This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (2024)

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This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (2)

If you want to make money in small caps or sharp stocks, then you should consider these subsidiary Profitable Stock Tips.

Buy company promotion. Find a company that has a lot of press “Rudra Investment Stock Expert”. This will create a growing interest in the market and translate into a growing number of buyers. As a result, the mandatory price of their shares will increase. If you can find the right signals and arrive at the right time, then you can easily get benefits.

Most small hat companies sell their expansions to the public for business expansion. This is a long shot for some companies who are trying to take advantage of only a shareholder’s investment and a large part of the market to execute their business plan. But if you find a company that determines goals and confidently shows its shareholders that they can implement them, then this company is likely to perform well in the financial markets.

By getting Profitable Stock Tips you can get lots of benefits in small caps but whatever you have in it, you should not invest in it. Diversify your investment portfolio. Only small caps should not exceed 20% or 25% of your entire portfolio. Even if you have a high tolerance for the risk, it is best to be pragmatic and careful at all times.

Stagger your position If you intend to go for long-term investment in investment, then try to invest a particular amount in each milestone. Sometimes it is better to have a small profit, which can be accumulated every time instead of hitting it out of the park.

Use support and resistance lines. If you want to take a short-term approach to investing, then you need to take your stop loss and assess your score in Profitable Stock Tips. You can place your order just below these orders. If the price goes up or you get discontinued, then do not ignore it. Learn instead and move on.

Know the company Learns about the company’s precise goals. Compare these goals with their previous track record and see if they are able to execute them or not. If they have, you should stay with the company. The market knows how to reward companies who earn profits.

Paste into your plan. If you have decided to go for a short-term pop, do not delete it. The easiest way to lose your investment is to convert your ephemeral pop into a long-term game. Do not be easily disappointed when it does not work the way you think. Stay tuned to your plan until you achieve your goals.

There is a great possibility of making a lot of money in small caps and if you follow these subsidiary money stock tips you can certainly do this.

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This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (3)

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Profitable Stock Tips for Victorious Trading

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (4)

Finding goals and developing strategies is the essence of a successful business of Profitable Stock Tips. There are many other factors which should also be considered. Instead of fully thinking about the cost factor, it will be wise on your part to reflect on the value of the Indian stocks you are investing. According to the Profitable Stock Tips Service Provider, for a long period of time and short-term, the distribution of your money will always be kept on the attractive edge in a wide range of stocks. It is after taking stock, what is happening in the Indian stock market recently, using investment instruments such as stock technical studies, fundamental studies, etc., that you find the possibility of a specific NSE or BSE stock Can. One of the most follow-up stock tips is buying when everyone is buying and selling when everyone is buying. Well, different standards can also be considered.

It is a requirement to have a proper analysis before investing money in any Profitable Indian Stock Market. If you want to get huge ROI you should go from rumors. There are many new investors, who have the tendency to go after rumors and finally the acquisition of losses has ended, select an online stock trading platform or a financial news portal which maintains a satisfactory relationship in the market. If you become an affiliate of an online stock trading platform, which offers more solutions than brokerage, then you can get the right stock tips along with your business goals.

Profitable Stock Tips has been captured with the particulars in the eyes of new investors and who do not know about market knowledge. It looks like a difficult task, but once you manage and understand the techniques, complexities or difficulties will disappear robotically. It will be fun and exciting and the benefits received will only increase your enthusiasm. But, should control their own emotions. Intelligent investors go to new organizations that grow fast for short-term investment and blue-chip organizations for a long time. The markets are more dangerous in the short term. Give your time and effort fully because the price varies according to the second or the minute.

Stock Market Trading Tips can provide you with big profits or you can lose whatever you have spent, so going after a careful approach and the above stock tips will help you get the recipients you will guess. Do not determine from the assumption that BSE stocks always respond to your profitability. Any Indian shareware is subject to change in NSE or BSE market. The way you take your course, it is OK to know whether you will gain or lose.a

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A Productively Guide to Selecting Quality Profitable Stock Tips

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (5)

There are many people who are investing for their whole life who have never made money in the money stock because they are afraid of them. For most shares, these stocks have small-cap stocks with very low prices. This means that most people can invest in this market and buy lots of shares. But the most important aspect of this is that the probability of Profitable Stock Tips is huge and if you are going to trade successfully in the stock, then you need good tips.

Indian stock has acquired some people in the last few years, mainly because there are some “systems” that they claim to be stock tips, but in reality, there is a way to steal investors. They buy a stock, you get to buy stock and increase the price, and then sell it before you sell the stock. It’s an old trick, but that still works.

If you are considering investing some of your money in this volatile market, then you need to make sure that you are getting reputable Profitable Stock Tips and that is not being availed by the companies that your stock are planning to use for running.

Without some kind of stock picking service, evaluating the thousands of shares available can be time-consuming, and some data is not available to individual investors. But, when you get a good stock picking service, they will evaluate it for you, tell you which stocks to buy and when so that you can make the most profit. The most important thing is that they will also tell you the right time to sell to maximize your profits.

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Profitable Stock Tips - Should You Invest in Indian Share Market

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (6)

To get information on investing in these types of stocks, looking for Profitable Stock Tips on the internet can be very beneficial. There are many people who provide stock tips on message boards and forums on the internet. The problem with these types of tips on Stock is that most of them are fully publicized. The posts generated by people have been rented for creating madness and for fewer reasons the stock has transferred a few hundred percents in less time.

Most top players generally spend time studying the movement trends and analyzing the stock charts and get a Profitable Stock Tips to potential profit. Top Trader can use this method with a better result based on company reports or other information which is the best information on sketchy.

Some original Profitable Stock Tips for new investors:

Never invest in unpredictable stocks that you cannot afford to lose. Remember that you are investing in small start-up companies who often fail, which leads to the next tip. And take advice from a reputed advisory firm Like Rudra Investment Stock Expert.

Do not ignore these shares anytime to increase these long-term investment assets. These types of stocks are very good short-term investments like gambling with traditional stock investments.

Having a gambler mentality will serve you well in these types of investments but you have to limit the size of the potential loss.

I personally set my loss limit at 30% for any purchase, which does not allow me to see constant stress or stock in every minute of the day. Generally, I will also set a sale price, but it is based on how I feel about stock or what chart data tells me.

The last money Profitable Stock Tips I will present is to avoid internet message forums and to stick to the chart method or advice based on the chart movement. Any investment in these stocks is a risk with all investments but they are very fun to buy and sell. If you have the right tips then you can earn a lot of money.

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Improve your Stock Market Trading In 45 Minutes

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (7)

The Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange are the major Profitable Stock Tips, many investors put their money in order to increase. The stock market is one of these places which provide an increase in investor’s money. Some of the investors who earn money because they want them to be in the stock markets. Sometimes it does not show development due to some reason or factor and this is the best way to give our money opportunity. The stock market decides to develop its country; Countries with the good stock market are leading.

Stockmarkets are always ahead of other resources if they are being offered as onlineshare trading, it offers better returns as well as money laundering. Sometimesthe Indian stock trading market decreases and the investors are scared, but ifthey have Free Stock Tipsthey can earn better money as the market rules should be bought during thecrush time. Now online stock trading provides facilities like online sales andpurchases, everybody wants to earn maximum time in the minimum time, but theydo not have the maximum time so that they can monitor the stock markets so thatthe customer is being provided the facility of online Indian stock trading. Andthese facilities help to focus their clientele. work.

Onlinestock trading is a way through which one can buy and sell securely in the senseof share and security. This brokerage also saves money, it is very easy to savevaluable money and track the online stock trading.

Stock Market Trading Tips is a witness to arranging for agradual change of business in an uninterrupted environment, where stocks arenow transferred from the seller to the buyer in electronic mode. In fact,online share trading shares in India bring innovation into trade and sharetransfer, and as a result, the result of a new breed of technically savvyinvestors and traders, which are now playing an important role in themanagement of equities in India. Indian stock trading highlighted variousonline companies and firms that are compiled in the National Stock Exchange (NSE)or Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).

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Money Making Free Stock Tips That Few People Use | Rudra Investment

One of the most exciting investment types is Free Stock Tips. There are many investors who run away from these types of investments because they think they are full of risk. Do not allow yourself to be disturbed by these stocks - when you know what to look for, there is incredible cash.

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (8)

Any stock under $ 2.00 which I consider Indian stocks when I consider investing in shares, I look for a company which is coming up and coming. The price of certain shares of established businesses is low because there are business problems. Instead of investing in these companies, I am looking for incoming companies. By focusing on these organizations, when I start closing the company, I can set myself up for a big profit.

Now we should see how you can get money making money with Free Stock Tips. Once you know what to look for, you can earn huge profits.

This is an important first step in the industry in which the organization is involved. Is the competition very difficult for a new entrant? This requires you to look at the industry, in general, to ensure that the organization is involved in an industry which provides them the ability to succeed.

And of course, you want to study business. I like to see a company that separates itself from other competitors in some other way. Perhaps they are a unique product or service, or they may be competing by seeking cheap prices compared to others. If the company provides a product or service that is not like the things provided by other companies, then the business is more likely to get additional sales.

When you start exploring money and investing in them, it is not difficult to reduce some tremendous profits. Once you investigate these investments and get Free Stock Tips, then once you can be done to become a great money.

Look at the financial position of the organization which is really standing in front of you, however, if you do so, then the business is not generating net income, do not worry yourself. Developing businesses do not make money for years in the beginning. It is important to ensure that money is available to the company.

Finding hot stocks is not rocket science - you just need to understand what to see.

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How To Get The Profitable Stock Tips

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (9)

The Profitable Stock Tips is now used by both the pros and cons to get the latest stock tips by investors and accordingly, without the need of time or experience, invest accordingly. Each stock signal list is not as good as the next and you will find that they surely promise the same to everyone in your sales letters, so use these tips to get the best stock signal list.

First of all, look for money back guarantee on the list you go to. This enables you to pay and sign up while making a payment, but at the same time, it is a sign of good faith at the end of the publisher and proof that they support it adequately in your choice to guarantee your satisfaction in this way And believe. At this day and age, I found that a legitimate publisher cannot offer anything less, so look for that guarantee.

Also, make sure the list you go with Profitable Stock Tips. This is only because this tips generally have perfect strategy or algorithms in order to stock behavior, but rather rely on the strength of the number of its complete list, which is usually more in volume because at times, for the first time The choice of investors are interested in receiving “interiors

Apart from this, Rudra Investment nowadays completely provide stock tips from their stock signal list so that you can get an idea of what you can expect in terms of the format of choice and likewise when you Really get the program.

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Essential Information About Free Stock Tips

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (10)

To make more money, information about the stock market is essential for a successful investor. You have to follow Rudra Investment Free Stock Tips given by market researchers as well as brokers. I studied the basics of the stock market and earned more money. From this article, you can get a basic idea about how to get Indian stock tips, how to get the future of intraday tips and the Indian stock market.

How to Learn Stock Trading?

You can learn business in the following ways:

Many stock trading brokers are available in India. They are the leading brokerage house in India and Free Stock Tips will guide you to learn stock trading. If you open your business account with them, they also offer online stock trading options. Once you open an online stock trading account, a demo video will be available which will help you to learn stock trading. These companies also offer stock market tips and intra de tips which will help in buying potential stocks. Indian stock market has a good potential in future because it is one of the world’s emerging economies. There are smart ways to earn in a potential market like India.
What is the next step?

You have to get research assistance from websites who provide smart tips for making more money.

Start earning more money. Click here — >> [Free Stock Tips] and Get Free Trial

Rudra Investment

Invest in some of your savings in equity funds to handle the risk of investing in stocks.

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Free Stock Tips | What Trader Really Think About Become Rich

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (11)

Free Stock Tips market events have always tempted investors. There are thousands of equity share traders who have never made easy money. Not every investor has won in the Indian stock market. There are many factors that make a winner. Once you know the move, success will surely kiss your door. An intelligent investor diversifies his investment portfolio. It is not only in equity shares but also in mutual funds, commodity markets, and other investment products which they invest equally. Thus a balance is maintained. In such a situation, the loss never bothers the investor; If there is a loss in the other area, in another area, then profit will be there.

What is your target in the Indian stock market with Free Stock Tips? No goal in life can be achieved without a goal. There is no exception in the Indian stock market. Goals are not limited to the amount of investment you have made. These include your knowledge goals, i.e. how well you are equipped with the knowledge of equity shares. In the research category, how far will you go, in the target category, to know the possibility of stock? So, make your goal correct and venture into the business of your equity shares for your satisfaction.

Your success criterion depends on those Free Stock Tips with whom you are connected. There can be no business without the support of stockbrokers. These are those that handle all transactional aspects. By helping to open a trading account to care for the purchase and sale of equity shares, shareholders play an important role in the life of all investors. There are different categories of stockbrokers to choose from. Only services of authorized professionals and those who have years of experience behind it. You can choose one of three categories:

  • Who handles only the transaction aspect
  • Apart from handling your transactions, who guides you with recommendations
  • Which guide you along with your guide as your guide.
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The Best Stock Tips Are the Key to Your Share Market Success Strategies

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (12)

Best Stock Tips | In the time of competition for cutthroat and technically advanced times, people have changed every stone to ensure that money is earned in excessive measures. When searching for different options, an option that attacks the brain and immediately forces us to think about it is the stock market. This is a very attractive mask for fast cash. A quick way to make money should be taken with these measures extra caution and vigilance because it itself cannot fill up a vast wealth could turn into the pit which never filled.

Best Stock Tips in the stock market is a place where small, medium-sized large blue chip corporations and stocks and shares of various companies are acquired and traded. The basic plan behind buying a stock is that a person purchasing shares of a particular company is considered as a company’s shareholder and can be considered as a virtual partner (with a low share of the total market value of course ). It gives the shareholder the right to receive some part of the total profit made by the company.

People should not retain the idea that buying a stock can give them the right to say in their daily working processes. With the risks associated with the stock market, this benefit and acts as a paradise for increasing incoming revenue. There are many types of stocks available in the market and keeping your financial portfolio in mind, the appropriate type should be purchased. Some shares pay regular dividends while others make big profits in the future. Some people have the idea that this is a kind of gambling which is a misconception. This marketplace can be transformed into a profitable business area with appropriate research and analysis of those companies, who have the potential to grow in the future.

Knowledge in deep knowledge and know that the underlying methodology of Best Stock Tips in the stock market will take a long way to maximize ROI (return on investment). This can prove to be devastating on the basis of your personal knowledge and therefore it is very appropriate to seek the services of professional stockbroking firms. These companies offer resourceful and accurate nifty tips, intraday tips, option tips, intraday calls and nifty calls which are definitely sure to help in taking all important decisions on stock purchases at the right time. Some companies have the right to provide 99.99% accurate tips that prove themselves as an undisputed asset in this market context. These firms have a special team of experts who analyze company profiles, its history, and trends in other markets and predicts the rise in a dip or stock prices in the future.

People should always remember that the stock market is often scam and fraud and it is extremely volatile and sensitive. But despite its unpredictability and fluctuation, the stock market has been assured. The risk calculated thus is the word of the day and should proceed with caution.

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Financial Security In The Current Indian Stock Market

This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (13)

In the changing times of the Indian Stock Market, the investment strategy may fail or maybe there is not enough money left for their goals in the minds of all. How to overcome this anxiety and what financial planning should be to overcome the financial fear, the special offer of your money on this.

Rudra Investment a Best SEBI Registered Company in Indian Stock Market says that the goals of life are stable. The ups and downs of the market do not change your goals, only fear is created. To overcome this fear you must first create an emergency fund. You keep a certain part of your salaries every month in this Emergency Fund. This amount should be equal to your salary of 5-6 months or salary up to 1 year.

Thereafter, risk planning should be done. There are many risks, such as the risk of losing income, the risk of losing a life, and the risk of losing health, for which proper planning should be done. The safety of life should be taken to cover the term and health plans should be taken to safeguard the health. Have a critical cover in the health plan.

The risk of an asset in Indian Stock Market is also an important part of financial planning. To protect your property, The property should be insured. This type of policy is quite short of course, but due to the uncertainty of changing times, such insurance is very important.

There are some stops under financial planning such as Emergency Planning, Risk Planning, according to the goals, planning, retirement and will, you should take care of the security of your money on the basis of which.

Design your dreams as goals and set deadlines for goals under financial planning. One family must have an organized goal. Dreams should be added to what you are saving. Your goals can be divided into two parts. One is the goal that cannot be avoided. Others are those who are in the form of dreams. Children’s education, marriage, retirement, expenditure on sickness etc. are expenses which can not be avoided. Other are those dreams which are part of the goal like an expensive house, good carriage, travel abroad etc.

After this, planning retirement is very important. Planning for retirement should be started early. Should invest in EPFO, PPF, Equity, Fixed Ink. Should invest in 10 percent commodity such as gold.

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This Profitable Stock Tips Will Double Your Money (2024)


How to turn $1000 into $10000 in a month? ›

6 Ways to Turn $1000 into $10000
  1. Invest in Real Estate.
  2. Invest in Stocks and ETFs.
  3. Get Out of Debt Now.
  4. Start an Online Business.
  5. Retail Arbitrage.
  6. Invest in Yourself.
Jan 23, 2024

How to double $2000 dollars in 24 hours? ›

The Best Ways To Double Money In 24 Hours
  1. Flip Stuff For Profit. ...
  2. Start A Retail Arbitrage Business. ...
  3. Invest In Real Estate. ...
  4. Play Games For Money. ...
  5. Invest In Dividend Stocks & ETFs. ...
  6. Use Crypto Interest Accounts. ...
  7. Start A Side Hustle. ...
  8. Invest In Your 401(k)

How to invest $1000 dollars and double it? ›

Here's how to invest $1,000 and start growing your money today.
  1. Buy an S&P 500 index fund. ...
  2. Buy partial shares in 5 stocks. ...
  3. Put it in an IRA. ...
  4. Get a match in your 401(k) ...
  5. Have a robo-advisor invest for you. ...
  6. Pay down your credit card or other loan. ...
  7. Go super safe with a high-yield savings account. ...
  8. Build up a passive business.
Apr 15, 2024

Does the S&P 500 double every 7 years? ›

According to his math, since 1949 S&P 500 investments have doubled ten times, or an average of about seven years each time. In some cases, like 1952 to 1955 or 1995 to 1998, the value of the investment doubled in only three years.

Is investing $1000 in stocks worth it? ›

$1,000 is enough to consider some solid stock choices. If you have an extra $1,000 sitting in a savings or checking account, one of the best ways to earn a return on that money is to invest in the stock market.

How to make $5,000 dollars fast legally? ›

Here are the ways to consider getting $5,000 fast.
  1. Sell Items You Already Have. The first step in making $5,000 fast is to leverage what you already have. ...
  2. Rent Out Space. ...
  3. Become a Rideshare Driver. ...
  4. Teach Online. ...
  5. Get a Car Wrap. ...
  6. Sell Stock Photos. ...
  7. Consider Freelancing. ...
  8. Flip items online.
Mar 21, 2024

How to flip 10K into 100k? ›

To potentially turn $10k into $100k, consider investments in established businesses, real estate, index funds, mutual funds, dividend stocks, or cryptocurrencies. High-risk, high-reward options like cryptocurrencies and peer-to-peer lending could accelerate returns but also carry greater risks.

How to double $20,000 fast? ›

The Best Ways To Double $20,000
  1. Invest In Real Estate. One of the best ways to double 20,000 dollars is to invest in income-generating real estate. ...
  2. Start An Online Business. ...
  3. Invest In Stocks & ETFs. ...
  4. Invest In Small Businesses. ...
  5. Start A Service-Based Business. ...
  6. Try Crypto Investing. ...
  7. Retail Arbitrage. ...
  8. Lend Out Your Money.

How much money do I need to invest to make $4000 a month? ›

Making $4,000 a month based on your investments alone is not a small feat. For example, if you have an investment or combination of investments with a 9.5% yield, you would have to invest $500,000 or more potentially. This is a high amount, but could almost guarantee you a $4,000 monthly dividend income.

What stock to buy with $1000? ›

Three stocks you can scoop up today for under $1,000 are Tradeweb Markets (NASDAQ: TW), Interactive Brokers (NASDAQ: IBKR), and Kinsale Capital (NYSE: KNSL).

What is the best investment right now? ›

11 best investments right now
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Certificates of deposit (CDs)
  • Bonds.
  • Money market funds.
  • Mutual funds.
  • Index Funds.
  • Exchange-traded funds.
  • Stocks.
3 days ago

What stock will double in 2024? ›

Wayfair Inc. (NYSE:W), Match Group, Inc. (NASDAQ:MTCH), and Palantir Technologies Inc. (NYSE:PLTR) are some of the stocks that will double in 2024, besides StoneCo Ltd.

How to get 11.5% on your money? ›

You can get more than 11 per cent from a new retail bond if you tie up your money for three years, but it doesn't come without risks.

How long does it take to 10x your money? ›

A one-time investment can more than 10x in value in 25 years averaging 10% annual returns, thanks to compounding. Most people won't bank on a one-time investment to set them up in retirement, but it shows the heavy lifting that time can do.

How can I realistically make $10,000 a month? ›

In this guide, we'll share the 10 best ways to make $10,000 per month, including:
  1. Sell Private Label Rights (PLR) products 📝
  2. Start a dropshipping online business 📦
  3. Start a blog and leverage ad income 💻
  4. Freelance your skills 🎨
  5. Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA) 📚
  6. Flip vintage apparel, furniture, and decor 🛋
Feb 23, 2024

How can I make $10,000 a month? ›

If you want to make $10k a month passively, some of the most realistic options include investing in real estate or renting out your own home or multiple properties to tenants. Dividend income investing can also work, but you need a lot of capital to reach $10,000 a month in passive income.

How can I double $1000 dollars fast? ›

Some of the most consistent strategies to double $1,000 include:
  1. Using the money to start a low-cost side hustle.
  2. Starting an online business.
  3. Buying and flipping goods.
  4. Retail arbitrage.

What is the quickest way to make $10000? ›

Here are ten ways to make $10k quickly:
  1. Become A Freelancer. Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to make money quickly. ...
  2. Invest In Cryptocurrency. ...
  3. Participate In Online Surveys. ...
  4. Become A Virtual Assistant. ...
  5. Do Odd Jobs. ...
  6. Create An Online Course. ...
  7. Become An Affiliate Marketer. ...
  8. Sell Your Stuff.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.