The Top 21 Python Trading Tools (March 2024) - Analyzing Alpha (2024)

Rapid increases in technology availability have put systematic and algorithmic trading within reach for the retail trader. Below you’ll find a curated list of trading platforms and frameworks, broker-dealers, data providers, and other helpful trading libraries for aspiring Python traders I’ve come across in my algorithmic trading journey.

Cloud Trading Platforms

The best way to get started with algorithmic trading for most is to use an online trading platform. These platforms take care of much of the infrastructure and plumbing so you can focus on research.

1. QuantConnect

This year, the already excellent QuantConnect moves from #2 to the top spot due to momentum gained from the Quantopian community migrating to QuantConnect.

QuantConnectis an infrastructure company. They aim to be the Linux of trading platforms. QuantConnect enables traders to test their strategy on free data and then pay a monthly fee for a hosted system to trade live. They take the top spot as the best intraday algorithmic trading platform.

If you’re interested in trying out QuantConnect, use this link tolet them know I sent you.

QuantConnect Pros

  • Mature with excellent reliability.
  • Excellent educational resources and community.
  • Wide variety of markets and alternative data sets.

QuantConnect Cons

  • Multiple correlated strategy execution isn’t straightforward.
  • Fairly abstracted, so learning code does not carry over to other platforms.

Additional QuantConnect Information

2. QuantRocket

QuantRocket moves from #3 to #2 this year due to continuous improvement of its Moonshot platform.

QuantRocketis a Python-based platform for researching, backtesting, and running automated, quantitative trading strategies. Through Interactive Brokers (IB), it provides data collection tools, multiple data vendors, a research environment, multiple backtesters, and live and paper trading. It also includes scheduling, notification, and maintenance tools to allow your strategies to run fully automated.

QuantRocket is installed using Docker and can be installed locally or in the cloud. It’s another fantastic intraday algo trading platform.

QuantRocket Pros

  • Integrated live-trading platform with built-in data feeds, scheduling and monitoring.
  • Supports international markets and intra-day trading.

QuantRocket Cons

  • No paper trading or live trading without paying a subscription fee.
  • Backtesting research is not as flexible as some other options.

Additional QuantRocket Information

3. Tradologics

Tradologics is a new entrant into the space and comes in at #2 this year due to its innovative, AWS-style approach giving algo traders much-needed flexibility.

Tradologicsis a cloud-based trading platform founded by Ran Aroussi, the creator ofyfinance, whose architecture is asynchronous and event-based — meaning data is pushed to you as it becomes available and relevant. You can think of Tradologics as LEGO® for algorithmic traders looking to build intraday algo trading software. Just like LEGO®, you can choose the parts you need to build the trading system that suits your specific needs. All components have a many-to-many relationship, enabling you to do some things you can’t with prior online trading platforms. You can automate strategy in interactive brokers or any broker of your choosing.

Tradologics Pros

  • Flexible and convenient.
  • Pay-as-you-go-model keeps costs low.

Tradologics Cons

  • It’s still in beta and can be confusing at times.
  • Some functionality that you would expect isn’t there yet.

Additional Tradologics Information

Local Trading Frameworks

After years of using an online platform, you may crave more flexibility. For instance, I needed a local framework to use artificial intelligence to manage my portfolio of algorithmic trading strategies. I’m a nerd at heart, and I like to tinker; so again — I would recommend most not go down this road.

1. Backtrader

Coming in at the top spot again for 2022 is backtrader. I still consider it Python’s swiss-army knife for algorithmic trading.

Backtraderis a feature-rich Python framework for backtesting and trading. Backtrader aims to be simple and allows you to write reusable trading strategies, indicators, and analyzers instead of spending time building infrastructure. Backtrader is fantastic for using daily data, but it can struggle as an intraday algo trading platform.

Backgrader Pros

  • Very clean “pythonic” code that gets out of your way.
  • Supports both backtesting and live-trading, enabling a smooth transition of strategy development to deployment.
  • Great for beginning traders to developers new to Python.

Backtrader Cons

  • Can have issues when using enormous datasets.
  • Good at everything but not great at anything except for its simplicity.

Additional Information

2. Lean

Lean comes in at number #2 this year, but it is catching up to backtrader, and there’s a good chance both QuantConnect and its open-source trading engine will take the top spots next year.

QuantConnect’s LEANis an open-source algorithmic trading engine built for easy strategy research, backtesting, and live trading. Lean integrates with the standard data providers, and brokerages deploy algorithmic trading strategies quickly.

The core of the LEAN Engine is written in C#, but it operates on Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. It supports Python 3.6, C#, or F# algorithms. Lean drives the web-based algorithmic trading platform QuantConnect.

Lean Pros

  • Fast and supports multiple programming languages for strategy development.
  • Supports both backtesting and live trading.
  • Improvement to Quantconnect improves Lean and vice versa.

Lean Cons

  • Return analysis could be improved.
  • Python developers may find it more challenging to pick up as the core platform is programmed in C#.
  • .NET on Linuxdoesn’t always work perfectly.

Additional Lean Information

3. VectorBT

VectorBT and VectorBT Pro (paid) are new to the list and take the #3 spot. It’ll be interesting to see the progress in 2022.

VectorBT Prouses a data science approach to algorithmic backtesting. It takes a blazingly fast vectorized approach to help traders understand market phenomena. The PRO version extends the standard vectorbt library with new impressive features and sound enhancements. It’s fantastic as intraday algorithmic trading software and can tear through daily and minute bars with ease.

VectorBT Pros

  • Lots of built-in functionality and indicators.
  • The vectorized approach enables interesting strategy analysis.

VectorBT Cons

  • Live trading isn’t supported natively.
  • Must pay to get Pro enhancements.

Additional VectorBT Information

Execution Broker-Dealers

You can’t make money unless you trade. Here are the best algorithmic trading brokers I’ve found along the way.

1. Interactive Brokers

Interactive Brokers stays at the #1 spot for full-time traders simply due to the depth of its offerings and its reliability — even though the API leaves a lot to be desired, and algo traders are still second-class citizens.

Also, if you want to sign up with a new brokerage, use this link toearn up to $1,000 of IBKR Stock for free.

Interactive Brokersprovides online trading and account solutions for traders, investors, and institutions – advanced technology, low commissions and financing rates, and global access from a single online brokerage account. Interactive Brokers is the primary broker used by retail systematic and algorithmic traders, and multiple trading platforms have built Interactive Broker’s live-trading connectors.

Interactive Brokers Pros

  • Stable, publicly-traded broker that’s been in business for over 41 years.
  • Interactive Brokers now provides a Python API.

Interactive Brokers Con

  • Retail systematic and algorithmic traders are a small fraction of IBKR’s customer base and have traditionally been deprioritized.
  • The API has a lot of legacy bloat.

Additional Interactive Brokers Information

2. Tradier

Tradier comes in at #2 and is my top pick for API-first brokerages due to its ease of use, offering depth, and reliability.

Tradierwas created by developers for developers. It is a cloud-based financial services provider and brokerage API company that delivers an innovative set of fully hosted APIs and modules leveraged by a growing list of providers seeking to create innovative trading and investing experiences.

If you’re interested in trying out Tradier, use this link totake advantage of the active promo.

Tradier Pros

  • API-first company
  • Reliable API with both application and business users
  • Includes options trading

Tradier Cons

  • Miscellaneous Fees
  • No Cash Management Account

Tradier Additional Information

3. Alpaca

Alpaca comes in at #3 due to the lack of options, but I consider both to be the top API-first brokerages.

Alpacastarted in 2015 as a pure technology company building a database solution for unstructured data, initially visual data, and ultimately time-series data. After seeing a growing need for live-trading APIs, they created Alpaca Securities, an API-first broker-dealer.

Alpaca Pros

  • API-first brokerage
  • Designed for algorithmic traders with minimal costs.
  • Low Fees

Alpaca Cons

  • Not a full-service broker
  • Some users have complained about API reliability

Additional Alpaca Information

Data Providers

If you’re not using an online platform or you’re backtesting locally, you’ll need data — and lots of it. Below are the best data providers that I’ve used. And while not listed below, many of the brokerages are starting to provide this service relatively cheaply.

Also, if you’re looking for free data, you can check out:

  • Free Stock Data
  • Free Crypto Data


I’ve used Polygon for years due to its reliability. Today, it takes the #1 spot as they’re now offering two years of free data at minute granularity across equities, forex, and crypto.

Polygon’smission is to help developers build the future of FinTech by democratizing access to the world’s financial data. They offer equity data for 20+ years and extensive forex and crypto data. The data is accurate, the APIs are reliable, and I don’t have anything negative about them except that getting all of the histories can be a pain. Still, I’ve created a tutorial on doing just that in the additional information below.

Polygon Pros

  • Equity, forex, and Crypto market data.
  • Now offers free two years of data at minute granularity.
  • Extremely reliable APIs.

Polygon Cons

  • Getting all of the historical data requires work.
  • Subscription pricing is more expensive than alternatives.

Additional Polygon Information

2. Intrinio

Intrinio, while excellent, moved down one spot this year due to an increase in pricing and no availability of free data.

Intrinio’smission is to make financial data affordable and accessible. The Intrinio API serves real-time and historical stock price quotes, company financials, and more with 200+ financial data feeds across the investment spectrum.

Intrinio Pro

  • Exceptionally well-designed and easy-to-use API.
  • A diverse set of financial data feeds.

Intrinio Cons

  • Bulk CSV download and API access require different purchases.
  • Pricing has increased.

Additional Intrinio Information

  • How to Import Stock Data Using Intrinio
  • How to Create an Equities Database in PostgreSQL

3. Nasdaq Data Link

Quandl, now Nasdaq Data Link, is still my top pick for fundamental equity data due to the Sharadar database.

Nasdaq Data Linkis a premier source for financial, economic, and [alternative datasets/alternative-data), serving investment professionals. Quandl’s platform is used by over 400,000 people, including analysts from the world’s top hedge funds, asset managers, and investment banks.

Nasdaq Data Link Pros

  • Owned by Nasdaq and has a long history of success.
  • Has over 400,000 users, including top hedge funds, asset managers, and investment banks.

Nasdaq Data Link Cons

  • Not as affordable as other options.

Additional Nasdaq Information

4. Norgate Data

Norgate Data comes in at #4 on the best data providers. They’re a rock-solid company if you’re looking for reliable EOD data.

Norgate Dataprovides updates for “end-of-day” financial market data (it doesn’t offer live quotes, delayed quotes, or intra-day “tick” data).

They specialize in data for U.S. and Australian stock markets. They’ve also recently added Canadian stock data, too. Data is also available for selected World Futures and Forex rates.

The service is provided on a subscription-only basis (historical data is not available as a “stand-alone” item). The extent of historical data provided for Stock Market subscriptions depends on the subscription level.

Norgate Data Pros

  • Great value for EOD pricing data.
  • Survivorship bias-free data.

Norgate Data Cons

  • Pricing data is limited to EOD.
  • Requires Microsoft Windows

Additional Norgate Data Info

Popular Libraries

The Python ecosystem is filled with fantastic algorithmic trading tools. No specific order on these since you can use them all. I’ve demonstrated how to use most of these in various places on the site.


Pandasis an open-source, BSD-licensed library providing high-performance, easy-to-use data structures and data analysis tools for the Python programming language. Founded at hedge fund AQR, Pandas is designed explicitly for manipulating numerical tables and time series data.

Interested? You can check out my Pandas tutorials below:

  • Python for Finance
  • Data Manipulation with Pandas


NumPyis the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains N-dimensional array objects, sophisticated (broadcasting) functions, tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code, useful linear algebra, Fourier transforms, and random number capabilities.

NumPy can also be used as an efficient multi-dimensional container of generic data. Arbitrary data types can be defined. This allows NumPy to seamlessly and speedily integrate with various databases.


Pyfoliois a Python library for performance and risk analysis of financial portfolios developed by Quantopian. It works well with the Zipline open-source backtesting library.


Alphalensis a Python Library for performance analysis of predictive (alpha) stock factors. Quantopian produces Alphalens, which works great with the Zipline open source backtesting library.


SciPy(pronounced “Sigh Pie”) is a Python-based ecosystem of open-source software for mathematics, science, and engineering. SciPy contains modules for optimization, linear algebra, integration, interpolation, special functions, FFT, signal and image processing, ODE solvers, and other tasks common in science and engineering.


Tensorflowis a free and open-source software library for dataflow and differentiable programming across various tasks. It is a symbolic math library and is also used for machine learning applications such as neural networks. It is used for both research and production at Google.‍ Tensflor offers multiple levels of abstraction so you can choose the right one for your needs. Build and train models by using Tensorflow or the high-level Keras API.


Kerasis a high-level neural networks API written in Python and capable of running on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. It was developed with a focus on enabling fast experimentation. Going from idea to result with the least possible delay is key to doing good research.


Pytorchis an open-source machine learning library based on the Torch library, used for computer vision and natural language processing applications. Facebook’s artificial intelligence research group primarily develops it. It is free and open-source software released under the Modified BSD license.


The QuantLib project aims to provide a comprehensive software framework for quantitative finance. QuantLib is a free/open-source library for modeling, trading, and risk management.


TA-Libis widely used by trading software developers required to perform technical analysis of financial market data.


SymPyis a Python library for symbolic mathematics. It aims to become a full-featured computer algebra system (CAS) while keeping the code as simple as possible to be comprehensible and easily extensible. SymPy is written entirely in Python.


PyMC3allows you to write down models using an intuitive syntax to describe a data-generating process. Fit your model using gradient-based MCMC algorithms like NUTS, ADVI for fast approximate inference — including minibatch-ADVI for scaling to large datasets — or Gaussian processes to build Bayesian nonparametric models.

The Top 21 Python Trading Tools (March 2024) - Analyzing Alpha (2024)


What is the best backtesting library for Python? ›

Both VectorBT and Backtesting.Py are the best backtesting libraries in Python that are currently available. VectorBT is especially useful for performing thousands of iterations incredibly fast, whereas Backtesting.Py is a very intuitive and mature library.

What is the best Python for trading? ›

Best Python Libraries for Trading
yfinanceprice data– Data might be unreliable – Unofficial library
python-binancecryptocurrency trading– Unofficial library
finnhub-pythonprice and alternative data– Most interesting endpoints behind a paywall
pandas-tatechnical indicators– Slower than ta-lib
3 more rows

What is better than QuantConnect? ›

QuantRocket is faster and more flexible than QuantConnect and better leverages the Python data science ecosystem. QuantRocket and QuantConnect are competing platforms that support researching, backtesting, and trading quantitative strategies.

What is the trading platform that uses Python? ›

QuantRocket - Data-Driven Trading with Python.

What is the best backtesting software without coding? ›

Tradewell is a backtesting and analytics web app designed to help traders succeed. “A fantastic tool for investors looking for a no-code backtesting tool.

What is the best way to backtest trading strategies Python? ›

If you want to backtest a trading strategy using Python, you can 1) run your backtests with pre-existing libraries, 2) build your own backtester, or 3) use a cloud trading platform. Option 1 is our choice. It gets the job done fast and everything is safely stored on your local computer.

How long does it take to learn Python for trading? ›

The duration to learn Python for finance ranges from one week to several months, depending on the depth of the course and your prior knowledge of Python programming and data science. Learning Python for finance requires a solid foundation in Python programming basics and an understanding of data science.

Are Python trading bots worth it? ›

Thus, a trading bot built with Python can respond dynamically to market trends, executing trades based on your personalized algorithmic trading strategies. The ability to modify rules as per market volatility makes these bots a powerful tool for traders.

Can I use Python for stock trading? ›

We can analyze the stock market, figure out trends, develop trading strategies, and set up signals to automate stock trading – all using Python! The process of algorithmic trading using Python involves a few steps such as selecting the database, installing certain libraries, and historical data extraction.

Who is the most successful algo trader? ›

He built mathematical models to beat the market. He is none other than Jim Simons. Even back in the 1980's when computers were not much popular, he was able to develop his own algorithms that can make tremendous returns. From 1988 to till date, not even a single year Renaissance Tech generated negative returns.

Who is the best quant trader? ›

One popular trader known for using quantitative strategies is James Simons. He is a mathematician, hedge fund manager, and founder of Renaissance Technologies, a highly successful and secretive quantitative hedge fund.

Can you day trade with Python? ›

Introduction to Day Trading and Machine Learning

Python, with its robust libraries like Pandas, NumPy, and Scikit-learn, is an ideal choice for developing ML models and processing financial data. In the realm of finance, ML models are often trained on historical data to forecast future market behaviors.

Is Python good for trading? ›

Python is a high-level language that is easy to learn and use, and has a large and active community of developers. It is particularly popular for data analysis and visualization, making it a good choice for algorithmic trading systems that rely on these functions.

Can you make a trading bot with Python? ›

Python offers several libraries for building trading bots. Install the required libraries using pip or Anaconda. Some commonly used libraries include: pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.

What is the best Python library for forecasting? ›

  • 📚 PyCaret. PyCaret replaces hundreds of lines of code with few lines only. ...
  • 📚 Darts. Darts contains many models ranging from ARIMA to deep neural networks. ...
  • 📚 Flow forecast. Flow forecast is a deep learning for time series forecasting framework. ...
  • 📚 Auto_TS. ...
  • 📚 sktime. ...
  • 📚 Pmdarima. ...
  • 📚 TSFresh. ...
  • 📚 Pyflux.

What is the best programming language for backtesting? ›

Additionally, Python has a large and active community of developers, which means that there are many resources and libraries available for trading-related tasks such as data analysis, backtesting, and visualization. Another advantage of Python is its versatility.

What is the most useful Python library? ›

Top 30 Python Libraries List
RankLibraryPrimary Use Case
1NumPyScientific Computing
2PandasData Analysis
3MatplotlibData Visualization
4SciPyScientific Computing
26 more rows

What is the best optimization library for Python? ›

When you want to use Python for scientific computing tasks, there are several libraries that you'll probably be advised to use, including:
  • NumPy.
  • SciPy.
  • Matplotlib.
  • IPython.
  • SymPy.
  • Pandas.

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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.