The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (2024)

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (1)

Dear Income Seeker,

Quick question

What’s the highest-yielding stock you’ve ever owned?

Did it pay you 8%… 10%… maybe even 12%?

Well, the stocks on this map blow those numbers out of the water.

Their dividends have risen so fast over the years that they’re now yielding 67% for us… and they pay us in cash.

Of course, that’s an average. Some come in higher and others lower, but overall, that’s what we’re getting.

I urge you to see for yourself how this works. It might change the way you invest forever.

But I’m getting ahead of myself…

My name is Robert Rapier.

I’ve spent the bulk of my career in the energy patch, but now I mostly buy and sell stocks for a living. And I share my research with other people who like to invest the same way I do.

Like any other investor, I try to buy low and sell high…

…but the BIG difference with me is that I like to buy just one kind of stock—and none other.

These unique companies are concentrated in large population centers.

They’re almost always monopolies… selling a product that 152 million customers are virtually addicted to.

And the kicker is, they are mandated by law to make a profit. (The Supreme Court ruled on it back in 1865.)

No other class of stocks enjoys this favorable legal status.

This makes them the safest equities in America. Not a single company in this entire industry has ever gone out of businessever.

And one last thing: the dividend yields are massive. Especially when you hold onto them for a while.

I have 37 of these cash cows in my portfolio right now… and for every dollar invested in them they are sending us 67 cents in dividends…

That’s an effective yield of 67% a year—every year.

Now before we go any further, I need to make something clear…

The starting yield for a new investor in these stocks won’t be this high.

But over time, there’s nothing stopping you from collecting $670 from a $1,000 stake… $6,700 from a $10,000 investment… and so on. Just like we are right now.

You can find these opportunities all over the country…

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (2)

Texas has the most of these monster yielders. There are six scattered across the state, paying us an average of 77.5%.

We have three more in Philadelphia, paying us 67.9%.

Two in New York City are sending us checks amounting to 32% on our money.

And another small outfit in Jackson, Mississippi is paying 25.2%.

Here’s all the states you’ll find these extraordinary companies in…

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (3)

We’ve got two each in Wisconsin, Oklahoma, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts… plus one apiece in 12 other states.

Some of these firms are big, others are tiny. But they all have one thing in common…

And it’s the key to generating the massive cash flow necessary to pay these remarkable dividends.

I’ll spell it all out for you in just a minute. But first I want to point out that there’s nothing complicated about getting some of this money yourself. These are all just regular stocks you can buy in any account.

In fact, about 15,000 investors are doing this with me right now. And I’ve heard from more than one of them who have become millionaires since starting to invest this way.

Judi V. for example tells us that she added a seventh figure to her brokerage account thanks to these stocks.

After seeing how she did it, you might want to join her…

…because when you start getting paid 67% on your money your financial problems pretty much evaporate.

I know it sounds hard to believe, but stick with me. Because there’s some big money at stake here…

Timothy Ferris Is Making $132,610 Every Three Months (From Just One of these Stocks!)

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (4)

The cash adds up fast when you invest in companies that pay out so much.

One of them in Atlanta is paying Edward Albright $201,382 a year. It’s also sending P.W. Tower $329,081 a year… and Timothy Ferris an incredible $132,610 every three months. That comes to $530,438 per year.

To be clear, Ferris is pulling in an unusually large amount. But it’s not the top. Some people are making even more.

Not far away in North Carolina, 59-year-old Lisa Gibbons is pulling in $910,901 a year. The same company is sending Larry Young $201,230 a year… and James Darden $152,511 a year.

You can find another one of these incredible payers on the plains of North Dakota. It’s paying $697,971 a year to Ted Ebert… $214,482 to Daniel Grady… and $61,826 to Pamela Moore.

In Philadelphia, a company that has been around since 1886 is sending checks to Chad Foster for $149,141 a year… Ralph Ruddy for $78,624… and Walter Harte for $28,659.

In Madison, Wisconsin, one of our favorites is sending Paula Kramer $298,201 a year… Jack Lamp $57,274 a year… and Joshua Grady $47,535 a year.

Again, we’ve got 37 of these big payers in our portfolio right now. And they are paying us an average of 67% on our investment, year after year.

The Secret Behind These Massive Yields

Here’s the key to all this cash: Every single one of these businesses sells something that people refuse to go without.

And that’s a HUGE advantage for an investor. When you buy into businesses getting constant revenue from services that people insist on buying no matter what, it’s hard to lose.

Want proof?

Take a look at our Performance Review in the box here. You’ll see how hard it is to lose money in this arena.

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (5)This is a snapshot of every stock we currently hold in our recommended portfolio. As you can see, we’re profiting on 94.6% of these investments.

So not only are we pulling in huge dividends every quarter, but we’re also posting gains on 35 of our 37 picks. And not just small ones—our average total return is 560.5%.

That’s more than six times our money!

It’s taken the S&P 500 the last 23 years to gain that much.

We’ve held our picks for less than half that long. This is a much quicker way to increase your wealth.

Again, there’s a reason we’re compiling such a high percentage of winners: We only invest in companies that provide things people absolutely need… not passing fads.

At the office, we call them “essential-service” stocks.

These companies enjoy the extreme advantage of constant demand.

I mean it literally never stops.

That’s why they never go out of business.

For example, nobody today is going to go without water or electricity if they can help it. It’s a matter of life and death in some areas.

In Arizona, people would literally die without air conditioning.

Same thing with water. You don’t just want water, you need it.

So it’s no coincidence that some of our biggest money-makers sell water and electric power.

And try spending a winter in North Dakota without heat. No one wants to go through that. So natural gas is another big profit center for us.

These aren’t glamorous enterprises by any stretch. But they’re undeniably lucrative over the long run.

It’s simple to see why: When you’re buying into a business that gets constant revenue from services people will never stop paying for… you’ve got a strong wind at your back.

What’s more, these companies pay generous dividends… and even better, they raise them constantly,because their cash flow keeps rising. So these cash-generating machines can mail you ever-growing checks for the rest of your life.

You can hold onto these stocks for decades… because your income keeps rising and there is no reason to sell. In fact, the longer you hold, the better.

Just reinvest your dividends… watch your share count rise… and before long you could be getting a dividend check that’s bigger than what you started with. It’s a great feeling to “lap” your stock like that.

I know, because we have six stocks in our portfolio right now that are paying us more than 100% a year on our initial investment. Three of them are paying us more than 400%.

That means we’re getting back four times more money in dividends every year than we put into the stock in the first place!

That’s about the sweetest feeling an income investor can get.

Why the Future Looks Even Better

Another thing you should know: this narrow niche of high-payers is expanding fast.

That’s because most people’s list of “must have” services is getting longer and longer.

A few years ago, the idea of calling my daughter’s iPhone an “essential service” was laughable. Now you couldn’t pry it from her fingers with a crowbar.

Hundreds of millions of people now refuse to step outside without a smart phone in their hands. So we are making money in key telecom players.

Likewise, plenty of people would rather eat scraps than go without television. So we’re showing investors how to collect thousands of dollars a year from that niche, too.

And now, with new streaming services like Netflix grabbing hundreds of millions of eyeballs, people are paying for services that didn’t even exist a few years ago.

Just like old-school utilities that sell electricity, water, and natural gas, these new essential services are reliable growers. And they are also pretty much recession-proof.

One big difference is that these newer players aren’t monopolies. And they’re not mandated by law to make a profit.

But that’s OK. Because in today’s world, they are as close to locked-in money makers as any regulated electric company.

Millions more people are paying for a growing number of services they put on “auto-pay” and forget about… transferring millions of dollars a day into the pockets of investors like us.

In fact, I’m convinced that a small handful of stocks we’re tracking will keep banking monthly payments for decades to come… because their customers aren’t going anywhere.

Bottom line: Rates keep rising and hundreds of millions of people keep paying…

For example, Comcast has increased fees for broadcast and regional sports networks by 288% since 2015. It’s also raising its broadcast TV fee 25% to $10 per month. And it just hiked its cable box rental fee, too.

DirecTV just raised its video package rates $8 per month… and Dish Network raised theirs by $5 per month.

Then you’ve got Sling, Hulu, and all the streaming services… collecting $2 to $3 billion per month.

In music, there is Spotify and Pandora… where you have 128 million Americans shelling out $9.99 a month.

In radio, you have 34 million people sending $15.99 a month to SiriusXM. That’s $544 million a month total. We can get a cut of all of it.

Best of all, these are the ultimate “sticky” revenue streams.

Once someone is on board the pay train, it’s tough get off. Try to cancel a cable subscription and see if you don’t start pulling your hair out.

This business model might be an irritating pain in the rear for some, but these never-ending bills mean real profits for us.

Let’s look at some numbers…

$1,468,753 in Profits

The 15,000 investors who follow me are racking up a steady stream of income this way. Month… after month… after month.

You can join them today… and the sky is the limit on your profits.

Take a look at our recommendations below…

You could have made $260,500 with our first pick alone—on a $10k investment.

You can see it for yourself at the top of the table. It shows every stock now in our Growth Portfolio.

Important: This isn’t a cherry-picked list of winners—it’s every last recommendation.

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (6)

As you can see, it’s sprinkled with massive winners.

(The few modest returners are stocks we’ve added within the past few months… which haven’t had much time to grow.)

And most important of all, there’s just one down stock in the group.

We’re keeping our picks private here, in fairness to our paying subscribers. But in a minute, you’ll see how to get the full story on every one of them.

If you had put $10k into each of these holdings you’d be up $1,468,753.

Of course, you can go as big as you want. So there’s no limit to on how much you could make.

If you had invested $20k, you’d be sitting on a gain of $2,937,146—free and clear of your initial investment.

But before you call me a stock-picking genius, don’t forget that I’m running this race with a healthy wind at my back.

The simple fact is that the category of stocks I stick to has crushed the market over the long haul. By a lot.

I’m talking about stocks with high and rising dividends. And according to a study going way back to 1972, $10,000 invested in dividend-growing stocks would have shot up to $749,900 by the start of this year.

But anyone who invested in non-dividend payers would be sitting on just $30,500. That’s 96% less. There’s not much more you need to know.

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (7)

We’ve Been Making Money this Way
for 30 Years Now

If you’re interested in joining us, there’s something I’d like to point out.

We started doing this way back in 1989… when the Berlin Wall was still standing.

That really means something when you consider that the average lifespan of an investment advisory is something like 22 months.

I’d say about 1,450 newsletters and trading services have come and gone since we opened our doors.

Most of them were started by opportunists looking to make a quick buck by jumping on the “hot” investment trend du jour.

I’ve seen newsletters devoted to dot-coms… day-trading… penny stocks… bitcoin… solar power… biotech… nano-tech… IPOs… gold and silver… emerging market BRICs… it goes on and on.

Every time a new fad pops up on Wall Street, a new “advisory” pops up to capitalize on it. And 95% of them are now extinct.

That’s not us. We are making money the same way since we started out 30 years ago. We’re about as trendy as Crocs and fanny packs.

But our approach never stops working. Because essential-service stocks never go out of style.

Some of our readers have been with us for decades. And it has paid off…

I already mentioned Judi T., who says she added a seventh figure to her brokerage account thanks to these stocks.

I hear from people like Judi all the time—investors who have been generating cash this way for years and years…

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (8)

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (9)

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (10)

Get Into This Lifeboat Now (Before Regular Stocks Sink 57%)

With the stock market recently hitting record highs, most people think our economy must be in pretty good shape. But clues to the real state of the economy are all around us.

Iconic retailers like Sears and Kmart are bankrupt.

Trade barriers are going up and exports are plummeting. And a real estate prices are slipping in many areas, just like in 2007.

What really worries me is that the market cap of the stock market is bigger than our GDP. That’s only happened twice before in the history of our country. The last time was in 2007, just before the financial crisis.

I’m not the only one pointing out the danger here…

Gary Shilling, who was chief economist at Merrill Lynch, has a knack for predicting when markets will tumble. He did it way back in the 1960s… and again in 1991. And then, leading up to the crisis in 2008, he repeatedly warned investors that the real estate bubble would pop.

Now, Shilling says we have a two out of three chance of recession this year. And he expects a bear market to knock 18% off of stocks.

But another very smart investor thinks it could be much worse than that…

Yale professor Robert Shiller won the Nobel Prize for his work on stock prices. According to his “CAPE” ratio (cyclically adjusted price earnings), stocks are 57% too high by historical standards. In fact, his model is at its highest level since the dot-com era, even higher than Black Monday in 1987.

For Shiller’s reading to get back to normal, either corporate earnings are going to skyrocket… or the Dow will drop over 14,000 points.

If Shiller’s model is accurate, millions of small investors might be about to see their investment and retirement accounts crushed for the second time in 10 years.

Don’t let that happen to you… especially when it’s so easy to avoid…

It’s Time to Play It Safe

I have been investing since I was 16.

I started with absolutely nothing… never received an inheritance… and I’ve grown my portfolio to seven figures, thanks to the sort of companies I’m telling you about today.

Along the way, I’ve noticed something fascinating: As long as stock prices are rising people simply don’t pay attention to economic alarm bells.

But I’ve also found that is precisely when it is most critical to make a move to protect yourself.

Look, I don’t know for sure that stocks are about to crash—and no one else does, either.

So I’m not telling you to stock up on canned food or buy a pile of gold and stuff it under a mattress. All I’m saying is why not play it safe?

If you’ve spent decades building your nest egg, don’t watch it all go poof—especially when you can prevent it so easily.

The stocks I stick to are as close to a bullet-proof hideout for your money as you’ll ever find.

Because they sell must-have products and services, they are the most crash-proof stocks anywhere.

They shed bear markets like water off a duck… and actually go up when the rest of Wall Street panics.

Just look at what happened in every serious market reversal of recent years…

When the Dow and S&P 500 each shriveled by about 20% in the fall of 1998, utilities—the ultimate essential-service stocks—rose 4%.

After the market plunged in the dot-com crash of March 2000, these same essential-service stocks were up 42% by the end of the year… and have gone on to rise 400%, quintupling investors’ money.

Then came the most vicious bear market in living memory, the rout of 2008.

By the end of 2009, utility stocks had fully recovered and eked out a small gain. Meanwhile, the S&P 500 was still down 4.4%.

This keeps on happening…

Just last March, when the S&P 500 slumped 7.2%, the Dow Utility Average was actually up.

And despite a brutal October for stocks, our portfolio rose in value that month.

I won’t pretend that our picks never dip. They do. And they can take on a little water when the market gets stormy. But they bob around like corks on a wave compared to so many stocks that sink like a stone.

The plain proof of this remarkable resilience is right in our portfolio.

We saw it again just last year…

2018 was the worst year for stocks in a decade.

79% of U.S. stocks were down in 2018—but more than half of water, gas, and electric stocks were UP.

And our own portfolio is doing even better, with almost 95% of our picks in the black.

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (11)

Our batting average is so high because we own so many old-school regulated outfits that sell electricity, water, and gas. What other investment can you buy whose profits are mandated bylaw?

I can’t imagine a more solid, can’t-lose proposition than socking away some money in these high-yielding beauties. And when I say “can’t-lose,” I’m not just blowing smoke.

Because to repeat, no regulated utility has ever gone out of business—EVER!

If that doesn’t impress you, then you’re pretty tough to please… or maybe you know something I don’t. I certainly don’t know any other investment that offers you all this…

  1. Fat dividendsThe average stock in our portfolio now throws off an effective yield of 67%. What’s more, those dividends usually increase faster than inflation every year, so your nest egg is always a step ahead of that silent wealth-killer. These are the best income stocks you can own.
  2. Superb total returnFew investors realize it, but with their high dividends and steadily rising prices, these overlooked stocks have beaten the S&P 500 by 1,164 percentage points since the year 2000. Tell that to anyone who says utilities are just stodgy stocks for widows and orphans.
  3. Predictable stress-free gains—You’ll make your money at a steady pace with much less volatility. As a group, these stocks are 76% less volatile than regular stocks.
  4. Peace of mindYou can buy a handful of these Steady Eddies and lock them away for years.
  5. Bear-market insuranceUtilities and other essential-service stocks are the most recession-proof stocks you can buy, bar none.
  6. Rock-solid valueThese stocks give you earnings on the cheap. Buy into the S&P 500 and you’ll pay $21 for every dollar of earnings. That’s a P/E ratio of 21. But plenty of essential-service stocks are trading at single-digit P/Es… giving you a dollar of earnings for just $7 or $8.
  7. Retirement securityThe vast majority of these constant-cash-generators will mail you bigger and bigger checks forever. And these checks grow about twice as fast as Social Security’s meager “COLA” bumps.

No Substitute For What these Stocks Give You

These stocks can get you through anything because, simply put, there is no substitute for them.

Can you picture a day when you call up your power company and say, “No thanks, I’m all good here”?

Or your telephone or Internet provider? How about your water company?

Everyone buys electricity, not to mention heat, water, and phone service, even when money is tight.

They may cancel the Caribbean cruise, but they’re not going to sit around in the dark taking cold showers with rainwater. That unwavering, nonstop demand is a luxury that very few businesses enjoy.

No wonder utilities are kicking the tar out of the market.

I was checking the numbers recently and since the market topped out in early 2000, our “old school” utilities have posted a 1,342% gain… towering above the S&P 500’s 178% and the Nasdaq’s 101%.

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (12)

Let Me Show You The Best In My New Report

I cover some 200 essential service companies in the U.S. and around the world.

Scores of them should churn out 15% gains like clockwork year after year. But 37 of them—spread across the country in 26 cities—have been such superb performers that they are now averaging a 67% yield for us.

So with your permission, I’d like to send you a copy of The Incredible Dividend Map: 26 U.S. Cities Where Stocks Are Paying Us 67%.

This special report reveals where our 37 holdings are located across the country… along with a brief profile of each.

This report is your first step on the path to achieving these seemingly impossible yields for yourself.

You’ll see how allowing the steady momentum of compounding to work its magic over time is now giving us a yield of 67% on our investing dollar.

Now as I mentioned before, a new investor won’t pocket that much right off the bat… but every stock in this report can turn into a massive yielder for you, no question.

And there are five in particular that you need to know about ASAP.

These include the ones sending Paula Kramer $298,201 a year… Ted Ebert $697,971… and Chad Foster $149,141 a year.

I drill down deep on these five specific companies in the report…

  • The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (13)The Minneapolis cash machine (now yielding us 65%)—This company is so profitable it seems almost unfair—until you realize you can get in on the act yourself. The perfect “boring is beautiful” stock, there’s nothing fancy here. It just functions smoothly year after year. And it earns an extremely high grade from our safety rating system. Meanwhile, it has hiked its dividend 28 years in a row and offers one of the surest payouts you’ll ever find. You can buy this one and lock it away for the long haul.
  • The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (14)The Philadelphia water play that’s yielding us 62%Started in 1886 by a group of college professors to supply water to their town, it now serves more than three million people in eight states. A voracious grower, it’s snapping up smaller competitors at the rate of one every 17 days. This is the one I mentioned up front that’s paying Chad Foster $149,141 a year in dividends. You just don’t find a surer slam-dunk income play than this. It has already rung up a 2,559% profit for us, and it’s still a strong buy. As a bonus, it will reinvest your dividends for you into more shares at a 5% discount.
  • The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (15)188 dividends in New Orleans (now yielding us 71%)On a summer day in 1913, a sawmill operator in rural Arkansas had the idea to burn his sawdust and turn it into electricity. Starting with a $500,000 loan, his backwoods enterprise is now an energy powerhouse worth $18 billion, bringing power to four states. This dynamo just paid its 188th consecutive dividend… and has hiked that dividend for the past 47 years in a row. It offers a remarkable combination of value, yield, and dividend growth.
  • The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (16)The 25-bagger from New York City (now yielding us 62%)This telecom pioneer wants to replace the hassle of tapping out text messages with video messaging. Leading the 5G charge, it has already brought one of the first 5G smartphones to market. It micro-targets 117 million customers with ads that follow them from their TV to their laptops to their smartphones… and is grabbing a chunk of the lucrative mobile advertising market away from Google and Facebook. It’s up 2,477% since we bought in, and we’re still buyers.
  • The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (17)North Dakota juggernaut yielding us 426%One of our few investments not located in a major city, this one is paying $697,971 a year to Ted Ebert… $214,482 to Daniel Grady… and $61,826 to Pamela Moore. It generates electricity, builds power plants, and distributes natural gas. We’ve held it for 29 years and it hasn’t disappointed us yet. The real story here is its ability to grow in all markets… and the stunning 1,845% gain it has made us. This overlooked dynamo has raised its payout every year and in every economic climate, shedding bear markets like water off a duck.

These five stocks are legitimate mattress-stuffers, the kind you can buy and forget about—forever, if you want.

They’re growing their dividends so fast that for every dollar you put into them now, you could have two dollars in your pocket a few years down the road… and you’ll be doing it by buying businesses that literally can’t fail.

Like every report we release, The Incredible Dividend Mapis the product of our own in-house research team.

That’s what differentiates the work we do from so many financial publishers.

We are 100% independent. We have zero affiliation with any brokerage or investment products.

And we don’t take a nickel from any company we recommend.

Our only mission is to uncover smart ways to make money that our readers would probably never find on their own.

And right now, one of the smartest moves any income investor can make is to put some money into the dividend machines we’ve uncovered in The Incredible Dividend Map.

I’ll send you this list of cash cows—and all my backup research—at no charge.

All I ask is that you accept a trial subscription to the publication that brings opportunities like this to your doorstep every month: Utility Forecaster.

This 12-page monthly bulletin is the only periodical devoted exclusively to making you money in essential-service stocks. There’s nothing else like it anywhere.

What I’ll Do for You Every Month

You can count on me to perform three major tasks in every issue of this unique income advisory:

  1. I analyze the latest numbers on every essential-service stock in the nation. I project future performance and give you specific recommendations. And I follow up on previous picks.
  2. I uncover the top growth prospects. Is the company involved in any money-making venture outside its bread and butter business? Is it tapping into new technologies? What kind of risk is it taking for growth?
  3. I make sure your dividend is SAFE. I put cash flow under a microscope. I dig deep to confirm that a high, double-digit yield isn’t a trap.

This last point is vital, because it means you get an early warning WAY before anything can go south on us.

After all, I’ve got money in these stocks, too.

So I do everything humanly possible to make sure we never get blind-sided by bad news.

I put every stock through an analytical boot camp before I even think about recommending it to you.

With 94.6% of our holdings in the black, it’s safe to say the system works.

While the rating system itself is complex, its results are crystal clear. Your investment life will never be simpler.

I’ll tell you where to put your money and when and where to move it around. You won’t trade much.

Why should we fritter away our money on commissions, taxes, and bid/ask spreads? The idea is for us to get richer, not our brokers.

So… if you prize a high income, steady growth, and, above all, safety, why not join the thousands of investors who are already getting all this from Utility Forecaster?

As you’ll see right from your first issue, I report to no one but my readers. Our entire business is built on making money for them—and they only stay with us if they profit.

And since thousands come back year after year, we must be doing our job pretty well.

Try It Out On Me

I can tell you about all the money we’re making until I’m blue in the face, but you’ll never know if Utility Forecaster is for you unless you give it a shot.

Here’s an idea: Why don’t you just try my service for the next 90 days, on me?

I’ll make it easy for you to get started.

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (18)First, I’ll send you The Incredible Dividend Map: 26 U.S. Cities Where Stocks Are Paying Us 67%, which describes in full detail the opportunities I just listed above.

It also includes the first-ever map of where all these income machines are located.

We will never release this report to the public. But I’ll send you a complimentary copy when you take a trial look at the service that brings these tireless wealth-builders to your door every month.

On top of that, I’ll knock 73% off the standard rate to welcome you as a new member of my service.

So instead of the regular price of $149, you can get in for just $39.95.

It’s the lowest price we’ve ever offered for Utility Forecaster.

Remember, you don’t have to make a final decision right now. Today I’m asking you to just TRY my service.

As soon as I hear from you, I’ll send you the current issue of Utility Forecaster along with a copy of The Incredible Dividend Map: 26 U.S. Cities Where Stocks Are Paying Us 67%.

You’ll see five extraordinary wealth-builders you should check out ASAP.

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (19)You’ll also get an uncensored look at our entire portfolio so you can see for yourself how we’re banking these incredible yields.

And please take your time with all this. There’s no rush.

You have three full months to get to know my service… check out each new issue of Utility Forecaster… go over my portfolio… and maybe even buy a recommendation or two.

That’s plenty of time to kick-start a growing stream of income into your account.

If it isn’t for you, no problem. Just let us know within 90 days and we’ll send you a 100% refund, no questions asked.

I’m not talking about a partial pro-rated refund. I’m talking about the entire fee.

Of course, your copy of The Incredible Dividend Map is yours to keep—no matter what you decide.

So I hope you give us a try. You can’t lose a penny… and I think you’ll be impressed by the remarkable amount of high-yield research you get for so little.

To get everything immediately, go here now.

The Incredible Dividend Map… Where Stocks Yield 67% a Year (20)

Robert Rapier,
Chief Investment Strategist, Utility Forecaster

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P.S.You’ll also see how you can get an even better deal with our two-year option. Here are three good reasons why it’s smart to sign up for two years:

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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.