What is a Release Word in Dog Training? (2024)

By AKC Staff

Updated: Jul 01, 2021 | 1 Minute

Updated: Jul 01, 2021 | 1 Minute

What is a Release Word in Dog Training? (1)

Does your dog know how to stay? Does he have a release word? If not, he should! A release word is a word that tells your dog he is allowed to move, following the “stay” command. “Stay” needs to have a defined beginning and end, otherwise your dog will learn he can move anytime he feels like it. Commonly used release words are “okay,” “break,” and “free.”Often a release word is followed by another command such as “come.”

When teaching stay, you should have already chosen a release word. Reward your dog in place for staying (i.e. return to your dog to deliver the treat rather than telling your dog to “come” every time you practice stay). After rewarding your dog in place, say your release word, and encourage him to move. Reward him for moving when you use the release word so he starts to understand the word’s meaning.

If your dog already knows “stay,” but doesn’t have a release word, simply follow the steps above but keep in mind you may need to move away and entice your dog to move with you after you say the release word.

Some dogs may think you’re tricking them by trying to test their stay command. But once they understand the release word, they actually will have a better understanding of stay.

Want more helpful advice for training your dog? Turn to the trainers at the AKC GoodDog! Helpline, a seven-day-a-week telephone support service: www.akcgooddoghelpline.org.

– AKC GoodDog! Helpline trainer Breanne Long.


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What is a Release Word in Dog Training? (2024)


What is a Release Word in Dog Training? ›

A release word is a word that tells your dog he is allowed to move, following the “stay” command. “Stay” needs to have a defined beginning and end, otherwise your dog will learn he can move anytime he feels like it.

What is a good release word for dog training? ›

I simply use the words “all done.” Some popular choices are “well done”, “go play”, “free dog” and “release”.

What does it mean to release a dog? ›

You can release your dog from a maintained behavior by saying a cue to get up like “Free”, telling the dog that you are ready to move forward on a walk by saying a cue like “Let's go”, or by telling the dog to do another behavior like “Down” or “Come”.

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Some options for a “safe” release word include “release,” “go on,” or even just saying the dog's name.

What are fun dog release words? ›

Common release words include:
  • Good.
  • Done.
  • Free.
  • Okay.
  • Let's Go.
  • Release.
  • Come.
Jul 24, 2023

What are the 7 basic dog commands? ›

Learn the 7 Common Commands you'll use every day. with your dog: sit, stay, down, come, off, heel, and no.

How to train a dog to stay until released? ›

Ask her to stay, take one step back, then return to her and praise and reward. Gradually increase how far you go before coming back. If your dog breaks their stay and gets up, calmly lead them back to where they were supposed to be and try again. Remember that your dog is learning, so scolding won't be productive.

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Physical and behavioral reactions to cumulative stress are the most common reasons that dogs fail to become service dogs or must retire prematurely. Assistance Dogs International (ADI) has outlined minimum standards of training and behavior expected of a service dog.

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It is best not to keep constant pressure on the lead, when a dog feels tension, their natural reaction is to pull against it. It's best to give the lead a "tug" forward. If the dog starts moving back, "tug" them forward again. Once they start walking, turn the speed up a bit to get the dog into their natural gait.

What is the fetch command for hunting dogs? ›

Some owners interchange the fetch command with “fetch it up” or “hunt it up”, but no matter which one is used, they all mean the same thing—to look for or pick up something. The key to using these commands is to build up the dog's confidence to learn that the commands mean to go look for and pick something up.

What makes a dog a good hunting dog? ›

And any dog that sports a solid pedigree will likely possess plenty of drive and athleticism. These two assets are extremely important to hunting ability. If you want a dog that can hunt the big woods of northern Wisconsin for ruffed grouse all day, you want a dog that has some athleticism in his background.

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On to terms that do require professional schooling and experience; Certified Veterinary Behaviorist, Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist, Certified Behavior Consultant, Certified Dog Trainer.

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An animal behaviorist, also known as a dog behaviorist or canine behaviorist, is a professional who focuses on studying, understanding, and modifying the behavior of dogs.

What is it called when you send your dog away for training? ›

They call it “board and train,” or “doggie boot camps.” I, myself, have been approached by a few places who were interested in hiring me to train dogs this way and I turn down the opportunity each and every time.

What is a calming signal for dog training? ›

Examples of behaviors classified as calming signals:
  • Head turning.
  • Softening of the eyes.
  • Turning away.
  • Lip and/or nose licking.
  • Freezing of the body.
  • Slow body movements.
  • Displaying a play bow.
  • Sitting.

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