These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (2024)

I once defined wealth asabsolute net worth.

But after much thinking, Inow define wealth as net worth relative to the expenses needed to live a life of well-being.

By this definition, a fulfilling life on $50k/yr is just as wealthy as someone with double the net worth who needs $100k/yr to sustain their lifestyle.

Armed with this definition, let’s first look at the factors that are not the most important to grow wealth.

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (1)

Table of Contents

Income: Not The Most Important Factor

From a young age, I thought high income, acquired through education and skills, was the most important factor to grow wealth.

But I was wrong.

Income can be powerful to grow wealth, but it is futile if you can’t first control your spending.

Let’s go through some examples to prove this point.

Over 40% of those in the U.S. making over $100,000 per year live paycheck to paycheck1.

These high earners have a low net worth. The high income is spent on goods that decline in value like boats, cars, electronics, and vacations.

They are not putting their money to work.

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (2)

Look to Pro Athletes and Lottery Winners

Pro athletes and lottery winners also have a hard time retaining wealth. These folks did not build expense management habits before getting hit with massive income.

The National Bureau of Economic Research found that 16% of NFL players filed for bankruptcy by year 12 of retirement2. Higher pay and longer career length had no effect on the bankruptcy rate.

Another study took a look at lottery winners. They found that large cash transfers to those in financial distress just delayed bankruptcy3. Money did not prevent bankruptcy.

Additional money is a band-aid solution to lacking expense management behaviors.

Expense management behaviors are akin to a foundation for a building. Without them, collapse is inevitable.

When Does Income Matter To Grow Wealth?

Income is irrelevant to those who can’t manage their money.

Once you can manage expenses, extra income becomes a powerful tool. You can only cut expenses so much, but income has a nearly infinite upper limit.

How you use this income matters. Your wealth will deteriorate to inflation if you just use this income to keep cash savings.

To grow wealth, you need to buy appreciating and cashflow generating assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.

Finally, increasing income is necessary to grow wealth when it is difficult to cover essential expenses such as shelter, transport, and food.

At this point, the only way to save and invest is to increase income.

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Investment Returns: Not The Most Important

Investing for compound growth is what builds massive wealth. Your rate of return determines how quickly your investments will grow.

But returns are not the most important factor to grow wealth, because they are mostly outside of your control.

It’s hard to beat the returns of a market index over the long run. Nearly all information about future earnings and the risk of those earnings is embedded in the stock price by millions of intelligent buyers and sellers. For more, learn about the efficient market hypothesis.

To beat the market you need to have knowledge that millions of others have failed to act upon.

In addition, only 1.3% of stocks make up the total market returns. It is easy to find the 1.3% of stocks in hind-sight. For example, TSLA, AAPL, GOOG and MSFT.

But the problem lies in selecting these 1.3% of stocks before they take off.

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (3)

What the Data Says About Professional Investors

Even professional investors have a hard time consistently beating the market. Over 86% of U.S. equity (stock) funds failed to beat their benchmark index over the 20 years from 2000 to 2020 4.

And in Canada, over 84% of active equity (stock) funds failed to beat their benchmark index for over the ten years from 2010 to 2020 5.

Luck vs. Skill

Due to market efficiency, above-average returns are often based on luck, not skill. I know sucks to hear – it took me 5 years to accept this fact.

Read more about my biggest investing mistakes here.

It pays to understand the difference between good investment outcomes and good investment decisions.

Lucky outcomes as a new investor (<5 years) can fuel over-confident behavior that may ruin a portfolio later down the road.

Investment Expenses

High fees are the reason why so many actively managed funds underperform the market.

By reducing fees, you effectively gain a higher rate of return of about 1% to 2.5%.

The extra return is great, but it is not significant enough to be the most important factor to grow wealth.

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (4)

Tax Efficiency

You can limit taxes on investment income by using tax-sheltered accounts and locating investments across these accounts in a smart way.

Minimizing taxes is called tax efficiency. Tax efficiency increases after-tax returns. It has an effect similar to low investment fees.

Tax efficiency is not the most important factor to build wealth. Canadians – Understand Taxes For Investing: A Guide for Canadian Beginners.

Index Funds: A Simple Way to Invest

I invest in index funds because:

  • I know I’m not smart enough to beat the market. If I do, it’s probably luck.
  • I know I professional fund managers will likely underperform their index
  • The approach is simple. It saves me time so I can write WealthyCorner content.

The Two Most Important Factors to Build Wealth

The two most important wealth-building factors are not based on intelligence, education or income.

Instead, they are based on simple, but consistent behaviors.

These two behaviors are:

  1. A sustained high savings rate; and
  2. Consistent investing.

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (5)

Growing wealth is a slow, long-term game. The game has occurred over multiple decades and is rooted in sustainable habits and systems.

The book Atomic Habitsdoes a great job of describing the importance of habits and how to change them.

Most Important Factor #1: A High Savings Rate

What is Your Savings Rate?

Your savings rate is based on the gap between income and expenses.

I use after-tax income. It is the amount left after you have paid all income tax. This is the amount that you have control over.

Savings rate = (Savings ÷ After-Tax Income) *100

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (6)

Savings Rate Example

Sam saves $2,500 per month, and earns $5,000 per month after-tax. Sam’s savings rate is 50%. Very impressive.

Why Your Savings Rate is So Important

Your savings rate sets the foundation to:

  1. Pay down consumer debt;
  2. Build an emergency fund; and
  3. Invest for compound growth.

Savings Rate and Financial Independence

Financial Independence (FI) occurs when your investment cashflows from dividends, capital gains and/or interest cover your lifestyle expenses until you die.

You never again have to rely on your human capital to make money.Once you reach FI you can use your time as you see fit. FI is a form of freedom.

The time required to reach FI depends on:

  • Your savings rate;
  • Your investment returns.

Investment returns are outside of your control, apart from your decision on asset allocation.

That leaves your savings rate as the only factor within your control to influence how quickly you will reach Financial Independence (FI).

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (7)

Th Numbers Behind Savings Rate and Financial Indepdence

To build the graph, I crunched numbers with the following data:

  • I assumed a compound annual return of 5.3% annually after inflation. That equates to global stock returns over the last 120 years (source).
  • I assume a 3% safe withdrawal rate. I did not use the common 4% based on the Trinity Study because of high valuations.
  • I assumed a 15% tax rate on withdrawals in the FI stage.

The savings rate is a catch-all metric for Financial Independence:

  1. It captures current income
  2. It captures current expense
  3. It assumes expenses in the FI stage will equal your current expenses.

By pursuing a high savings rate, you grow your investments quickly, while reducing the net worth required for FI.

The frugal habits you develop while accumulating wealth are likely to persist into retirement. So, a smaller investment nest egg will cover your expenses in FI.

Focus on What is Within Your Control

Your savings rate – based on your income and expenses – is within your control, while investment returns are largely outside of your control.

I focus my energy and time on things I can control.

Other items within your control are income, investing consistently, and maximizing wellbeing within a frugal lifestyle.

How to Increase Your Savings Rate

There are a only two ways to increase your savings rate. You can increase income or cut expenses.This posthelps you determine if it’s better to focus on increasing income or decreasing expenses.

As we saw above, income will not help unless you can first manage your spending. Expense management comes first. Income second.

Factor # 2: Consistent Investing

Beating Inflation

A high savings rate is not enough. Your cash savings will erode to inflation.

The savings must be invested to combat inflation over the long term. Such assets include stocks, bonds, and real estate.

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (8)

The Power of Compounding

Compounding investment returns are what grow wealth. Given time, your invested money will work harder than you ever can.

If you invest $1,000 per month for 30 years, you’ll have $1,220,000 at a conservative 7% return. A total of $360,000 was contributed over that 30 years. The remaining $860,000 came from compounded returns.

Hitting The Highs and Lows

By investing consistently, you will naturally catch the highs and lows of the market, increasing the likelihood that you will acquire the market return.

Investing as soon as money becomes available limits attempts at market timing, maximizes time in the market and reinforces solid investing habits.

These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (9)

When To Invest?

Not everyone is ready to invest. I won’t tell you to invest. I do not know your specific circ*mstances.

I can say that it is time to strongly consider investing once:

  • Consumer debt is paid off;
  • You have an emergency fund;
  • You educated yourself and understand investment options; and
  • You understand investment risk.

The first step to investing is to determine your asset allocation between stocks and bonds based on your unique risk tolerance. I talk more about human biases, risk, and asset allocation in this post.

What to Invest In

It would be best if you found this out for yourself.

I suggest you start reading about indexed funds. The Canadian Portfolio Manager Blog is a great place to start for Canadians. Other great books include:

A low-cost portfolio of globally diversified index equity and bond funds will maximize your returns for a given level of investment risk.

Indexed ETFs and Asset Allocation ETFs make it easier and cheaper than ever for anyone to invest in global stock and bond markets.

Growing Wealth: Simple But Hard

Building wealth is simple, but hard.

Consistently spend less than you earn and invest. Do this for a long time.

There is no magic formula, no special investment, no one-stop course, and no easily identifiable fund manager who will build wealth for you.

It’s the same with fitness – a key source of non-monetary wealth. Consistently hit the gym and eat healthily. Your specific diet, workout regime, and supplementation do not matter unless you are consistently eating healthy and working out.

  • Frugal habits are hard to develop.
  • It is hard to develop knowledge, skills, and competence to increase income.
  • It is hard to prevent emotional biases from limiting our investment success
  • It is not easy to forgo nice things that you can easily afford. And it’s not easy to accept and suppress your own human biases when investing. It’s hard to suppress your ego.
These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner (2024)


These Are the Two Most Important Factors to Grow Wealth - Wealthy Corner? ›

The Two Most Important Factors to Build Wealth

What are 2 ways you can build wealth? ›

There are two basic ways of making money: through earned income or passive income. Earned income comes from what you do for a living, while passive income comes from investments. You probably won't have any passive income until you've earned enough money to begin investing.

What is the second ingredient to building wealth? ›

2) Investing is a marathon, not a sprint. 3) The first ingredient to building wealth is money. 4) The second ingredient to building wealth is time. 5) The third ingredient to building wealth is the rate of return.

What is one of the most important components of wealth building? ›

For many families, owning a home and having retirement savings are key to building wealth and ensuring they have enough money to weather financial difficulties and to hand down to future generations. If you haven't started saving for retirement, prioritize investing enough in your 401(k) to earn your employer match.

What are the two main sources of wealth? ›

Labor income is the most important determinant of wealth, except in the top 1%, where capital income and capital gains on financial assets become more important. Interestingly, inheritances and gifts are not an important determinant of wealth, even at the top of the wealth distribution.

What are the two ways to be rich? ›

There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little.

What are the 3 pillars of building wealth? ›

The 3 Pillars: Everyday Money Management — Saving, Spending and Investing.

What is the golden rule to create more wealth? ›

Spend Less and Save More

However, it is the key to your financial success. Though it is boring, only by spending less and saving will help you through your wealth management process. To create wealth, you need to have surplus funds to invest. Simply exhausting your income and not saving is not going to make you rich.

What are the 4 pillars of wealth creation? ›

The journey to prosperity encompasses four essential pillars: Acquire, Protect, Growth, and Pass it Along. Acquiring wealth is the first crucial step. It involves setting financial goals, diligently saving, and making informed investment decisions.

What is the biggest secret to wealth? ›

7 Money Secrets All Wealthy People Know — And How You Can Use Them, Too
  1. They Look at the Big Picture. Some wealthy people get rich quick. ...
  2. They Avoid Debt. ...
  3. They Search For Ways to Save. ...
  4. They Always Want More. ...
  5. They Know Time is Money. ...
  6. They Have Patience. ...
  7. They Believe Knowledge is Power.
Dec 12, 2023

How can I multiply my wealth fast? ›

Let's explore some of the most effective methods for multiplying your money passively, helping you achieve financial freedom and security:
  1. Investing in the Stock Market. ...
  2. Real Estate Rentals. ...
  3. Peer-to-Peer Lending. ...
  4. Dividend Stocks and Funds. ...
  5. Creating and Selling Digital Products. ...
  6. Automated Businesses and Dropshipping.
3 days ago

What is the #1 way to accumulate wealth? ›

Start investing and gradually increase the amount. The first — and most important — way to grow your wealth is by investing, Sethi says: “Invest a percentage of your income every year automatically and increase that percentage 1%.”

What are the cheapest assets you can buy? ›

If you're ready to start buying assets as a beginner, here are some things you can buy with a smaller budget.
  • Certificates of deposit (CD's)
  • Bonds.
  • Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
  • Dividend-yielding stocks.

How do the rich use debt to get richer? ›

Wealthy individuals create passive income through arbitrage by finding assets that generate income (such as businesses, real estate, or bonds) and then borrowing money against those assets to get leverage to purchase even more assets.

How can you gain wealth? ›

Here's a look at some steps that you might take as part of a wealth-building strategy.
  1. Understand net worth. ...
  2. Set financial goals. ...
  3. Earn income. ...
  4. Save money automatically. ...
  5. Spend money consciously. ...
  6. Pay off high-interest debt. ...
  7. Build an emergency fund. ...
  8. Invest your savings.

What is the fastest way to build wealth? ›

One of the key ways to build wealth fast -- and over the long term -- is to earn passive income. And one of the best ways to generate passive income is to own one (or several) rental properties.

How can I build my wealth in life? ›

How to Build Wealth at Any Age
  1. Steer clear of debt. If you have debt, use the debt snowball to knock it out of your life as fast as you can—student loans included. ...
  2. Live below your means. ...
  3. Raise your standard of living slowly. ...
  4. Budget like your future depends on it—because it does. ...
  5. Start early.
Jan 23, 2024

What are the two ways to become wealthy to create wealth or to take wealth away from others? ›

To put it baldly, there are two ways to become wealthy: to create wealth or to take wealth away from others. The former adds to society. The latter typically subtracts from it, for in the process of taking it away, wealth gets destroyed.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.