The Type C Personality Style Explained - DISC Insights (2024)

The Type C Personality Style Explained - DISC Insights (1)

What is a C Type Personality?

C Type Personality Styles, based on DISC Theory by Dr. Marston, are accurate, precise, detail-oriented, and conscientious. They think analytically and systematically, and carefully make decisions with plenty of research and information to back it up. The C DISC style is perfectionistic and has very high standards for both themselves and others. Because they focus on the details and see what many other styles do not, they tend to be good problem solvers and very creative people.

What do the C DISC Styles contribute to a team?

The C DISC personality brings perspective to groups and tends to be the "anchor of reality" in the team thought. When something is proposed, the C will think through every detail of how it works and the process. They will make realistic estimates and voice any problems they see with the plan or the already existing system. The C is conscientious and even-tempered. They will complete tasks they've committed to and will be very thorough. They take great pride in doing their work accurately and are excellent analysts, researchers, or information testers.

What are the possible weaknesses of the C DISC Styles?

The C Personality Type is one of the passive styles, which results in avoiding conflict. They will avoid conflict rather than argue, and it isn't easy to get them to verbalize their feelings. They need clear-cut boundaries to feel comfortable at work, in relationships, or to take action. Sometimes the C can be bound by procedures and methods and find it difficult to stray from order. Sometimes they can get too bogged down in the small details, making it difficult to see the next steps or big picture.

What is the greatest fear of C DISC Styles?

Because C Type Personalities take great pride in being accurate and correct, they fear criticism.

What motivates the C DISC Styles?

The C is motivated by information and logic. They have very high-quality standards and are inspired by being well informed, researching before deciding, having clear parameters and instructions, doing work accurately and correctly, and seeing a project through to the end.

Think you are C?

The Type C Personality Style Explained - DISC Insights (2)

What is the ideal environment for the C DISC Styles?

The C Personality Type prefers an environment that is peaceful and organized with few to no conflicts or arguments. They do not need to be social at work and are fine working alone. They thrive in an environment where they can follow through tasks and projects to completion. C Styles especially excel in specialized or technical functions due to their attention to detail. The C feels most safe when there are procedures and routines, and they are given instructions and reassurance that they are doing what is expected of them.

What does the high C Personality Style desire?

C Personality Types desire independence and autonomy, but also a controlled and organized work environment. They require reassurance that they are doing what is expected and prefer accurate job descriptions, expectations, and goals to be laid out. They desire that things do not change, but if a change is necessary, it's well thought out and planned. The C does desire reassurance from others and fears being criticized.

What should one remember to do when working with C Personality Types?

When working with a C Personality Style, it's best to be prepared when possible. Do your research and prepare your case in advance. Pay attention to the details because this is what the C focuses on. When you can support a statement or idea with accurate data or examples, that is helpful. Submit a job description or specs for the project to give them parameters and details, and talk about how different tasks fit into the big picture plan. Be systematic and logical in your thinking and planning, and specific when agreeing or disagreeing. When disagreeing, work with facts instead of people examples. Be patient, persistent and diplomatic, and remember that they fear criticism.

What should one remember not to do when working with a C Personality Type?

Do not speak in broad generalizations with no specifics; use details and explanations when possible. Try not to answer questions too vaguely or casually, as they need information and data to make sense of new plans and decisions. Do not criticize the work they've already done, as they take great pride in their work. If you need to provide feedback to a C type, be specific with your examples and be diplomatic. Avoid being confrontational as they will not respond well to this and will close off.

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What is a high C DISC Style likely to do when working with details or when analyzing information?

DISC C Styles can become too focused on details, lacking perspective on the overall picture. However, they will be cautious when analyzing and will find any mistakes that need to be corrected. They are very effective troubleshooters. When the C style works with details and information, they excel, yet if they find problems or perceive a risk, they will try to avoid or postpone decisions based on it.

What positive characteristics does the C DISC Type possess when in teams?

C styles are instinctive organizers who can both create and maintain systems. They strive for consistency, logic, and accuracy and do excellent work. They ask important questions and talk about problems that could hold up projects. They are "do it yourself" managers who center on tasks and will see something through until it's finished. They emphasize quality, think logically, and strive for a diplomatic approach and consensus within groups.

What are personal growth areas for C Personality Types?

Although the C style fears criticism from others, especially for their work, they tend to be over-critical of others resulting from their attention to such detail. When doing this, it's easier to find all the faults. It's vital to concentrate on doing the right things and not just doing things right. When working in teams, the C style needs to be open to others' ideas and methods and move quickly to accomplish team goals. The C is seen as introverted and may need to concentrate more on people to build strong relationships, as they tend to be more task-driven and want to work alone. At times, the C will need to push themselves to be decisive and take risks, even if all the research isn't there to support it.

The Type C Personality Style Explained - DISC Insights (2024)


What does C mean in DISC personality test? ›

C stands for Conscientiousness

People with the DiSC C style personality place an emphasis on working conscientiously within existing circ*mstances to ensure quality and accuracy.

What best describes a type C personality? ›

The Type C personality can be better described as someone who thrives on being accurate, rational and applying logic to everything they do. Demanding logic over emotion is a natural dominant feature. They do not suffer from hype or drama, in fact, they dislike it because they want facts and data.

Is Type C personality good? ›

If you have a type C personality, you most likely have a good eye for details and a well-developed ability to focus. You also have a strong desire to achieve. This combination can increase your chances of success with your goals.

How do you answer DISC assessment? ›

You simply answer a series of questions about your own behavior, using a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. There are no right or wrong answers. People often wonder how such an accurate personality profile can be completed so quickly.

How do you communicate with C style personality? ›

C-styles prefer communication to be in writing and include facts and figures. They tend not to openly share their opinions unless they know the subject matter well. The C styles favourite question is “Why?” such as in “Why does it work this way?” and… “Why is this step necessary in the process?”

What is a high C personality type? ›

Overview of the Conscientious (C) Personality Style

People who are high in “C” are more introverted and reserved, and task-oriented. They tend to be cautious, calculating, competent, contemplative, and careful. They are typically analytical, detail-oriented, and intentional.

What are C qualities? ›

The C-qualities may be divided into two categories: (a) clear thinking—completeness (thoroughness), clearness (distinctness), conciseness (succinctness), concreteness (vividness), and correctness (accuracy); and (b) writer attitude—courtesy (respect), and consideration (thoughtfulness).

How does Type C personality deal with stress? ›

It has been suggested that Type C individual's cope with stress in a way that ignores their own needs, even physical ones, in order to please others. This eventually has negative effects as all stresses are suppressed but still take their toll.

What the letter C says about you? ›

Good motivators and who have the power to convince others are the persons whose names start with Alphabet "C". These people can easily impress and have the trait of helping others. They are blessed with great amount of energy.

What are Type C behaviors? ›

C Type Personality Styles, based on DISC Theory by Dr. Marston, are accurate, precise, detail-oriented, and conscientious. They think analytically and systematically, and carefully make decisions with plenty of research and information to back it up.

What are the negative side or weaknesses of Type C personality people? ›

DISC C personality weaknesses

Seeking a perfect solution instead of a workable solution. Taking a lot of time gathering information and assessing risk before making decisions. Avoiding or resisting people who do not use a systematic approach to organizing work.

What is the kindest personality type? ›

1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.

What is the best DISC profile for a leader? ›

S leaders are calm, patient, and relaxed. Their steadiness tends to put everyone at ease and they are seen by others as dependable and supportive. If a cooperative and harmonious environment is what you're looking to create, there's no better leader than an S personality.

Can you fail a DiSC assessment? ›

There's no way to fail a DiSC assessment. The learner is the expert on themselves. However, if they attempt to get a specific result, they could invalidate the assessment. And that would certainly make it less useful for their personal development.

What is the best DISC profile? ›

According to the 2019 Extended DISC validation study, the S personality type is the most common DISC style at a global level.

Which personality type is the best communicator? ›

ENFJ – The Protagonist

ENFJ is a gifted communicator. They take a genuine interest in the motivation behind what others are saying and are highly intuitive about their feelings. This means they're good at both facilitating conversations that would otherwise hit a roadblock, but also at swaying others to see their side.

How do you deal with DISC people? ›

Tips when communicating with a D:
  1. Provide direct answers – act quickly.
  2. Don't ramble or waffle - limit socialising.
  3. Don't focus on problems and negatives.
  4. Try not to repeat yourself.
  5. Don't use generalisations – have support.
  6. Ask for their decisions.
  7. Focus on bottom-line issues and results.

Which DISC types do you need to be patient with for effective communication? ›

D-types are generally logical, direct, and clear when addressing others, whileS-types tend to be more personal and polite. To effectively communicate, D-types should use a calm, warm tone and ask questions, while S-types should try to be more open and honest when addressing concerns or sharing ideas.

What is the most special personality type? ›

Overall, the rarest personality type is INFJ

INFJ is the rarest personality type across the population, occurring in just 2% of the population. It is also the rarest personality type among men. INFJ stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, and Judging. This unique combination is hard to find in most people.

What personality type likes to argue? ›

Argumentative personality types (ENTJ, INTJ, INTP, ENTP and ESTJ) ENTJ, INTJ, INTP, ENTP and ESTJ are the most argumentative which comes as no surprise to me, even though I would have expected ESTJ to be closer to the top.

What personality type is considered as most attractive? ›

People who are extroverted, sensing, thinking, and perceiving are likely to catch your eye, experts say. These people are fun and adventurous, and that spirit will lure you in and keep you wanting more.

What makes C so special? ›

CA are highly knowledgeable in every aspect. CA's are not limited to Audit and Accounts only. They handle the taxation matters as well, provide the Financial consultancy and also handles the cost accounting matters. Whereas all such things could not be possible for a person pursuing CS only.

What makes C so powerful? ›

C is one of the most powerful "modern" programming language, in that it allows direct access to memory and many "low level" computer operations. C source code is compiled into stand-a-lone executable programs.

Which characteristics are often seen with Class C personality disorders? ›

Cluster C personality disorders are characterized by anxious, fearful thinking or behavior. They include avoidant personality disorder, dependent personality disorder and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

Who developed the Type C personality? ›

This method consisted in Type C personality being distinguished based on the observation of the behaviors of patients suffering from cancer (Greer and Morris, 1975; Greer and Watson, 1985).

Is Type C personality stoic? ›

Although they enjoy long, thoughtful conversations about complex subjects, A C-personality is commonly marked by steady, stoic demeanor which can seem robotic at times.

What does the letter C represents? ›

c, third letter of the alphabet, corresponding to Semitic gimel (which probably derived from an early sign for "camel") and Greek gamma (Γ). A rounded form occurs at Corinth and in the Chalcidic alphabet, and both an angular and a rounded form are found in the early Latin alphabet, as well as in Etruscan.

Does the letter C have a purpose? ›

So why do we need a C? When we combine the C with an H we DO make a unique sound. Without a C we would go to Hurch instead of Church, we would listen to a Hime instead of a Chime, etc. So the C is indeed a very important letter and has no reason to feel ashamed because it makes no sound on it own.

What are some words for C? ›

Some of the C Words for Kids are cat, camp, can, circle, circus, close, curtain, cinema, chair, cold, cool, cup, coffee, calendar, coconut, come, carry, crude, centre, central, control, cake, carrot, carrier, courier, cream, cottage, cheese, etc.

What does Type C means? ›

A USB Type-C charger is an industry-standard connector used to address the need for a wide range of display, data transmission, and charging applications. Whether you have larger devices like laptops or smaller ones like phones, you can charge and transfer data between them using a single cable.

What are the three C is a hardy personality? ›

Kobasa introduced the concept of psychological hardiness and suggested that hardiness moderates the relationship between stressful life events and illness. Kobasa characterized hardiness as comprising of three components or the 3C's: Commitment, Control, and Challenge.

What are the 3 C in psychology? ›

The mnemonic of “The Three C's” (Catching, Checking, and Changing) can be particularly helpful to children in learning this process. To engage children in treatment, therapists often frame the therapy experience as “becoming a detective” to investigate their thinking.

Which personality type is unstable? ›

Explains borderline personality disorder (BPD), also known as emotionally unstable personality disorder (EUPD). Includes what it feels like, causes, treatment, support and self-care, as well as tips for friends and family.

Which personality type is serious? ›

ISTJ. Quiet, serious, earn success by thoroughness and dependability. Practical, matter-of-fact, realistic, and responsible. Decide logically what should be done and work toward it steadily, regardless of distractions.

What personality type thinks they are always right? ›

ESTJs have a tendency to think they are always right and that their moral compass is objective, absolute and universal.

What is the most rare DISC profile? ›

What is the rarest DISC personality? The rarest DISC profile is the D style, making up only 9% of the global population. This appears to be the trend across all countries, as illustrated in the Extended DISC 2019 Validation Study.

What is a low C in DISC? ›

What is a low C personality type? An Innovator is someone who has a low C personality type in their DISC profile and is flexible and innovative. They are more independent than someone with a high C personality type who strictly follows rules and standard operating procedures.

What are the 4 personality types DISC? ›

The DiSC model describes four main styles: D, i, S, and C. D is for Dominance, i is for Influence, S is for Steadiness, and C is for Conscientiousness. Everyone is a mixture of each style, but most people tend to fall into one or two main DiSC style quadrants.

What is a high disc score? ›

Influence is the I in DISC. Persons having a High Influence factor (50% or greater) are generally outgoing and talkative. They often appear to be egotistical and self-centred.

What DISC type makes the best leader? ›

S leaders are calm, patient, and relaxed. Their steadiness tends to put everyone at ease and they are seen by others as dependable and supportive. If a cooperative and harmonious environment is what you're looking to create, there's no better leader than an S personality.

What is Elon Musk DISC? ›

Elon is in the northwestern region of the personality map, which means that his DISC type is Dc, also known as The Architect.

Which DISC personality is best? ›

There is no best DISC profile for a leader. They can be any DISC style. Different DISC leadership styles may be required for different situations and must also match the team's mix of DISC profiles. To be successful, leaders need to have a high level of self-awareness.

What is a dominant personality? ›

A dominant personality is a personality type that often leads themselves and others into action. It's primarily defined by an overarching motivation for power and a sense of pride.

What does DiSC mean in personality? ›

DiSC is an acronym that stands for the four main personality profiles described in the DiSC model: (D)ominance, (i)nfluence, (S)teadiness and (C)onscientiousness.

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