V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (2024)

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By Maryse 19 Comments

V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (1)<— SUPER-SALE ALERT!!! And HOLY MOLY YOU GUYS!! Remember THIS one? I think it kick-started SO many of our reading addictions. This was certainly one of my “firsts”. And a ton of us read it when we were way too young. LOL! Kids… teens?

I think I was 13 or maybe 12. Completely inappropriate but OMG I LOVED this book like crazy. It totally marked me. There were so many facets of this book to keep me hooked me and I couldn’t out it down. The abuse, the horrific living conditions, the need to connect and to love and the subsequent results of those needs. GAH!! Taboo, and gut-wrenching and so confusing and SOOOOOO GOOD!

In fact, I remember exactly where I was the day I read it. In our guest bedroom (which I turned into my reading room) ’cause it had a HUGE bed, with a SUPER-MUSHY mattress. Super comfy. And my mom did it all up in various shades of purples, and it smelled so good, and had such a pretty window to look out of. Very plus room indeed. And it was a Saturday, summer vacation, and all of my friends were out and about, swimming and tanning and hanging out, and I holed myself up in that room all day and devoured this. And I can bet you anything, that I had the best day of us all!

I haven’t read it since then, though, so I wonder if it would have the same effect on me?

Martha:Not my first book but my first “obsession” was withFlowersintheattic.

Demetra: …so scandalous back then…

Lisa:I think any story about siblings fallinginlove with each other is pretty scandalous. My first read into that type wasFlowersintheAttic.

Sarah:I was 12 atthetime (ok maybe more than a few years) so it might not have quitethe same impact on me now…

Dawn:FlowersintheAtticwas my favorite book as a teen and Forbidden hasthesame feel. I loved it- beautifully written. Two young people thrown togetherina difficult situation; completing each other. There was no “eww” factor for me at all.

Carrie:yep, i read this – the whole series & then the Heaven series & there was another one that i can’t think of now – when i was 12 or 13. i don’t think i could read them again now. i still have scenes in my head & my heart broke for them over & over again. i was so mad at cathy for most of the series. seriously, my stomach is getting all twisty just thinking about the story as a whole. i LOVED it, i am so happy i read these stories when i did, but idk that i could handle the angsty goodness now. *laugh*

Amy:Wow, everyone is jumping onthemale POV bandwagon…there is a newFlowersintheAtticbook from Christopher’s POV.*blink blink*

MichelleS:FlowersintheAtticfrom Christopher’s POV? Oh no no no. I blame VC Andrews for twisting me into what I am now – a perv reader who looks over her shoulder to make sure no one can read what’s onthepage! My poor little unicorn heart was so innocent until I read that twisted tale of incest! My poor mom had no idea. I think I was 13. Not old enough.

Rebecka:My first ‘taboo’ read was VC AndrewsFlowersintheAttic/Dollanganger Series many moons ago.

Mercedes:Thefirst book that got me reading I read VC Andrewstheflowersintheatticseries I was hooked. I own alltheVC andrews books.

MichelleS:Ooh – Rebecka – that was my fist “crazy sinful” book too – VC AndrewsFlowersintheAttic. I readthewhole series. I was only about 13 or 14 and it was so shocking. But I wore that poor book out. My poor mom had no idea.

Fabi:Rebecka, I recently re-readFlowersintheAttic. First time I was either pre-teen or early teen. Series still packs a wallop after all these years.

How about you guys?

About book #1:

At the top of the stairs there are four secrets hidden. Blond, beautiful, innocent, and struggling to stay alive…

They were a perfect family, golden and carefree—until a heartbreaking tragedy shattered their happiness. Now, for the sake of an inheritance that will ensure their future, the children must be hidden away out of sight, as if they never existed. Kept on the top floor of their grandmother’s vast mansion, their loving mother assures them it will be just for a little while. But as brutal days swell into agonizing months and years, Cathy, Chris, and twins Cory and Carrie realize their survival is at the mercy of their cruel and superstitious grandmother…and this cramped and helpless world may be the only one they ever know.

V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (2)V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (3)V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (4)V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (5)V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (6)V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (7)V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (8)V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (9)




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V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (11)


9 years ago

The third movie about this series is on lifetime this Easter Sunday , I think at 8pm.



Maryse's Book Blog

9 years ago

YAY! Thank you Denise!!! *hug*


I read it when I was in 7th grade soooo, 12 years old? We won’t talk about how long ago that was. 😕 When I read Petals on the Wind (book 2), I pretended I was sick on a Saturday so I could hide under my covers and read it without my mom knowing…and I had even snuck the book from the library in my backpack ’cause I didn’t want to check it out and have my mom see it. What??? I returned it when I was done!! Sheesh…

I just looked it up…was it *really* first published way back in 1979?!? I couldn’t even *read* in 1979!


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (14)

Derian Patterson

Reply to Amy

1 year ago




Maryse's Book Blog

9 years ago

I was thinkin’ the same thing Amy. I was gonna say what year it was with all of the purple fluffy bedroom decor, but umm… shhhhhhhh… 😉


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (16)


9 years ago

*snort* It was probably the same year I was hiding under the crazy hot pink comforter on my day bed reading POTW so, yeah…shhhhhhhhh… 😛



Maryse's Book Blog

9 years ago

Oooooh what is POTW??!!!


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (18)


9 years ago

POTW = Petals on the Wind. If I remember correctly you can probably start the series with Gardens of Shadows because technically it’s a prequel. I used to read it that way all the time. I couldn’t tell you how many times. I was probably 12 or 13 when I read them. We were a lot older as kids back then. But it was later than 1979…probably more like ’83 or ’84


Maryse's Book Blog

Reply to Jennifer

9 years ago

Thank you Jennifer!! I only read the first one…

We WERE a lot older as kids back then. So right.


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (20)


9 years ago

Oh, a third movie? There was another one after Flowers in the Attic? I must have missed it.


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (21)


9 years ago

Petals On the Wind, book 2 of Flowers in the Attic…not quite as scandalous as FITA from what I remember but still waaaaayyyy too grown up for my preteen mind!


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (22)


9 years ago

Jennifer, I remember that one! I was such an impressionable little junior high school twit though that I actually started getting a sick satisfaction from how mean the grandmother was to the other lady in the story…I can’t remember who that lady was exactly. Wow, I’m getting all kinds of flashback scenes from those books! *giggle*


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (23)


9 years ago

If you read them order starting from Garden of shadows, FITA, POTW, ITBT, and SOY you get the full effect of how messed up the whole family was. Lol. Theres plenty of reasons why the grandmother was so sad*stic and you find that out in Garden. I would probably be mean and hateful too if that all happened to me too. Its hard to believe I read all those books over and over thru my teens and early 20s. Most of VC andrews books are like that but FITA series probably the most controversial.


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (24)


9 years ago

Not that I am condoning what the grandmother did…lol. She was still a nasty piece of work.


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (25)


9 years ago

Oh, she was horrid and I hated her in FITA…and it makes me cringe to think I was actually enjoying how awful she was in her own book. 😕 We’ll just blame it on pre-menarche hormones. *snort*


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (26)

9 years ago

I read the five in that series, started when I was 13, I think. It did a number on me. Probably why I read what I read today. It was so “forbidenny”. I never read the three “diaries” books – are they all from Christopher’s POV? Anyone read these? Worth it?


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (27)


9 years ago

I had never heard of the diaries either. I stopped reading books published after VC andrews death. It just wasnt the same. But I am curious to know how they are.


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (28)


9 years ago

Wow, 12 and 13 seems to be the norm for reading FITA…all of the talk about this series makes me wonder how I would comprehend and process these books as an adult compared to how I did as an innocent and naive junior high schooler. Hmmm…

And I *think* the diaries books are from a new character’s POV who finds Christopher’s diaries but I’m not sure.


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (29)

Derian Patterson

1 year ago

Still love these stories and back hooked again. Lifetime has done Ms. Andrews proud. Realist book to movie transfer EVER!!!!


V.C. Andrews - Dollanganger Series Reading Order - Maryse's Book Blog (2024)


How to read the Dollanganger series? ›

  1. Flowers In The Attic (Dollanganger Book 1)
  2. Petals on the Wind (Dollanganger Book 2)
  3. If There Be Thorns (Dollanganger Book 3)
  4. Seeds of Yesterday (Dollanganger Book 4)
  5. Garden of Shadows (Dollanganger Book 5)
  6. Christopher's Diary: Secrets of Foxworth (The Diaries series Book 1)
Apr 3, 2015

In what order should I read the Flowers in the Attic series? ›

Dollanganger series (11 books)
  1. Flowers in the Attic. ...
  2. Petals on the Wind. ...
  3. If There Be Thorns. ...
  4. Seeds of Yesterday. ...
  5. Garden of Shadows. ...
  6. Christopher's Diary: Secrets of Foxworth. ...
  7. Christopher's Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger. ...
  8. Secret Brother.
Feb 3, 2023

Do Cathy and Chris have a baby? ›

The conversation reveals that Cathy was pregnant with Chris' child, conceived from their first sexual encounter while they were imprisoned, but miscarried. Although Chris says he can never love anyone but her, Cathy leaves for New York with Julian the next day with hopes of starting afresh with him.

What's the order of the V. C. Andrews series? ›

V.C. Andrews Books Overview
  • My Sweet Audrina. A stand alone mystery thriller from the bestselling author of Flowers in the Attic. ...
  • Broken Wings. THEY LIVED ON THE WILD SIDE. ...
  • Midnight Flight. THEY LIVED ON THE WILD SIDE. ...
  • Heaven. ...
  • Dark Angel. ...
  • Fallen Hearts. ...
  • Gates of Paradise. ...
  • Web of Dreams.

Why are Flowers in the Attic so popular? ›

In large part, Flowers in the Attic drew its power because it gave voice to a visceral, adolescent feeling of being held hostage by your own family.

Is there a prequel to Flowers in the Attic? ›

A prequel to 2014's Flowers in the Attic and its sequel, Petals on the Wind, The Origin begins in 1920 with a younger Olivia Winfield (played by The Girlfriend Experience's Jemima Rooper) working in her father's office and looking forward to the freedom to vote soon.

Did the brother and sister in Flowers in the Attic sleep together? ›

In the book, the first time Cathy and her brother Chris have sex, he rapes her. This rape does not make him the villain so much as a victim of his own hormones.

How are Corrine and Christopher related? ›

As well as being half-uncle and niece, it is revealed Chris and Corinne were three-quarter brother and sister as they shared the same mother but their fathers were father and son, making them more closely related than half siblings but less than full siblings.

Which book is the first in the Dollanganger series and is followed by petals on the wind and if there be thorns? ›

Based on a book written by V.C. Andrews, "Flowers in the Attic" first in a set of five novels. The Dollanganger series is told through four movies, one for each book of the same title: "Flowers in the Attic", followed by "Petals on the Wind", "If There Be Thorns" and then "Seeds of Yesterday".

Did Corrine actually take Cory to the hospital? ›

Cathy begs Corrine to take him to a hospital, but Corrine hesitates. Cathy, enraged, tells her that if she does not act to save Cory's life, Cathy will reveal their existence to the grandfather. Corrine finally takes Cory away, but returns the following morning to inform the children that Cory died of pneumonia.

What happens to Cory in Flowers in the Attic? ›

Answer and Explanation: Cory dies after consuming rat poison. The grandmother gives the children donuts sprinkled with rat poison because both she and Corinne have decided their lives would be easier if all four children died.

What is the family secret in Flowers in the Attic? ›

It turns out that the children were hidden because they are stains on the Foxworth name and legacy. They are bred from incest where Christopher and Corrine, are half uncle/ half brother and sister. Flowers in the Attic the Origin is written by understudy and Ghostwriter, Andrew Neiderman.

What order should I read Mary Kay Andrews books? ›

Mary Kay Andrews Books in Order
  • Every Crooked Nanny, Callahan Garrity #1 (1992)
  • To Live and Die in Dixie, Callahan Garrity #2 (1993)
  • Homemade Sin, Callahan Garrity #3 (1994)
  • Happy Never After, Callahan Garrity #4 (1995)
  • Lickety Split, Truman Kicklighter #1 (1995)
  • Heart Trouble, Callahan Garrity #5 (1996)
Mar 1, 2024

Is dawn related to Flowers in the Attic? ›

Apparently, Lifetime has found a franchise with properties based on V.C. Andrews' novels. Last year, it was a prequel to Flowers In The Attic.

Is my sweet Audrina part of Flowers in the Attic? ›

'My Sweet Audrina' Is Based On A Chilling Story

Andrews' Flowers In The Attic series. Now the network is taking on the author's work once again with her 1982 novel My Sweet Audrina.

What is the correct order to watch Flowers in the Attic? ›

Based on a book written by V.C. Andrews, "Flowers in the Attic" first in a set of five novels. The Dollanganger series is told through four movies, one for each book of the same title: "Flowers in the Attic", followed by "Petals on the Wind", "If There Be Thorns" and then "Seeds of Yesterday".

What age is appropriate to read Flowers in the Attic? ›

I think these books are certainly for older readers, I would say they are for fourteen year olds and above as they are very powerful. I think you should read this novel, as this is an example of true writing, writing which pulls you in and makes you feel part of Cathy's story.

Is Dawn connected to Flowers in the Attic? ›

Given that Dawn is based on V.C. Andrews' Cultler series, there are definitely themes that this series shares with Flowers In The Attic: The Origin. By the way, the Cutler series was actually completed by Andrews' ghostwriter Andrew Neiderman in the years after her death in 1988.

What reading level is Flowers in the Attic? ›

Answer and Explanation: Flowers in the Attic is scored at a seventh grade reading level. However, because of the novel's sexual and abusive content, it is more often studied in high school.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.