What Is a Conventional Loan? (2024)

What Is a Conventional Loan? (1)

Key Takeaways

  • Mortgage loans offered by private sources are called "conventional loans" or "non-GSE loans" and come in many forms.
  • Loans offered by the Fair Housing Administration (FHA) or secured by the Veterans Association (VA) are two examples of government loans.
  • The loan-to-value ratio measures the amount a borrower needs to finance a home against its appraised value, affecting some loan terms.
  • Interest rates for conventional loans can be fixed, adjustable, or convertible in some cases.

Definition and Example of Conventional Loans

Conventional loans are any type of mortgage loan that is not offered or insured by a government entity as part of a specific program. Private lenders can set the loan terms, including eligibility or qualification criteria, interest rates, down payment thresholds, payment schedule, and more. Mortgage loans that are regulated by the government, on the other hand, conform to strict guidelines surrounding borrower eligibility, interest rates, and loan limits.

Conventional loans may or may not follow government-sponsored entity (GSE) guidelines and can further be categorized into two types: conforming and non-conforming.

  • Alternate names: Conventional mortgage loans; Non-government loans
  • Acronym: Non-GSE loans

Conforming loans—those that conform to GSE guidelines—are limited to $647,200 in most counties or up to $970,800 in high-cost counties (in 2022). This number is generally adjusted annually by the Federal Housing Finance Agency. In addition, the minimum credit score for a good interest rate is typically higher than those required for government loans.

Loans that exceed the limits set by the GSE guidelines are considered agency loans and are sometimes referred to as non-conforming or jumbo loans.

How Conventional Loans Work

Mortgage brokers carry a vast array of products, including conventional loans. A bank can make a conventional loan, too, but a bank's product line is generally limited and particular to only that bank. A mortgage broker can broker loans through any number of banks.

Many of the exotic types of loans vanished after the mortgage meltdown of 2007, but conventional loans remained. They regained a prominent position in real estate markets. Conventional loans enjoy a reputation for being safe, and there is a variety from which to choose.

To get a conventional mortgage loan, you'll need to apply at your bank, credit union, or mortgage broker. The application process will include a thorough credit check and any other requirements set by the particular lender, such as cosigner information and mortgage insurance.

If you are approved, your loan will dictate the terms of the down payment, as well as all future payments, at the interest rate and for the term length.

Ultimately the terms of the conventional loan will depend on your agreement with the lender, but it's possible to take out a home loan for an amount greater than the purchase price of a home. For instance, if you buy a fixer-upper with the intent to remodel, you may be able to take out a conventional loan that covers the costs of the improvements or is based on the home's future value.

Conventional vs. Government Loans

Conventional LoansGovernment Loans
Private lenders and insurersLender or insurer is a government entity
Usually require higher down paymentsDown payment requirements are low to accommodate certain homebuyers
Buyers with low credit may not qualify or may have higher interest ratesAvailable to borrowers with low credit

The main difference between a conventional loan and other mortgage types is that a conventional loan isn't made by or insured by a government entity. They're also sometimes referred to as non-GSE loans.

Government loans include Fair Housing Administration (FHA) and Veterans Association (VA) loans. The government insures FHA loans and backs VA loans. Down-payment requirements are much more buyer-friendly. The minimum down payment for an FHA loan is 3.5%. The minimum down payment can be zero for VA loans to qualifying veterans. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers USDA loans if you want to buy a rural property and are eligible.

Conventional loans are harder to qualify for than government loans, as private lenders generally require a lower debt-to-income ratio (DTI) than government lenders. People with poor credit or DTIs above 43% may not qualify for conventional loans.


Conventional loans aren't particularly generous or creative regarding credit score flaws, loan-to-value ratios, or down payments. There's generally not a lot of wiggle room here when it comes to qualifying.

Types of Conventional Loans

There are several types of conventional loans you might come across if you're in the market for a home.

Conventional 'Portfolio' Loans

These are a subset of conventional loans held directly by mortgage lenders. They're not sold to investors like other conventional loans are. Therefore, lenders can set their guidelines for these mortgages, which can sometimes make it a little easier for borrowers to qualify.

Sub-Prime Conventional Loans

Like other industries, mortgage lenders have been known to offer a special class of loans to borrowers with lower credit scores. The government sets guidelines for marketing these sub-prime loans, but that's the end of any government involvement. These, too, are conventional loans, and the interest rates and associated fees are often quite high.

Amortized Conventional Loans

Homebuyers can take out an amortized conventional loan from a bank, a savings and loan, a credit union, or a mortgage broker that funds its loans or brokers them. Two important factors are the term of the loan and the loan-to-value ratio. Some examples of terms and LTVs you might see are:

  • 97% LTV with a common 30-year term (or 20, 15, or 10)
  • 95% LTV with a common 30-year term (or 20, 15, or 10)
  • 90% LTV with a common 30-year term (or 20, 15, or 10)
  • 85% LTV with a common 30-year term (or 20, 15, or 10)
  • 80% LTV with a common 30-year term (or 20, 15, or 10)

The loan-to-value ratio indicates how much the loan represents the property's value. A $200,000 mortgage against a property that appraises for $250,000 results in an LTV of 80%: the $200,000 mortgage divided by the $250,000 value.

The LTV can be less than 80%, but lenders require that borrowers pay for private mortgage insurance when the LTV is greater than 80%. Some conventional loan products allow the lender to pay for private mortgage insurance, but this is rare.

A fully amortized conventional loan is a mortgage in which the amount of principal and interest paid every month changes over time, with more interest being paid than principal initially. For example, your monthly payments might be $1,266.71. Your lender could split it so that $329.21 went towards the principal and $937.50 toward interest. Every month, the ratio of principal to interest would change, with more being applied to principal and less to interest until eventually, you're paying more on the principal than on interest.


A loan's term can be longer or shorter, depending on the borrower's qualifications. For example, a borrower might qualify for a rare 40-year term, which would significantly lower the payments. Conversely, a 20-year loan would raise the payments.

It's important to understand how term length affects principal and interest payments. A $200,000 loan at 6% interest with a 20-year term would result in payments of $1,432.86 per month. On the other hand, a $200,000 loan at 6% interest with a 30-year term would result in a payment of $1,199.10 per month. A $200,000 loan at 6% interest with a 40-year term would result in a payment of $1,100.43 per month.

Adjustable Conventional Loans

Payments on an adjustable-rate conventional loan (also called an adjustable-rate mortgage, or ARM) can fluctuate because the interest rate is adjusted periodically to keep pace with the economy.

Some loans are fixed for a certain period; they turn into adjustable-rate loans when it is over. For example, a 3/1 30-year ARM is fixed for three years. It then begins to adjust each year for the remaining 27 years. A 5/1 ARM is fixed for the first five years. A 7/1 ARM is fixed for seven years before it begins to adjust.

Features of an Adjustable Conventional Loan

Many borrowers shy away from adjustable rate conventional loans. Instead, they prefer to stick with traditional amortized loans, so there are no surprises concerning mortgage payments due down the road. But an adjustable-rate mortgage might be just the ticket to help with the early years of payments for borrowers whose incomes are expected to increase.

The initial interest rate is typically lower than the rate for a fixed-rate loan, and there's usually a maximum, known as a cap rate, on how much the loan can adjust over its lifetime. The interest rate is determined by adding a margin rate to the index rate. Adjustment periods can be monthly, quarterly, every six months, or yearly.

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  1. Federal Housing Finance Agency. "FHFA Announces Conforming Loan Limits for 2022."

  2. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "Conventional Loans."

  3. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. "Let FHA Loans Help You."

  4. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. "Purchase Loan."

  5. U.S. Department of Agriculture. "Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program."

  6. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "What Is a Debt-to-Income Ratio? Why Is the 43% Debt-to-Income Ratio Important?"

  7. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. "Homeowners Protection Act," Page V–5.1.

  8. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. "Consumer Handbook on Adjustable-Rate Mortgages," Pages 3-4.

What Is a Conventional Loan? (2024)


What does conventional loan mean? ›

A conventional loan is any mortgage loan that is not insured or guaranteed by the government (such as under Federal Housing Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, or Department of Agriculture loan programs). Conventional loans can be conforming or non-conforming.

Is a conventional loan good or bad? ›

Conventional loans have many advantages. If you have a high credit score, a conventional loan can give you access to the best rates and the most flexible loan terms on the market. For buyers with lower scores or less cash to bring to the table, though, it's worth exploring government-backed loan options.

Do you have to put 20% down on a conventional loan? ›

Down payment: While 20 percent down is the standard, many fixed-rate conventional loans for a primary residence allow for a down payment as small as 3 percent or 5 percent. Private mortgage insurance (PMI): If you put down less than 20 percent, you'll have to pay PMI, an additional fee added to your payments.

Is conventional better than FHA? ›

A conventional loan is often better if you have good or excellent credit because your mortgage rate and PMI costs will go down. But an FHA loan can be perfect if your credit score is in the high-500s or low-600s. For lower-credit borrowers, FHA is often the cheaper option.

What is the downside of a conventional loan? ›

Conventional loans often require a credit score of at least 620, which leaves out some homebuyers. Even if you qualify, you will likely pay a higher interest rate than if you had good credit. More stringent DTI requirements. Conventional loans typically demand higher DTIs than government programs do.

Why would someone want a conventional loan? ›

A conventional loan is a great option if you have a solid credit score and a low DTI. Conventional mortgages are also a popular choice for home buyers making a down payment of 20% or more. That's because paying more upfront means lower monthly payments and avoiding paying private mortgage insurance (PMI).

Who benefits from a conventional loan? ›

Conventional loans are often the best option for borrowers with strong credit who can contribute a down payment of at least 3%, or perhaps quite a bit more. Find out what conventional means in the mortgage industry, and whether it might be the right type of home loan for you.

What is the minimum down payment for a conventional loan? ›

The minimum down payment requirement for a conventional loan is 3% of the loan amount. However, lenders may require borrowers with high DTI ratios or low credit scores to make a larger down payment. Even if it's not required, if you're able to make a higher down payment, you may want to consider doing so.

Who should use a conventional loan? ›

A conventional loan is often better if you have good or excellent credit because your mortgage rate and private mortgage insurance (PMI) costs will decrease. But an FHA loan can be perfect if your credit score is in the high 500s or low 600s. For lower-credit borrowers, FHA is often the cheaper option.

Can you pay off a conventional loan early? ›

Most mortgage lenders allow borrowers to pay off up to 20% of the loan balance each year. Instead, a mortgage prepayment penalty typically applies in situations such as refinancing, selling or otherwise paying off large amounts of a loan at a time.

Is it hard to get a conventional loan? ›

Borrowers need to have a minimum credit score of about 620 in order to qualify—the highest minimum score of all mortgage products—and have a debt-to-income ratio of 43% or less. Borrowers also need to be able to afford a down payment of 20% or more in order to avoid mortgage insurance.

What credit score do you need for a conventional mortgage? ›

It's recommended you have a credit score of 620 or higher when you apply for a conventional loan. If your score is below 620, lenders either won't be able to approve your loan or may be required to offer you a higher interest rate, which can result in higher monthly mortgage payments.

Why would a seller prefer a conventional loan? ›

Sellers often prefer conventional mortgages because they usually offer lower interest rates and the qualification requirements can be more lenient than those of an FHA loan. Additionally, with conventional loans, sellers may not have to pay private mortgage insurance or other upfront costs associated with an FHA loan.

Why do realtors prefer conventional loans over FHA loans? ›

Home sellers sometimes prefer conventional loans due to the stricter appraisal that's required with an FHA loan. An appraisal for an FHA loan might dig up more issues with the home, which in turn can delay the home sale process as the seller works to fix them.

Why do people choose conventional over FHA? ›

If you're a first-time buyer or someone with a weaker credit score, then an FHA mortgage loan can be easier to qualify for. However, if you can put 20% or more toward a down payment and want to look a bit stronger to prospective sellers, then a conventional loan may be your best bet,” says Channel.

What's the difference between a conventional loan and a regular loan? ›

FHA loans are backed by the Federal Housing Administration and offered by FHA-approved lenders. Unlike FHA loans, conventional loans are not insured or guaranteed by the government. Mortgage insurance is mandatory with FHA loans; you can avoid it on a conventional loan by putting down at least 20%.

What is the difference between a conventional loan and a mortgage? ›

A conventional loan is a type of mortgage loan that is not insured or guaranteed by the government. Instead, the loan is backed by private lenders, and its insurance is usually paid by the borrower. Conventional home loans are much more common than government-backed financing.

What is the difference between a conventional loan and a home loan? ›

Conventional loans are home loans offered by private lenders without any direct government backing. In other words, unlike FHA loans, they aren't insured or guaranteed by a government agency. You need to have a higher credit score, lower debt-to-income (DTI) ratio and usually a slightly higher down payment to qualify.

What is an example of a conventional loan? ›

These include the conventional 97% loan, Fannie Mae's HomeReady® loan and Freddie Mac's Home Possible® and HomeOne loans. Each program has slightly different income limits and requirements, however.

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