These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (2024)

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (1)

Believe it or not, many types of beautiful flowers bloom in winter. Christmas plants and flowers like poinsettia and the Norfolk pine are pretty during the holidays; evergreen trees and shrubs are an option all year round. However, many other kinds of plants can add unexpected splashes of color to the winter landscape. Whether you're planting in beds or containers, winter flowers will provide a much-needed boost of brightness during the gloomiest days of the year. If you're planting perennials, shrubs, or trees, make sure they're suited to survive the season in your plant hardiness zone, according to the USDA. Also, read the plant tag or description to give them the kind of light they need to thrive. Full sun means at least six hours of direct sunlight per day, while part sun is about half that.

When considering the best winter flowers, it's also important to think about placement. You want to be able to enjoy them from inside your house, so plant them somewhere you can see them when they're in bloom. They can also add curb appeal in winter because they're just so unexpected. However, in order to enjoy your winter flowers, you've got to plant them in the fall about six weeks before the ground freezes so that they'll have time to get established before cold weather sets in. If you're uncertain about the freeze date in your area, check with your local university coop extension service. (Find yours here!) Then, read on to learn about the best flowers that bloom in winter.



These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (3)

Prized for their trumpet-shaped blooms, these large, lush flowers can come in shades of red, white, pink, and picotee, where the petals have edges of different colors. They are best in milder climates that aren't susceptible to major frosts.



Algerian Iris

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (4)

These lovely purple flowers are also quite fragrant, so they'll add a pop of freshness on patios or near walkways where they can be appreciated more. They are also low maintenance and can thrive in full sun or partial shade.



Christmas Cactus

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (5)

Naturally, something with the word "Christmas" in it feels very wintery. And this bright plant brings a lot of cheer, for sure, since they bloom right around the holidays. They thrive well in cold-hardy zones.


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Glory of the Snow

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (6)

Actually considered a spring flower, these pretty, delicate flowers bloom so early that there's often snow still on the ground. You know, in winter! They are not prone to disease nor do they need pruning, so they're quite easy to care for.



Dutchman's Breeches

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (7)

Another flower that's technically a spring plant, these unique flowers bloom so early that they actually look best in colder months and stay attractive as a plant year round. They're also very low maintenance.




These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (8)

If you’ve never seen these stunning flowers, also called Lenten roses, you’re in for a surprise. They appear in mid to late winter, often around the time of Lent, depending on your climate. Their lush petals and exquisite color make them a must-have. These perennials are super cold-hardy, so you can plant them even where you have tough winters.


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These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (9)

Just as the name indicates, these tiny flowers appear when snow is still on the ground in cold climates. Snowdrops, also called galanthus, look delicate but are quite cold-hardy. Their petite drooping green and white flowers are a breath of fresh air in late winter and early spring. Plant them in the fall for winter and spring flowers.




These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (10)

Cyclamen is considered a houseplant in most of the country, but it actually works well as a perennial groundcover in warmer climates. Plant them under deciduous trees (ones that drop their leaves) so they’ll get winter sun and summer shade.



Pansies and Violas

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (11)

These adorable flowers with little “faces” come in every color of the rainbow, and they don’t mind a chill—so they’ll last into late fall or early winter in many climates. In the South, they’ll survive throughout most of the winter. Though they’re often considered annuals, some types will drop seeds and come back next spring.


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These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (12)

These evergreen shrubs have glossy leaves and stunning, lush flowers to add year-round interest to Southern gardens. There are many different varieties, so make sure to choose a type that will bloom in winter.




These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (13)

Crocuses are sturdy little flowers that often bloom when snow still is on the ground. Plant the bulbs in fall for flowers in late winter or very early spring. They will return for many years.




These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (14)

This lesser-known evergreen shrub is a lovely specimen for any garden. Hundreds of tiny pink or white bell-shaped flowers dangle from delicate stems in late winter. The flowers last for weeks!


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These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (15)

These pretty perennial flowers are extremely cold-hardy. They bloom in late winter or early spring, depending on where you live. There are many different types, so look for those that will survive in your hardiness zone.



Witch Hazel

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (16)

This interesting shrub gets wispy, whimsical flowers in mid-winter, long before the foliage appears. Make sure to plant a winter-blooming variety.



Winter Heath

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (17)

This dense evergreen shrub works well as a groundcover. It’s smothered in beautiful pink flowers from winter to early spring.


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These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (18)

This evergreen shrub has frond-like leaves and sprays of bright yellow flowers that last for weeks in late fall to early winter. They’re followed by shiny blue-black berries.




These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (19)

These sweetly-scented flowers boast late winter or early spring blooms and were popular in Colonial gardens. Their delicate star-shaped flowers come in pink, white, or blue.



Winter Jasmine

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (20)

Bright yellow flowers appear on the arching branches of this shrub in late winter. Unlike other types of jasmine, it’s not fragrant, but it adds a splash of sunshine to the landscape when you need it the most. It’s also a great option for slopes.


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Red Twig Dogwood

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (21)

It’s not exactly a flower, but the bare branches of this bright red shrub make a bold statement in your otherwise colorless winter garden. The colorful branches last all winter long and look amazing silhouetted against a blanket of snow. You can also cut a few branches to add to floral or holiday displays.




These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (22)

The sweet, fruity fragrance of these evergreen shrubs make them irresistible! Delicate pink, white, or lavender blooms appear in late winter to early spring.


These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (23)

Arricca Elin SanSone

Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. She’s passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.

These Gorgeous Winter Flowers Will Add Color to the Snowy Landscape (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.