Wars of the Roses - Winner, Family Tree & England | HISTORY (2024)

Henry VI

In 1422, Henry VI succeeded his father Henry V and became King of England—at just nine months old.

Thanks to his father’s military conquests, Henry VI also became the disputed King of France. In 1445, Henry VI married Margaret of Anjou, a noble and strong-willed Frenchwoman whose ambition and political savvy overshadowed her husband’s.

All was not well in King Henry’s court. He had little interest in politics and was a weak ruler. This incited rampant lawlessness throughout his realm and opened the door for power-hungry nobles and kingmakers to plot behind his back.

Richard of York

Henry’s lack of leadership led him to lose almost all his holdings in France. This and the corruption and mismanagement of power in England, not to mention heavy taxation, caused frustrated property owners and peasants from Kent to revolt in 1450.

Led by Jack Cade, they marched on London and presented Henry with a list of demands known as the “Complaint of the Poor Commons of Kent.”

Henry never officially agreed to Cade’s demands, one of which was to recall Richard, Duke of York, from Ireland back to England. Richard of York—as great-grandson of King Edward III—had a strong competing claim on the English throne.

After a series of skirmishes, Henry squashed Cade’s rebellion and pardoned the rebels—except for Jack Cade himself, who would later die from a mortal wound during his arrest.

Henry believed Richard of York was behind Cade’s rebellion (though there’s scant evidence that the Duke of York was involved). This rivalry set the stage for 30 years of battles for power involving three generations of Yorks and Lancasters.

The Madness of King Henry VI

By 1452, Richard of York had returned to England and decided his mission in life was to rid Henry of his corrupt advisors, particularly Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset. He raised an army and marched on London declaring fealty to Henry while also compelling him to remove Somerset from his post.

But Somerset held on until Henry succumbed to his first bout of madness in 1454, leaving him virtually catatonic and unable to reign.

During Henry’s illness, Richard became Lord Protector of England and imprisoned Somerset in the Tower of London. It was a bitter victory, however: Queen Margaret had given birth to Henry’s only son, Edward of Lancaster, in 1453, which weakened Richard’s claim to the throne.

In February 1455, Henry recovered from his spell of insanity almost as suddenly as he’d yielded to it. Richard and his ministers were sent away and Somerset reinstated.

St. Albans

On May 22, 1455, Richard of York, aligned with Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, marched against Henry at St. Albans. After failed negotiations, the brief yet vicious battle raged through the town’s streets and left Somerset dead and Henry wounded.

The Yorks took Henry prisoner and Richard became Lord Protector again. Queen Margaret and her young son, fearful for their lives, went into exile.

The Battle of Blore Heath

As Richard maintained a shaky hold on England, Margaret worked behind the scenes to restore Henry to the throne, and uphold her son’s place as his rightful heir. Fearing his days were numbered, Richard formed an army commanded by Lord Salisbury.

Salisbury’s army met Margaret’s large and well-equipped army, commanded by Lord Audley, at Blore Heath on September 23, 1459 in Staffordshire. Though outnumbered two to one, the Yorks soundly defeated the Lancastrians.

The Battles of Ludford Bridge and Northampton

The Battle of Ludford Bridge was not waged with ammunition, but was a battle of wills and courage. By autumn of 1459, Henry and his queen had once again mustered a significant army, which now included many York deserters.

Richard of York, Salisbury, Warwick and their forces withdrew to Ludlow Bridge near Ludford, Shropshire to stand against Henry and his men. On the night of October 12, many Yorks defected and their leaders fled; Richard himself fled back to Ireland.

But Richard and his supporters weren’t finished harassing Henry and Margaret. In June of 1460, Richard’s ally Warwick entered London with thousands of men. As they advanced on Henry’s army in Northampton, victory seemed unlikely.

But unbeknownst to Henry, one of his Lancastrian commanders was a turncoat and allowed Warwick’s men access to Henry’s camp. The Yorks easily won the battle and captured King Henry as Margaret fled once again.

The Battle of Wakefield

With Henry under his control, Richard again proclaimed himself and his heirs Henry’s successors. Henry agreed so long as he’d retain the crown until his death.

Their agreement was passed by the English Parliament and called the Act of Accord. The ambitious Queen Margaret, however, would have none of this compromise, and raised another army to rise against the Yorks.

Richard set out with his forces to defeat Margaret’s army and settle the matter of succession once and for all. The armies clashed at Wakefield Green near Sandal Castle. But things didn’t work out as Richard had planned. He was killed; his severed head was put on display wearing a paper crown.

Battle of Towton

Richard’s son Edward, Earl of March, succeeded his father. He also took over where Richard left off against the Lancastrians.

In the middle of winter 1461, his York forces defeated the Lancastrians at the Battle of Mortimer’s Cross. Weeks later, they were crushed by the Lancastrians at the Second Battle of St. Albans. It was here King Henry was rescued and reunited with his queen, but Edward wouldn’t give up.

In March of 1461, Edward confronted the Lancastrian army in a snowstorm in the middle of a field near Towton, North Yorkshire. It’s believed over 50,000 men engaged in brutal fighting and around 28,000 died.

The Battle of Towton was the bloodiest one-day battle in England’s history. The Yorks emerged victorious and Henry, Margaret and their son fled to Scotland leaving Edward King of England.

Power Changes Hands Again and Again

Edward IV may have gained the throne, but he’d underestimated the deposed Queen Margaret’s stealth and ambition. With the help of her compatriots in France, she ousted Edward and restored her husband to the throne in October 1470.

Edward went into hiding but wasn’t idle. He mustered an army and won York victories at the Battle of Barnett and the Battle of Tewksbury. At Tewskbury, Henry and Margaret’s only son was killed and the royal couple were captured and held in the Tower of London; the throne of England reverted back to Edward.

On May 21, 1471, deposed King Henry VI died, supposedly of sadness, although some historians believe Edward had him murdered. Queen Margaret was eventually released and made her way back to Anjou in France, where she died in 1482.

Princes in the Tower

King Edward IV died in 1483 and was succeeded by his young son Edward V. Richard III, the ambitious brother of Edward IV, became his nephew Edward’s Lord Protector—but he plotted to have Edward V and his younger brother declared illegitimate.

The power-hungry Richard succeeded in his plot and was crowned in July 1483.

To eliminate any threats to his throne, Richard III had his young nephews held in the Tower of London, supposedly for their protection. When both boys—now famous as the Princes in the Tower—vanished and Richard was accused of ordering them murdered, the king quickly lost favor with his people.

The Tudors

As Richard’s right to the throne became tenuous, the Lancastrian Henry Tudor—with the help of France and many nobles—staked his claim to the crown. He met Richard on the battlefield at Bosworth on August 22, 1485.

After fighting valiantly, Richard III was killed. Legend has it his crown was placed on Henry’s head at the very spot where Richard fell. Henry was declared King Henry VII.

After his official coronation, Henry married Elizabeth of York to reconcile the long-feuding Lancaster and York houses. This union ended the Wars of the Roses and gave rise to the Tudor Dynasty.


Medieval Sourcebook: Jack Cade: Proclamation of Grievances, 1450. Fordham University.
War of the Roses, 1455-1485. Military History Encyclopedia on the Web.
The Wars of the Roses. Historic UK.
The Wars of the Roses (1455-1485). Luminarium: Encyclopedia Project.
Wars of the Roses. Oxford Bibliographies.

Wars of the Roses - Winner, Family Tree & England | HISTORY (2024)


Wars of the Roses - Winner, Family Tree & England | HISTORY? ›

How were the Wars of the Roses

Wars of the Roses
Wars of the Roses, (1455–85) Series of dynastic civil wars between the houses of Lancaster and York for the English throne. The wars were named for the emblems of the two houses, the white rose of York and the red of Lancaster. Both claimed the throne through descent from Edward III.
https://www.britannica.com › summary › Wars-of-the-Roses
finally resolved? Henry Tudor (later Henry VII) defeated and killed Richard III at Bosworth Field
Bosworth Field
Battle of Bosworth Field, (August 22, 1485), battle in the English Wars of the Roses, fought 12 miles (19 km) west of Leicester and 3 miles (5 km) south of Market Bosworth, between the forces of the Yorkist king Richard III and the Lancastrian contender for the crown, Henry Tudor (the future Henry VII).
https://www.britannica.com › event › Battle-of-Bosworth-Field
on August 22, 1485
, bringing the Wars of the Roses to a close. By his marriage to Edward IV's daughter Elizabeth of York in 1486, Henry united the Yorkist
house of York, younger branch of the house of Plantagenet of England. In the 15th century, having overthrown the house of Lancaster, it provided three kings of England—Edward IV, Edward V, and Richard III—and, in turn defeated, passed on its claims to the Tudor dynasty.
https://www.britannica.com › topic › house-of-York
and Lancastrian
In these wars, the term Lancastrian became a reference to members of the family and their supporters. The family provided England with three kings: Henry IV (r. 1399–1413), Henry V (r. 1413–1422), and Henry VI (r.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › House_of_Lancaster

Who actually won the war of the Roses? ›

Answer and Explanation: Henry Tudor of the House of Lancaster defeated King Richard III of the House of York in 1485 at the Battle of Bosworth Field, which resulted in Richard's death and the end of the Wars of the Roses. Tudor then ascended to the throne and became King Henry VII.

What family ruled England due to the war of Roses? ›

The conflict resulted in the end of Lancaster's male line in 1471, enabling the Tudor family to inherit their claim to the throne through the female line. Conflict was largely brought to an end upon the union of the two houses through marriage, creating the Tudor dynasty that would subsequently rule England.

What noble families were involved in the Wars of the Roses? ›

Table of Contents. The Wars of the Roses were a series of bloody civil wars for the throne of England between two competing royal families: the House of York and the House of Lancaster, both members of the age-old royal Plantagenet family.

Who had the better claim, York or Lancaster? ›

Henry VI, head of the Lancastrians, represented the third line of descent from Edward III. Richard, duke of York, was descended through his mother from the fourth son. Thus the Yorkists had a better claim to the throne than the Lancastrians, though they had been passed over in 1399 when Richard II was deposed.

Did the House of Lancaster win the War of the Roses? ›

Theoretically, Lancaster. But the last two battles of the Wars of the Roses (Bosworth in 1485, Stoke 1487) were won by Henry Tudor, who was descended from the house of Lancaster, but via a line which had only been legitimised on condition they never claimed the throne.

Who was the rightful king, York or Lancaster? ›

Elizabeth of York had by far the best legal claim to the English throne, as, after the death or disappearance of her brothers, she was her father's eldest child. Henry VII sprang from the Beaufort line of the Plantagenets, descended from John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster and his third wife Katherine Swynford.

Who got married to end the War of the Roses? ›

The Wars of the Roses ended in 1485, following Henry Tudor's victory over Richard III at Bosworth and his marriage to Elizabeth of York, which united the two families.

How many children did Edward and Elizabeth have? ›

Edward had ten children by Elizabeth Woodville, seven of whom survived him; they were declared illegitimate under the 1484 Titulus Regius, an act repealed by Henry VII, who married Edward's eldest daughter, Elizabeth.

Who was the illegitimate king of England? ›

Several years ago, Michael K. Jones created a stir when he presented “proof” in his book Bosworth Field: the Psychology of a Battle that Edward IV was illegitimate. Through an analysis of who-was-where-when, he alleged that Cecily Neville and Richard, Duke of York, were not together when Edward was conceived.

Does the White Queen have a son with Edward? ›

Her marriage to Edward IV produced a total of ten children, including another son, Richard, Duke of York, who would later join his brother as one of the Princes in the Tower. Five daughters also lived to adulthood.

Who is the most famous noble family in England? ›

The Spencer-Churchill family of England is one of the most famous noble lines, melding two strands of the British aristocracy – the Spencers and the Churchills, and incorporating such legendary titles as the Duke of Marlborough, the Earl of Sunderland and the Marquess of Blandford.

Does the House of York still exist? ›

Here the dynastic history of the house of York ends, for its claims were henceforth merged in those of the house of Tudor. This article was most recently revised and updated by Jeff Wallenfeldt.

What started the war of Roses? ›

In 1453, when Henry lapsed into insanity, a powerful baronial clique installed Richard, duke of York, as protector of the realm. Henry recovered in 1455, reestablishing the authority of Margaret's party. York took up arms, starting the Wars of the Roses.

Who won the War of the Roses, red or white? ›

Answer and Explanation: Initially, the white rose, standing for the House of York won the Wars of Roses, as the red rose, standing for the House of Lancaster, was defeated and the dynasty ended. However, in the end it was the House of Tudor that won the wars, so neither the white nor the red rose was victorious.

Was Edward IV a good king? ›

By no means the perfect King – he was known to misjudge a number of political situations, particularly in relation to his duplicitous rival the French King, Louis XI – Edward will be remembered most famously as a successful military commander and the first Yorkist claimant to the throne to reign as King.

Who won the 100 Years' War? ›

The Hundred Years' War was a prolonged back and forth of victory between the English and French. The war was eventually won by the French at the Battle of Castillon in 1453. This was largely due to the French use of guns against the English.

Were the Tudors York or Lancaster? ›

The first Tudor monarch, Henry VII, descended through his mother from the House of Beaufort, a legitimised branch of the English royal House of Lancaster, a cadet house of the Plantagenets.

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