What could YOUR fingernails say about your health? (2024)

We may often look past our bruised, ridged or pitted nails.

But these can be warningsigns of severe conditions, including arthritis, inflammation and, in extreme cases, cancer.

DailyMail.com spoke to two dermatologists about the clues in your fingernails that might not be so innocuous.

Dr Shari Lipner, from Cornell University in New York City, said nails can be a 'canary in the coalmine' for a severe issue in the body.

She said: 'It is essential for people to self-examine their nails about once a month, in addition to relying on dermatologists.'

The above graphic highlights six of the nail changes that could indicate a serious problem in the body. They include red streaks suggesting a heart infection, bruises that may actually be cancer, and pitting in nails that could warn of someone suffering arthritis in the future

Dr Shari Lipner, a top dermatologist at Cornell University in New York City, and Dr Christine Ko, a dermatologist at Yale, School of Medicine, in Connecticut told DailyMail.com about the little-known warning signs that appear on nails


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Bruised nails are normally caused by injuries such as shutting your nail in a door. But in very rare cases the bruise does not disappear over time, indicating it may be cancer

Is your bruised nail a sign of cancer?

Many of us end up with bruises under our nails and think nothing of it.

But if you have one that does not go away, there is a very slim chance it's a sign of cancer.

When skin cancer occurs under the nails — medically termed subungual melanoma — it creates a black or dark-colored spot that does not go away.

Dr Christine Ko, a dermatologist at Yale, School of Medicine, in Connecticut, told DailyMail.com: 'Usually people remember trauma causing bruises under the nails.

'But if you don't think you did anything to the nail and if the color is spreading under the nail, then that is a bad sign usually.

'And then also as the nail grows out, a bruise under the nail will usually also grow out underneath the nail so you will see the normal color return near your cuticle as time passes.

'But for a skin cancer melanoma, even as time passes there is no normal-appearing nail color showing through.'

Skin cancers under the nail can also appear as a single dark streak across the nail — like a stripe — that does not disappear. Patients sometimes mistake these marks for a strip of paint or ink mark.

Skin cancers under the nails are relatively rare, accounting for up to three percent of all skin cancer cases recorded annually in the US annually.

When found early, they are highly treatable.

Red or brownish lines can also appear under nails, which dermatologists say may be warning signs of a heart infection

Red streaks could be early sign of heart infection

Some people end up with red streaks on their nails, which look like faint red or brownish lines over part of the nail.

These are normally the result of injuries to the nails, but they are worth keeping an eye on.

Doctors warn the marks could be the first warning sign of a life-threatening heart condition called bacterial endocarditis, where microorganisms infect the heart valves.

Dr Lipner told DailyMail.com: 'Systemic insults [issues affecting the entire body] can cause small little red to brown lines in the nail and bleeding from the capillaries in the nail bed.

'This can be due to trauma, but it can also be a sign of a heart condition called bacterial endocarditis.

'This is an infection in the heart.

'If left untreated, it can certainly affect the nails. It is not uncommon for the nails to be the first clue.'

The infection happens when bacteria or other germs enter the bloodstream and travel to the heart.

They can then attack the heart valves and cause inflammation in the inner lining of the organ, leaving it less able to pump blood around the body.

Although the nail symptom may be missed, most patients will spot other routine warning signs.

These include chest pain while breathing, shortness of breath, and aching joints and muscles.

Figures suggest that there are about 47,000 cases of endocarditis in the US every year.

Nail pitting, splintering or lifting could be an early warning sign of arthritis, dermatologists say. Psoriasis normally affects the skin, but in some cases can only affect nails

Pitted nails linked to arthritis

Pitting, lifting or splintering of nails is often thought to be down to a bacterial or fungal infection.

But dermatologists say in some cases this may also be an early warning sign of arthritis.

The skin can suffer from psoriasis, thought to be caused by the immune system triggering inflammation leading to dry and scaly skin.

About 40 percent of people with psoriasis also have arthritis, rising to 80 percent when psoriasis reaches the nails.

Dr Lipner said:'Psoriasis is an inflammatory disease usually thought of as patients having red plaques on their knees and elbows.

'But what people don't know is that the nails can also be affected alone without the skin.

'It is a very hard diagnosis for many physicians to make.

'Often you will see these little indentations called pitting, lifting of the nail, crust under the nail, and splintering.

She added: 'When you have nail psoriasis there is a great chance you also have joint disease, psoriatic arthritis that can hurt the joints, and alert you to arthritis that definitely needs to be treated properly.'

About 7.5million Americans have psoriasis.

In some cases, the nail changes can appear years before the arthritis, according to a study in the journal Reumatologia.

Ridges on nails could be a normal sign of aging, doctors say. But they could also be a sign of irritation caused by over-zealous washing

Lines? You could be washing your hands too often

Lines, or vertical ridges, on the nails, which look a bit like tiny thin stripes, are something that a lot of us notice later in life.

In fact, Dr Ko told DailyMail.com that this was one of the main reasons that patients come to her clinic.

But while the condition — known as onychorrhexis — is a natural sign of aging, it can also indicate too much hand washing or being overzealous with hand sanitizer.

Overwashing can cause excessive skin dryness and removes healthy oils and bacteria that protect against infection.

Dr Ko told DailyMail.com: 'What is happening is the nail is growing irregularly along it, so thicker in some areas and thinner in others in an undulating pattern, [causing the ridges].

'It is normally just an age-related change, around our late 40s or so.'

But she added they could also be a sign of washing the hands too much, with irritation to the nail surface from harsh soap leading to the ridges.

'Using a lot of hand sanitizer gels will also cause nails to become more brittle and more ridged appearing, like happened with my own,' she added.

Hand washing and sanitizers became a mainstay of many bars, restaurants and offices during the Covid pandemic, as people feared catching the virus.

They remain ubiquitous across many businesses today, but using them too often could pose a danger to hands.

Having brittle nails that crack, chip or split easily may be a warning sign of a poor diet

Brittle nails indicate a poor diet

As nails become more ridged, they may also become more brittle, raising the likelihood that they will chip, split and peel.

Experts say this can similarly be a sign of issues caused by a poor diet — such as an iron deficiency.

Dr Ko said: 'A very poor diet, like anorexia or not eating anything, then that leads to brittle nails that don't go well.

'[But] in the western developed world with a reasonable diet there is generally not going to be that kind of effect on nails.'

He added: 'To get around that I just ask people if they are pretty much eating well usually.

'I also tell them to take biotin and multivitamins if concerned, it will not harm them but will ensure they are getting enough.'

The American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD) says that brittle nails could also be a sign of a thyroid problem.

In this, the thyroid gland no longer produces enough of its hormone for the body prompting the symptoms most Americans notice, including tiredness, sensitivity to the cold, weight gain, constipation and depression.

But the drop can also lead to slower nail growth and more brittle nails, the college said.

Having clubbed nails could be a warning sign of a lung problem

Clubbed nails could indicate a lung problem

Medics say that having clubbed nails could be a warning sign that the lungs or heart are not working properly.

The lack of oxygen in the blood supply or problems with circulation can lead to more blood collecting in the body's extremities, such as the tips of the fingers.

This causes them to enlarge and leads to fingernails curving over the sides of the digits — or clubbed nails.

The Mount Sinai medical system says lung cancer is the most common cause of clubbed fingernails.

But it can also be triggered by heart defects in the body, a lung infection like bronchitis or a lung abscess affecting the organ.

Many Americans with lung cancer or an infection, however, are likely to also notice the other symptoms.

These include coughing that gets worse over time, chest pain, shortness of breath and coughing up blood.

Nail clubbing, although a symptom, occurs in only about five to 15 percent of people who have lung cancer, according to a study in the National Library of Medicine.

About one in 16 Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer in their lifetime, with approximately 130,000 people dying from the disease annually.

What could YOUR fingernails say about your health? (2024)


Can fingernails show signs of illness? ›

If your nails turn yellow, thicken, and seem to stop growing, it could be a sign of something going on inside your body. Lung disease and rheumatoid arthritis can cause yellow nails. You may also have a serious nail infection, which requires treatment.

What nail problems can indicate health problems? ›

See your doctor if you have any of these symptoms:
  • discoloration (dark streaks, white streaks, or changes in nail color)
  • changes in nail shape (curling or clubbing)
  • changes in nail thickness (thickening or thinning)
  • nails that become brittle.
  • nails that are pitted.
  • bleeding around nails.
  • swelling or redness around nails.

What are the 5 common nail problems? ›

This article therefore helps clinicians to find the right treatment of the 5 most common nail disorders (brittle nails, onycholysis, paronychia, psoriasis, and onychomycosis) and provides practical tips that might improve patients' compliance.

What does the color of your fingernails say about your health? ›

For instance, white nails may be indicative of kidney or liver disorders or anemia. Healthy fingernails and toenails should be white as it grows off the nail bed and the nail plate a pinkish color. Pitted brown spots in fingernails may indicate skin and a joint disorder called psoriasis.

Do nails show signs of liver? ›

White Nails

If the nails are mostly white with darker rims, this can indicate liver problems, such as hepatitis. In this image, you can see the fingers are also jaundiced, another sign of liver trouble.

Can your fingernails show signs of diabetes? ›

In some people with diabetes, the nails take on a yellowish hue. Often this coloring has to do with the breakdown of sugar and its effect on the collagen in nails. This kind of yellowing isn't harmful. It doesn't need to be treated.

What do iron deficiency nails look like? ›

Spoon nails (koilonychia) are soft nails that look scooped out. The depression usually is large enough to hold a drop of liquid. Often, spoon nails are a sign of iron deficiency anemia or a liver condition known as hemochromatosis, in which your body absorbs too much iron from the food you eat.

What do ridges in your fingernails mean? ›

Gibson, M.D. Vertical nail ridges are fairly common and nothing to worry about. Vertical nail ridges extend from the cuticle to the tip of the nail. With age, vertical nail ridges may become more numerous or prominent because of changes in cell turnover within the nail.

What are the 6 common nail diseases? ›

Brittle nail syndrome, onychomycosis, paronychia, nail psoriasis (NP), longitudinal melanonychia (LM), Beau's lines, onychomadesis and retronychia are common nail disorders seen in clinical practice.

What vitamin deficiency shows in your nails? ›

Both iron and B12 are necessary for keeping nails strong and healthy. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can result in entirely blue nails, bluish-black pigments with wavy longitudinal dark streaks and brownish pigmentation ( 5 , 6 ).

What causes ridges in fingernails and splitting? ›

Onychorrhexis causes ridges and splitting in your nails. Your nails may have several splits that cause triangle tears on the edges. Onychorrhexis involves the nail matrix, which is responsible for making your nail grow.

What does your toenails say about your health? ›

Your toenails tell a lot about your overall health. A fungal infection often causes thickened yellow toenails. Thick, yellow nails also can be a sign of an underlying disease, including lymphedema (swelling related to the lymphatic system), lung problems, psoriasis, or rheumatoid arthritis.

Does vitamin D deficiency cause nail problems? ›

Most vitamin deficiencies are due to either inadequate dietary intake or malabsorption. Vitamin D, which can be obtained through sun exposure, is one of the few exceptions. Lack of these nutrients may affect the nail, the nail bed, or both and may present on physical exam or with biopsy.

Why don't I have half moons on my nails? ›

Small or missing lunulae usually aren't cause for concern. They're usually just hidden underneath the cuticle or skin at the base of your finger. In some cases, missing lunulae may be a result of trauma or a sign of: anemia.

What do nails look like with heart problems? ›

Blue nails

Nails may take on a bluish tinge if the body lacks adequate oxygen; heart disease and emphysema may cause this. If you aren't under a doctor's care for an oxygen-related condition, make an appointment to find out what is causing the color change.

What are the 4 warning signs of a damaged liver? ›

If signs and symptoms of liver disease do occur, they may include:
  • Skin and eyes that appear yellowish (jaundice)
  • Abdominal pain and swelling.
  • Swelling in the legs and ankles.
  • Itchy skin.
  • Dark urine color.
  • Pale stool color.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
Apr 8, 2022

What do kidney disease nails look like? ›

Nail changes.

People who have advanced kidney disease can develop: A white color on the upper part of one or more nails and a normal to reddish brown color below, as shown here (half-and-half nails) Pale nails. White bands running across one or more nails (Muehrcke's nails)

What do diabetic hands look like? ›

On the hands, you'll notice tight, waxy skin on the backs of your hands. The fingers can become stiff and difficult to move. If diabetes has been poorly controlled for years, it can feel like you have pebbles in your fingertips. Hard, thick, and swollen-looking skin can spread, appearing on the forearms and upper arms.

What do diabetics toenails look like? ›

What to Look For in Diabetic Toenails. The first toenail change you'll notice in diabetic patients is likely to be discoloration. Most have some yellowing of the nails, though the shade and involvement can vary. Discoloring may start at the distal edge (tip), and run all the way to the root of the nail bed.

What are the first signs of diabetes in feet? ›

Tingling, burning, or pain in your feet. Loss of sense of touch or ability to feel heat or cold very well. A change in the shape of your feet over time. Loss of hair on your toes, feet, and lower legs.

What does zinc deficiency look like in nails? ›

One of the most common nutrient deficiencies to show up in nails is a zinc deficiency. More prevalent in school-age children, this deficiency can present as scattered white spots. Usually, people can take a zinc supplement for a short amount of time to clear up these white marks.

What do calcium deficient nails look like? ›

When your body lacks calcium, your nails become thinner, weaker, and brittle. You may notice that they break easily and just don't look as healthy as they used to. Although nails and bones are made up of different substances, they're similar enough that poor nail health may be an early marker of bone density problems.

How do you know if your nails are calcium deficient? ›

Brittle, weak, or slow-growing nails may indicate a calcium deficiency. However, more common causes include frequently wetting and drying the nails and other nutritional deficiencies.

What illness causes ridges in nails? ›

Thyroid disease: If you have hypothyroidism, you may have thick, brittle nails with vertical ridges. Your nails may also crumble or break easily. They may look more rounded and your fingertip may be puffy.

What does Beau's lines look like? ›

Beau's lines are horizontal ridges or dents in one or more of your fingernails or toenails. They're a sign that an illness, injury or skin condition interrupted your nail growth. Treating the underlying cause will allow new, smooth nails to grow again.

Do thyroid problems cause nail ridges? ›

Horizontal ridges run from side to side on your nails and are often referred to as Beau's lines. Horizontal ridges can be caused by trauma to the nail and may be deep or discolored. The can also indicate malnutrition, psoriasis or a thyroid problem.

What do malnutrition nails look like? ›

White nails can be the result of anemia and pink or red nails may suggest malnutrition with several nutrient and vitamin deficiencies. Additionally, biotin deficiency can increase the risk of fungal nail infections and subsequent nail plate discoloration.

Can B12 deficiency affect your nails? ›

Vitamin-B12 deficiency can present with glossitis, pigmentary changes of nails, hairs, and skin or more serious features like megaloblastic anemia and neuropsychiatric symptoms. [2] Neuropsychiatric features, though rare, can become irreversible in severe and prolonged deficiency.

Does vitamin D affect nails and hair? ›

Vitamin D is metabolized in the skin by keratinocytes. These are skin cells that process keratin, a protein in hair, nails, and skin. When the body doesn't have enough vitamin D, keratinocytes in hair follicles have trouble regulating hair growth and shedding.

What are the signs you need vitamin D? ›

Symptoms when vitamin D is low
  • Fatigue.
  • Not sleeping well.
  • Bone pain or achiness.
  • Depression or feelings of sadness.
  • Hair loss.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Getting sick more easily.

What is COVID nails? ›

What Do COVID Nails Look Like? Beau's lines are grooves that run horizontally across your nail plate, per an August 2021 paper published in the journal Skin Appendage Disorders. COVID nails/Beau's lines can look like ridges, grooves, or indentations, according to Dr. Day.

What vitamin helps with finger nails? ›

Biotin is an essential vitamin that helps maintain the health of the nervous system, hair, and nails. Biotin is a B-vitamin that occurs naturally in foods, such as legumes, salmon, and eggs.

What vitamin keeps your nails from splitting? ›

If your nails keep splitting, you might be low on iron, biotin, collagen and vitamins A and C. These nutrients build up nail strength and keep nail growth at a normal level.

Can toe nails show heart problems? ›

Tiny red lines under the toenail can be a sign of a heart infection. Red lines under the toenail could be broken blood vessels known as splinter hemorrhages. These occur when small blood clots damage the tiny capillaries under the nails. They can signal endocarditis, an infection of the heart's inner lining.

Does nail health indicate bone health? ›

Preliminary studies suggest that people who have low levels of collagen (a strengthening protein) in their nails don't have enough in their bones, either. Meanwhile, weak nails or vertical nail ridges suggest that your body lacks bone-building calcium.

Can toenails show signs of illness? ›

The condition of your toenails is something everyone needs to pay more attention to. Bacterial and fungal infections can cause color, texture, and odor changes to toenails. If you notice light or dark stripes, it may be a sign of nutritional problems or systemic health issues like diabetes or peripheral artery disease.

What vitamin is best for healthy nails? ›

Biotin and other B-complex vitamins are essential for healthy nails. Vitamin C and iron are also essential for nail growth. You can get all of these nutrients from a healthy diet or take a daily multivitamin supplement.

Does vitamin d3 help fingernails? ›

Vitamin D ensures healthy nails and reduces the risk of nail peeling and chipping, which can often be caused by nutritional deficiencies. Vitamin D regulates calcium levels in the body which is an essential contributor to having healthy nails.

What is a major deficiency symptom of vitamin D? ›

In adults, severe vitamin D deficiency leads to osteomalacia. Osteomalacia causes weak bones, bone pain, and muscle weakness.

What autoimmune diseases cause nail problems? ›

Nail psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that causes discoloration, pitting and changes in the structure of your nails. It can make you feel self-conscious, though you can buff your nails and apply nail polish to improve their appearance. Nail psoriasis isn't contagious, and treatments can help your symptoms improve.

What do rheumatoid arthritis nails look like? ›

RA may even lead to changes in your nails, such as the development of vertical ridges or a yellowing and thickening. Changes to your nails can be signs of RA or other systemic conditions and should be diagnosed by a doctor. Most nail changes from RA do not need to be treated independently from the condition.

Why does rheumatologist look at fingernails? ›

Nail abnormalities associating systemic disorders are very important for both rheumatologists and dermatologists because they are easily examined and may be the only initial signal of this disease [17].

What does a health nail look like? ›

Healthy fingernails are smooth, without pits or grooves. They're uniform in color and consistency and free of spots or discoloration. Sometimes fingernails develop harmless vertical ridges that run from the cuticle to the tip of the nail.

What are the signs of lacking vitamin D? ›

Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency may include:
  • Fatigue.
  • Not sleeping well.
  • Bone pain or achiness.
  • Depression or feelings of sadness.
  • Hair loss.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Getting sick more easily.

What vitamin Am I lacking for my nails? ›

Both iron and B12 are necessary for keeping nails strong and healthy. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can result in entirely blue nails, bluish-black pigments with wavy longitudinal dark streaks and brownish pigmentation ( 5 , 6 ).

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