VXX And VIX - Volatility And Dynamic Hedging (2024)

VXX And VIX - Volatility And Dynamic Hedging (1)

I've recently authored three articles on ways to trade volatility through the VIX and the iPath S&P 500 VIX ETN (BATS:VXX) (here, here and here). I suggest any reader that hasn't read them, to please read them as an understanding of their concepts is vital to an understanding of what I'm about to present, here.

But, given the fact that most readers just plow head-long into an article, I'll repeat the salient pints:


VIX, the "fear gauge" mean reverts around a value of approximately 20. That means when it is above 20, it will eventually fall back down and when it is below 20 it will rise. Maybe not immediately, but eventually.

In my first article I meticulously laid out how to capitalize on this characteristic of VIX through various option strategies that go net short when VIX exceeds 20 and net long when it is below 20. Classic "buy-low-sell-high".


VXX is an ETN that is used, primarily, to day trade (or short-term trade) VIX. It tries to replicate VIX by purchasing futures. For those unfamiliar with how futures work, think of the strategy as buying at-the-money (ATM) call options each month. This is pretty effective for short term trades.

However, for long-term holding it is a disaster. Continually buying calls works if the underlying continually goes up. But, VIX doesn't go up, it mean reverts... it oscillates around 20. Going up and then going down. The long-term result of going long on a vehicle that oscillates between ups and downs is that VXX decays and loses value over time. It has been estimated that this decay is as much as 5% per month.

Here's a graph, courtesy Fidelity Investments, that illustrates the difference between VIX (mean reversion) and VXX (decay) for 2021 year-to-date

VXX And VIX - Volatility And Dynamic Hedging (2)

Well, anytime one is given an investment that loses value, it is ripe to short. That's exactly what I suggested, using call-writes instead of an outright short.

One thing of particular note ... if you study the chart you will notice on big spikes up, VXX doesn't climb as much as VIX. For instance, in January VIX spiked about 70% while VXX spiked only about 25%. Again, in May VIX spiked up about 50% and VXX only about 12%. The pattern is repeated time and again.

So, we can conclude that VXX is a "safer short" than VIX for two reasons:

1) It decays over time,

2) Because it decays over time, when it does spike it is generally less volatile

Dynamic Hedging Choice #1

In the "good old days", before hedge funds proliferated, before inverse ETNs existed and when options were less sophisticated, hedging had a different flavor. Investment managers would look to find two similar companies (such as Coca-Cola (KO) and PepsiCo (PEP)) do their analysis and hopefully discover a "winner" and a "dog". They would then short the "dog" and buy the "winner".

If they were right in their picks, and the "winner" outperformed the "dog" by either going higher or falling less, they made the spread. This is a very simple concept, provided one had the skill to find a "winner" and a "dog". If they got it wrong, they lost the spread.

Now, with VIX and VXX, we have two similar yet different vehicles. Similar in that they react to volatility and different in that one reverts, and one decays. Furthermore, the difference becomes greater at longer time durations.

So, when it comes to VXX and VIX ... we know who the "dog" is ... it is VXX.

So, Dynamic Hedging would go long VIX and short VXX. Let me put it into numbers.

Here’s a chart that shows call option details for both VXX and VIX (courtesy Fidelity Investments)

Please note that the expiry dates for both are 8 months away… June 2022. The strike is chosen at 80 (a 99.76% chance to NOT be over-run)

So we have similar products (volatility driven) similar expiry (June 2022) and, similar strikes (80).

But look at the option premiums. VXX could sell-bid at $2.32 and VIX bought-ask at $.58.

So, selling VXX call option and buying VIX call option as illustrated would net a credit of $1.74. Now, it's not a lot of money unless one uses a large number of options, but this is for concept.

It's important to note that VIX and VXX are not currently trading at the same level. VIX is around 18 and VXX around 24. So, some disparity in price would be expected. However, this is a far-dated June 2022 expiry and VXX decays. By June 2022, VXX should be at least 30% lower and any disparity would be wiped out.

Now, if the expiry was near-term, the decay isn't as great and the disparity is more meaningful. That's why I picked, as my expiry, the farthest dated option VIX trades under.

Now, as to risk, practically ZERO. The only possibility of loss is if VXX went above 80 and VIX did not. But we've seen that the decay actually causes the opposite to happen .. VIX spikes higher than VXX.

Furthermore, VXX decays and in 8 months' time it could deteriorate by 30% or more and have an even higher hill to climb.

Dynamic Hedging Choice #2

Let me share another variation of the Dynamic Hedging... the ratio hedge. Here’s another option chart (Fidelity Investments)

Please note that, once again, a June 2022 expiry .. only this time the strike is set at 40.

The premium credit for VXX is $4.75 and debit for VIX is $2.32 … a 2:1 ratio.

Now, one could do as I previously described and look to earn $2.43 per option .. but I have a variation.

Instead of looking to make a spread, consider being revenue neutral and buy twice as many VIX calls as they sell VXX calls.

For instance, one could buy 10 VIX calls for a debit of $2,325 and sell 5 VXX calls for a credit of $2,390 … for a net ZERO outlay.

Now, why would one do this? Simple, to be NET LONG VOLATILITY. To protect a position from a big spike in VIX.

This could be used to hedge an otherwise short position in either VIX or VXX.

Let me give an example: Let’s say you wanted to short 5 slightly ITM calls on VXX for June 2022.

Here’s what the option chart tells us:

VXX And VIX - Volatility And Dynamic Hedging (5)

A short at 20 strike credits $8.32. That represents a 30%+ premium to price.

With normal decay on VXX, we have reasonable expectations of profit. But, because VIX is currently at 20 (its mean) a spike is a real possibility.

However, by combining the naked short with the 2:1 ratio, we limit potential draw down. if there’s a spike, we are NET LONG 5 VIX options at 40. This should offer protection to cover any ultra-large move in VXX.

Now, if one wanted even more safeguard, they could buy, say, 14 VIX options and sell 7 VXX options, once again, revenue neutral, but 7 NET LONG options.

Dynamic Hedging Choice #3

Just one more example of what can be done. I call it "staggering strikes" Here's another Fidelity chart:

What you will notice in this one is I compare a VXX call-write at a strike of 45, to a VIX call-buy at a strike of 30. The premium debits and credits are neutral.

So, VXX would have to exceed 45 at the same VIX only reaches 30 for any loss to occur. Given the inherent decay in VXX, this is extremely unlikely. In fact, history tells us that VIX has a better chance of reaching 45, then VXX. And, if VXX somehow spiked higher than VIX it would be ripe for arbitrage.

If VXX does reach 45 or above, VIX should be at least $15 ITM, plus cancel out any rise in VXX above 45.

Portfolio Protection

Utilizing a ratio of VIX to VXX with a June expiry can also act as a form of portfolio protection... irrespective of any VIX or VXX option position.

I wouldn't necessarily go as high up as VIX=40, as that's pretty rare. Here's a chart for June 2022, with strikes of 25.

One can see that the premium for VIX is $4.85 and for VXX it is $7.05. So a 2:1 ratio that worked at a 40 strike doesn't work at a 25 strike. Instead one would have to use a 7:5 ratio. Not ideal, but it's an option worth considering .. especially if one is otherwise aggressive with their investments.

Otherwise, one can use the "staggered strike" to offer some protection.


VIX and VXX are interesting vehicles. VIX mean reverts and VXX pretends to mimic VIX... and in the short run, it does, but in the long run it just decays.

What is of value is the comparative option pricing of the two vehicles. In the long run they are as disparate as the vehicles themselves. This disparity can be "played" in a variety of ways through Dynamic Hedging. Is it without risk?... of course not... but the risk is so minimal compared to the potential reward it is hard to overlook.

What I have presented in this article is a methodology to exploit their differences. In addition to the methodology, I've presented some working examples. I encourage readers to "play with" various expiries and strikes and find what fits most closely into their strategy.

Now, let me state that if VIX and VXX spike up early (well before June 2022) and drop back down, Choices #1 and #2 do very little... unless, that is, the move back towards mean reversion is slow and the residual from the spike remains. So, for these choices, it is insurance against a slow, painful recovery after a spike. If, on the other hand, the mean reverts quickly, then the trades I suggested in previous articles are winners.

This article was written by

Reel Ken




I am retired after 40 years in the Financial Services Industry. As an Actuary and Statistician, my primary focus was Risk Management. I served as a consultant to some of the largest Financial Institutions and taught advanced risk management skills to top level investing professionals.My articles focus primarily on Portfolio Management Techniques and balancing risk/reward opportunities. With over 40 years of personal investing history my knowledge and background has been modified by real-life experiences. I relate not only the theoretical aspects but the problems and opportunities encountered in everyday investing life.My goal is to provide readers a thoughtful look at the stock market and suggest techniques that can help them invest better while reducing risk.

Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have a beneficial short position in the shares of VIX either through stock ownership, options, or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Seeking Alpha's Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third party authors that include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory body.

VXX And VIX - Volatility And Dynamic Hedging (2024)


How well does VXX track VIX? ›

Though both VXX and VIX track volatility, they are two entirely different products. VXX is an exchange-traded note (ETN) based on VIX futures. Because these futures need to be rolled to keep VXX alive, this ETN experiences profound time decay via 'contango'. VXX vastly underperforms the VIX for this reason.

Does Vxx go up when spy goes down? ›

​VXX usually experiences explosive moves when the S&P 500 declines. They typically far exceed the movement seen in the S&P 500. For example, a 5% drop in the S&P 500 may result in a 15% gain in VXX. Therefore, trading VXX provides more profit potential than simply shorting the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY).

Is VXX a good investment? ›

Other than for near-term speculation purposes, buying VXX today and holding for much longer than a day is probably a bad idea for structural and timing reasons. Structurally, VXX is designed to lose money over time.

Which is better, VXX or UVXY? ›

VXX - Performance Comparison. In the year-to-date period, UVXY achieves a -24.45% return, which is significantly lower than VXX's -14.69% return. The chart below displays the growth of a $10,000 investment in both assets, with all prices adjusted for splits and dividends.

How do you trade when VIX is high? ›

You decide to open a position to buy the VIX with the expectation that volatility is going to increase. By doing so, you might balance out these positions. If you were wrong, and volatility didn't increase, your losses to your VIX position could be mitigated by gains to your existing trade.

What is the best ETF to track the VIX? ›

The Best Volatility ETFs of May 2024
  • Simplify Volatility Premium ETF (SVOL) ...
  • Short VIX Short-Term Futures ETF (SVXY) ...
  • iPath S&P 500 VIX Mid-Term Futures ETN (VXZ) ...
  • iPath S&P 500 VIX Short-Term Futures ETN (VXX) ...
  • iShares MSCI EAFE Min Vol Factor ETF (EFAV) ...
  • SPDR SSGA US Small Cap Low Volatility Index ETF (SMLV)

What is the best hedge for a portfolio? ›

Long puts are the classic way to hedge a portfolio against market drops—but they are expensive. Short delta can protect a short premium from volatility expansion because huge volatility spikes are often accompanied by big market drops. Staying small is the most effective way to hedge a portfolio organically.

What is the best ETF to day trade? ›

The ETFs shortlisted in this post have expense ratios that are fractions of a percent, making them suitable for day trading.
  • Vanguard S&P 500 ETF (VOO) ...
  • iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV) ...
  • Vanguard Total Stock Market Index Fund ETF (VTI) ...
  • Schwab U.S. TIPS ETF (SCHP) ...
  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)
Feb 7, 2024

What makes Vxx go up? ›

As a hedge: One common use of the VXX is as a hedge against market volatility. If you hold long positions in the market, you can purchase VXX options or futures to protect against a sudden drop in the market. As a contrarian indicator: The VXX tends to rise during periods of economic uncertainty and panic.

Why is VXX suspended? ›

Shockingly, Barclays illegally sold over $17 billion of unregistered securities over approximately 18 months. Once its misconduct came to light, Barclays had to suddenly and without warning suspend any further issuances and sales of new VXX ETNs.

Why is VXX not trading? ›

As it turned out, this came about because of an announcement made by Barclays—the issuer of VXX—on March 14. That day, Barclays announced it was indefinitely suspending share sales in VXX, and that it had halted the creation of new shares in the well-known exchange-traded note (ETN).

Is VXX going away? ›

But do not worry that the original series of VXX has matured! The issuer, Barclays PLC, has since issued a similar product to replace the expiring VXX, known as the VXXB (or VXX series B). 1 The old VXX was delisted in January 2019, and in May 2019, VXXB took over the VXX ticker.

Why does VXX not track VIX? ›

It doesn't perfectly track the VIX

An ETF tracking a stock index can simply own the same stocks as the index, in the same proportions. It's not so easy for the VXX, because the VIX isn't a straightforward collection of securities. Instead, it's based on algorithms that are based on options on the S&P 500.

What is Vxx used for? ›

VXX is designed to track the value of futures contracts on Cboe Volatility Index, which is a gauge of current volatility that is priced into S&P 500 index options. VXX continuously rolls VIX futures contracts at each expiration, which can detract from performance.

Can you sell VXX short? ›

If you want to sell VXX short directly you need at least three things: a broker that has shares of VXX available to short, a margin account, and assets (cash, securities) that you can deposit in your margin account.

How accurate is the VIX index? ›

We find that its accuracy hovers between 20% and 25%, depending on sampling period. An alternative framework, built on asymptotic distribution theory (AVE), predicts this volatility with an accuracy between 90% to 95%.

Does VIX truly measure return volatility? ›

Yes, it does. Volatility is one of the primary factors that affect stock and index options' prices and premiums.

What makes VXX go up? ›

As a hedge: One common use of the VXX is as a hedge against market volatility. If you hold long positions in the market, you can purchase VXX options or futures to protect against a sudden drop in the market. As a contrarian indicator: The VXX tends to rise during periods of economic uncertainty and panic.

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