What Colors do Bees See and which Attracts Them? | One Honey Bee (2024)

What Colors do Bees See and which Attracts Them? | One Honey Bee (1)

Whenever I saw bees, I used to think, is there any particular color of flowers that attract bees? Or if they like bright colors or pale colors? Or do they even see colors?

Page Contents

  • 1 Do bees see color or is it black and white?
  • 2 Colors: Is it the only deciding factor for bees to select flowers?
  • 3 Do bees have any favorite colors?
  • 4 Why do Bees see UV rays?
  • 5 How to stay unseen by bees?
  • 6 Why do beekeepers wear white?
  • 7 Do Bees, Wasps, and Bumble Bees have similar vison?
  • 8 Can bees see in the dark?
  • 9 Do bees and humans have similar vision?
  • 10 Historical background
    • 10.1 Why did honeybees always land on the blue card?
  • 11 Summary:

Do bees see color or is it black and white?

Bees can see colors! The color family they see is yellow, green, blue and ultra-violet light. But they can’t see shades of red and orange. Bees love bright colors and are very attracted by them!

VIOLET (380 – 450 nm)RED (620 – 750 nm)
BLUE (450 – 495 nm)ORANGE (590 – 620 nm)
GREEN (495 – 570 nm)WHITE (390 – 750 nm)
YELLOW (570 – 590 nm)

Colors: Is it the only deciding factor for bees to select flowers?

Bees do not depend upon color for identifying flowers to collect pollen and nectar. They identify the flower by its shape, certain shapes attract them more than the bright color of the flower.

To verify this fact, we researched plants that are pollinated only by bees. We selected more than 50 plants. We noted each plants leaf color and then compared it to the visible spectrum of bees and here are the results:


The results are surprising and gripping. According to data, out of our 58 plants, 22 plants are white-colored and white is the color bees cannot see! 15 plants are yellow-colored. An interesting fact is that the blue-colored plants which are pollinated by bees are in the minority. Even when bees can see blue color and remember it. This data is evident enough to prove that bees do not select flowers by color.

Do bees have any favorite colors?

The favorite colors of bees are yellow, blue, and violet. And bees hate colors like red, black, and brown. Now there are two situations which may affect you directly when wearing colors to which bees respond:

  • The first situation is when you wear bees’ favorite colors. They will start buzzing around you if you wear their favorite color. Bees will assume that you are a big mobile flower. A perfume imitating flower scent can make the situation more confusing for them. And when they realize that you are not a flower, they get irritated and may sting you.
  • The second situation is when you wear colors that bees hate. Red appears black to bees. These hardworking bugs take these dark colors as a sign of a predator like bears. Thus, they can attack you to protect themselves. So, it is advised that in areas prone to bees, we should wear subtle and pale colors.

Why do Bees see UV rays?

By 1927 it was clear that bees can see colors. Besides colors, they can also see UV radiations. Bees and many other organisms can see UV light because the UV light sensitizes the cone cells in their eyes.

There is no exact information about when and who discovered the fact that bees can see UV light. But according to a journal published by the royal society of Victoria, Alfred Kühn published a paper in 1927 in which he explained the power of bees to see the UV radiations.

What Colors do Bees See and which Attracts Them? | One Honey Bee (2)

This picture depicts the visual capacities of bees under light of different wavelengths. Тhe first picture is а flower under white light as we humans see it. The second picture is under UV light. It represents the way honeybees see it. The third picture of the same flower is under infrared light. Bees cannot see red light, so the flower and surroundings all look similar in this picture.

Every organism sees only those colors or wavelengths of light that stimulate its cone cells. And bees are also trichromatic like humans. It means they have three different cone cells to get stimulated by three different lights. Blue, green, and ultraviolet light can stimulate their cone cells. All other colors are the only mixture of these three colors to the eyes. Therefore, they can see UV light. Red color wavelength does not trigger the cones in bee eyes, so these organisms cannot see red color.

How to stay unseen by bees?

Now you know that wearing some colors can make you vulnerable in front of bees. The best way to stay out of the vision of the bees is to wear pale colors. Bees cannot notice pale or grey shades. Thus, they often ignore these shades. If you have planned to spend your weekends in the countryside or near a park, you should better wear pale or grey shades. These do not trigger bees to attack or follow you.

Why do beekeepers wear white?

What Colors do Bees See and which Attracts Them? | One Honey Bee (3)

Beekeepers always wear white clothes because bees do not notice this color due to their visual spectrum. Bees are least attracted to this color. Thus, it reduces the chances to be stung by bees.

Bees became aggressive around dark colors. It is the result of evolutionary tendencies. Dark colors such as black & brown are associated with natural predators like bears that can snatch their honeycomb. Thus, bees and wasps often show strong abhorrence to these colors. Even if they do not attack someone directly wearing a dark color, the person is still on the radar of bees, and a single action can trigger them to sting.

On the other hand, bees do not find white and pale colors as intimidating as bright colors like yellow, green, and blue. Thus they are least attracted to these colors. Therefore, beekeepers always wear white to keep bees calm when they fetch honey.

Do Bees, Wasps, and Bumble Bees have similar vison?

Bees can see beyond the visual spectrum of humans, and their sight is 5x faster than humans. We will consider three closely related species, bees, wasps, and bumblebees, they see the world the same way. Wasps and bumblebees can also see UV light and are unable to see red and orange.

The reason that all these insects have similar visual capacities is that all three animals belong to the same phylum Arthropoda. It is the scientific name of the insect family. Animals with similar features, structures, and capacities are kept in one family. Bumblebee, honeybee, and wasps have similar body structures and functions. Therefore they have similar eye structures. Similar structures provide them with similar capacities.

Can bees see in the dark?

Bees have a more extended visual spectrum than humans. Does this rule apply to all dimensions of vision? Are bees able to see during nighttime?

Yes, some species of bees can see and fly during nighttime or in darkness. And only Indian carpenter bees is an obligate nocturnal bug. But it does not apply to all species of bees. Only some tropical bees can see and fly during nighttime. Most bees are diurnal , but they adapted the night vision to get an advantage over other bee species in search of food.

In the tropics, many flower-species blooms in the night time. Therefore, some species of bees started to fly in the night time to eradicate competition and relish the nectar with ease. According to a journal published in Science Direct Indian carpenter bee the only obligate bee that uses landmarks and night vision to find nectar. Other bee species need the help of moonlight, but the Indian bee can roam around even in the darkest of nights.

Do bees and humans have similar vision?

Humans and honeybees both are trichromatic, however bees’ visual perception is quite different from humans. There are three major differences between humans’ and insect’s vision. The first one is bees can see UV light, and the second is the visual spectrum. Insects can see the light of wavelengths 300 to 600 nm whereas humans are able to see the complete elements of white light from 400 nm to 750 nm. The third point of difference is bees have compound eyes.

The primary reason for the difference in bees’ and humans’ sight is the anatomy of the eye in both organisms. Humans have two eyes, whereas bees have two compound eyes and three ocelli. The Ocelli are motion sensors. These are single lensed photo-receptors. They do not form the image of the object instead they detect the motion.

In addition to the ocelli, bees have two large compound eyes. Compound eyes are made of small units called ommatidia. Each ommatidium is connected to a bundle of axons. Axons are transmitter cells of the brain. An ommatidium is somewhat similar to the structure of the human eye. It also has cornea like mammals, optic nerve, and photoreceptor cells.

What Colors do Bees See and which Attracts Them? | One Honey Bee (4)

Source: Wikipedia

Each ommatidium captures an independent part of the image. The brain of honeybees processes the image from the independent pieces of the image. In this way, these ommatidia work together to work as one functional eye. This makes image processing faster in bees as compared to humans. In addition to ommatidia, the ocelli along with their motion-sensing capabilities, make the bees and insects even faster.

Historical background

An Afro-American zoologist Charles Henry Turner proved that bees see colors. He published a piece of evidence that bees can see colors and distinguish between different shapes. In addition to this, he developed procedures to test the color recognition ability of honeybees.

There is no exact information about the experiment he conducted. But he published more than 70 papers on invertebrates and vertebrate anatomy. He did not get recognition because of the strong racism present in America at that time. Later on, Karl Von Frisch confirmed Turner’s work by his experiments in 1914, and in 1973, he was also awarded the Nobel prize for his work.

Karl’s experiment is well-known. He used placards to demonstrate the fact that bees can identify blue color among different shades of grey. He made a big placard having one blue block and different shades of grey. Then he applied honey to the placard and kept it open area. All the bees landed on the blue card every time.

Frisch repeated the experiment several times, and he got the same result every time. In each trial, bees sat on the blue card even when there were no treats like honey.

Why did honeybees always land on the blue card?

What Colors do Bees See and which Attracts Them? | One Honey Bee (5)

Bees can see blue, violet, green, and yellow with a tint of green precisely. Honeybees cannot see red and orange colors. By the efforts of multiple zoologists, it was proven that bees can see colors. But Karl’s experiment led to a new discussion that why honeybees always chose blue placard?

The white light is the combination of seven lights of different colors. The colors we see in the world is due to the white light. Whenever light falls on an object, it absorbs some part of the white light, and some of it gets reflected. We perceive the color of reflected light as the color of the object. The wavelengths of light decide the color spectrum that will be visible to the organism. Different colors are the manifestation of different wavelengths of light.

Bees see the light in wavelengths of 300 to 600 nm. In comparison Humans can see in a wavelength from 400 to 750 nm. The human vision spectrum falls under the visible light. Thus we can see colors from red to violet.

But vision spectrum of bees is much different from humans. The part of visible light that falls under the vision spectrum of bees include yellow to violet wavelengths of visible light in addition to ultraviolet light. Bees cannot see red wavelength, so they are unable to see red and orange color.


Just in case you need some quick information on how these bugs see the world through their eyes, we have a summary of the complete article to make your scanning easy.

  • Bees can see colors.
  • Charles Henry Turner was the first person to discover this fact.
  • But his work remained unnoticed because he was an African descent.
  • Karl Von Frisch, an Austrian scientist confirmed Turner’s claim and got a Noble prize for it.
  • They can see blue, green, violet, and yellow.
  • Honeybees cannot see the red and orange color.
  • They can see ultraviolet light. Alfred Kuhn proved this fact and this claim is backed up by the Royal Society of Victoria.
  • The UV radiation falls in the visual spectrum of bees and the red color does not fall in the visual spectrum of bees. Therefore, the honey bee can see ultraviolet rays but not red color.
  • Bees can see, differentiate, and remember colors.
  • The bugs are attracted to bright colors.
  • Bees do not like dark colors like red, brown, and black. It makes them aggressive.
  • When choosing flowers, bees do not go after flower color. They choose flowers according to their shape.
  • Some species of bees can also fly during the night-time. But they are not obligatory nocturnal animals, and they need moonlight to locate the path.
  • But Indian Carpenter bee is an exception to the whole bee community and is an obligate night animal. It even doesn’t need moonlight. According to research, it has developed night vision permanently.
  • Bees have 5x times faster vision than humans, and their visual capacities are best in the animal world.
  • Bees have two eyes and three ocelli. The eyes form the image, and the ocelli sense the motion.
What Colors do Bees See and which Attracts Them? | One Honey Bee (2024)


What colour are bees attracted to? ›

A lot of yellow flowers are attractive to bees as they look great in ultraviolet light. If you choose to plant blue or green flowers, make sure they don't have excessive petals and that the pollen can be easily accessed.

What colors are bees least attracted to? ›

Darker colors such as red appear black to bees, and since black is the absence of color bees are not naturally attracted to plants with red hues. Also, some tubular flowers are not attractive to bees because the shape is not conducive to pollination. Choosing red plants will discourage bees in the garden.

Are bees attracted to white? ›

Don't wear bright colors, particularly white or yellow, because bees and wasps are drawn to these colors. Don't wear perfume, cologne or deodorant.

Why are bees attracted to the colour purple? ›

While many different coloured flowers are nectar-rich, bees will be more attracted to purple and blue-coloured flowers because these have shorter wavelengths, like UV light. In contrast, bees can't see red because the wavelengths are too long!

What are the 2 colours that a bee can see? ›

Bees are also thought to be trichromatic, but that bees cannot see red because they don't have a photoreceptor for it. However, they can see the ultraviolet (UV) end of the light spectrum and so so they make colour combinations from blue, green and ultraviolet.

Are bees more attracted to blue? ›

Bees' color preference drives flowers to evolve a blue glow

Many wild bees prefer flowers in the violet-blue range—in part because these blossoms tend to produce high volumes of nectar. But it's not easy for plants to produce blue flowers.

Are bees attracted to black or white? ›

Starting with the ability of the bees to distinguish between black and white, we have found that they are not interested in black or white.

What are bees most attracted to? ›

Sugars: Many bees feed on the nectar from flowers. Since nectar is sweet, it makes sense that bees would be attracted to sugars and fragrances that smell flowery or sweet. That's why you may notice bees at your picnic, especially if you're drinking sugary sodas or eating fruits, such as pineapple and watermelon.

Can bees see the color red? ›

Bees, like many insects, see from approximately 300 to 650 nm. That means they can't see the color red, but they can see in the ultraviolet spectrum (which humans cannot). Bees can also easily distinguish between dark and light – making them very good at seeing edges.

Do bees feel love? ›

There is evidence suggesting that honey bees are capable to perceive emotions and feelings toward things. Anyone who had the chance to be around honey bees can vow that they are moody and capable to show love and affection.

Do bees like fat? ›

To complicate matters, bees need carbs, proteins and fats in specific but shifting proportions according to season and what's happening in the hive. As larvae, they require more protein and fat; as adults, their wants shift towards carbohydrates.

Do bees like onions? ›

Onions- Onion nectar is high in potassium, which means onions are not at the top of bees “favorite” plants to visit, but honey bees are important in helping fertilize onion plants through pollination.

Do bees hate dark colors? ›

Which Colors Make Them Attack? You might not think of dark colors such as red or black as being aggressive, but when it comes to bees and wasps, it's true. Darker colors will sometimes be interpreted as natural predators such as bears and skunks.

Do bees see blue better than red? ›

Bees cannot see red, but they can see blue and green, as well as ultraviolet light. This means colours look very different to what we see, and they can see things we cannot see.

What color makes bees angry? ›

Bees are attracted to bright colors — but not red.

When bees get angry, they tend to attack dark colors. This is because their natural predator, the bear, is large and dark. Tip to avoid stings: Avoid wearing brightly colored clothing, especially in the blue and purple color families.

Can bees see black? ›

Ultraviolet being their third color. It's not that they don't get angry (as in “to see red”), but honeybees see the color red as black.
Honeybees Versus Humans : A Breakdown.
VioletBlue plus Ultraviolet
5 more rows
21 Jul 2012

Do bees have 3 eyes? ›

The two big eyes on a bee are called compound eyes because they are made up of thousands of tiny lenses. Those eyes detect movement. In fact, bees eyes can detect movement a quickly as 1/300th of a second while human eyes can detect movement separated by a comparable lowly 1/50th of a second.

Which colour honey bee can see? ›

Bees see “primary colors” as blue, green and ultraviolet . They can distinguish yellow, orange, blue-green, violet, purple, as combinations of their three primary colors.

Do bees prefer purple? ›

According to Bee Culture, the most likely colors to attract bees are purple, violet and blue. A study of nine bumblebee colonies in Germany found that those who favored purple blooms were greatly rewarded for their preference.

What color doesn't attract bees? ›

White clothing works well to avoid their attention. The bees' disinterest in white is why beekeepers wear all-white gear. Bright colors like orange, yellow, and even bright blue and purple attract bees.

Why are bees so attracted to me? ›

If you look or smell like a flower, you are more likely to attract the attention of a bee. They love the smell of some sunscreens, shampoos, perfumes and aftershaves. They also love flowery prints and shiny jewelry and buckles. That's why beekeepers wear white, without accessories.

Do bees like hot or cold? ›

The optimum temperature for a honey bee hive is 32–36°C (89.6–96.8°F)5. To prevent hives getting too hot, honey bees fan their wings and collect water to help prevent brood drying out6.

How do bees see humans? ›

Rather than specifically recognizing people, these nectar-feeding creatures view us as "strange flowers," the researchers say. And while they might not be able to identify individual humans, they can learn to distinguish features that are arranged to look like faces.

What not to wear around bees? ›

Wear light coloured clothes such as khakis, beige, or blue. Avoid brightly coloured, patterned, or black clothing. Tie back long hair to avoid bees or wasps from getting entangled in your hair. Be careful when shaking out clothing or towels as the insects could be inside the folds.

What smell attracts bees? ›

Add plants in the mint family, including peppermint, lavender, basil, and oregano. Bees also like rosemary, sage, thyme, chamomile, marjoram, and bee balm. The heady perfume of these and other herbs often calls bees to visit your garden.

Are bees attracted to sugar? ›

Bees are twice as attracted to sugar syrup than they are to honey. Adult bees live longer when eating sucrose compared to honey. Economically it does not make sense to feed honey back to bee colonies when sugar is a fraction of the cost.

Do bees like gingers? ›

Bees are more attracted to them

Some scientific studies have found that bees are more attracted to people with red hair. This is one of the many strange facts about redheads. Research has found that it is most likely because of their hair's resemblance to bright flowers.

Do bees have red blood? ›

Their bodies are filled with an extracellular fluid termed hemolymph that lacks hemoglobin or red blood cells. Hemolymph is not confined within vessels but circulates freely in the extracellular space. There is a heart or, rather, hearts that form a tube running from the abdomen to the head.

Can dogs see color? ›

Human eyes have three types of cones that can identify combinations of red, blue, and green. Dogs possess only two types of cones and can only discern blue and yellow - this limited color perception is called dichromatic vision.

Can bees cry? ›

The noise can sound eerily like a human scream. In a paper published Wednesday in the journal Royal Society Open Science, researchers describe the Asian honeybee's unique acoustic signal, which is called an antipredator pipe. The researchers colloquially refer to it as a “bee scream.”

Do bees kiss? ›

When bees "kiss," they are actually passing nectar to other bees. When a mature worker bee collects nectar from a flower, she stores it in her stomach until she gets back to the hive. As the nectar sits in her stomach, water is removed from it, which makes it more condensed and easier to share.

Can a bee love a human? ›

Bees like humans!

Bees like the humans who take good care of them. Bees can detect human faces, which means they can recognize, and build trust with their human caretakers.

Are bees lazy? ›

They're pretty industrious but not as busy as some other animals. A honeybee might work anywhere from just a few hours a day to about 12, depending on its role in the beehive.

Do bees like alcohol? ›

Bozic et al. (2006) found that alcohol consumption by honeybees disrupts foraging and social behaviors, and has some similar effects to poisoning with insecticides. Some bees become more aggressive after consuming alcohol. Exposure to alcohol can have a prolonged effect on bees, lasting as long as 48 hours.

What is bees favorite food? ›

While your sweet treats may be attractive to bees, most bees use pollen and nectar as a food source. Worker bees gather both pollen and nectar from flowers to feed to the larvae and other members of the colony. Nectar is a sweet fluid produced by flowers to attract bees and other animals.

Do bees like bananas? ›

They get up to 26% sugar content while bees prefer 30% to 50%. If you want to feed bananas, don't lay it in front of the hives. They won't touch it. It's just too much work, but if you put it inside of the hives, they will eat it.

What food do bees not like? ›

Cloves. Place 4-5 cloves on the food table. Bees hate the smell and should steer clear while you're eating.

Do bees not like bananas? ›

Bees and banana's

Apparently the alarm pheromone smells a bit like banana [5]. The alarm is released when a bee stings and will attract other bees to this location and act defensively. So, the smell of banana's might attract a group of angry bees.

What colour keeps bees away? ›

Bees and wasps instinctively perceive dark colors as a threat. Wear white, tan, cream, or gray clothing as much as possible and avoid black, brown, or red clothes. Bees and wasps see the color red as black, so they perceive it as a threat.

What colors are threatening to bees? ›

Experience has shown that bees tend to attack dark things. Dark clothing, dark hair, any thing dark in color could draw the bees. A USDA entomologist says that when he inspected apiaries he could often tell that they were Africanized by the number of stings he got in his black leather camera case.

Do bees like white or black? ›

Starting with the ability of the bees to distinguish between black and white, we have found that they are not interested in black or white.

Do honey bees hate the color black? ›

You might not think of dark colors such as red or black as being aggressive, but when it comes to bees and wasps, it's true. Darker colors will sometimes be interpreted as natural predators such as bears and skunks.

Can bees see in the dark? ›

Some bees do have night vision

Other bee species are crepuscular, which means that they are capable of seeing with little light. They fly during dusk, night and early morning to avoid the heat from the sun, according to bee research site School of Bees.

Do bees hate the color blue? ›

Bees love yellow and blue more than other colors. However, in general, they'll take note of most bright colors which they associate with flowers.

What makes a bee attracted to you? ›

If you look or smell like a flower, you are more likely to attract the attention of a bee. They love the smell of some sunscreens, shampoos, perfumes and aftershaves. They also love flowery prints and shiny jewelry and buckles. That's why beekeepers wear white, without accessories.

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.