictions include the rise of cashless societies, the growth of cryptocurrencies, the continued adoption of digital currencies, and the potential offering of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) by governments.

What will CBDC be backed by? ›

The U.S. CBDC will be backed and controlled by the Federal Reserve. The central bank will issue the digital currency and it will be accessible through digital wallets from intermediaries such as banks.

Is Bank of America going to digital currency? ›

Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are coming, but a digital dollar is unlikely in the near term, Bank of America (BAC) said in a report on Monday.

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If it's been a long time since you pulled out actual dollars and coins to pay for something — here's a conversation for you. It might seem like cash is slowly becoming obsolete. But, Brett Scott says it's a false narrative that we're all pining for a cashless society.

How much is CBDC to USD? ›

Convert CBDC (CBDC) to USD
1 CBDC0.00004419 USD
2 CBDC0.00008838 USD
5 CBDC0.00022094 USD
10 CBDC0.00044188 USD
8 more rows

How is CBDC different from cash? ›

A central bank digital currency (CBDC) is a form of digital currency issued by a country's central bank. It is similar to cryptocurrencies, except that its value is fixed by the central bank and is equivalent to the country's fiat currency.

Is CBDC a good idea? ›

But a CBDC is always a liability of the Federal Reserve, America's central bank (that's where the CB comes from). That means the Fed has the responsibility to do with it what ever is required. In other words, whenever you use a dollar of CBDC, there's a direct connection between you and the Fed. Not a good idea.

How will CBDC affect banks? ›

With the number of banks fixed, banks respond to the introduction of CBDC by increasing the deposit rate as banks attempt to maintain market share. If the number of banks is able to adjust, the deposit market becomes more concentrated following the introduction of CBDC.

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