The Top 3 BIGGEST Affiliate Marketing Blogging Money Makers - The Business Side of Blogging (2024)


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In this article, I’m going to expose the top 3 biggest affiliate marketing blogging money makers and most profitable affiliate networks people have made millions of dollars from.

These are the BEST affiliate networks you can find on the Internet, the most secure, and the most reliable to payout what is owed to you in the form of “checks” or “affiliate paychecks” or through “direct deposit”.

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3 BIGGEST Affiliate Marketing Blogging Money Makers

Personally, I like receiving checks in the mail ;).

Let’s go ahead and get started with:

  1. Clickbank Affiliate Network

Clickbank is known internet-wide as the BEST affiliate network system available.

It certainly has its flaws in the past with tracking, affiliate sales because of affiliate code theft, but the managers fixed the program that has plagued Clickbank for years and it’s virtually a “foolproof” money making system.

Clickbank offers you (the sexy blogger, you) a ton of products to take to the market and make 50%-75% commissions like clockwork because all of their products are “digital”, which means NO inventory, NO storage fees, and NO hassle. Giving you the freedom to find every product imaginable by niche.

This means that no matter what your blog is about, there’s a good chance you’ll find a related product you can re-sale as an affiliate to make a profit from Clickbank.

Payouts generally range from $20 to $300+ (recurring income). Profit margins are extremely high compared to physical products and it reduces overhead costs.

  1. Commission Junction Affiliate Network

Commission Junction (CJ) is an affiliate marketing network made for affiliates, by affiliates.

Some people look at CJ as the outcast affiliate network if you don’t find anything of interest in Clickbank. In my experience, it’s the total opposite.

I’ve found products atCJ, that’s impossible to find on Clickbank because many products are too saturated and commercialized.

CJ is like the Indie film that sneaks up from behind and takes the major Hollywood film industry by total surprise with a fresh, new perspective of what affiliates want from vendors and the service they come to expect.

One of the biggest negatives about CJ is that it can take forever and a day to get approved with some merchants.

But this shouldn’t stop you from making money with this affiliate network.

CJ’s product variety makes Willy Wonka’s Candy Factory look “pale” in comparison.

CJ’s commission structure works much the same as Clickbank with a few unique twists that makes this network stand out.

  1. LinkShare Affiliate Network

Finally, it comes down to the last affiliate network — LinkShare.

LinkShare is the 3rd best affiliate network to use. You will find what you’re looking for in the first two networks, but if you can’t (for whatever reason) you can also count on LinkShare to save the day.

What makes LinkShare unique is that you don’t have to make a “sell” to make money.

Instead, you can drive traffic to other peoples squeeze pages (opt-in pages). And produce more income regardless if you get a sale or not.

Other than that, there isn’t a whole lot different about LinkShare except it has less product selection.

So, if you’re looking for a 3rd alternative to the two above, LinkShare would be my pick.

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About The Author

The Top 3 BIGGEST Affiliate Marketing Blogging Money Makers - The Business Side of Blogging (3)

Susan Wetmore

More from this Author

I am a Mother of two and active Aunt to six kids ranging in age from 3 years to 24 years. I am a seasoned enthusiastic Mom and Blogger that is highly active in school activities, crafting, and an award-winning volunteer at Second Harvest Food Bank. I love to Cook and Bake and share my gift with Family and Friends. Owner of TOTS: Business and TOTS: Family.

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The Top 3 BIGGEST Affiliate Marketing Blogging Money Makers - The Business Side of Blogging (2024)


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The best blogs to make money include finance blogs, travel blogs, food and recipe blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and technology blogs. The profitability often depends on niche, audience engagement, content quality, and monetization strategies such as affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, and advertisem*nts.

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  • List of tools or services.
  • Product review.
  • Product comparison.
  • Favorite books.
  • Resources page.

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  • eBay Partner Network Affiliate Program.
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Affiliate marketing can be a source of high passive income, as some successful affiliates make over $100,000 per month. However, it requires effort, patience, and consistency to succeed. To be successful in affiliate marketing, it is important to choose a niche that you are genuinely interested in.

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Affiliate marketing income spans a large spectrum. There are some affiliate marketers who make a few hundred dollars per month and others that make six figures a year. The larger your following, the more money you can make as an affiliate marketer.

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Luke Kling is a king of affiliate marketing.

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The answer is yes, but with a caveat. While it's true that some individuals have made their fortunes through blogging, it doesn't hold true as a universal rule. Success in the blogging world requires more than just creating a blog and posting content.

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Within the first year, bloggers can make $500-$2,000 per month. As you can see, you can earn a wide income range as a blogger. But aside from the numbers, remember these important takeaways before you begin: You can make money blogging even if you're not a professional writer.

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Yes, you can become billionaire by writing blogs. But, this will take much time. If you develop one skill, content marketing. With content marketing you can become billionaire with less time.

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How long does it take to make money as an affiliate marketer? Based on my experience and speaking with many affiliate marketers, on average, it takes around six to 12 months to start earning money as an affiliate marketer and around two years to earn enough money to quit your day job.

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  1. Find an affiliate program and a niche.
  2. Decide your traffic channels.
  3. Target the right keywords.
  4. Create killer content that builds trust.
  5. Promote hard and grow your audience.
  6. Engage with your audience.
  7. Scale it up.
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The core of my strategy emphasizes building a genuine online business, focusing on evergreen topics, and tapping into passive income sources for scalability. This is how I made $100 per day with affiliate marketing, and then kept scaling it up.

Can I make 100k a month with affiliate marketing? ›

Beginner – $0 to $1,000 per month. Intermediate – $1,000 to $10,000 monthly. Advanced – $10,000 to $100,000 per month. Super affiliate – over $100,000 monthly.

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Affiliate marketing can be a source of high passive income, as some successful affiliates make over $100,000 per month. However, it requires effort, patience, and consistency to succeed. To be successful in affiliate marketing, it is important to choose a niche that you are genuinely interested in.

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Most categories earn around 3-4% commissions, which sounds low, but if you receive many affiliate sales, you can earn a few hundred to a few thousand per month. For example, if you promote a $100 product toy category, you will earn $3 per sale.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.