The Wealthy Affiliate University Review – My Own Experiences | Best Affiliate Marketing Tools (2024)

Welcome to our Wealthy Affiliate Review!

This review will share with you our own experiences with Wealthy Affiliate, we’ve been a member of their platform since 2016. We got caught out by a scam, and then felt like there was no legit platform out there, then we found WA.

We had tried and failed to earn money a few times prior to joining Wealthy Affiliate and one of the first things I liked was the honesty the owners had about the reality of having an online business.

I had been playing at earning money online, what I needed was some expert guidance. I have now been employing their techniques for a couple of years, I have had websites that have failed, and some that are actually turning a profit.

We’re going to be completely transparent with you and tell you that Wealthy Affiliate is our #1 Recommended training program for aspiring affiliate marketers, or anyone who is struggling to get their affiliate campaigns off the ground.

So, if you were to click on a link and then join Wealthy Affiliate, it will be an affiliate link. It won’t cost you any more, but we might benefit if you do. To learn more, click here

But know that we only recommend training programs, etc. because we would use them ourselves, and can see the benefit.

Wealthy Affiliate Review Summary

Product Name: Wealthy Affiliate (The Wealthy Affiliate University)

Founders: Kyle & Carson

Product Type: Affiliate Marketing Training Program + So Much More

Price: Free Starter Membership, $49/month or $495/year for premium membership, $99/month or $999/year for premium plus (includes Jaaxy)

Best For: New Affiliate Marketers or Struggling Affiliate Marketers

The Wealthy Affiliate University Review – My Own Experiences | Best Affiliate Marketing Tools (1)


  • Excellent Step-by-Step training
  • Tools Included
  • Proven Success Stories
  • Support & Mentoring
  • Affiliate Program


Summary: Wealthy Affiliate or The Wealthy Affiliate University is an affiliate marketing training platform, that also includes several must-have tools for those aspiring to get started. It is a thriving community of like-minded internet entrepreneurs with a pay-it-forward mentality where we all help each other to build a profitable online business with affiliate marketing.

Their training and support is what set them apart from the other training programs you’ll find online, and their training has a proven success record, with members reporting huge salaries from what they have achieved because of the training. Their training includes, several live classes a week all adding value to the platform.

They also include several tools included in both the free membership and the paid members to ensure it keeps up as your business grows, for example – a WordPress website builder and hosting platform, Jaaxy keyword research tool, website engagement tools.

It is an ideal platform for any aspiring affiliate marketer, and with the free starter membership giving you a full test-drive of the platform, there is no reason why you shouldn’t give it a go…

Rating: 98/100

Recommended? Yes, Definitely

Table of Contents

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Wealthy Affiliate is a comprehensive platform for anyone who wants to get started in affiliate marketing. It offers training, tools and support that when all put together gives anyone and everyone the opportunity to build a profitable online business. Considering where it all began and where Wealthy Affiliate is today it is a huge compliment to the owner Kyle and Carson that now over 1.8 million people are benefiting from their training and their expertise.

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Wealthy Affiliate began in 2005 and it was nowhere near what it is today. Kyle & Carson were at this point offering a membership platform that gave people access to profitable keywords. They specialised in keyword research and people paid $49 a month to receive reliable keyword information to use on their affiliate marketing businesses.

Today, Wealthy Affiliate offers pretty much anything and everything an affiliate marketer could want or need to be successful online. With an integrated keyword research tool, website builder and website hosting, comprehensive training, website tools in which we will detail in this review it shows how much Kyle & Carson want to help people.

This is shown where they have not changed the price even though there is all of these additions since 2005.

(Update, they have included a new premium plus membership but have still not changed the price of the premium membership)

Whilst the premise of Affiliate Marketing is simple, the amount of competition out there makes a tool like Wealthy Affiliate come into its own. With comprehensive Training, Personal Mentoring, Website & WordPress Tools, Keyword Research & Website Analysis/Performance tools, A unique writing platform and engagement from Kyle & Carson – I have not found many products that can get even close to Wealthy Affiliate with what they offer.

Who Would Benefit from Wealthy Affiliate?

Many would suggest Wealthy Affiliate is only aimed at People wanting to get started in affiliate marketing.

Their starter membership is indeed a great option for newbies wanting to try it out before investing in to it.

But standing still online is never a good sign and I have known people who think they know affiliate marketing and then they check out Wealthy Affiliate and they realise they haven’t been keeping up-to-date with the latest movements in affiliate marketing and are way behind the curve.

But for the purpose of this review and whether you are considering signing up with Wealthy Affiliate to learn Affiliate Marketing, it is definitely the right choice for:

  • People who are new to Affiliate Marketing
  • People who are struggling in Affiliate Marketing
  • Existing Affiliate Marketers
  • Affiliate Program Owners

But it does go deeper than that, their training will not only benefit the guys above but will also benefit anyone who has a business whether they own a website yet or not. You will learn all about SEO, Online Marketing, Local Marketing, Website Building & Design, Traffic Generation, Social Media Marketing, Keyword Research and you can use these skills to grow your reach. So, we can include the following groups to those who would benefit from Wealthy Affiliate:

Literally, anyone who is thinking of getting started online will need to know how to generate traffic would benefit from Wealthy Affiliate.

However, there is a key component in everything that is Wealthy Affiliate – You will only get out what you put in. The training is excellent, the tools will benefit you immensely but this is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Kyle and Carson are extremely honest about the fact that the only way you will make money is by putting in the time and effort required.

Following the training to the letter and taking action will lead to earning money. But if you think this will earn you money straightaway, that is not the case. You will also need to consider that you need to work hard.

There is no magic button online that will earn you money, but when you start going through the success stories that are as a result of Wealthy Affiliate you can see that it does work. But you are the important part to earning money.

How Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?

Wealthy Affiliate offers you everything you need to get started with an affiliate marketing online business. It provides you training on all aspects of the process you might need. It provides you a platform where you can build your own website for free, a tool (Jaaxy) that will allow you to research your niche to find opportunities to write content, and it then also shows you how to get that content into the search engines (free traffic) and how to improve your writing too.

It can seem a little overwhelming when you first log on, but they do provide you a system tour when you first log on and if you decide to join Wealthy Affiliate via one of my links, you will get my personal help when you log on. But there are also thousands of other members from across the world, so it doesn’t matter what time zone you are in. Someone will be there to welcome you.

For now, take a look at the screenshot below, this is what my dashboard looks like when I log in…

Let’s now get into the training that is on offer at Wealthy Affiliate…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Want to Check Out Our Top Recommended Training?

Wealthy Affiliate Training

Primarily for a new member, the best starting point is the training. The Online Certification Course will take you through how to get the best out of Wealthy Affiliate and then get you started with your own free website and working towards earning money. We will get into the training shortly that is on offer.

Clicking on the Training option of the top menu will lead you to where all of the training is available:

The Wealthy Affiliate University Review – My Own Experiences | Best Affiliate Marketing Tools (4)

You have access to:

  • Online Certification Course – Ideal for getting started with Affiliate Marketing
  • Affiliate Bootcamp – Training Designed for Promoting Wealthy Affiliate
  • My Training Activity – If you start a training module, you can continue it from here
  • Training HQ – Access to other training
  • Classrooms – There are 13 classrooms within WA

Within each training, there will be:

  • Written Instructions
  • Video Tutorials
  • Tasks to Complete
  • Question & Answer Features

Wealthy Affiliate Online Certification Course

There are 5 levels to the Online Certification Course with 10 lessons included within each level. 50 lessons that will take you through every step that will be needed to have your own niche website up and running and ready to make money. The key to any online business is not having a website, but it is getting it ranked within the search engines and traffic generation.

That is why the training is so detailed. It will highlight how to target the right audience for your content.

Course Benefits & Outcome – WA Online Certification Course

  • Learning how to immerse yourself into the Wealthy Affiliate community
  • Discover the process of earning money online
  • Create & Start working towards a list of financial and non-financial goals
  • Gain Instant Access to over 590,000 niches
  • Choose Your Niche for Starting Out
  • Build Your Very Own Free Website
  • Optimise your website via WordPress
  • Learn about a simple and free way of making your website search engine friendly
  • Creating High-Quality Content
  • Understand the Keyword Research process
  • Learn how to quickly create your own low competition keyword lists.

WA Affiliate Bootcamp – Training for the Affiliate Marketing Niche

The Affiliate Bootcamp is a 7 phase (70 lessons) step-by-step guide through the process of creating and establishing a business in a niche related to the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate. Wealthy Affiliate has a great affiliate program (makes sense as they are all about affiliate marketing). This is a great option for those who have gone through the online certification course and are ready for a bigger challenge.

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I personally feel this is a little more advanced and is more for people who have gone through the Online Certification Course and is ready to expand in the Make Money Online niche.

Live Classes

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Jay, who’s username is Magistudios runs a weekly live class on Fridays. He takes topics that would be useful to newbies and helps you get a better understanding. His classes are available to premium members.

But now the premium plus membership includes classes from several members, who all go in-depth into numerous topics relating to affiliate marketing, YouTube marketing, etc.

Even if you’ve missed the live class, they will always be available as a replay 24 hours after…

Community Built Training

It isn’t only Kyle, Carson and Jay who provide training. After being a premium member for 3 months you can start creating your own training.

The Courses online are great but are designed to build a business from scratch and more importantly to keep it simple. Wealthy Affiliate members are also able to build their own training based on their experiences and share it with the community.

Marion (one of the ambassadors) has uploaded a catalogue of training videos all to do with WordPress websites. If you needed to know how to do something particular with your website, niche research, etc. you just use the live search for a topic and checkout the training available.

In a nutshell, Wealthy Affiliate has training for any subject you could think of to do with getting a business started online:

  • Affiliate Marketing – affiliate programs, affiliate networks, etc.
  • Website Design – WordPress
  • Creating Content – Written, Videos, Images
  • SEO Marketing– getting your website seen by the search engines
  • PPC Marketing – Paid Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing – getting the best out of social media
  • Getting Traffic
  • Choosing a Niche
  • And much more

Wealthy Affiliate Tools

Whilst Wealthy Affiliate started out as a keyword list subscription service, they have consistently added additional tools and features to give any prospective business owner the tools they need, and they are all accessible from your Wealthy Affiliate platform.

WordPress Website Builder

In four steps you could have your own website up and running in under a minute.

Starter Members get 1 free subdomain website.

Premium Members get 10 full domain websites and 10 free subdomain websites and access to over 3,000 WordPress Themes to get the look and feel you want for a website. [Updated – March 2020]

Premium Plus Members get 50 full domain websites and 50 subdomains, plus access to over 3,000 WordPress Themes. Ideal for Digital Agencies

Website Hosting

Wealthy Affiliate have developed their own hosting called SiteRubix and all of your sites will be hosted on that system with all of the benefits it comes with including free SSL certificates for the full domain websites.

SSL Certificates (Secure Sockets Layer) has become a major factor for the search engines and it can actually help with your website rankings and the trust of your readers and they include it in their premium membership.

I have seen the price of this to be $100 per website per year, and it is included for $49/month for all websites.

They also run live backups of your website to reduce the risk of your website being down.

They also include SiteSpeed & Site Protect to each domain, see the image above to see what is included for your website.

Website Performance Tools

Page Speed Insights is a feature that shows you any pages that are slowing down your website. How many times have you clicked on a link and it has taken an age to load so you have not bothered?? If someone doesn’t read your post, how can they read anything on it?

SiteContent – Writing Platform with Access to a Million Images

I have to be honest, before the guys updated this to the latest version, I didn’t really use it. It was much easier to write it in Word and copy and paste it onto your WordPress site.

But the latest version makes it much easier to manage your blog, include links and even adding images. Once you are happy with the look, you can even publish it to your website without even leaving the SiteContent page.

The Image library is a huge selling point for Wealthy Affiliate, as they give you access to 1 million stock photos included in the premium membership.

This has benefit on a number of different points. One is the fact that you are much more likely to find a highly relevant image for your website and the other is that the image will be perfectly optimised for your website using the powerful Kraken Image Plugin. We will get into that shortly…

You can also set yourself targets for writing, this can be great if you are not that organised with your time – it can give focus.

Kraken Image Optimiser

You not be aware of how important it is to have perfectly optimised images on a website, but let me tell you it is extremely important.

Large or unoptimised images are going to slow your website down, if your website is slow your readers will probably leave your website. Not traffic, means no revenue.

Wealthy Affiliate are in the process of migrating all users and their website over to their brand new servers and they come complete with a premium version of Kraken Image Optimiser included.

Anyone who creates a new website, including you if you decide to join Wealthy Affiliate will have their website built on the new server and include the Kraken Image Optimiser plugin. No extra charge at all.

Read more about this fantastic plugin with a blog that Carson (co-owner of WA) wrote about the excellent features that Kraken gives your website. Read it HERE.

Website Engagement Platform – Comments & Feedback

One of the key things you will learn when starting a blog or any online business – the more people interact with your website, the more likely you are to achieve your goals (with affiliate marketing, it is for them to buy something). But when you have a new website, it can be very hard to get people’s opinions on your site or even comments on your post. These are integral to building a trust between the reader and yourself. Wealthy Affiliate has this covered, with SiteComments & Site Feedback. By giving people comments or feedback on their requested post or website, you gain credits to use to get feedback and comments on your website.

Kyle calls it “Paying it Forward”, by helping someone else you get help back in the form of helpful comments or feedback from someone else on your website – they might pick up something you haven’t considered, i.e. a banner isn’t quite showing right, or a menu item isn’t working. They will also give you insight into what your writing is like. No one is perfect at the start, I definitely do not like some of my first articles.

Updated SiteComments Platform – What is New!

Any website owner needs to know how important the engagement side of a website is. If you are getting regular comments on your post, it tells the search engines that the content is useful and engaging – this will lead to better rankings.

But as a website owner, I know how difficult it can be to get those comments when you are first starting out.

SiteComments is a feature for premium members that uses a Pay-it-forward system to get some high-quality comments on your posts. You take the time to read someone else’s post and leave them a relevant comment. IN exchange you get credits, which you can cash in for you to receive comments on your posts. It has been a system that has really helped people getting started with Wealthy Affiliate to get comments in the early stages before the organic comments come.

But, WA has just brought an update to this system which has taken it up a notch. You still gain credits for giving high-quality comments – but by completing 10 in any 24-hour period will push your requests to the top of the list, meaning you get them quicker.

But if you actually write 50 comments in a 30-day period (easy when you are doing a few a day for your own benefit) you can actually start earning money from any credits above the 50 mark.

Now you do need to give high-quality comments and not skip too many to qualify. You need to have an 80% approval rate and less than 20% skipped. But you can help this figure by making sure your interests are right and reading the article and writing a relevant comment.

This is just another example of ways that WA focus on helping people get started online, and also another way of earning money online.

Jaaxy – Integrated Keyword Research Tool

Keyword Research is an important part of any online business. Being able to find keywords that are going to rank is going to really benefit you with your affiliate marketing business.

Jaaxy is the keyword research tool that was developed by Kyle & Carson and goes back to the beginning of what Wealthy Affiliate offered. This used to be totally separate to Wealthy Affiliate but is now fully integrated into a WA membership.

You can access Jaaxy from your WA Dashboard or work from the Jaaxy website. Either way it makes keyword research really easy to do.

Here is my link to my full Jaaxy review

But in short, here are the features available to you with a WA membership and Jaaxy:

  • Keyword Research Tool
  • Site Rank Tracking
  • Search Analysis – Analyse Competition and Discover SEO Trends
  • Alphabet Soup – Great tool for exploring searches people do
  • Affiliate Programs – the basis for the latest WA Update (Read on for more info)

Jaaxy is a full featured premium keyword research tool, which is $49/month on its own – but is included for free with the Premium Wealthy Affiliate Membership. This used to be separate and now comes together into one membership.

Finding Affiliate Programs Has Just Become Easy (May 2019)

Searching for Affiliate Programs isn’t the easiest task to complete or at least it used to be. With this latest platform launch from the guys at Wealthy Affiliate they have made it easier than ever.

This feature is included within the Premium Membership and means that whatever your niche you can easily find decent affiliate programs, join them and also get some interesting details about the program too all from one place.

Consider how you would normally complete a search. You would use Google or any search engine and type for your niche + affiliate program.

That would allow you to see relevant affiliate programs, but with no real information on whether it is any good.

With an easy to navigate dashboard you can get all of the information you require before choosing whether that affiliate program is worthwhile.

As a Wealthy Affiliate member, you can also see what other members have thought of the product and leave your own feedback. As it has just launched, there will not be many reviews yet but either way the information you get access to phenomenal.

The Search Tool

You can use the detailed search tool to narrow down your search as much as you need to ensure you only get relevant programs shown to you.

You can search by:

  • Country Availability
  • Pay-out Options
  • Auto Approval (of Commissions)
  • Rating
  • Commission &
  • Network Fee

You can use the filter tab to specify your search:

You can type in the box your actual search term, be it the niche or products you are wanting to search for an affiliate program. I have used wedding as an example. We have a wedding business, so this would show us relevant affiliate programs:

Or you can click on the All button and then you can search by category too:

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Following & Managing Your Affiliate Programs

So far, you could consider the information similar to that included with affiliate networks, but the next stage takes it considerably over the mark offered by any program or network.

You are going to be able to follow affiliate programs. You can also organise them and you are going to be able to review and manage them all from your WA Dashboard.

Why would you want to follow them, it allows you to be kept informed with them. If there are any changes to the program or any information that you may need to know will be shown.

You can also use the follow feature to store future ideas.

Ample Communication

Communication is such an important thing within business, and you are going to able to communicate in a centralised way with the WA Affiliate Program platform.

You will be able to share experiences, ask any questions. You will also be able to offer reviews about the products and services that you have experience with.

You will be able to benefit from what others are saying about certain affiliate programs and you will also be able to offer your support with your thoughts too.

Direct with the Merchants

The merchants who are offering the affiliate programs will have direct access to this platform allowing you to have direct way of communicating with them.

Wealthy Affiliate is a known authority within Affiliate Marketing and having merchants combine with the platform it will be a great place for you to get started or grow your affiliate marketing business.

Wealthy Affiliate are working on a true way of having full transparency between affiliates and the merchants and this is a massive step in the right direction to having that.

Wealthy Affiliate is Ready for the Mobile World!!

Google has recently announced that their primary search bot is the mobile version. More and more people are using their smartphones or tablets to search the internet, so websites need to be mobile friendly. Wealthy Affiliate has always made sure their websites (for us) are sorted, however their platform has not been fully mobile friendly before now. With the launch of their mobile friendly website, it shows they are committed to helping people.

You may be reading this on a mobile device, and with Wealthy Affiliate now being mobile friendly it means you do not need to be tied to a computer like before. A lot of the features can be done on your phone!

Wealthy Affiliate Support

Getting Help & Support within Wealthy Affiliate is easy and will always mean you are in touch with someone who can help you out. You also gain access to the owners too, which is not common. I don’t mean an email address you can use, but real access meaning you can send them messages or even see them in the Live Chat most days.

Live Chat

The live chat facility gives you access to the community, those that are online at present. Some other forums I have been on, they lack interaction whereas Wealthy Affiliate’s community is encouraged to get involved and there is always an experienced member online to help you answer a question. But it does take a bit of getting used to, as sometimes there are people having conversations inside and you might lose the trail of your question. But if you have a simple question and want it answered quickly, the Live Chat is a great feature.

Live Search Bar

Due to Wealthy Affiliate being around 15 years, it is very likely someone else has already asked a question based on what you want to know or a problem you are having.

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The Live Search Bar is for just those questions. Just start typing your question and see content related to that questions:

  • A Questions with relevant answers
  • A blog someone wrote on that subject matter that helps you
  • Community training on that subject or experience

It is a great feature and I find myself using it regularly to do some research or see if anyone else has experienced something.

Ask a Question in the Community

As part of your profile, you will be able to post articles to your wealthy affiliate blog, add training if you have some experience and want to share or ask a question.

This ask the question is an awesome way of finding out questions to your problem and the community will answer your questions – it might take longer than the live chat, but you can be much more detailed in your question to get the correct answer you are after.

It then also becomes available for anyone else who may have a similar question.


Occasionally there will be an issue that requires technical support – Wealthy Affiliate’s team are on hand to support. I recently had an issue with logging onto my website, so I logged it with Support – within 5 minutes they had responded with a private message saying try it now and I was back online.

Final Word on support – I have never experienced such a supportive network anywhere. Members will support you, the team behind WA are awesome and always able to fix most problems within minutes. You will find no better support!

Does Wealthy Affiliate Bring Success?

There are many different ways to measure success, but the fundamental thing to remember is that Wealthy Affiliate will provide you with all the training and tools required to success – But it will not earn you money on its own. You need to follow the training and know that it will mean hard work.

There are definite examples of where members have benefited from Wealthy Affiliate. Below are a couple of prime examples

This people started out with nothing and have built up their very own business to a point where they are earning enough to work from home and actually employ people to do the work for them – but I stress that they were in a similar position to where you might be:

  • I haven’t got much computer knowledge
  • I know nothing about the internet or a website
  • I don’t know anything about social media
  • I have a full-time job, how can I do it…

To be honest, before I signed up I knew nothing about website design, affiliate programs (I didn’t even know what affiliate marketing was…) I was looking for a way to work from home. I had a full-time job easily doing 60 hours a week, a seven year old who wanted my attention.

There are plenty of barriers that will be telling you that this won’t work for you… But there are only two reasons as to why you will definitely fail:

  1. You DON’T Get Started!
  2. You Give Up!

I will be straight with you, you will need to invest some time and effort into affiliate marketing to make it work for you, but the main reason why people fail is because they walk away before it could make them money.

Some people will try something for a couple of weeks and then go, this isn’t working.

But if you are ready to invest some time in learning from the best in the business and are READY to put into ACTION what Kyle & Carson are telling you, then you are definitely ready for a Wealthy Affiliate FREE Starter Account.

Look, I am not saying that this isn’t going to be hard work, but you will only get out what you put in. If you want a full-time income online, then you are going to have to pump in the hours to do it.

I find that whenever I felt like it wasn’t going to work (we have all had those moments…) what I like to do is to read some inspiring posts within the Wealthy Affiliate platform. Below are some of those posts from fellow Wealthy Affiliate members. They are a good read if you want to see what other members of Wealthy Affiliate think of this awesome platform too.

This are some inspiring posts that kept me motivated during that initial 6 months of not earning any money.

How Much A Single Review Post Can Make? – Five Figure!

$12,500 – Website Sold on Flippa

Wealthy Affiliate is truly a Pay-It-Forward system in supporting each other. They also reward you generously when you introduce someone who can benefit from their Training via their Affiliate Program.

Wealthy Affiliate Affiliate Program

Wealthy Affiliate offers a very generous affiliate program. Anyone who has experienced Wealthy Affiliate has a positive view of this awesome platform and they will also benefit from being able to promote WA and get 50% commissions for a premium member. But the affiliate program is not only restricted to premium members. Starter Members can benefit too.

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Before understanding the commissions, you need to understand the membership.

A Starter Member who signs up for a Premium Membership during the Special Offer (7 Days) will only pay $19 for the first month, it will then be $49/month or $495/yr.

So the commissions are as follows:

Starter Member

Introducing a member who goes premium during special offer – $4

Each Month they stay Premium – $11.75

If they go Annual – $87.50

Premium Member

Special Offer – $8

Each Month they stay Premium – $23.50

If they go Annual – $235

They have a high conversion rate, as you should only recommend Wealthy Affiliate to someone who is right for it and can invest the time and effort to build an online business.

This is where the Affiliate Bootcamp I mentioned in the training is aimed at getting someone to this level. For those who get serious around promoting Wealthy Affiliate, they also give a secondary target.

Las Vegas Super Affiliate Conference

If you invite 300 premium members in a calendar year, you could be in one of those seats having an all-expenses paid trip to Las Vegas. You will get to meeting the other Super Affiliates and learn from the best in the business on how to grow and scale your business to never need a normal day job again.

Here is an image of the guys that went last year:

If you are someone who wants to target the Make Money Online niche, then you need to be promoting the best products and we firmly believe Wealthy Affiliate is the best training platform and business tool online.

If you decide to give it a go, you will hopefully see what we see too.

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

You might be expecting Wealthy Affiliate to charge a premium charge for what is a premium platform, but that is where you would be wrong. Wealthy Affiliate started out as just a keyword list tool. Kyle and Carson offered a service where you paid $49/month and you would receive ideal keywords to use in your given niche.

That was in 2005 and the basic charge of the platform has not changed, but they have added so many different features to it and are constantly looking at ways of making is simpler and easier to use for anyone – whether you are new or experience, you can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate.

This shows again in their membership, they offer 2 and there is no pressure to go from the starter membership to the premium membership.

Starter Membership – Free (no credit card or time limit)

Kyle and Carson stay true to their ethics with this membership, they do not want anyone to have to pay to see what Wealthy Affiliate is like. I must stress, this is not a free trial, this is a membership that includes 20 lessons, 1 free website and support from your personal coach.

Some state this is a trial as you can upgrade to the premium for only $19 for the first month within 7 days. But you do not have to do this. You can stay a free member and utilise the 2 free websites, or you can choose to upgrade whenever you feel it is the right decision for you or not upgrade at all.

During those 7 days, you will find that some of the premium features are available, so you are actually getting a trial of what the premium membership offers.

Premium Membership – $49/month, $495/annual

After a review with members, they have made a couple of changes recently (Jan 2019). For example, a starter member would have to upgrade to monthly before being able to take advantage of an annual upgrade. Annual upgrade is the most cost-effective way, but you couldn’t go straight to that option, but now you can.

Here are the additional benefits of an annual subscription over a monthly subscription:

  • A Free full domain website
  • 100 community credits towards the use of SiteComments or SiteFeedback
  • Video Bonus
  • 2 Months Discount over a monthly subscription (A saving of $93)

The way you can pay has also been changed, before you could pay by either PayPal or credit card. Now you can use your WA cash credits.

WA Cash Credits are earned through the Site Comments platform, referring new members and creating training for other members to benefit from. So, if you are earning enough WA Cash Credits you could pay for your annual subscription easily through this, rather than using your own money.

Anyone truly thinking about building a profitable online business would really benefit from the premium membership due to all the tools, training and expert help and support offered. Any online business needs to give themselves a year to reach their goals.

Let me show you the three Wealthy Affiliate options:

The Wealthy Affiliate University Review – My Own Experiences | Best Affiliate Marketing Tools (23)

What Sets Wealthy Affiliate Apart? What We Love!

Let’s look at what is great about Wealthy Affiliate:

The Wealthy Affiliate Platform is all about making sure you have access to everything you need to be able to build your own online business. Ease of use is a fundamental part of the make up of WA. Here is a list of the key benefits of Wealthy Affiliate:

  • Easy to Use Interface
  • Training is written specifically for everyone to understand and is step-by-step
  • Weekly Live Training
  • The Community is helpful and supportive
  • They are honesty about the time and effort required
  • The owners are involved on a daily basis in the community
  • Constant updates – they keep the training up-to-date
  • Provides all of the tools needed for an online business
    • Website Builder
    • Website Hosting
    • Website Performance Tools
    • A unique Writing Platform – SiteContent
    • Free SSL certificates (Premium Members) for all websites
    • Website Engagement Tools – Comments & Feedback
    • Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Included (Premium Members)
    • New Affiliate Program Platform (May 2019)
  • Excellent Support
  • High Paying Affiliate Program – including starter members

What Could Wealthy Affiliate Improve On?

I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for over 2 years and my experience with Wealthy Affiliate has been excellent. I cannot honestly state there is anything that would stop me recommending Wealthy Affiliate and it is the fact that they are constantly looking to improve what is a fantastic platform.

The only thing I would mention at this point is it is normally our expectations that led to a concern. People expect to make money earlier in their business then is even possible and so the monthly cost could pile up if you are not expecting it.

So if you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme or cannot commit to giving it the time and effort to build an online business that will make you money, then Wealthy Affiliate is not for you…

Haven't Made Your First $1 Yet?

Studies have shown that more than 70% of the people who want to make money online have not made their first dollar yet. So, you’re not alone!

Want to Check Out Our Top Recommended Training?

My Wealthy Affiliate Review - Final Conclusion

I’ll be honest, Wealthy Affiliate is not for everyone!

You need to be serious about wanting to build the lifestyle you wish for by investing the time and effort on achieving it. It will not be given to you. Wealthy Affiliate provides you everything you need, but they cannot do the hard work for you.

Ask yourself, can you stay motivated and focused on a project that might mean you are not earning something from it for a while.

I often see false promises online about “a system that earns you money on autopilot!”

Let us be honest, any program that tells you that is an outright scam and the truth is you will lose your money, your time and your patience and start thinking anything and everything is a scam…

Wealthy Affiliate is the best legit platform we have seen for people to make money online!

If you truly want to succeed at affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate will give you everything you need to succeed at affiliate marketing – apart from the time and effort it requires.

There are 3 key elements that Wealthy Affiliate offers – Awesome Education, Websites & Expert Help & Advice. It is written for someone who isn’t experienced with an online business, and it is pitched well. The community is there to help at all times and there are experts always on hand to help.

It is also somewhere that a struggling affiliate marketer who has been given bad advice or the wrong training could pick up where they have gone wrong and rectify it before it is too late…

Put simply, if you can add the Time and Effort to the Education, Websites & Expert Support they offer – you will benefit from Wealthy Affiliate

Kyle & Carson and I are very aware that there are many scams out there and you may still not be convinced that Wealthy Affiliate is right for you.

That is why they offer the Starter Membership for free (no credit card required).

By signing up for a FREE starter membership, you are making no commitments. You can sign out of your account at any time if you find it is not right for you. you haven’t lost anything because you haven’t paid anything, but you might have learned whether affiliate marketing is for you or not.

Take the time to go through all the different features and the FREE training included in the starter membership and then you can make an informed decision.

If you feel like you are ready to sign up with the best training platform for Affiliate Marketing training, then al you need to do is follow the steps below:

Step 1: Create a Free Starter Membership at (Click here to join)

Step 2: Go through the Getting Started Training

Step 3: Get back to me when I personally reach out to you (and I will)

Step 4: Have fun!

Upon joining you will receive some instructions via email about how to get started, but remember you get full access to me (John) when you join the community. If you ever need to ask me anything after you create your account, you can find me at my profile page.

Direct Access: My Wealthy Affiliate Profile (John – jcross93).

Finally, if there is anything you would like to ask me about Wealthy Affiliate, offer your own personal review of WA, or you have any questions/feedback about affiliate marketing please leave them below and I will be more than happy to help. I promise to get back to you as soon as possible…

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Author: Arielle Torp

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Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.