UBS (LUX) MONEY MARKET FUND - P FONDS aktueller Kurs | 971303 | LU0006344922 (2024)



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  • Baader Bank
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WKN 971303

ISIN LU0006344922

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UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - P Fonds Kurs - 1 Jahr

StuttgartBaader BankBerlinGettexDüsseldorfFrankfurtHamburgMünchenStuttgartTradegateQuotrix

StuttgartNAVBaader BankBerlinGettexDüsseldorfFrankfurtHamburgMünchenStuttgartTradegateQuotrix

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BIT Global Leaders R - I

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Ein Fonds von BIT Capital


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Den Verkaufsprospekt und die wesentlichen Anlegerinformationen können Sie jederzeit in deutscher Sprache als PDF auf derHANSAINVEST Webseiteherunterladen oder per E-Mail an BIT Capital anfordern. Die Fonds weisen aufgrund ihrer Zusammensetzung und des möglichen Einsatzes von Derivaten eine erhöhte Volatilität auf.Die bisherige Wertentwicklung ist kein Indikator für die zukünftige Wertentwicklung. Kursverluste sind möglich.

BIT Global Fintech Leaders R - I

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Ein Fonds von BIT Capital

Der Fonds wurde am 3. Mai 2021 zu einem Anteilspreis von 100€ aufgelegt.


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Den Verkaufsprospekt und die wesentlichen Anlegerinformationen können Sie jederzeit in deutscher Sprache als PDF auf derHANSAINVEST Webseiteherunterladen oder per E-Mail an BIT Capital anfordern. Die Fonds weisen aufgrund ihrer Zusammensetzung und des möglichen Einsatzes von Derivaten eine erhöhte Volatilität auf.Die bisherige Wertentwicklung ist kein Indikator für die zukünftige Wertentwicklung. Kursverluste sind möglich.


Wichtige Kennzahlen

FondsgesellschaftUBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.
Ausgabeaufschlag regulär3,00%
Ausgabeaufschlag bei zero0,00%
Total Expense Ratio (TER)0,52%
BenchmarkFTSE EUR EuroDep 3 Mon
Fondsvolumen2,54 Mrd. EUR
Perf. 1 J (mehr)3,16%
Vola 1 J (mehr)0,16%
Capture Ratio Up87,72
Capture Ratio Down-
Batting Average-

zur Fonds-Suche zur Fonds-Suche

Gebühren, Stammdaten und Dokumente des UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - P Fonds

Gebühren + Konditionen

Ausgabeaufschlag regulär3,00%
Ausgabeaufschlag bei zero0,00%
Anteilsklassenvolumen1,20 Mrd. EUR
Fondsvolumen2,54 Mrd. EUR

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UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - EUR P-acc Fonds als Sparplan

Sie möchten den UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - EUR P-acc Fonds als Sparplan einrichten? Bei zero können Sie auf mehr als 1.500 Investments Sparpläne flexibel und ohne Ordergebühren (zzgl. marktüblicher Spreads) einrichten.

Weitere Informationen zu ETFs finden Sie in unseren Ratgebern:

  • ETF-Sparplan: so geht der langfristige Vermögensaufbau
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NameUBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - EUR P-acc Fonds
FondsgesellschaftUBS Fund Management (Luxembourg) S.A.
BenchmarkFTSE EUR EuroDep 3 Mon
ManagerLeonardo Brenna, Robbie Taylor, Zieshan Afzal
DepotbankUBS Europe SE
ZahlstelleUBS Fund Services (Lux) SA
Riester FondsNein

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Fidelity Sustainable Biodiversity Fund

Artenvielfalt und Biodiversität zu erhalten ist für das Überleben der Menschheit dringend notwendig – und kann eine perspektivreiche Anlageidee sein: Denn die Einsicht wächst, dass jetzt gehandelt werden muss. Bis 2050 sollen Schätzungen zufolge mehr als acht Billionen US-Dollar in Naturschutz und Renaturierung fließen.¹ Der aktiv gemanagte Fonds investiert in Firmen, die zum Erhalt bedrohter Tier- und Pflanzenarten oder ganzer Ökosysteme beitragen: zum Beispiel durch recycelbare Verpackungen, ertragreicheres Saatgut oder nachhaltigere Pflanzenschutzmittel. Fondsmanagerin Velislava Dimitrova investiert unter anderem in Technologie- und Lösungsanbieter, die Auswirkungen von Klimawandel, Umweltverschmutzung und übermäßiger Ausbeutung natürlicher Ressourcen verringern wollen.

¹ UNEP, State of Finance for Nature, Mai 2021.

Fidelity Sustainable Biodiversity Fund


Die besten Mischfonds kaufen

Weitere Informationen zu Mischfonds finden Sie in unseren Ratgebern "Mischfonds kaufen - mit gemischten Fonds Risiko minimieren" und "Multi Asset Fonds kaufen - so investieren Sie günstig und diversifiziert".

Anlagepolitik des UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - P Fonds


So investiert der UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - EUR P-acc Fonds: Ein breit diversifiziertes Portefeuille ausgewählter EUR-denominierter Geldmarktinstrumente von erstklassigen Emittenten.Die durchschnittliche Restlaufzeit des Fondsportefeuilles darf ein Jahr nicht übersteigen.Vorrangiges Anlageziel ist der Kapitalerhalt durch die Erwirtschaftung einer kontinuierlich positiven Rendite.

Der UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - EUR P-acc Fonds gehört zur Kategorie "Geldmarkt".

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Performance und Kennzahlen des UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - P Fonds


6 Monate1,73%
1 Jahr3,16%
3 Jahre2,66%
5 Jahre1,63%
10 Jahre0,39%
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6 Monate
1 Jahr0,16%
3 Jahre0,51%
5 Jahre0,44%
10 Jahre0,32%
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Sharpe Ratio

6 Monate
1 Jahr-5,59
3 Jahre-3,10
5 Jahre-1,54
10 Jahre-0,64
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Aktuelles zum UBS (Lux) Money Market Fund - P Fonds

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UBS (LUX) MONEY MARKET FUND - P FONDS aktueller Kurs | 971303 | LU0006344922 (8)

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UBS (LUX) MONEY MARKET FUND - P FONDS aktueller Kurs | 971303 | LU0006344922 (9)

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UBS (LUX) MONEY MARKET FUND - P FONDS aktueller Kurs | 971303 | LU0006344922 (2024)


What is the difference between a money market fund and a prime fund? ›

Money market funds that primarily invest in corporate debt securities are referred to as prime funds. In addition, money market funds are often structured to cater to different types of investors. Some funds are intended for retail investors, while other funds are intended for institutional investors.

What are money market funds backed by? ›

At least 99.5% of their assets are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. government. While money market funds aren't FDIC-insured, investments held in brokerage accounts (including money market funds) may be insured by SIPC.

Who invests in Mmfs? ›

Institutional Investors are eligible to invest in institutional money market funds with a variable net asset value (VNAV). Retail Investors may also choose to invest in these funds. Both Retail and Institutional Investors are eligible to invest in government money market funds.

What is the difference between WAM and Wal money market funds? ›

For money market mutual funds, the difference between WAM and WAL is that WAM takes into account interest rate resets and WAL does not. The SEC limits the WAL for money market mutual funds to 120 days. Duration: A measure of the price sensitivity of a bond fund or debt instrument to a change in interest rates.

What are two disadvantages of a money market fund? ›

Cons of Money Market Funds
  • Your Money Could Earn More Elsewhere. High-risk investments could provide better returns in the long run. ...
  • Your Funds Are Uninsured. If you open a CD or a checking, savings or money market account from a bank, your funds are FDIC-insured. ...
  • You Can Expect Fees.
Nov 14, 2023

What is the safest type of money market fund? ›

U.S. government money market funds are typically regarded as the safest of the three, and within that category, those with a high concentration of Treasuries—with full government backing—would be exposed to a lower likelihood of default risk.

What is the downside of a money market account? ›

Disadvantages of money market accounts

For example, you often won't earn as much with a money market account as you would with a traditional CD because the CD has a time commitment: The bank will pay you more in exchange for locking up your funds longer.

Are money market funds safe in a recession? ›

Money market funds can protect your assets during a recession, but only as a temporary fix and not for long-term growth. In times of economic uncertainty, money market funds offer liquidity for cash reserves that can help you build your portfolio.

Can money market funds lose value? ›

All investments are subject to market risk, including possible loss of principal. Retail Money Market Funds: You could lose money by investing in the Fund. Although the Fund seeks to preserve the value of your investment at $1.00 per share, it cannot guarantee it will do so.

Are Mmfs risky? ›

Low Risk and Short Duration

As stated above, money market funds are often considered less risky than their stock and bond counterparts. That's because these types of funds typically invest in low-risk vehicles such as certificates of deposit (CDs), Treasury bills (T-Bills), and short-term commercial paper.

What is the 7 day yield on a money market fund? ›

The seven-day yield is a method for estimating the annualized yield of a money market fund. It is calculated by taking the net difference of the price today and seven days ago and multiplying it by an annualization factor. Since money market funds tend to be very low risk, the higher the seven-day yield the better.

What is the best money market fund? ›

Our picks at a glance
RankFundNet expense ratio
1Vanguard Federal Money Market Fund (VMFXX)0.11%
2Schwab Value Advantage Money Fund Investor Shares (SWVXX)0.34%
3PIMCO Government Money Market Fund (AMAXX)0.18%
4Vanguard Cash Reserves Federal Money Market Fund Admiral Shares (VMRXX)0.10%
3 more rows
Mar 18, 2024

What are AAA rated money market funds? ›

However, Aaa-mf rated money market funds are expected to be managed by firms with investment-grade or equivalent credit profile, as indication of stable operating environment and minimal incremental risk stemming from the sponsor's own operational, market or funding challenges.

What does spaxx 7 day yield mean? ›

The 7-Day yield is the average income return over the previous seven days, assuming the rate stays the same for one year and that dividends are reinvested. It is the Fund's total income net of expenses, divided by the total number of outstanding shares and includes any applicable waiver or reimbursem*nt.

Is a money market fund safer than a bank? ›

You could lose money by investing in a money market fund. An investment in the Fund is not a deposit of the bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other government agency. Money market funds are not subject to credit risk, but will have interest rate risk.

What is better than a money market fund? ›

Alternatives to money market funds, money market accounts, and savings accounts include: Certificates of deposit: CDs are term-based savings accounts that lock up your funds for a set time period in exchange for higher interest rates.

Can a prime money market fund break the buck? ›

On occasion, a money market fund has “broken the buck,” meaning that its NAV fell below $1 per share. But fund managers generally want to avoid that happening, even if it means using their own capital to absorb losses.

Why would you use a money market fund? ›

(1) Short-term goals. Money market funds are useful for short-term goals, such as saving for a vacation, a wedding, or a down payment for a house. In these cases, it may be more important that your savings hold their value over the shorter time period. (2) Maintaining an emergency reserve.

What replaced the Vanguard Prime money market fund? ›

VMMXX-Vanguard Cash Reserves Federal Money Market Fund | Vanguard.

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.