What is an IRA? Individual Retirement Account explained | Facet (2024)

An individual retirement account (IRA) is an investment account created specifically for the purpose of saving for retirement. As the name implies, an IRA offers individuals a way to save and invest for retirement with many tax benefits, one of which is tax-free growth on earnings.

Unlike the retirement accounts an employer might offer, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), most types of IRAs are completely managed by you, not your employer. There are some exceptions because certain types of IRAs are also available to small businesses, but most IRAs are completely controlled by the individual.

All IRAs offer tax-free growth so you don’t have to pay taxes on any growth or income earned over time while your money remains in the account. The main difference between the various types of IRAs is how your savings (or contributions) are taxed today and how they are taxed in the future when you take money out.

Here’s what you need to know.

Why invest in an IRA?

An individual retirement account offers an additional avenue to save and invest to achieve financial independence in retirement, and has several benefits:

  • Greater retirement savings:All IRAs offer you the ability to save more for your future financial independence or retirement.
  • Greater control:Unlike employer-sponsored plans such as a 401(k), IRAs give you full control over where your account is, what investments you choose, and what fees you pay.
  • Tax-free growth:Money invested in an IRA will grow tax-free until you take it out.
  • Potential tax savings today:Some IRAs allow you to pay no taxes today on the money you contribute and defer those taxes until you start making withdrawals.
  • Potential tax savings in the future:Some IRAs let you pay taxes on your contributions today and enjoy potential tax-free withdrawals in the future.

How does an IRA work?

All IRAs have two things in common. First, to contribute to an individual retirement account you must have earned income. For married couples, only one partner must have earned income. Second, all earnings and growth of your investments within the IRA are tax-free while they remain in the account.

Unlike a workplace retirement plan where your employer handles a lot of the set-up, an IRA requires you to take certain steps and make some decisions, including:

  • Determining if you are eligible
  • Deciding which account to open
  • Deciding how much to contribute
  • Deciding how you will invest your money
  • Naming a beneficiary
  • Creating a strategy for using the money

Keep in mind that these decisions may change over time. Retirement planning is an ongoing process that should be reviewed at least once a year, and the amount you contribute and the investments you choose may be different.

What are the different types of IRAs and their advantages and disadvantages?

There are several types of IRAs, but the two most common are traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs.

Traditional IRA

Taxes: No taxes on the money you deposit/contribute. Money grows tax-free. Withdrawals are fully taxable.

Advantages of traditional IRAs

You get an up-front tax break, because your contributionsmay be eligible to lower your taxable income(called claiming a deduction) today. That will lower your tax bill. If you’re in a high tax bracket, in your highest earning years, or simply want to lower your taxes, a traditional IRA can be a good solution. Your earnings grow tax-free. You have complete control over your retirement choices.

Disadvantages of traditional IRAs

Withdrawals are fully taxable. If your tax bracket is lower when you make withdrawals in retirement this may be less of a factor, but it’s important to keep in mind. If you also have a company-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k), you may not be able to claim a tax break today. You must begin taking distributions from your traditional IRA by age 72 (used to be age 70 ½), whether you need the money or not.

Roth IRA

Taxes:Similar to a traditional IRA, money grows tax-free. The difference is when taxes are paid. With a Roth IRA, contributions are made with money that’s already been taxed, called after-tax contributions. When you pull the money out, assuming you meet all requirements, all earnings are tax free.

Advantages of Roth IRAs

Retirement income is tax-free, as long as the account has been established for five years AND you are over 59 ½. Contributions can be withdrawn any time without taxes or penalties, because you’ve already paid taxes on that money. You do not have to start taking money out at age 72 (or any age). Similar to a traditional IRA, you have full control over where you invest.

Disadvantages of Roth IRAs

There are limits on how much you can contribute based on your income. If you make too much money you may not be able to contribute at all. Instead of a tax break, you pay taxes on the money you invest today.

Other types of IRAs

Rollover IRA

If you start a new job, you can set up a rollover IRA and move your money from your former employer’s plan, such as a 401(k), into it. However, there is acaveat when it comes to creditor protectionso it’s important to know if it needs to be part of your strategy.

Spousal IRA

If a married couple only has one working partner, the working partner can establish and fund a spousal IRA for the non-working partner. The non-working partner is the account owner and has full control of the account as well.

Inherited IRA

IRAs allow you to name a beneficiary who will inherit the money following your death. Unless the beneficiary is your spouse, they cannot take over the account and treat it as their own. They must transfer the funds into an inherited IRA that is subject to required distributions every year in most cases.

Small Business IRA

Business owners can also establish IRAs for their businesses and employees, if they have any. Simplified Employee Pension Plans (SEP IRAs) and Savings Incentive Match Plans for Employees (SIMPLE IRAs) give small businesses the opportunity to establish retirement plans without the same level of reporting and oversight that is required for larger plans like 401(k)s.

Who should consider an Individual Retirement Account?

There are four main reasons to consider opening an IRA:

1. You don’t have access to a workplace retirement plan

If your employer doesn’t offer a retirement plan such as a 401(k) or 403(b), an IRA or Roth IRA is the main way to save and invest for retirement with tax advantages.

2. You want to save outside of your retirement plan

Even if you are maxing out your contributions to your retirement plan through work, an IRA or Roth IRA can be a great investment option to supercharge your retirement savings. (You can haveboth types of plans.)

3. You want to use a backdoor Roth IRA strategy

If your salary is above the income limit for Roth IRA contributions you may be able to take advantage of abackdoor Roth IRA strategy. There are many factors to consider before using this approach so do your homework to make an informed decision.

4. You recently changed jobs

When you change jobs and have money in a retirement plan with your prior employer, you shouldconsider a rollover. Moving money from an old 401(k) to an IRA can give you greater control over your investment decisions and the fees you pay.

Even if an IRA or Roth IRA makes sense for you, there are important contribution limits and eligibility requirements to be aware of to avoid costly penalties.

IRA contribution limits and eligibility

IRA contribution limits

For both traditional and Roth IRAs, in tax year 2023 you can contribute up to $6,500 per year if you are under age 50.

If you are over 50, you can make a catch up contribution of $1,000 for a total of $7,500.

This is an aggregate contribution limit so you can’t put $6,500 into an IRA and $6,500 into a Roth IRA in the same year.

IRA eligibility

To contribute to any type of IRA, you must have earned income for the year (the spousal IRA is an exception).

For traditional IRA contributions, you can always make a contribution, but you may not always be able to claim a tax deduction.

If you or your spouse are not covered by a company-sponsored retirement plan, you can make tax deductible contributions at any income level.

If you are covered by a company-sponsored plan, there areincome limitsat which you become ineligible for deductible contributions.

Your eligibility to make a Roth IRA contribution relies solely on your income. If your income is over the allowable limit, you can’t contribute.

For individuals, that income limit is $153,000 for 2023. For married couples, the income limit is $228,000.There may be other qualifying considerations to be aware of depending on your tax filing status.

Which type of IRA is right for you?

As a rule of thumb, a traditional IRA makes sense if you believe your tax bracket will be lower in retirement.

A Roth IRA makes sense if you believe your tax bracket is lower today than it will be in retirement.

Predicting future tax rates is nearly impossible, but we can be pretty certain that tax law will change and likely many times. Utilizing different account types that are taxed differently allows you to better adapt to the current and future tax environment and minimize taxes over time while also putting you in control of your retirement income strategy.

Early in your career you may start with contributions to a Roth 401(k) or Roth IRA. As you advance in your career, you may switch to making traditional or before-tax 401(k) contributions and supplementing that with a Roth IRA. You may even want to consider a backdoor Roth IRA strategy if your income makes you ineligible for a regular Roth IRA.

That being said, your strategy needs to be dynamic as your life evolves personally, professionally, and financially, to ensure you maximize your retirement savings and reduce your taxes today, as your money grows, and when you need it in the future.

To learn how a CFP® Professional at Facet can help you determine your eligibility for a traditional or Roth IRA, decide how much to contribute, and integrate these accounts into the financial planning process and your broader strategy, get in touch today.

What is an IRA? Individual Retirement Account explained | Facet (2024)


What is an IRA? Individual Retirement Account explained | Facet? ›

As the name implies, an IRA offers individuals a way to save and invest for retirement with many tax benefits, one of which is tax-free growth on earnings. Unlike the retirement accounts an employer might offer, such as a 401(k) or 403(b), most types of IRAs are completely managed by you, not your employer.

What is an IRA simple explanation? ›

An IRA is an account set up at a financial institution that allows an individual to save for retirement with tax-free growth or on a tax-deferred basis.

What is the meaning of IRA in individual retirement plan? ›

Individual retirement accounts (IRAs) are personal retirement savings accounts that offer tax benefits and a range of investment options. Many investors use IRAs as their common source of saving for retirement.

How does an IRA work for dummies? ›

An individual retirement account (IRA) is a tax-advantaged investment account that helps you save for retirement. The IRS sets maximum contribution limits for IRA accounts each year. The money invested in an IRA can grow either tax-free or tax-deferred, depending on the type of IRA.

What is the difference between an IRA and an individual account? ›

There are no restrictions on how much you can invest in a brokerage account, and you can readily buy, sell, and trade for short-term or long-term potential gain. IRAs, on the other hand, have strict rules around when you can withdraw without penalty as well as how much you can contribute annually.

How do you explain SIMPLE IRA to employees? ›

How does a SIMPLE IRA work? With a SIMPLE IRA, you and your employees can put a percentage of pay aside for retirement, up to the contribution limit. The money grows tax-deferred until it's withdrawn. Employees don't pay taxes on investment growth, but they will pay income taxes when making withdrawals.

Is it better to have a 401k or IRA? ›

The right answer for you depends on your income, retirement goals, and other financial details. 401(k)s are a good idea for nearly any employee who can participate, especially if a match is available. IRAs are great for anyone who doesn't have a retirement account through work.

What is an IRA plan and how does it work? ›

A SIMPLE IRA plan is a Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees set up by an employer. Under a SIMPLE IRA plan, employees may choose to make salary reduction contributions, and the employer makes matching or nonelective contributions.

Can you take money out of an IRA? ›

You can take distributions from your IRA (including your SEP-IRA or SIMPLE-IRA) at any time. There is no need to show a hardship to take a distribution. However, your distribution will be includible in your taxable income and it may be subject to a 10% additional tax if you're under age 59 1/2.

What does an IRA allow individuals to do? ›

An individual retirement arrangement (IRA) is a tax-favored personal savings arrangement, which allows you to set aside money for retirement. There are several different types of IRAs, including traditional IRAs and Roth IRAs. You can set up an IRA with a bank, insurance company, or other financial institution.

How does the individual retirement account work? ›

How does an IRA work? When you contribute to an IRA, you can choose to invest your money in the market or put it in an interest-paying account. As that money grows, it isn't taxed, so your savings could grow faster. The specific details and tax benefits of your IRA depend on if you choose a Traditional or Roth IRA.

What are the disadvantages of a IRA? ›

Disadvantages of an IRA rollover
  • Creditor protection risks. You may have credit and bankruptcy protections by leaving funds in a 401k as protection from creditors vary by state under IRA rules.
  • Loan options are not available. ...
  • Minimum distribution requirements. ...
  • More fees. ...
  • Tax rules on withdrawals.

What happens to my money in an IRA? ›

Remember, IRAs are accounts that hold the investments you choose. (They are not investments on their own.) Those investments put your money to work, allowing it to grow and compound. Your account can grow even in years when you aren't able to contribute.

Should I open an individual IRA? ›

It can pay to save in an IRA when you're trying to accumulate enough money for retirement. There are tax benefits, and your money has a chance to grow. Every little bit helps. If your employer doesn't offer a retirement plan—or you're self-employed—an IRA may make sense.

What is the best type of retirement account? ›

The 9 best retirement plans
  • IRA plans.
  • Solo 401(k) plan.
  • Traditional pensions.
  • Guaranteed income annuities (GIAs)
  • The Federal Thrift Savings Plan.
  • Cash-balance plans.
  • Cash-value life insurance plan.
  • Nonqualified deferred compensation plans (NQDC)

Is an IRA instead of paying taxes? ›

IRAs are another way to save for retirement while reducing your taxable income. Depending on your income, you may be able to deduct any IRA contributions on your tax return. Like a 401(k) or 403(b), monies in IRAs will grow tax deferred—and you won't pay income tax until you take it out.

What is the primary purpose of an IRA? ›

IRAs allow you to make tax-deferred investments to provide financial security when you retire.

What is an example of a SIMPLE IRA? ›

Example of a SIMPLE IRA

Imagine you earn $60,000 a year, and your employer matches the contributions you make for up to 3 percent of your salary. You would like to save a total of 10 percent of your salary, including the match. So you decide to defer 7 percent of your own pay in each paycheck.

What is the difference between an IRA and a 401K? ›

The main difference between 401(k)s and IRAs is that 401(k)s are offered through employers, whereas IRAs are opened by individuals through a broker or a bank. IRAs typically offer more investment options, but 401(k)s allow higher annual contributions.

Why would you want an IRA? ›

“A Roth IRA has the benefit of providing tax-free distributions in retirement,” says Wendy Kelley, national IRA product manager at U.S. Bank. “And it's one of the best retirement options if you're in your 20s or 30s, because of the potential to compound tax-free funds over your working years.”

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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