What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (2024)

Previously on trading guides we’ve covered about CME gapsand explained what maker / taker feesare. Similarly here in this post we’ll explain the concept of funding rates in Bitcoin.

On social media you might have heard traders talking about funding rate or funding fees. “The next funding is highly negative, upcoming short squeeze.” “Bitcoin funding rate too high, a dump is imminent”.

Funding rate is a common mechanism that is only seen on trading platforms that offers perpetual contracts. Most of you know that when funding is positive, longs pay shorts. Likewise when the funding rate is negative, shorts pay to longs. But what is the concept behind funding rates?

What does funding rate or funding fees mean and how funding mechanism works? Why do we need them and how often they change? Also we’ll cover other elements such as how to check funding rate on BitMEX, Bybit and Binance futures? The fee you need to pay for long funding and short funding. The interval in which funding fees are paid, how is it calculated and what a predicted rate means? Also how they are used when trading Bitcoin & Ethereum perpetual swaps?

Funding definition:

In perpetual contracts funding is a primary mechanism that is used to ensure the contract price is always tethered to the spot price. It is how the price of perpetual swap contracts is kept close to underlying assets spot price. It is one of the main ingredients behind the perpetual swap contracts.

What is a funding rate?

Funding rate in perpetual contracts is a series of payments that is exchanged directly between longs (buyers) and shorts (sellers). On most exchanges the funding rate occurs every 8 hours. While the time at which the funding is paid may vary the concept remains the same across all exchanges.

When the funding rate is positive, long positions pay short positions. When the funding is negative, short positions pay long positions. This mechanism keeps the price of spot and futures constantly in line with each other.

What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (1)

Funding fees can be found on Bitcoin, Ethereum and every other altcoin perpetual contracts. Also it applies to both USDT perpetual and coin margined perpetual contracts. Only perpetual contracts and not on traditional futures that settles on a monthly or quarterly basis.

To understand funding let us first see how perpetual contracts are different from the traditional futures contracts.

Traditional futures contracts vs perpetual contracts

First of all both traditional futures contracts and perpetual contracts are derivative products where traders don’t buy or sell the underlying asset as they do on spot exchange.

Derivatives is a bit different than spot trading where you are not actually buying or selling Bitcoin. Instead you are betting on the price of an asset. On derivatives you are benefiting from the price movements without actually buying or selling Bitcoin. It comes with high leverage and they have high risk / return characteristics.

The value of the contract is designed to always follow the actual price of Bitcoin. If the price of the Bitcoin rises or drops, so does the price of the contracts.

Traditional futures contracts:

Traditional futures contract come with an expiration / settlement date. These contracts are settled once a month or quarterly depending on the exchange.

While the price of futures contract deviates from the assets (Bitcoin’s) base price they converge to spot price at the time of settlement.

What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (2)

On BitMEX, under Bitcoin and next to perpetual contracts you’ll usually find 2 or three other contract types. These are futures contracts that have expiry dates. When you are trading futures (Monthly or quarterly) your contract ends as it approaches settlement. On these contracts you neither pay nor receiving funding to hold a position. However once the contract is expired you will not have any open position.

Perpetual contracts:

Perpetual contracts, as the name suggests they are everlasting, permanent contracts. It is similar to the traditional futures except they have no expiry date and they never settle. So basically traders can keep their position open forever as long as they have enough margin to avoid liquidation.

Since perpetual contracts never settle the contract price may never converge and it could end up being largely different than the spot price. To prevent this from happening perpetual contracts uses funding mechanism. It ensures the price of contract and spot would periodically converge.

Depending on the exchange the funding occurs twice or thrice a day. It is a fee which one side of the contract pays to the other. Either longs pay shorts or shorts pay longs.

How funding rates change?

Funding rate helps in linking the price of the perpetual contract to the spot price of the underlying asset. It works by sending series of periodic payments between long positions and short positions. If funding is positive, longs pay shorts and if funding is negative, shorts pay longs.

Let us understand why and when funding rates switch between positive and negative.

In general

If the price of perpetual contracts > spot price = Funding rate is positive

If the price of perpetual contracts < spot price = Funding rate is negative

What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (3)

Okay, but what makes the contract price to go above and below the spot price?

Funding rate is usually correlated to the market sentiment. When the market is extremely bullish funding rates across all exchanges tend to go higher. Likewise when the market is bearish funding rates tend to go lower.

The price of contracts differs more from the spot price when there is high volatility and during strong market movements. Also another reason they deviate away from spot is because of the leveraged positions.

For example if the BTC / USD contract price trades above the spot price it means that many traders are in leverage long positions. On the other hand if BTC/USD contract price trades below the spot price it means there are more traders with short positions.

Now here is how funding mechanism works and helps keep the contract price stay close to the spot price.

How funding works?

Almost every exchange displays what the funding rate is and when it occurs. Also some exchanges like for example BitMEX even displays the funding rebate, the amount which a trader pays or receives.

For example if the price of Bitcoin perpetual contract is constantly trading above the spot price, the funding rate would increase. It means every trader who has long position open will have to pay short traders. It basically incentivizes short positions and discourages long position, thus lowering down the perpetual price towards the underlying.

Since traders are aware when the funding occurs and what it will cost most traders will close their long positions to avoid paying funding. Especially when the funding rate is too high; traders with high leverage will more likely close their positions to avoid paying funding. On the other hand more traders will open short positions to collect funding rebate. This incentive mechanism naturally brings the trading price towards the spot price.

This exchange of payment occurs every 8 hours and it helps anchor the last traded price to the global spot price. Once the funding is settled traders will continue to re open their closed positions.

How is funding rate calculated?

Every exchange has its own way of calculating and applying unique funding rates. However the formula for calculating funding rate is the same.

The funding rate mainly comprises of two components: The Interest rate (I) and the Premium Index (P). It is calculated by considering the interest rates of both the trading pair currencies (XBT/USD) and the premium index. It calculates interest rate and premium index every minute and performs an 8 hour time weighted average price over the series of minute rates.

On most exchanges this interest rate is set at 0.03% daily (0.01% every 8 hours). According to the price difference between mark price and last traded contract price the premium varies. It either yields a positive or negative funding rate and that decides who pays who.

This funding rate every 8 hours causes the contracts last traded price to move closer to the underlying spot price.

For more info on interest rate, premium rate component and how funding rate is calculated check thisand this.

Where to find funding / predicted rates?

Funding rates are only applicable to traders with open positions. That is you only pay or receive funding if your position is held open at any of these times. If you close prior to the funding exchange interval then you’ll not pay any funding.

The funding rates are applied periodically and on most exchanges it is charged three times a day (8 hour intervals). This is the industry standard. However the time at which the funding is exchanged will vary from one exchange to another.

Here is how you can find funding and predicated rates on some most popular derivatives exchange.

BitMEX funding rate

What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (4)

On BitMEX, towards the left and under the leverage slider you’ll find contract details section. There you can find the funding rate and the fee which you’ll pay or receive for the next funding timestamp. If the funding rebate is in negative then you’ll have to pay. If it is in green then you’ll receive.

Move the cursor over the funding rate and it will display the predicted funding rate and fees. This will be applied for the next funding period. Also depending on volatility and according to Premium index and interest rate the predicted rate fluctuates until the previous funding is settled.

Bybit funding:

Similar to BitMEX, Bybit also applies funding rate every 8 hours to all open positions.

What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (5)

On Bybit just below the main navigation menu you’ll find this information. Along with funding rate it will also display the countdown at which the funding will be applied. Hover over and it will display the predicted rate and its countdown. However it does not display the fee information which you’ll be paying. You’ll have to calculate it manually.

Binance Futures:

Similar to Bybit, Binance Futures also displays the funding rate at the top. But it does not display the predicted rate or the fees you’ll be paying


While on the above mentioned exchanges funding occurs every 8 hours on FTX the funding payments happen every hour. Towards the right side you’ll find the information on funding rate and predicted rate.

What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (6)

So how much funding do you pay or receive?

How to calculate the funding fee?

Funding rate is applied in proportion to the size of the traders position. That is the calculated funding rate is applied to the traders notional position size regardless of their leverage.

An example:

Let’s say you are long 10000 contracts (10000 USD) @ $10000. The current BTC price is $10000 and the funding rate is 0.01%. Whether you are 1x long, 10x long or 100x long. You’ll be paying the same fee which is $1.

What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (7)

Now here is how to calculate the funding fees.

Funding calculation:

  • Inverse perpetual swap:

Funding rate payment = (Funding rate * Position notional) / Current BTC price

  • USDT perpetual:

Funding rate payment = (Funding rate * Position notional) * Current BTC price

Example 1: Inverse Perpetual Swaps

Let us assume the funding rate is 0.02% (Positive, means long pay shorts). You have a position size of 50000 contracts and the current BTC price is $17200. Here is the calculation.

50000 * 0.02% = $10. Now divide this by current BTC value that is 10 / 17200 = 0.00058139 BTC or in other words 58139 Satoshiis the fee you will be paying.

You can use our Satoshi to USD converter toolto know the value of Satoshi.

Example 2: USDT perpetual

Let us assume the funding rate is 0.01% and you are long 20 BTC. Here is how to calculate funding if you are trading on USDT perpetual.

20 * 0.01% = 0.002 BTC. Now multiply this value to current BTC price that is 0.002 x 17200 = 34.4$. This is the funding fee you’ll be paying.

As you can see the leverage doesn’t matter at all. Its all your position size. Since it accounts the amount of leverage used funding rates can have a huge impact on ones PNL (Profit and Loss). Especially those with high leverage.

Hope that explains how to calculate the funding fee for your position size on both USDT perpetual and inverse perpetual swaps. Now here are few key points to note about funding rate.

Key points: Funding rate

  1. Every derivatives exchange uses funding mechanism on perpetual contracts. This maintains a balance between buy and sell ratio every 8 hours and it ensures the price does not deviate too much away from the index spot price.
  2. Funding is a fee that is not charged by the exchange. They do not gain anything from this. Funding rate is peer-to-peer. It is a fee that is exchanged directly between longs and shorts.
  3. Funding rate is calculated by the exchange and it varies over time on each exchange. If the rate is positive, then longs pay shorts. If the rate is negative, then shorts pay longs. The information on funding rate and fees will be displayed on the trading platform in advance.
  4. If you close your position before the funding period then you’ll neither pay nor receive any fee from funding.
  5. The funding fee only applies to perpetual contracts. Not to futures contracts.
  6. Funding rate usually works against popular traders. If most traders are long BTC then the funding rate tend to increase and that confirms the buying interest. If more traders are shorting Bitcoin then funding rate tend to go negative and that confirms the selling interest.

Historically Bitcoin has been on a bullish upward trending market. This is the reason why long traders have largely paid funding to the short traders.

The rate tend to vary as the trend turns bullish or bearish. If the rate diminishes then it shows less interest from traders. However do note that funding rate does not confirm that price for sure will move in a particular direction.

Hope this explains everything about funding. It applies to Bitcoin, Ethereum and every other altcoin perpetual contracts.

Thank you for reading. Hoping to see you in another interesting guide.


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What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained (2024)


What does funding mean in Bitcoin? BTC / ETH Funding rate explained? ›

A positive funding rate indicates that perpetuals are trading at a premium to the spot price and requires traders holding long or buy positions to pay a fee to those holding short positions. Exchanges collect funding every eight hours.

What does funding mean in Bitcoin? ›

The funding rate is a periodic payment exchanged between buyers and sellers in perpetual futures contracts, which have no expiry date. This rate aims to ensure the perpetual contract price remains aligned with the Bitcoin spot price, balancing the market by adjusting the cost of holding positions​​.

How to use funding rate in crypto? ›

Here's how it works. When the crypto market is bullish and prices keep rising, there are typically more traders taking long (buy) positions than short (sell) positions. In that case, long traders pay “positive” funding rates to short-sellers (who essentially earn funding rates for betting against the market).

What does it mean when funding is negative? ›

In a positive funding rate, long position holders pay funding to short position holders. A negative funding rate means short position holders pay funding to long position holders.

How do funding fees work? ›

Funding fees are payments to or from traders based on the difference between perpetual contract markets and spot prices. Crypto funding rates, recalculated periodically - with Binance Futures doing so every eight hours, prevent prolonged price divergence between the markets.

How do you explain funding? ›

Funding is the act of providing resources to finance a need, program, or project. While this is usually in the form of money, it can also take the form of effort or time from an organization or company.

What does funding amount mean? ›

Funding Amount means the aggregate amount, as listed on a Funding Statement, of all Loan Proceeds to be disbursed by Bank to Borrowers through Company's Disbursem*nt Account on each Funding Date and the related Origination Fees.

What is the funding rate in simple terms? ›

The funding rate is the difference between the price of a perpetual futures contract and the index price that corresponds to the spot market price of the underlying asset. The funding rate ensures that the funding mechanism aligns the price of the perpetual futures contract with the index price.

How do you fund crypto? ›

Here's how to buy cryptocurrency through an exchange:
  1. Choose which cryptocurrency exchange you want to use. ...
  2. Establish an account with the cryptocurrency exchange. ...
  3. Fund your account with fiat money. ...
  4. Decide which cryptocurrency you want to buy. ...
  5. Place a buy order for your chosen cryptocurrency.

What is the difference between open interest and funding rate? ›

The funding rate acts as the mechanism that tethers the perpetual swap to its underlying with the help of arbitrageurs. Open interest, in the context of perpetual swaps and derivative contracts in general, refers to the total number of outstanding contracts at a given point in time.

What happens when the funding rate is too high? ›

An elevated funding rate means perpetuals are trading at a significant premium to the spot price. An arbitrageur, therefore, can short perpetual futures and buy the cryptocurrency in the spot market, pocketing the premium while bypassing the price volatility risks.

What happens when funding is positive? ›

A positive funding rate, where rates are over '0', signify a prevailing bullish sentiment in the market. This indicates that long position traders are dominating the scene and are willing to pay funding to short traders.

Is the funding rate the same as interest? ›

Funding Rate is a variable interest rate that is periodically charged to traders who hold a position in a perpetual futures contract. The Funding Rate is used to maintain the balance between the perpetual futures market price and the underlying asset price.

What is the purpose of the funding fee? ›

The VA funding fee is a one-time fee paid to the Department of Veterans Affairs, and it supports the VA home loan program. Veterans who put down less than 5% on their home purchase will pay 2.15% of the loan amount when buying a home for the first time, and they'll pay a funding fee of 3.3% on subsequent loans.

What is funding charge? ›

Funding charges, or interest charges, are the fees levied on leveraged positions that are held open overnight. This is because leveraged trades are made using margin, meaning that you only provide a deposit in order to open the trade. You are in effect borrowing the rest of the position's total cost from your provider.

How is funding rate charged? ›

The Funding Rate is based on the price difference between a perpetual futures contract price and the spot price of the underlying cryptocurrency. Funding Fee Cap/Floor: The maximum amount of Funding Fee that can be charged to traders during a Funding Round, especially when the Funding Rate is very high.

How do you fund Bitcoin? ›

You can use a credit card to purchase bitcoin through various avenues, the most common of which are exchanges. After signing up with an exchange, you are often able to deposit funds using a credit card. There may be additional fees when using a credit card to purchase bitcoin from an exchange.

How do Bitcoin funds work? ›

Cryptocurrency exchange-traded funds (ETFs) track the price performance of cryptocurrencies by investing in a portfolio linked to their instruments. Like other such funds, crypto ETFs trade on regular stock exchanges, and investors can hold them in their standard brokerage accounts.

What is funding in trading? ›

A funded account is a trading account backed by a third-party entity, typically a proprietary trading firm. These firms provide the necessary capital for traders to engage in trading activities, and in return, they receive a percentage of the profits generated by the traders they support.

What is a fund in crypto? ›

A crypto fund may invest exclusively in crypto assets, or it may make cryptocurrencies part of its investment strategy along with traditional instruments in stocks, bonds, etc. Polychain Capital, Pantera Capital and Galaxy Digital Assets are examples of funds devoted to the crypto space.

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