Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (2024)

In the ever-evolving world of financial markets, having a competitive edge can make all the difference. Enter Tickeron AI, a platform harnessing the prowess of artificial intelligence to transform the way traders approach their craft. In this comprehensive Tickeron AI Review, we delve deep into the world of Tickeron AI, exploring its key features, its applications in pattern recognition and predictive analytics, and how it can potentially revolutionize your trading strategies.

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Table of Contents

About Tickeron

In the world of trading and investment, the name Tickeron has been making waves, thanks to its innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI). Founded in 2018, Tickeron is a financial technology (FinTech) company with a primary focus on harnessing the power of AI to provide traders and investors with transformative tools and insights.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (1)

At the core of Tickeron’s offerings lies its sophisticated AI technology. This AI is engineered to rapidly analyze extensive sets of financial data across various asset classes, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, and forex. What sets Tickeron apart is its ability to go beyond traditional methods. It includes pattern recognition, predictive analytics, and sentiment analysis, offering traders real-time insights that can be invaluable for their investment decisions.

Key Features of Tickeron AI

Understanding the key features of Tickeron AI is essential to grasp its capabilities fully. Tickeron has positioned itself as a robust platform that leverages artificial intelligence to provide traders and investors with cutting-edge tools. Let’s delve into the primary features that set Tickeron AI apart:

1. AI-Driven Pattern Recognition: Tickeron’s AI analyzes vast datasets of financial charts, identifying patterns that might go unnoticed by human traders. These patterns can be invaluable for making timely trading decisions.

2. Predictive Analytics: One of Tickeron’s standout features is its predictive analytics. The AI generates short and long-term forecasts for various assets, helping traders anticipate market movements.

3. Real-time Insights: Tickeron offers real-time insights, ensuring that traders have access to the latest data and trends as they unfold. This can be crucial for staying ahead in dynamic markets.

4. Customizable Alerts: Tickeron allows users to set up customizable alerts based on their trading strategies and preferences. These alerts can notify users of potential opportunities or risks, even when they’re not actively monitoring the platform.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (2)

5. Backtesting: Traders can test their strategies using historical data, gaining insights into how their approaches would have performed in the past. This feature aids in refining trading strategies.

6. Risk Assessment: Tickeron’s AI provides risk assessment tools, helping traders gauge the potential risks associated with their investment choices. This data can inform more informed decisions.

7. Integration: Tickeron seamlessly integrates with popular trading platforms, making it convenient for users to incorporate its AI-driven insights into their existing workflows.

8. Educational Resources: Tickeron offers educational materials and resources to help traders understand how to utilize AI effectively in their trading strategies.

These key features collectively empower traders and investors to make data-driven decisions, minimize risks, and optimize their trading strategies. Tickeron’s AI technology provides a competitive edge in the world of trading and investment, offering insights that can potentially lead to more profitable outcomes.

Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition is central to Tickeron’s AI capabilities. In trading, identifying patterns in financial charts is key to making informed decisions. Tickeron takes pattern recognition to the next level with its AI-driven approach.

Tickeron’s AI is trained on vast amounts of historical price and volume data. It scans charts across assets like stocks and cryptocurrencies with precision to identify recurring patterns that have historically led to specific market movements. What sets Tickeron apart is its ability to uncover complex or hidden patterns that human traders may miss. It excels at recognizing intricate formations and trends, both short and long-term.

This allows traders to make decisions based on data beyond traditional technical analysis. Tickeron can also provide real-time alerts when the AI identifies a pattern matching predefined criteria, ensuring traders never miss opportunities.

Pattern recognition significantly reduces the guesswork in trading by providing objective data and historical context. Instead of relying solely on intuition or limited information, traders can incorporate these insights into their strategies.

Tickeron’s AI-driven pattern recognition empowers traders with a data-driven approach to identifying trends and formations. This helps traders make more informed decisions and gain an edge in the markets. It demonstrates Tickeron’s commitment to leveraging AI to benefit traders of all levels.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics is central to Tickeron’s AI capabilities, offering traders insights into potential future market movements. Tickeron’s AI forecasts potential price trends to help traders make proactive decisions.

It employs advanced algorithms and machine learning to analyze historical market data. By recognizing patterns and trends that have historically preceded price changes, it generates predictions about future behavior across asset classes like stocks, cryptocurrencies, forex, and commodities.

Tickeron assigns confidence scores to each forecast to indicate the AI’s certainty. This supports risk management. The real-time nature of Tickeron’s predictive analytics means forecasts continually update as conditions change, keeping traders ahead of shifts.

Tickeron demonstrates the accuracy of its predictions through backtesting against past data. This transparency is reassuring.

Tickeron’s predictive analytics empower traders to anticipate market moves and position themselves accordingly. By leveraging AI-driven forecasts, traders can make more informed decisions and potentially increase their chances of success. This cutting-edge functionality highlights Tickeron’s commitment to providing AI solutions for traders.

Portfolio Management

Portfolio management is critical for successful investing. Tickeron’s AI offers valuable tools to help traders effectively manage their investments.

Tickeron’s portfolio features streamline creating, monitoring, and optimizing portfolios. The AI assists in building diversified, balanced portfolios based on risk tolerance, goals, and conditions. It utilizes historical data and insights for optimal asset allocation to minimize risk and maximize returns.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (3)

The AI continually assesses asset risk, providing scores and vulnerability insights for informed decisions. It generates rebalancing recommendations to maintain the desired allocation and risk profile.

Traders can easily track real-time portfolio performance including gains, losses, and returns. Customization options allow tailoring portfolios to unique strategies and preferences.

The AI provides tax optimization insights to minimize liabilities. Tickeron’s portfolio management tools are invaluable for building and maintaining diverse portfolios. The AI’s risk assessment, rebalancing recommendations, and customization make it a comprehensive solution for traders and investors.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is fundamental to any investment strategy. Tickeron’s AI platform provides valuable tools for traders to effectively evaluate and manage risk.

The AI conducts comprehensive analysis of various risk factors for each investment, including market volatility, historical performance, and economic conditions. It assigns individual risk scores to assets for clear understanding of associated risks.

To mitigate risk, the AI offers diversification insights to spread risk across asset classes and industries. As investment markets are dynamic, Tickeron provides real-time risk updates to ensure traders are aware of changes impacting their investments.

Scenario analysis allows traders to simulate different market scenarios to understand how their portfolios may be affected by shifting conditions. The AI takes into account customized risk tolerance levels and provides tailored assessments and recommendations based on individual preferences.

It also offers strategies to mitigate risk, such as adjusting asset allocation, setting stop-losses, or further diversification. Along with identifying risks, Tickeron equips traders with the tools and insights required to make informed risk decisions. Its real-time updates and customized risk assessments make it a valuable resource for traders and investors.

Trading Bots

Trading bots have become popular for online trading. Tickeron’s AI platform offers various bots to help traders execute strategies more efficiently.

The AI allows automating trading strategies, executing trades based on predefined criteria to save time and ensure prompt decisions even in volatile markets.

Tickeron’s bots utilize powerful AI algorithms that analyze market data, identify trends, and execute trades precisely. These algorithms process vast real-time data quickly, making split-second decisions difficult for human traders.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (4)

The platform provides diverse bot options suited for different strategies like day trading, swing trading, or long-term investing. Risk management features include automatically adjusting position sizes, setting stop-losses, and monitoring conditions to protect investments.

Before deployment, backtesting evaluates bots by running historical data to refine strategies. Real-time monitoring tracks bot activities, profit/loss, and enables adjustments as needed.

Customization allows a tailored approach aligning with individual risk preferences. Tickeron’s AI trading bots integrate advanced algorithms, automation, risk management, and customization to enhance trading strategies powerfully. The bots provide valuable assistance whether seeking automation, risk protection, or strategy refinement.

Educational Resources

Alongside its AI trading tools, Tickeron provides extensive educational resources to empower traders with valuable knowledge and insights.

Experts host regular webinars covering diverse topics from analysis to strategies, enabling novice and experienced traders to expand their skills. Video tutorials offer step-by-step guidance on trading and using Tickeron’s tools, beneficial for visual learners.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (5)

The platform features a blog with articles on relevant financial markets subjects, including analysis, techniques, and feature updates. The user community allows traders to exchange ideas, share experiences, and ask questions to enhance learning.

Demo accounts simulate real market conditions for risk-free practice in applying skills. Occasional trading challenges provide an engaging way to test abilities. Completing educational modules can earn certifications attesting to users’ knowledge.

Tickeron’s commitment to education aligns with its mission to empower traders at all levels. Whether a beginner starting out or an expert seeking to build on their skills, Tickeron’s webinars, tutorials, community and certifications provide invaluable trading insights and knowledge.

User Experience

User experience is critical for any trading platform. Tickeron delivers an intuitive, efficient, and educational user experience.

The dashboard features a clean, easy-to-navigate layout with accessible tools. Users can create personalized watchlists to conveniently track favorite assets in real-time.

Customizable alerts keep users informed about price movements, news, or technical indicators. Educational resources are seamlessly integrated within the platform for easy access.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (6)

The trading tools are designed for efficiency, with impressive performance from the AI analytics and bots. Multiple support options include email, live chat, and a knowledge base to assist users when needed.

Demo accounts provide a risk-free environment to practice trading skills. The user community also enhances the experience.

Tickeron focuses heavily on user experience through its intuitive design, robust tools, and support resources. Whether a seasoned trader or new to finance, Tickeron’s platform aims to provide a smooth, enriching experience for all users.

Pros of Tickeron AI

Let’s explore the advantages of incorporating Tickeron AI into your trading arsenal. Tickeron comes with a range of pros that set it apart in the world of trading tools.

1. Data-Driven Trading Decisions:
Tickeron AI leverages vast amounts of historical and real-time data to provide users with data-driven trading decisions. This takes the guesswork out of trading and allows for more informed choices.

2. Advanced Technical Analysis:
Tickeron’s AI algorithms excel at technical analysis. They can identify complex chart patterns, trendlines, and potential breakout points, giving traders a competitive edge.

3. Predictive Analytics:
One of the standout features of Tickeron AI is its predictive analytics. The platform forecasts the potential future performance of assets, helping traders plan their strategies accordingly.

4. Time Efficiency:
Using Tickeron’s AI tools can save traders significant time. Instead of manually analyzing charts and data, AI does the heavy lifting, providing quick insights.

5. Risk Mitigation:
Tickeron AI includes risk assessment tools that help traders identify and mitigate risks. This is crucial in the volatile world of trading, where minimizing losses is as important as maximizing gains.

6. Trading Bots:
Tickeron offers automated trading bots that can execute trades based on AI recommendations. This means you can implement your trading strategies 24/7, even when you’re not actively monitoring the markets.

7. Educational Resources:
Whether you’re a novice or experienced trader, these resources are a valuable addition to your trading journey.

8. User-Friendly Interface:
Tickeron’s platform is designed with user-friendliness in mind. The interface is clean and intuitive, ensuring traders can navigate it with ease.

9. Portfolio Diversification:
AI can help users diversify their portfolios effectively. Tickeron’s recommendations extend beyond individual assets, providing a holistic view of your investment strategy.

10. Performance Tracking:
Tickeron allows users to track the performance of their investments over time. You can monitor how your portfolio is doing and make adjustments as needed.

11. Customer Support:
Tickeron offers various customer support channels, including email and live chat. Their commitment to customer service ensures users have assistance when they need it.

12. Real-Time Alerts:
These keep traders updated on market developments and AI insights, ensuring timely decision-making.

Tickeron AI brings a wealth of benefits to traders, from advanced technical analysis to predictive analytics and risk mitigation. It streamlines trading processes, saving time and reducing uncertainty. The inclusion of educational resources and a user-friendly interface makes it accessible to traders of all levels.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (7)

Cons of Tickeron AI

While Tickeron AI offers a compelling set of features, it’s important to consider its limitations and drawbacks. Let’s delve into some of the cons associated with using Tickeron AI:

1. Learning Curve:
Integrating AI into your trading strategy requires a learning curve. Users, especially those new to AI-driven trading, may need some time to understand the platform’s full capabilities and how to use them effectively.

2. Internet Dependency:
Tickeron AI relies on an internet connection for real-time data analysis and updates. Traders in areas with unstable internet connectivity may experience disruptions in service.

3. Subscription Cost:
Tickeron AI offers a free plan with basic features, but its more advanced capabilities come with a subscription cost. This can be a significant factor for traders on a tight budget.

4. Automation Risks:
While trading bots can be convenient, they come with risks. Users must carefully configure and monitor their bots to avoid unintended consequences or losses.

5. Overreliance on AI:
There’s a risk of overreliance on AI-generated predictions. It’s essential for traders to balance AI insights with their own research and judgment.

6. Market Volatility:
No AI system is infallible, and market conditions can change rapidly. Tickeron’s AI, while advanced, may not always predict market volatility accurately.

7. Limited Historical Data:
Tickeron’s AI relies on historical data for predictions. In some cases, limited historical data may affect the accuracy of forecasts, especially for newer assets.

8. Technical Glitches:
As with any technology, technical glitches can occur. Traders should be prepared to handle unexpected technical issues that may temporarily disrupt their trading.

9. Privacy Concerns:
Using AI in trading involves sharing data with the platform. Some traders may have concerns about data privacy and security.

10. Emotional Aspect:
Tickeron’s AI is entirely data-driven, which means it lacks the emotional aspect that some traders rely on. This can be a drawback for those who incorporate sentiment analysis into their strategies.

11. Market Understanding:
Relying on AI predictions can lead to a potential lack of in-depth market understanding. Traders should strive to combine AI insights with their knowledge of market dynamics.

12. Risk of Overtrading:
The accessibility and ease of use of Tickeron’s platform might tempt some traders to overtrade. Overtrading can lead to losses, so it’s crucial to maintain discipline.

13. Limited Asset Coverage:
Tickeron may have more extensive coverage for some assets than others. Traders focusing on less commonly traded assets may find fewer AI insights available.

14. Not a Guarantee of Success:
It’s important to emphasize that Tickeron AI, like any trading tool, does not guarantee success. Market conditions are influenced by various factors, and there are no foolproof strategies.

Customer Support

Customer support is crucial for any trading platform. Tickeron AI provides users with email, knowledge base, and live chat support options, with some key considerations:

Email allows users to inquire about non-urgent questions and issues. The knowledge base contains helpful articles, tutorials, and FAQs for self-service troubleshooting.

Live chat enables real-time communication with agents for quick issue resolution and feature clarification. Premium and Business users get priority email support for prompt inquiry attention.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (8)

Responsiveness varies based on inquiry complexity and channel. Live chat is immediate but email slower. Phone support is currently unavailable, which some users may find limiting.

While comprehensive, the knowledge base may not cover every unique situation, requiring email/chat support. Business plan features like priority email should be reviewed for alignment with team needs.

Support operating hours may affect users in different time zones seeking real-time help. Overall, Tickeron provides key support channels but users should evaluate if these meet individual preferences and needs.


When considering Tickeron AI for your trading needs, understanding the pricing structure is essential. Tickeron offers various subscription options and add-ons to tailor your experience. Here’s an overview of the simplified subscription plans:

  • Basic (Free) – Weekly emails, clubs, portfolios, AI ideas
  • Investor ($60/month) – Model portfolios, AI screener
  • Swing Trader ($80/month) – Trend predictions, pattern search, screener
  • Day Trader ($100/month) – Real-time stock/ETF patterns, 1 robot
  • Expert ($250/month) – All features, real-time crypto/forex, time machine, all robots

The free basic plan allows beginners to explore basics. Paid plans provide advanced AI tools for investors, swing traders, day traders, and experts.

With options from free entry to robust AI-powered functionality, Tickeron’s pricing aligns with diverse trading goals at all skill levels. You can select the plan that matches your needs as you progress on your trading journey.

14-Day Free Trial for Paid Subscriptions:
Tickeron AI generously offers a 14-day free trial period for all paid subscriptions. This trial period allows you to explore the features and benefits of Intermediate One or Intermediate Two before committing to a monthly subscription.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (9)

Tickeron’s flexible pricing structure allows users to tailor subscriptions to their needs. Key considerations for choosing a plan include:

  • Customizable add-ons address specific trading preferences at an additional cost, so you only pay for desired features.
  • Consider your goals, frequency, and analysis needs. Beginner suits new traders, while Intermediate plans cater to seasoned traders.
  • The free Beginner plan lets new users explore Tickeron’s capabilities to determine if it fits their style.
  • The 14-day free trial of premium plans lets traders experience and evaluate features firsthand.
  • Carefully review add-ons to ensure they provide specialized tools for your goals.
  • Factor in your budget and choose the plan that aligns with your objectives and financial capacity.

Considering your unique goals, needs and budget when selecting subscriptions or add-ons allows you to customize Tickeron’s powerful tools to match your trading style and requirements.

Conclusion and Recommendation

In this comprehensive Tickeron AI review, we’ve delved into the world of AI-powered trading, explored features like pattern recognition and predictive analytics, and assessed the pros and cons of this platform. Now, as we reach the conclusion, let’s recap what we’ve discovered and provide you with our recommendation.

A Powerhouse of Trading Tools:
Tickeron AI has proven itself to be a powerhouse of trading tools. From its advanced pattern recognition capabilities, predictive analytics, and portfolio management features to the support for trading bots, it offers a comprehensive suite for traders of all levels.

Pattern Recognition for Informed Decisions:
One of the standout features of Tickeron is its pattern recognition. It empowers traders with the ability to identify historical market patterns and make informed decisions. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting, this tool provides valuable insights.

Predictive Analytics for Future Gazing:
The predictive analytics offered by Tickeron AI are a game-changer. They enable you to forecast market movements and make well-informed trading choices. This forward-looking approach can significantly enhance your trading strategy.

Portfolio Management Simplified:
Managing your investments and portfolios becomes simpler with Tickeron. Its portfolio management tools offer a clear view of your assets, helping you optimize your holdings.

The Power of Trading Bots:
Tickeron AI’s support for trading bots is a boon for traders seeking automation and efficiency. These bots can execute your strategies with precision, even when you’re not actively monitoring the markets.

Educational Resources at Your Fingertips:
Tickeron AI doesn’t just provide tools; it also offers educational resources. These materials are valuable for traders looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

User-Friendly Experience:
Navigating Tickeron AI is straightforward, thanks to its user-friendly interface. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, you’ll find it easy to use.

Pros and Cons: Consider Your Priorities:
As with any trading platform, Tickeron AI comes with its pros and cons. Consider your priorities, budget, and specific trading goals when making your decision.

Tailor-Made Pricing:
Tickeron’s pricing structure is flexible, offering free and paid plans. The free Beginner plan allows you to explore the platform, while the paid Intermediate plans offer advanced features. The 14-day free trial for paid subscriptions is a generous offering.

Our Recommendation: Elevate Your Trading with Tickeron AI

After a thorough evaluation, we confidently recommend Tickeron AI to traders looking to enhance their trading strategies. Whether you’re an experienced trader seeking predictive analytics or a newcomer exploring pattern recognition, Tickeron has the tools you need.

Here’s Our Suggestion:

  • Start with the Beginner Plan: If you’re new to Tickeron AI, begin with the Beginner plan. It provides a risk-free opportunity to explore the platform’s capabilities and determine if it aligns with your trading style.
  • Unlock Advanced Features: For traders seeking advanced features like predictive analytics and portfolio management, the paid Intermediate plans offer a wealth of possibilities. Take advantage of the 14-day free trial to experience these premium features firsthand.
  • Customize Your Subscription: Tickeron AI allows you to tailor your subscription with add-ons to address your specific trading needs. Review these options carefully to optimize your trading experience.

In conclusion, Tickeron AI stands as a robust and accessible platform that empowers traders to make data-driven decisions. Its AI-driven tools offer valuable insights, and its user-friendly interface ensures a smooth trading experience. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned trader, Tickeron AI has the potential to elevate your trading strategies and results.

I participate in the Tickeron Affiliate and Referral Program. By referring you as a prospective customer to Tickeron, I may be eligible to receive compensation from Tickeron.

Tickeron AI

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (10)

Tickeron AI stands as a robust and accessible platform that empowers traders to make data-driven decisions. Its AI-driven tools offer valuable insights, and its user-friendly interface ensures a smooth trading experience. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned trader, Tickeron AI has the potential to elevate your trading strategies and results.

Price: 0 – 250

Price Currency: $

Operating System: Web

Application Category: SaaS

Editor's Rating:


What is Tickeron AI, and how does it work?

Tickeron AI is a trading platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze financial markets. It works by processing vast amounts of historical and real-time data to identify patterns and trends, assisting traders in making informed decisions.

What sets Tickeron AI apart from other trading platforms?

Tickeron AI stands out due to its AI-driven pattern recognition and predictive analytics. These features empower traders to make data-driven decisions, giving them an edge in the market.

Can Tickeron AI help with portfolio management?

Yes, Tickeron AI offers portfolio management tools that allow users to track and optimize their investments. It provides a clear view of asset performance and can assist in rebalancing portfolios.

What is the pricing structure for Tickeron AI, and are there any free options?

Tickeron AI offers multiple pricing options. There is a free Beginner plan for users to explore the platform. Paid plans include the Intermediate One and Intermediate Two options, with a 14-day free trial available for all paid subscriptions.

Is Tickeron AI suitable for beginners, or is it more geared towards experienced traders?

Tickeron AI caters to traders of all levels. Beginners can start with the free plan to get a feel for the platform, while experienced traders will appreciate its advanced features like predictive analytics and pattern recognition.

Is my data and trading information secure with Tickeron AI?

Tickeron AI prioritizes data security. It employs industry-standard security measures to protect user data and trading information, ensuring confidentiality and safety.

How user-friendly is the Tickeron AI platform?

Tickeron AI is known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible to traders of all levels. Navigating the platform and utilizing its tools is straightforward.

Does Tickeron AI offer customer support, and how can users get assistance?

Yes, Tickeron AI provides customer support through email, a knowledge base with articles and FAQs, and live chat support. Premium users may have access to priority email support for quicker assistance.

Can Tickeron AI help with day trading, swing trading, or long-term investing?

Tickeron AI can be used for various trading styles, including day trading, swing trading, and long-term investing. Users can customize their strategies based on their preferred trading style.

How accurate are Tickeron AI’s predictive analytics?

Tickeron AI’s predictive analytics are based on sophisticated AI algorithms. While they can provide valuable insights, it’s essential to remember that no prediction method is 100% accurate. Users should use these predictions as one of many factors in their trading strategy.

Are there educational resources available for users who want to learn more about trading?

Yes, Tickeron AI provides educational resources such as articles and tutorials. These materials are designed to help users expand their trading knowledge and skills.

Can I use Tickeron AI on mobile devices?

Yes, Tickeron AI offers a mobile app, allowing users to access its features on Android and iOS devices. This ensures flexibility and the ability to trade on the go.

Tickeron AI Review 2023: Transforming Your Trading Strategy with Unrivaled Precision (2024)


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Tickeron's AI scanners provide a much deeper analysis of potential opportunities. Their trend prediction engine can forecast likely rallies before they occur. Moreover, they gave it a Likeliness score. We found in our Tickeron review that they're reliable.

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These coded algorithms are quite accurate in their predictions of stocks. Asset management companies deploying AI have been recording accuracy of more than 80% while predicting stock price movements. Comparatively, algorithms have also been found to deliver high efficiency at lower costs.

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Coinrule: Enjoy algorithmic trading without learning a single line of code. SMARD – A smartphone-based automated crypto trading bot using a momentum effect algorithm. OKX Trading Bots: A range of pre-built bots used by over 360,000 global traders.

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Author: Mr. See Jast

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Name: Mr. See Jast

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