Venture Capital Careers | The 12 Best Venture Capital Books (2024)

The best books on venture capital are:

  1. Venture Deals by Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson
  2. The Business of Venture Capital by Mahendra Ramsinghani
  3. 7 Powers by Hamilton Helmer
  4. Mastering the VC Game by Jeffrey Bussgang
  5. Zero to One by Peter Thiel
  6. Secrets of Sand Hill Road by Scott Kupor
  7. The Power Law by Sebastian Mallaby
  8. VC: An American History by Tom Nicholas
  9. Troublemakers: Silicon Valley's Coming of Age by Leslie Berlin
  10. Creative Capital: Georges Doriot and the Birth of Venture Capital by Spencer E. Ante
  11. Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups by Jason Calacanis
  12. eBoys: The First Inside Account of Venture Capitalists at Work by Randall E. Stross

In the world of business and innovation, venture capital (VC) stands as an essential engine, fueling not just the birth of nascent firms, but also propelling their journey towards becoming powerhouses of tomorrow's economy. The role of venture capital extends beyond mere fiscal transactions; it essentially births realities from the realm of ideas, engendering enterprises that might otherwise wither in the absence of traditional financial support. This economic force, then, plays an integral part in molding our societal landscape, as it nurtures these seedling companies into thriving entities that drive progress forward.

From the perspective of entrepreneurs, the understanding of venture capital is far from a luxury – it's a necessity. Comprehending the nuances of VC dynamics can unlock doorways to opportunities, enabling these visionaries to secure the financial backing they need to turn their dreams into successful business ventures. For those who are attracted to the VC sphere, it is essential to decode these complex networks of investment, decision-making, and strategy to maximize their contributions and realize the true potential within startups. Even casual observers at the intersection of finance and entrepreneurial growth will find immense value in understanding the machinations of venture capital.

Recognizing this, we've dedicated ourselves to assembling a definitive reading list comprising the best books on venture capital. What makes this list truly invaluable is its breadth – the authors are industry stalwarts, providing a panoramic view of VC. From tackling the basics of venture capital, delving into theoretical foundations, sharing insights from industry insiders, to walking through the annals of VC history, these great books are a repository of wisdom for anyone seeking to navigate this intricate world.

The audience of this curated compilation is vast – whether you're an entrepreneur gearing up for your funding pitch, an aspiring VC preparing for your investment venture, or simply a keen observer interested in the forces that shape our business landscape, this reading list is your compass. Each page turned promises to enrich your understanding, and equip you with insights to maneuver the ebbs and flows of venture capital.

Best Books For Understanding the Basics of Venture Capital

One of the most frequent queries from budding entrepreneurs revolves around a singular, crucial question – "How do venture capital deals come together?" Surprisingly, despite the plethora of information available, reliable and comprehensive resources that answer this question are scarce. To fill this gap and illuminate the fundamentals of venture capital, two seminal works stand out: Venture Deals by Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson, and The Business of Venture Capital by Mahendra Ramsinghani.

Venture Deals stands as an exceptional guide to understanding the intricacies of the venture capital deal process. Feld and Mendelson, both veterans in the venture capital arena, delve deep into the core aspects of VC deals, transforming complex terminology and concepts into accessible, digestible knowledge. They explore the various stages of financing, discuss the different types of investors who might fund your company, and provide an in-depth walkthrough of venture capital term sheets. Furthermore, they offer effective negotiating strategies, and cover an extensive range of funding options including equity, traditional convertible debt, venture bank debt, crowdfunding, and pre-sales.

Updated in its 4th Edition, Venture Deals extends its relevance with insights on gender issues, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), and economic terms. It includes new chapters examining legal and procedural considerations related to fundraising, venture bank debt, and hiring an investment banker for company sales. Aptly subtitled "Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist," this book is an indispensable resource not just for entrepreneurs but also for venture capitalists, lawyers involved in VC deals, and students and educators in related fields.

Complementing the rich insights of Venture Deals, The Business of Venture Capital provides a more expansive view of the VC ecosystem. Ramsinghani's book, now in its third edition released in 2021, covers the entire spectrum of venture capital. It offers insights into raising funds, structuring investments, and assessing exit pathways. Beyond just explaining terms and processes, the author brings a balance of analytical logic and experiential wisdom to the fore. The book is filled with no-nonsense anecdotes and insights, gleaned from the experiences of best-in-class practitioners, venture capital practitioners, and Limited Partners (LPs).

The combination of Venture Deals and The Business of Venture Capital creates a comprehensive roadmap for anyone embarking on a journey in the VC landscape. They demystify both the nitty-gritty details and the overarching structure of venture capital, providing tools and insights that empower readers to engage with VC with increased confidence and competence.

Best Book For Theoretical Insights into Venture Capital

As we delve deeper into the world of venture capital, understanding the strategic nuances that underpin successful companies becomes critical. For those seeking mental models to think through strategy, Hamilton Helmer's 7 Powers stands as an invaluable guide. Not only does this book provide a solid theoretical framework, but it also offers practical applicability, underscored by Helmer's decades of experience as a strategy advisor, active equity investor, and Stanford University professor.

The central concept in 7 Powers is the idea that businesses can have seven distinct types of 'Powers.' Each Power serves as a form of strategic advantage and can create a potential barrier for competitors. These Powers are:

  1. Scale Economies: Businesses where per unit costs decline as production volume increases. This Power reduces costs and creates prohibitive costs of market share gains for competitors.
  2. Network Economies: Businesses that increase in value as the user base expands. This Power enables the company to charge higher prices or monetize more due to the additional value created.
  3. Counter-Positioning: When a business adopts a new, superior business model that incumbents cannot mimic due to the risk of cannibalizing their existing business.
  4. Switching Costs: Businesses that create a situation where customers expect a greater loss than the value they gain from switching to an alternative.
  5. Branding: Businesses that enjoy higher perceived value due to historical information, which allows them to charge higher prices due to perceived higher quality or reduced uncertainty.
  6. Cornered Resource: Businesses that have preferential access to a coveted resource that independently enhances value.
  7. Process Power: Businesses whose organization and activity set enables lower costs and/or superior products that can only be matched by an extended commitment.

The crux of 7 Powers is that a business cannot improve its strengths, mitigate its weaknesses, eliminate competitor risk, better serve its customers, maximize shareholder value, and take advantage of its pricing power all at once. Instead, strategic decisions should be made on where to focus next, and the 7 Powers framework can guide these decisions.

Helmer emphasizes that the ideas in 7 Powers are not meant to replace operational excellence, but to prepare the mind to point toward enduring value. "Strategy as an idea may be easy," he states, "but we should never confuse simple with simplistic."

Notable figures echo the importance of Helmer's work. Reed Hastings, CEO and Co-founder of Netflix, discusses the value of 7 Powers in the book's foreword. He highlights that, while operational execution is paramount, having a sound strategy is also critical for success. Other fans include Daniel Ek, Spotify CEO and Co-founder; Peter Thiel, entrepreneur and investor; Bruce Chizen, former CEO of Adobe; and Mike Moritz, Chairman of Sequoia Capital.

7 Powers provides a comprehensive strategic framework for entrepreneurs and VCs alike. For entrepreneurs, it offers a path to building a durable, competitive business. For VCs, it equips them with a practical lens to identify potential winners. The book underscores the need for strategic thinking in the high-stakes world of venture capital, enabling readers to better navigate the path to long-term value creation.

Best Books on Venture Capital from the Practitioners' Perspective

While understanding the theoretical aspects of venture capital is important, getting a glimpse into the real-world dynamics and experiences of the industry can be equally illuminating. Books written by industry practitioners provide a treasure trove of insights, offering readers a front-row seat to the nuances of the VC world.

In Mastering the VC Game by Jeffrey Bussgang, a unique blend of practical wisdom and firsthand experiences is shared with the readers. A seasoned entrepreneur and VC himself, Bussgang paints a vivid picture of the venture capital landscape by sharing stories from both sides of the table. The book traverses the journey of raising funds, negotiating deals, and exiting investments, all from the perspective of those who have walked the path. But it isn’t just a litany of experiences; Bussgang also draws from these narratives to offer actionable advice for anyone looking to navigate the VC ecosystem. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a budding VC, this book can serve as a practical guide, a mentor of sorts, shedding light on the subtle art of 'mastering the VC game.'

Peter Thiel's Zero to One is another insightful read, albeit with a distinct flavor. As the co-founder of PayPal and an early investor in companies like Facebook, Thiel shares his philosophy on what it takes to build successful companies. His central thesis revolves around the idea of 'zero to one' - creating something truly unique and innovative, rather than copying what's already working. The book advocates for investing in companies that are poised to shape the future by offering singular solutions that have the potential to redefine their industries. Thiel's perspective has not only shaped the industry's mindset, but also sparked a much-needed conversation around the nature of innovation and its role in venture capital.

To round out this insider's perspective, Secrets of Sand Hill Road by Scott Kupor is an indispensable read. As the managing partner of Andreessen Horowitz, one of the world's leading venture capital firms, Kupor demystifies the venture capital industry with a comprehensive tour of how VC firms operate. He unpacks the mechanics of startup fundraising, valuation, term sheets, board meetings, and exit strategies. In doing so, he unravels the 'secrets' of the venture capital world, offering invaluable insights to entrepreneurs who seek to understand their investors better, and to new VCs who wish to learn the ropes. This book stands as a testimony that understanding the VC industry, with all its complexity and dynamism, is a key step towards success in the world of startups.

By providing readers with firsthand experiences, lessons learned, and industry perspectives, these books serve as invaluable resources, offering an insider's look into the exciting and often challenging world of venture capital.

Best Books For Historical Perspectives on Venture Capital

To understand the current landscape of venture capital, it's crucial to dive into its historical roots. The evolution of the VC industry, its impact on economic growth, and the birth of iconic tech companies all have their roots in the annals of history. A selection of well-researched and compelling books offers this historical perspective, shedding light on the factors that shaped the VC industry as we know it today.

In The Power Law by Sebastian Mallaby, readers are taken on a journey that chronicles the rich history of venture capital, including its major successes and failures. The book unravels the complex dynamics of the VC industry, showcasing how the power law – a principle indicating that a small number of investments yield the highest returns – plays a pivotal role. Mallaby provides an in-depth analysis of this power law distribution, explicating how this phenomenon has shaped the investment strategies and the overall landscape of the VC industry. By offering a blend of engaging narratives and thorough analysis, "The Power Law" serves as a lens through which readers can better understand the high-stakes world of venture capital.

Tom Nicholas' VC: An American History provides a comprehensive account of the origins and evolution of venture capital in the United States. The book meticulously traces the development of VC from its early days to its present status as a major force driving innovation and economic growth. Nicholas explores the interplay between VC and various historical events, demonstrating how these interactions have influenced the direction and development of the industry. By offering a robust understanding of VC's past, this book illuminates its role in shaping America's economic landscape and provides a foundation for predicting its future trajectory.

Troublemakers: Silicon Valley's Coming of Age by Leslie Berlin, on the other hand, offers a focused account of how venture capital played a pivotal role in the growth of Silicon Valley. The book narrates the captivating stories of seven individuals who played significant roles in the valley's transformation from a patch of orchards into the world's technology capital. Berlin examines how venture capital catalyzed the development of the region, contributing to the birth and growth of some of the most iconic tech companies, including Apple, Intel, and Atari. Troublemakers serves as a reminder of the integral role venture capital has played in fostering technological innovation and economic development.

Finally, Creative Capital: Georges Doriot and the Birth of Venture Capital is a compelling account of the birth of the VC industry, told through the life of Georges Doriot – often considered the 'father of venture capitalism.' The book traverses Doriot's remarkable journey, from being an immigrant academic to becoming a general in the US Army and eventually pioneering the venture capital industry with the founding of American Research and Development Corporation (ARDC). The book provides an intimate view into the early days of VC, tracing its evolution and highlighting its roots in the innovative thinking of remarkable individuals like Doriot.

By understanding the history of the VC industry, readers can gain valuable insights into the patterns and principles that have shaped its evolution. These books offer an invaluable perspective on the rise of venture capital, the forces that have shaped it, and the influential figures who have left an indelible mark on the industry.

Best Book on the Relationship Between Angel Investing and Venture Capital

The dynamics of startup funding encompass not only established venture capitalists but also early-stage financiers known as angel investors. To fully grasp the ecosystem of startup financing, one must understand both these pillars of the investment landscape. Jason Calacanis, a successful entrepreneur and angel investor, provides a unique perspective on this in his book Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups.

Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups is an insightful guide that takes readers on a journey through the exciting yet often perplexing world of angel investing. As a prominent angel investor himself, Calacanis brings to the table his wealth of experience, offering valuable insights into the art of spotting and investing in the next big thing at an early stage.

The book delves into the specifics of angel investing, shedding light on the critical factors that dictate successful investments. Calacanis walks readers through the steps to evaluate potential investments, assess the strength of founding teams, and make educated decisions that can yield impressive returns. The guide is filled with hands-on advice, practical strategies, and real-world examples, offering readers a realistic view of the highs and lows of angel investing.

Crucially, Angel also explores the relationship and dynamic interplay between angel investors and venture capitalists. Calacanis provides an understanding of how these two types of investors coexist and collaborate in the startup ecosystem. The book highlights the unique role that angel investors play - often acting as a stepping stone for startups before they attract VC attention. Read more about the differences between angel investors and venture capitalists here.

Angel also tackles the potential risks and rewards that come with early-stage investing. Calacanis doesn't hold back on discussing the failures, underscoring the inherent risks involved. Yet, he effectively highlights the potential for remarkable returns, providing a balanced portrayal of the angel investing landscape.

Furthermore, Calacanis shares his personal experiences and anecdotes, making the book engaging and relatable. He discusses his own successes and failures, adding a layer of authenticity and credibility to his advice and making the narrative particularly compelling.

In Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups, Jason Calacanis paints a vivid picture of the early-stage investing landscape, from the thrilling hunt for promising startups to the nail-biting uncertainty of their journey. For anyone seeking to navigate the realm of angel investing or understand its relationship with venture capital, this book is an enlightening and indispensable resource.


Venture capital, as an instrument of economic development, has proven its efficacy in fostering innovation, supporting emerging companies, and driving growth in various sectors. Through the series of books that have been discussed in this article, we hope to offer readers a comprehensive insight into the world of venture capital.

From the basics of term sheets and deal structuring, encapsulated in the classic Venture Deals by Brad Feld and Jason Mendelson and the more expansive The Business of Venture Capital by Mahendra Ramsinghani, to the profound theoretical framework laid down in 7 Powers by Hamilton Helmer, these books offer a well-rounded understanding of the venture capital industry's inner workings.

Simultaneously, Mastering the VC Game by Jeffrey Bussgang and the insightful Zero to One by Peter Thiel, along with Secrets of Sand Hill Road by Scott Kupor, illuminate the journey of venture capital from a practitioner's perspective, showing how venture capital operates in the real world and shapes our industry and economy.

The historical context, charted out by The Power Law by Sebastian Mallaby, VC: An American History by Tom Nicholas, Troublemakers: Silicon Valley's Coming of Age by Leslie Berlin, and Creative Capital: Georges Doriot and the Birth of Venture Capital, is invaluable. It's critical to understand the origins and evolution of VC and appreciate the impact of major industry shifts to truly comprehend the venture capital ecosystem.

Similarly, eBoys: The First Inside Account of Venture Capitalists at Work and Angel: How to Invest in Technology Startups by Jason Calacanis expose readers to the minds of industry giants and the art of early-stage investing, contributing to a nuanced understanding of the dynamic venture capital ecosystem.

In short, these books collectively represent a comprehensive reservoir of wisdom, experiences, and insights into venture capital. They offer a glimpse into the intricate and thrilling world of VC, from the fundamentals to nuanced strategies, historical context, and forward-looking perspectives.

However, the dynamic and fast-paced nature of the venture capital sector necessitates continuous learning. As such, these books should not be seen as the end, but rather as the beginning of a journey of understanding and mastering venture capital. As the industry evolves, so should our knowledge and understanding. With each new trend, each new shift in the landscape, it's essential to revisit these resources and seek out new ones.

By embracing this spirit of continuous learning, we can ensure that we remain well-equipped to navigate the ever-evolving world of venture capital, whether as investors, entrepreneurs, or simply as curious minds seeking to understand the forces that shape our world of finance and innovation.

Venture Capital Careers | The 12 Best Venture Capital Books (2024)


Do venture capital jobs pay well? ›

Venture Capital Associate Salary and Bonus Levels

At the large VC firms, Pre-MBA Associates earn $150K to $200K USD in base salary + bonus, while Post-MBA Senior Associates might earn closer to $200K to $250K. If you're at a smaller/newer firm or outside major financial centers, expect lower compensation.

Is a career in venture capital good? ›

It is a challenging career path, but it can also be one of the most rewarding, both financially and intellectually. So, if you are passionate about entrepreneurship, innovation, and investing, a career in venture capital might be just the right fit for you.

How hard is it to get a job with venture capital? ›

Many try, and many fail. It can take over a year to find a VC job, even if you have good banking experience, says the ex-Goldman associate.

What is the highest position in venture capital? ›

Managing Partner

They lead the strategic vision and overall operations of the company. They play a pivotal role in shaping the investment portfolio and fundraising for the firm. Traditionally, Managing Partners direct the long-term strategy of the firm and oversee multiple funds with different investment strategies.

What pays more private equity or venture capital? ›

Private equity (PE) firms deal with bigger companies, like buying a whole castle. Venture capital (VC) focuses on startups, more like a lemonade stand. Since PE deals are bigger, they have more money to pay their people. So, PE jobs generally pay more than VC.

Is an MBA worth it for venture capital? ›

A: While an MBA is not a prerequisite for a career in venture capital, it can significantly enhance your knowledge, skills, and network, providing a competitive advantage in this demanding field.

What degree should I get for venture capital? ›

Education and Training

Venture capital pre-MBA associates may get bachelor's degrees in mathematics, statistics, finance, economics, or accounting. VC firms tend to focus investments on a specific sector and will sometimes pursue candidates in the industry who have no prior finance or venture capital experience.

Why do venture capitalists make so much money? ›

Venture capitalists make money from the carried interest of their investments, as well as management fees. Most VC firms collect about 20% of the profits from the private equity fund, while the rest goes to their limited partners. General partners may also collect an additional 2% fee.

What is the path to get into venture capital? ›

Entry points: There are three main entry points for a career in venture capital: pre-MBA, post-MBA, and as a senior executive or partner. For the first option, one can either join a VC firm after graduating or gain experience in investment banking, business development, or sales.

How to pivot into VC? ›

One of the best ways to pivot and get into the VC industry would be to: - Develop industry knowledge and a deeper understanding on how technology is changing that particular industry - Network with founders and VCs from different stages/sectors/regions to understand the different skillset/tools needed in each - Learn ...

What is better than venture capital? ›

While VC firms and angel investors are focused on early-stage funding, private equity firms will invest in businesses more mature businesses so long as there is the potential for substantial growth. The portfolio companies tend to be more mature, with sustainable income and growth.

Do people in venture capital make a lot of money? ›

A successful VC for a top-tier firm can expect to earn somewhere between $10 million and $20 million a year. The very best make even more. Most everyone who has attained any kind of success in Silicon Valley seems to dream of becoming a venture capitalist.

Can you make money in venture capital? ›

The real upside lies in the appreciation of the portfolio. The investors get 70% to 80% of the gains; the venture capitalists get the remaining 20% to 30%. The amount of money any partner receives beyond salary is a function of the total growth of the portfolio's value and the amount of money managed per partner.

Do VC analysts get carry? ›

Carry is typically distributed to the investment team of a VC fund, which includes both GPs and junior members. “The LPs who contribute the capital to the VC fund do not receive carry; they are entitled only to their share of the fund's overall returns,” explains zu Fürstenberg.

Is venture capital stressful? ›

VCs are under pressure to generate returns for the businesses and individuals that invest in their startup funds. This has become harder recently as tech valuations have plummeted. Toxic competition, isolation, and the need to maintain a personal brand are also adding to VC stress levels.

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