The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Investing In Real Estate | Jake & Gino (2024)

Step 2: Determine Your Why

Because there are so many different opportunities in real estate, from investing in notes to corporate housing, from house hacking to investing in syndications, and everything in between, it’s very easy to fall prey to shiny object syndrome.

One day you’re set on buying a fancy downtown condo for Airbnb, the next day you look into mobile home parks.

Trust me, I’ve been there.

In pretty much every real estate investment opportunity, there’s a good chance you’ll make some money. That’s why it’s hard to say no when you come across an opportunity. Someone will tell you a jaw-dropping story about how they are making boatloads of money investing in X, and suddenly, you think, hey, I could do that too!

Then, hopefully before you get too far down the path, you realize that it would take too long, or it’s not long enough, or it’s too hands-on, or it’s too passive, or it’s just not the type of investment that’s right for you.

This is why it’s so important to determine your why.

What’s the reason you want to invest in real estate? Why did you seek out this article? Are you hoping to createpassive streams of incomeso you can quit your job and spend more time with your family? Are you hoping to go into house flipping full time? Are you in it for the tax benefits? Perhaps you’ve heard about house hacking and want to give it a go?

Whatever your reasoning, make sure to take some time to step back and gain clarity around what you hope to get out of real estate investing that you’re not getting out of your current financial vehicles (stocks, bonds, CDs, savings accounts, etc.).

This will better prepare you to resist the temptation when shiny object syndrome strikes.

Step 3: Decide How Hands-on You Want to Be

I’m sure you’ve seen all those house flipping shows on HGTV, where they do the whole shabam, from dilapidated junker through gorgeous showstopper, complete with a champagne-laden open house.

They go into the house with sledgehammers, masks, and protective eye gear. They crawl through moldy spaces. They come across unexpected critters. Sometimes there’s yelling, sometimes there’s drama. But in the end, they get that incredible sense of achievement from having turned an eyesore into a work of art.

If the previous paragraph excites you, fantastic. Then perhaps you want to be more of an active, hands-on real estate investor. More power to you. I’ve been there, and I know it to be incredibly gratifying, yet often very difficult, work.

If, on the other hand, that description made you cringe and almost close this article, don’t fret! The world of real estate investing has options aplenty for you too. Perhaps you want to be more of a passive, hands-off investor.

You put in the money, leverage other people’s expertise and sweat equity, and reap the rewards. Of course, they will take a piece of your returns, for all their work, but it’s a small price to pay not to have to deal with co*ckroaches and dirty toilets, don’t you think?

The decision ofwhether to be more of an active or passive investor is an important one, so take some time to step back and feel out where on the spectrum you’d like to be, given your current life situation and goals.

Step 4: Assess Your Risk Tolerance

Every real estate investment, just like every stock, every mutual fund, every dental procedure, heck, even walking out your front door, comes with a level of risk.

As with any investment, in real estate, there’s a correlation between risk and reward. The greater the risk, the greater the potential reward. The lower the risk, the lower the reward.

For example, a ground-up development in a transitioning neighborhood might come with a higher level of risk, whereas an existing apartment building, whose current as-is rents would cover the mortgage and expenses, might come with lower risk.

In real estate, because there are physical assets and paying tenants, there are often ways to mitigate risk. However, there’s always that teeny tiny chance that you could lose it all.

If the thought of losing money makes you fidget in your seat and your palms start to sweat, take that as a sign to start off slowly and with smaller amounts of money. This will help you learn the ropes on a smaller scale. Your cash returns might not be as big, but your educational returns will more than make up for it.

Step 5: Determine How Much You Want to Invest

Now that you’ve got a pretty clear picture of where you are, why you’re investing, how hands-on you want to be, and how much risk/reward you’re willing to take on, it’s time to think about the size of your investment.

Obviously, you don’t want to put your entire life savings into real estate, and especially not into a single investment. If you’re starting out, choose a modest amount you would be comfortable losing, or at least living without for a few years.

Unless you’re doing a short-term project, you should be prepared to have your money invested in the asset for a few to several years, so make sure you’re not investing so much that you don’t have enough to pay for your groceries next month.

When choosing an investment, make sure to take exit strategies into account as well, just in case you need to get your money out sooner than you’d expected.

Step 6: Decide Which Types of Real Estate Investments to Pursue

Now comes the fun part. You’ve taken time to reflect on where you are, where you want to be, and how real estate investing can get you there. With that information in mind, you can begin to narrow down the types of real estate investments into those that best fit your situation and goals.

Most likely, you fall into one of these categories:

  • The Lots of Money / Little Time / Hands-off Investor
  • The Little Money / Little Time / Hands-off Investor
  • The Little Money / Lots of Time / Hands-on Investor
  • The Lots of money / Lots of time / Hands-on Investor

Using these loose categorizations, let’s take a look at some different types of real estate investments that would fit into each of these scenarios.

The Lots of Money / Little Time / Hands-off Investor

Let’s start with those of you who may have some money saved up. Perhaps you’ve invested in the stock market, perhaps you have a decent amount in your savings account. You’ve heard about the many benefits of real estate investing, the tax breaks, the passive income, and the impact your money can have on families and communities.

But, given that you’re a very busy person, you simply have no time to put in all the research it takes to feel comfortable investing in something, and you definitely don’t have the time to actively renovate or manage a property.

There seem to be a bazillion real estate listings out there…how would you ever have time to research neighborhoods and markets, nevermind tour properties with agents and sign all that paperwork? Just thinking about it makes you exhausted.

Recommendation: Become a Passive Investor

If you’re in this camp, one of the best options for you to get started in real estate investing is through passive real estate investments, either through turnkey rental properties or through commercial real estate syndications.

Turnkey Rental Properties

On a smaller scale, you could get into turnkey rental properties. Turnkey is exactly what it sounds like; you buy it, and it’s ready to go, with minimal involvement or work needed.

Commercial Real Estate Syndications

If you want to go bigger, you can get into commercial real estate syndications, perhaps one of my personal favorite ways to invest.

What is a syndication, you ask? Quite simply, a real estate syndication pools together money from different investors.

Let’s say I’m a syndicator. I’ve spent tons of time researching markets, analyzing properties, and meeting up with brokers, contractors, and property managers. I find an apartment building that I think would be a homerun investment.

This apartment building costs $4 million, which requires a $1 million down payment. I have $100,000 to put in, which leaves me with a $900,000 deficit. I need to find investors to fill in the rest.

As an investor in my syndication, you rely on my time and expertise. I take care of all the day-to-day operations, renovations, accounting, etc. You just put in your money, and every quarter, I send you a check with your percentage of the returns. You would also get a portion of the profits when the apartment building is sold.

Your money goes toward revitalizing and improving an apartment community, and you see great returns. Win-win.

Overview of These Types of Real Estate Investments

What you put in

Your money

What you leverage

Other people’s time and expertise

What you get

Ongoing passive income, confidence knowing your money is being put to good use by an experienced team

The Little Money / Little Time / Hands-off Investor

Now, on the flip side, let’s say that you don’t have very much moneyorvery much time or interest in real estate. You just know that it’s a good investment, but you have different passions and goals in life.

That’s okay. There’s a place for you too, in the world of real estate investing.

For you, one of the best and easiest ways to get involved in real estate investing is through real estate crowdfunding sites.

Recommendation: Invest through a real estate crowdfunding site

That’s right, just as Kickstarter crowdfunds new products, real estate crowdfunding sites crowdfund commercial real estate projects. However, unlike Kickstarter, these investments come with cash returns, rather than rewards in the form of t-shirts and sneak peeks of beta releases.

Real estate crowdfunding sites are available to the public, often have very low barriers to entry (as low as $500 minimums), and serve both accredited and non-accredited investors (what the heck is an accredited investor again? Find outhere) .

These conditions make commercial real estate much more accessible to the general public than it once was. It used to be that you needed to know someone directly involved in a real estate syndication in order to invest in one.

And while this is still true in many cases, new SEC regulations have opened up a channel to allow certain types of syndications to be advertised to the public, which has led to the birth of many, many real estate crowdfunding sites.

So, if you’re strapped for both time and cash, but you still want to try out real estate investing, crowdfunding is a great place to start.

Overview of These Types of Real Estate Investments

What you put in

Your money (in small amounts)

What you leverage

Crowdfunding platforms, experienced deal sponsors, strength in numbers (i.e., lots of people all putting in small amounts of money)

What you get

Tons of choices on crowdfunding platforms and real estate projects, ability to invest with very little capital, various types of projects and project lengths to suit your investment goals.

The Little Money / Lots of Time / Hands-on Investor

If you’ve been bitten by the real estate bug and want to start investing but don’t have a lot of capital at the ready, yet you are not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get dirty, you might fall into this category.

Even though you might not have saved up as much as you would have liked, you are interested in learning more about real estate investing and are willing to put in some time and effort (aka, sweat equity).

In my opinion, this is perhaps one of the most fun positions to be in. Count yourself fortunate that you actually have a passion for real estate, as many people get headaches just thinking about the analyses, paperwork, and potential rehab nightmares.

There are many ways to get into real estate investing with little or no money, as long as you’re willing to hustle and be creative.

Your Strengths, Interests, and Goals

Take stock of which aspects of real estate investing interest you the most. Is it the thrill of the hunt for those great deals? Planning and executing renovations? Running the numbers? Analyzing neighborhood trends and markets?

Figuring out what you’re most passionate about, as well as where your strengths lie, will help you hone in on how to start your real estate investing journey.

Moreover, what are you in it for? Are you looking to create short-term capital, or long-term equity? Passive income, or a quick buck?

Recommended Real Estate Investment Strategies

Below is a quick rundown of some of the most common ways people with little money and lots of time and interest can get started in real estate investing.

1. Fix and Flips

As seen on HGTV, this is where you buy a fixer upper and then put in the sweat equity to renovate and sell it. If you have no money to put down, you can look into short-term private loans, which will give you several months to a year to complete the renovations. Once you sell, you can pay off your loans and take the profits.

2. The BRRRR Strategy

The BRRRR strategy is similar to fix and flips, except that you hold onto the asset long term, rather than selling. BRRRR stands for buy, renovate, rent out, refinance, and repeat.

Similar to the little/no money down option mentioned above, where you take out a private loan to cover the down payment, except you pay off that loan upon refinance.

If you buy and underwrite correctly, the after-repair value (ARV) will be significantly higher than the purchase price, allowing you to do a cash-out refinance and pay off any private loans you might have taken out for the down payment.

3. Wholesaling

Those of you who love to network and find off-market deals might love this one.

Wholesaling is when you find a deal and get it under contract for a low price. Then, while the asset is under contract (i.e., you haven’t completed the purchase yet), you wholesale it to another buyer for a higher price.

Who pockets the difference? That’s right, you do.

4. House Hacking

Depending on your market, house hacking might be a potential option for you. This is exactly how I got my start in real estate investing many years ago.

Basically, you buy a property (typically a duplex, triplex, or fourplex) where you can rent out some of the rooms or units. The rent from your tenants helps pay down your mortgage.

Pro tip:If you’re able to get an FHA loan, you can put down as little as 3.5% of the purchase price, making this an even sweeter deal.

5. Real Estate Crowdfunding Sites

If you’re interested in commercial real estate and/or running your own syndications some day, real estate crowdfunding sites might be a great place to start. This allows you to learn about syndications without the pressure of having to run one.

You can learn how to find and compare deals, what to look for in deal sponsor teams, and what types of communications and returns investors can expect. All of this will come in handy if and when you decide to lead your own syndications.

Overview of These Types of Real Estate Investments

What you put in

Your time

What you leverage

Other people’s money

What you get

First hand experience, potential for great returns on very little cash investment

The Lots of Money / Lots of Time / Hands-on Investor

Hi. Can you be my best friend?

If you’re in this category, you’re perfectly positioned to make your money work hard for you. Perhaps you have a large amount of capital in the stock market and are looking to shift some of that over to real estate. Perhaps you’ve already built up a healthy portfolio of rentals and are looking to go bigger, or transition into a more passive role.

Recommendation: Lead commercial real estate syndications

If you’re looking to be an active investor, you might want to pursue leading your own syndications. This puts you in the driver’s seat. You can find the deals, put together the team, raise the capital, and deal with day-to-day operations after acquisition, or you can partner with others to create a real estate syndication business.

Recommendation: Become a passive investor in commercial real estate syndications

If you’re looking to become a passive investor, you can still be involved through finding and vetting deals, either through real estate crowdfunding sites or direct connections to real estate syndicators or private equity firms.

To be a savvy passive investor, you will need to know the lingo (cap rates, equity multiples, and IRRs, oh my!), as well as have some basic understanding of how deals are structured and underwritten. After all, any team can put together a fancy marketing package, but savvy investors know the right questions to ask to ensure that the deal and team are solid.

Overview of These Types of Real Estate Investments

What you put in

Your money and your time

What you leverage

The power of others’ expertise, time, and money to help you go bigger, faster

What you get

The freedom to carve your own path and maximize how hard your money is working for you


By now, your head may be spinning a little. It’s okay, that’s natural.

Here’s a quick recap.

We started out by getting a macro view of where you are in life, your investing goals, how involved you want to be, your risk tolerance, and how much money you want to invest.

Given your current profile, we then explored a few different scenarios, with some real estate investment recommendations for each.

The Lots of Money / Little Time / Hands-off Investor

Consider investing passively in commercial real estate syndications

The Little Money / Little Time / Hands-off Investor

Consider investing small amounts through real estate crowdfunding sites

The Little Money / Lots of Time / Hands-on Investor

Lots of options: Fix and flip, BRRRR method, wholesaling, house hacking, crowdfunding, and more

The Lots of money / Lots of time / Hands-on Investor

Active: Consider leading your own commercial real estate syndication

Passive: Invest through real estate crowdfunding sites or directly through syndicators and private equity firms


As you can see, there are many, many ways to get involved in real estate investing. And, the options included above barely skim the surface.

If you walk away with nothing else, remember this. No matter where you are in life, how much money you want to invest, and how much time and interest you have, there are ways for you to get started in real estate investing.

If you’re still overwhelmed or anxious, there are ways for you to start small, with a few hundred or few thousand dollars. If you lose it all, consider it tuition for the College of Real Life. Each lesson you learn makes you a savvier investor, so don’t be afraid to fail. Even the most successful real estate tycoons have lost money, but they kept going.

Above all, remember that real estate gives you a unique investment opportunity, different than any other type of investment. Real estate allows you to invest in places where people live, work, and make memories. Investing in real estate allows you to make your money work for you,andalso to make an impact on families and communities. And that’s something that a stock certificate could never give you.

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Investing In Real Estate | Jake & Gino (2024)


What is the 5 rule in real estate investing? ›

That said, the easiest way to put the 5% rule in practice is multiplying the value of a property by 5%, then dividing by 12. Then, you get a breakeven point for what you'd pay each month, helping you decide whether it's better to buy or rent.

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Investing in single-family homes is the easiest way for beginners to enter the real estate investing world. The high demand for single-family rentals makes it a reliable income property in any real estate market.

What is the 1 rule in real estate investing? ›

The 1% rule of real estate investing measures the price of an investment property against the gross income it can generate. For a potential investment to pass the 1% rule, its monthly rent must equal at least 1% of the purchase price.

What is the golden rule of real estate investing? ›

It was during this period that Corcoran developed what she calls her "golden rule" of real estate investing. This rule calls for investors to put 20% down on properties and then get tenants whose rent payments cover the mortgage.

What is the 50% rule in real estate? ›

The 50% rule or 50 rule in real estate says that half of the gross income generated by a rental property should be allocated to operating expenses when determining profitability. The rule is designed to help investors avoid the mistake of underestimating expenses and overestimating profits.

What is the 80% rule in real estate? ›

In the realm of real estate investment, the 80/20 rule, or Pareto Principle, is a potent tool for maximizing returns. It posits that a small fraction of actions—typically around 20%—drives a disproportionately large portion of results, often around 80%.

What real estate strategy makes the most money? ›

Investment properties (rental real estate)

The most obvious way to make money in real estate is to buy an investment property (or several). You could buy a home and rent it out to long-term tenants or purchase a multi-unit rental property or small apartment building.

What is the fastest way to build wealth in real estate? ›

  1. 7 Fastest Ways to Make Money in Real Estate. ...
  2. Renovation Flipping. ...
  3. Airbnb and Vacation Rentals. ...
  4. Long-Term Rentals. ...
  5. Contract Flipping. ...
  6. Lease to Buy. ...
  7. Commercial Property Rentals. ...
  8. Buying Land.

What is the best type of house for investment? ›

The best investment property for beginners is generally a single-family dwelling or a condominium. Condos are low maintenance because the condo association takes care of external repairs, leaving you to worry about the interior.

What is the Brrrr method? ›

What is BRRRR, and what does it stand for? Letter by letter, BRRRR stands for “Buy, rehab, rent, refinance and repeat.” It's like flipping, but instead of selling the property after renovation, you rent it out with an eye on long-term appreciation.

How do I make my house pay for itself? ›

How to Make Your Mortgage Pay Itself
  1. Rent Out Your Home.
  2. Rent Out a Spare Room.
  3. Create a Rental Studio Apartment.
  4. Rent Components of Your Home.
  5. Use Solar Panels and Water Tanks.
  6. Grow Your Own Food in Your Yard.
  7. Need a Home Mortgage in WA, OR, CO, or ID?
Nov 22, 2019

How much monthly profit should you make on a rental property? ›

The average cash flow on a rental property for most investors is an 8% return on investment, or ROI. Others will strive for an ROI of 15%. There really is no magic number or right amount to ear.

Why 90% of millionaires invest in real estate? ›

The government provides tax incentives to promote real estate investment, including deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and depreciation. These tax benefits can significantly reduce your overall tax liability, leaving you with more money to reinvest. Real estate investment is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

What is the platinum rule in real estate? ›

Most of us have heard about the “Golden Rule” of treating people the way you want to be treated, but there is one better, the “Platinum Rule” – treat people how they want to be treated.

What is the simplest investment rule? ›

The Rule of 72 is a simple way to determine how long an investment will take to double given a fixed annual rate of interest. Dividing 72 by the annual rate of return gives investors a rough estimate of how many years it will take for the initial investment to duplicate itself.

What is the 7 rule in real estate? ›

In fact, in marketing, there is a rule that people need to hear your message 7 times before they start to see you as a service provider. Therefore, if you have only had a few conversations with the person that listed with someone else, then chances are, they don't even know you are in real estate.

What is the 5 2 rule in real estate? ›

During the 5 years before you sell your home, you must have at least: 2 years of ownership and. 2 years of use as a primary residence.

What is the 10 5 3 rule of investment? ›

According to this rule, stocks can potentially return 10% annually, bonds 5%, and cash 3%. While these figures are not guarantees, they serve as a guideline for investors to forecast potential returns and adjust their portfolio accordingly.

What is the financial rule of 5? ›

50 - Consider allocating no more than 50 percent of take-home pay to essential expenses. 15 - Try to save 15 percent of pretax income (including employer contributions) for retirement. 5 - Save for the unexpected by keeping 5 percent of take-home pay in short-term savings for unplanned expenses.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

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Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.