Trading vs. Investing: Which Investment Strategy Is Right for You? (2024)

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When looking to build wealth, many people think of trading vs. investing as basically the same thing. However, this isn’t necessarily the case. There are some subtle differences when you look at trading and investing.

Both approaches can be viable ways to build wealth and reach your financial goals. Understanding how to use both strategies in your portfolio can help you better manage your assets and work toward reaching your short-term and long-term goals.

In this article

  • Trading vs. investing: what’s the difference?
  • The pros and cons of trading
  • The pros and cons of investing
  • 4 tips for minimizing your risk
  • The bottom line on trading vs. investing

Trading vs. investing: what’s the difference?

There may not seem to be a huge difference between trading vs. investing, but there are some distinctions that should be considered. In general, it’s worth noting that trading can be considered a type of investment strategy. However, when building your portfolio and growing your wealth, it can make sense to separate them and consider them as different approaches.

One important consideration is time horizon. For the most part, investing is more of a long-term strategy. The idea with investing is to build a portfolio over time and use compounding returns on consistent contributions to do most of the heavy lifting. With a long-term strategy, it’s possible to use investing as a source of passive income down the road.

On the other hand, trading is typically a more short-term strategy. Rather than investing money in a brokerage account and keeping it invested in the same thing for a long period of time, trading is about capturing gains immediately and using those to continue trading and building wealth quickly. For instance, swing traders and day traders employ an active trading strategy that may include frequent or daily stock trading with the goal of maximizing their returns.

The pros and cons of trading

Pros of trading

  • Potential to make money in the short term: If you want to see quick gains, trading can be a fast way to potentially accumulate wealth. When you trade for profit, you can then use that money to continue trading and potentially building more wealth in a short period of time.
  • Leverage: Depending on your situation, you might be able to borrow to make trades with a margin account, potentially yielding higher returns.
  • Control: If you’re trading, you can control when to execute the trades. You have the opportunity to choose the stocks you want and set up triggers to sell when you reach a certain threshold.

Cons of trading

  • Considered riskier: Often, trading is done with individual securities. Although the stock market, as a whole, trends higher over time, individual stocks might not. If you choose the wrong stocks, you could lose money, rather than seeing profits. Additionally, if you use leverage, it can increase your losses.
  • Taxes: Short-term capital gains from a taxable account are taxed at your regular rate, so you lose the advantages that come with long-term capital gains. Although you could trade inside a tax-advantaged account and reduce some of the tax risks, it might be more complicated than simply trading from a taxable investment account.
  • Frequent market fluctuations: With trading, you need to be on top of financial market fluctuations, which can be time-consuming. You often stray into market trends and timing, trying to figure out exactly when to enter or exit a position. Although there are automated systems that can help you avoid this, the reality is that it can be time-consuming to be involved with trading as you try to account for market fluctuations.

Who is trading right for?

For the most part, a trading account is most likely to benefit someone who has the time to pay attention to the markets and develop a strategy around taking small profits. In order to be successful at trading, you need to have a moderately high to high emotional risk tolerance, as frequent market fluctuations can feel like a roller coaster. And if you employ a day-trading strategy, your risk tolerance may need to be even higher.

Additionally, active trading is usually best for those who understand how much money they can afford to lose and don’t risk more than that. It’s also important to understand that, as a beginner, it can be difficult to see big gains initially with trading. Some traders use algorithmic trading or technical analysis and fundamental analysis tools designed to track price movements. So they might be looking for a tiny gain, but they have millions of dollars in the trade so that tiny gain means much more.

Although it’s possible for beginners to be successful and find a strategy that works for them, trading works best when you go in with realistic expectations.

The pros and cons of investing

Pros of investing

  • Potential for long-term wealth: With investing, you have the potential to build wealth as you let your money grow over a long amount of time. If you make modest and consistent contributions to your investment account, time and compounding returns have the potential to grow your wealth beyond what you’d get with a savings account.
  • More passive approach than trading: Investing often takes a more passive approach of putting money in, rather than trading out of investments or selling assets. Beyond rebalancing and managing some tax efficiency, investing is a relatively low-maintenance way to potentially grow your wealth over time.
  • Potential tax advantages: Even when you use a taxable account to invest, you receive a lower capital gains tax rate when you hold an asset for more than a year. Additionally, investing is often associated with tax-advantaged retirement accounts, which allows you to potentially improve your overall tax efficiency.

Cons of investing

  • Longer time frame of tied-up money: Depending on the type of account you use, the money you invest could be tied up for a longer time frame. For instance, if you’re investing in a tax-advantaged retirement account, you have to be comfortable with not accessing your money until later on. Early withdrawals can come with penalties and taxes.
  • Fees: Depending on the brokerage and the account, you might end up seeing your real returns eroded by fees. However, many brokers are reducing their fees, and it’s possible to find investments with low costs.
  • Potential for loss: Any time you invest, there’s the potential for loss. Even though the market as a whole has yet to lose in any 20-year period, there’s always a chance of loss. Additionally, you could start withdrawing money during a market downcycle, which is a risk as well.

Who is investing right for?

You’re most likely to benefit from investing if you want to grow wealth steadily over a longer period of time. Investing can also potentially work well for those who prefer a more hands-off approach to managing their portfolio. It’s often appropriate for those with low-to-moderate risk tolerance, and it’s also a key component of saving for retirement.

It can also work well for buy and hold investors who are in it for the long term with individual stocks or those who want to earn money from dividends.

Investing is generally appropriate for those who have some patience to ride out market downturns. With investing, it’s important to recognize that there will be downcycles and realize you need to continue putting money into your portfolio in order to reap the gains later.

4 tips for minimizing your risk

Whether you’re involved with trading or investing (or you do a little of both), it’s important to recognize that there is always the risk of loss. Risk related to the market as a whole, as well as individual assets, are real possibilities whether you invest or trade. If you want to reduce your risk, there are some things you can do.

1. Learn about investing before diving in

Do your research ahead of time. Learn how to invest money and how trading works before you jump in. One approach is to consider beginning by investing in mutual funds or ETFs and letting your money grow in the market while you research other assets and strategies.

Having a basic knowledge of how the market works and how trading and investing work can help you make more informed decisions about what’s right for you.

2. Choose the right wealth-building strategy for you

Consider your own individual needs and goals, and choose a strategy that works best for you. Think about your emotional and financial risk tolerance, and whether one strategy is likely to work better on your behalf.

It’s also possible to use both approaches in building your portfolio. For example, you might use a long-term investing strategy to grow your retirement nest egg, but trade in an attempt to meet shorter-term financial goals. Some people like trading because of the excitement it gives while investing the money they know they’ll need in the future using longer-term strategies.

Understanding your own needs can help you decide how much of your portfolio should be in long-term investments and how much is appropriate for you to trade.

3. Create a plan and stick to it

Whether you trade or invest, creating a plan is important. For trading, this might mean committing to sell when a security reaches a certain threshold or taking gains at a certain point. Sticking with your plan can lead to fewer losses, and it takes some of the emotion out of trading.

Creating a plan also works for long-term investing. Calculate what you need to set aside each month to try to reach your goals and then contribute that money regularly. Sticking to the plan through market downturns can also allow you to get more shares for less, and then reap the advantages of growth during a recovery.

Other strategies, like using a bucket strategy, can also be useful for long-term investing. Whatever you decide, create a plan that works for you and, even though you might tweak it, try to avoid wholesale changes in response to market events.

Choose the right platform

Review different platforms to find one that works well with your strategy and your long-term goals.

For traders, that might mean looking at a platform like Robinhood that doesn’t charge fees and allows you to make trades quickly and easily. For investors, there are robo-advisors like Betterment that can help you set aside money for the future while taking care of rebalancing and tax efficiency. This can be helpful if you’re a hands-off investor.

The best investment apps for you allow you to invest according to your own style and preferences while building wealth. Research a few of the best stock brokers to see what is likely to work well for your financial situation and preferences.

The bottom line on trading vs. investing

When deciding between trading vs. investing, consider your own goals and needs. When it comes to building long-term wealth in a way that is thought of as less risky, investing can be a good approach. On the other hand, if you hope to gain wealth quicker, trading might make sense for you.

In the end, though, there’s no need to choose between the two. It’s possible to use a combination of approaches, growing a long-term nest egg through investing, while using trading for a different part of your portfolio aimed at more immediate gains.

FinanceBuzz is not an investment advisor. This content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice.

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Trading vs. Investing: Which Investment Strategy Is Right for You? (2024)


Trading vs. Investing: Which Investment Strategy Is Right for You? ›

Key Takeaways

Which is best, investing or trading? ›

It depends on your goals. Trading is like a quick game for short-term gains, while investing is a patient strategy for long-term growth. If you want fast profits and can handle quick decisions, trading might be for you. If you prefer a slow but steady approach, investing could be better.

What is the key difference between investing and trading answer? ›

The difference is in the timeline. Stock trading is about buying and selling shares for short-term profit, such as within a week or a day. Investing refers to buying and selling stocks for long-term gains, such as within months or years.

Is it better to be an investor or trader? ›

This often makes investing a longer-term prospect and a less risky one than trading. Just remember that your capital is still at risk, as the value of shares, ETFs and other investment vehicles can fall as well as rise, which could mean getting back less than you originally put in.

Is it better to invest or day trade? ›

Unlike day traders, long-term investors may benefit from lower tax rates on their profits. If an investment is held for more than a year before being sold, the profits are considered long-term capital gains and are taxed at a lower rate, which can be 0%, 15%, or 20% depending on the investor's income.

What is the difference between trading and investing business? ›

The distinction between dealing in property (trade) and investing is usually relatively straightforward; a purchaser buying to let out on a long-term basis is an investor, whereas someone buying property to refurbish then sell, whether resulting in a capital gain or not, will most likely be a trader - the main ...

Which gives more return trading or investing? ›

Why investments tend to outperform trading profits? There are 5 reasons why investment returns tend to outperform investments.. Power of compounding works best in investing. What compounding means is that the longer you hold stocks the more it earns returns and therefore the more your returns earn returns.

How risky is it to be a trader? ›

You may need large amounts of capital.

Most day traders make large trades by borrowing or leveraging capital. But since the risk is very high, if you judge poorly, you could lose everything—and have to repay what you've borrowed.

Are traders very smart? ›

Traders work on improving technical and fundamental analysis to make more informed trading decisions. Smart traders also ensure they remain mindful of the factors impacting market movements and price fluctuations to avoid unexpected outcomes. There are many ways for traders to improve their trading expertise.

Can traders be millionaires? ›

It is theoretically possible to become a millionaire through scalping trading, but it is important to understand that this is a very difficult and risky way to try to achieve this goal. Scalping trading involves making multiple trades within a short period of time, often trying to profit from small movements in price.

Is trading really worth it? ›

While day trading may seem exciting and lucrative, it is effectively gambling with all of the potential upsides and risks you'd have betting through any other avenue. It requires a high level of risk tolerance and a great deal of practice to get right.

Do traders really make money? ›

Trading is often viewed as a high barrier-to-entry profession, but as long as you have both ambition and patience, you can trade for a living (even with little to no money). Trading can become a full-time career opportunity, a part-time opportunity, or just a way to generate supplemental income.

Why is day trading so hard? ›

Why Is Day Trading So Hard? Day trading is challenging due to its fast-paced nature and the complexity of the financial markets. It requires traders to make quick decisions based on real-time information, which can be overwhelming, especially in volatile market conditions.

Is trading the best way to make money? ›

Trading is often viewed as a high barrier-to-entry profession, but as long as you have both ambition and patience, you can trade for a living (even with little to no money). Trading can become a full-time career opportunity, a part-time opportunity, or just a way to generate supplemental income.

Is investing or trading a high risk? ›

All investments carry some degree of risk. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds can lose value—even their entire value—if market conditions sour. Even conservative, insured investments, such as certificates of deposit (CDs) issued by a bank or credit union, come with inflation risk.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers. These commissions can eat into profits, and day traders need to earn enough to overcome these fees [2].

Which type of trading is best? ›

Among the different types of trade, long-term trading is the safest strategy. It suits most conservative investors who do not mind buying and holding stocks for years.

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