The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (2024)

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (1)

How to support cannabis during the vegetative stage for best results.


The vegetative phase is a period of the growing cycle that takes place after germination and before flowering.

After your cannabis seeds germinate, they’ll emerge from the soil as seedlings. These youngsters feature a short stem and two rounded cotyledons. Eventually, the first “true” leaves will form. Over the subsequent 2–3 weeks, seedlings will start to mature and produce a large number of fan leaves—structures required for photosynthesis. This marks the beginning of the vegetative phase.

The vegetative phase can last anywhere between 3–16 weeks (or longer), depending on the genetics of a cultivar and the goals of the grower. Explosive growth occurs during this time. Plants are typically transplanted into larger containers at the start of the vegetative phase to give their root system more room to expand. The main stem will ascend, and the space between nodes will increase dramatically. Indica cultivars will remain short and put out lots of lateral growth, whereas sativa varieties grow taller with much less ramification.For photoperiod varieties, the vegetative phase ends when the light cycle shortens.

  • Outdoors, this happens as the seasons change from summer to fall.
  • Indoors, the lighting schedule is shortened to force photoperiod plants to flower on command. Plants will transition from the vegetative phase into bloom when exposed to a light cycle of 12 hours on and 12 hours off. In contrast, autoflowering cultivars initiate flowering based on their age as opposed to light cycle.
The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (2)The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (3)The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (4)The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (5)
Growth phase (Week 1)Growth phase (Week 2)Growth phase (Week 3)Growth phase (Week 4)
The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (6)The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (7)The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (8)The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (9)
Growth phase (Week 5)Growth phase (Week 6)Growth phase (Week 7)Growth phase (Week 8)

Growth phase (Week 1)

Growth phase (Week 2)

Growth phase (Week 3)

Growth phase (Week 5)

Growth phase (Week 6)

Growth phase (Week 7)

Growth phase (Week 8)


The vegetative phase is a vital period in the life cycle of a cannabis plant. Growers need to provide optimal environmental conditions for their plants to grow as large and healthy as possible. Size often equates to yield. The bigger plants become, the more nodes or “bud sites” they develop, and the more flowers they’ll be able to produce. But size isn’t the only factor.

Some growers prefer to keep their plants small while still achieving excellent yields, which can be done by training plants. These techniques need to be implemented in the vegetative stage before the first flowers begin to emerge. Many essential physiological functions are underway during the vegetative stage. Fan leaves are working hard to convert light and CO₂ into energy. The root system is expanding and providing a firm anchor to prevent the plant from toppling over; the roots also work to uptake vital nutrients and water. To meet the demands of plants during this time, growers need to ensure they provide the correct amount of light, water, and nutrients.

Cultivators also need to be aware of pests and pathogens, and do their best to prevent these threats from damaging or even killing their crop. Ultimately, the vegetative period sets the stage for flowering. The healthier plants are during this time, the more prepared they will be for flowering and a bountiful harvest.


The factors mentioned above apply to every cannabis grow. When cultivators manage to strike the perfect balance between all of these variables, remarkable growth becomes possible during the vegetative phase. Although the primary demands of plants remain the same, growers need to be aware of the differences between growing indoors and outdoors. These two very different environments present growers and their crop with various challenges.


Growing indoors usually involves raising plants in grow tents or dedicated grow rooms—this comes with distinct advantages and disadvantages. Indoor growers have almost complete control over the environment during the entire duration of the growing cycle. During the vegetative phase, they can elect to run lights for 18–24 hours per day. The more light a plant is exposed to, the more it can photosynthesise, resulting in more explosive vegetative growth. More control means there’s also more to manage. Indoor growers need to measure CO₂ levels, humidity, and temperature regularly. These factors need to be kept within specific parameters to optimise plant growth. Growers may need to invest in fans, hygrometers, humidifiers/dehumidifiers, extractor fans, and more to keep their operation running smoothly. These systems can be automated using timers and sensors, but this isn’t realistic for amateur and hobbyist cultivators.

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (18)

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (19)


Outdoor growers have much less control over their plants during the vegetative phase and the growing cycle as a whole. The elements take control, which can be a good thing in some circ*mstances. You don’t have to provide a light source, and frequent rain and irrigation systems remove the need to water regularly. Achieving ideal vegetative growth outdoors mostly lies in boosting your plants’ defenses. There are a lot of critters out there that will happily chow down on your plants for lunch. Small creatures such as insects can burrow into leaves and munch into roots, whereas animals such as birds and deer can do some severe damage to leaves and stems. Humid environments also increase the risk of fungal infections. Biological controls such as predatory insects can be introduced to the garden to eliminate pest species, and companion plants can be grown to deter them. Netting and fencing are an effective line of defense against larger animals. Foliar sprayscan help to keep mold away. Growers should also place their crop in an area of the garden that receives good airflow, and avoid stagnant areas.


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The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (20)


As we discussed above, the seedling stage comes just before the vegetative phase. It’s a key window in the life of a cannabis plant and can determine its fate. Just like healthy vegetative growth contributes to an optimal flowering phase, a healthy seedling stage does the same for the entire grow cycle. Let’s check out important factors to consider during this time.


Cultivators can raise plants in a variety of media, including soil and water (hydroponics). The growing medium provides a space for roots to grow, and—in the case of soil—provides organic matter and nutrients. Consider introducing microorganisms such as mycorrhizal fungi into your soil to form a beneficial relationship with your plants. They help with the breakdown of organic matter and the uptake of nutrients. In a hydro setup, start with good-quality, filtered water. Tap water contains excess chlorine and other detrimental substances.

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (21)


Light is one of the most important factors when growing cannabis. Alongside water and CO₂, it’s a significant player in the process of photosynthesis. Growers need to start out with a good set of lights to enable plants to grow healthy and strong. LED lights are recommended due to their low operational costs and low heat emission. As mentioned, indoor photoperiod strains require 18–24 hours of light per dayduring the vegetative phase. The more light exposure a plant receives, the faster it’ll grow. Most cultivators vegetate their plants for 4–8 weeks. After this time, a switch to 12 hours of light per day is required to initiate flowering. In contrast, autoflowering plants flower on their own. Provide them with 18–24 hours of light per day throughout veg and flowering, and watch the magic happen.

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (22)

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (23)


Cannabis plants have specific nutritional demands, and their requirements differ during the vegetative and flowering phases. During the vegetative period, plants require higher levels of nitrogen, which contributes to the growth of stems and leaves. They’ll also need adequate levels of potassium to regulate the opening and closing of stomata, and to produce energy. Vegetating plants also require the right amount of magnesium to power photosynthesis, and calcium for cell wall health. Cultivators can purchase vegetative nutrient formulas to make things simple. Products such as Easy Grow Booster Tablets provide all of the nutrients plants need throughout the entire vegetative window.If you’re growing hydroponically, purchase specific vegetative nutrients and apply as directed by the instructions.

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (24)


Water—the liquid of life. Cannabis plants depend on water to absorb nutrients in both soil and hydro grows. During the process of transpiration, water moves up the stem of the plant to the leaves, transporting nutrients to where they are needed. However, too much water can be a bad thing. Overwatering can starve the roots of air and lead to the development of root rot. When watering your plants during the vegetative phase, wait for the top ~1.2 inches of soil to dry outbefore watering again.Hydroponic plants receive all the water they need from their growing medium.

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (25)

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (26)


Vegetative plants thrive in temperatures of 20–30°C. Luckily for indoor and outdoor growers, this is quite a broad range. Vegetative plants can tolerate quite high humidity. Don’t let levels drop below 40%, though. Both temperature and humidity can be measured using a thermometer/hygrometer.Indoor growers can manipulate these conditions using heaters, air conditioning, humidifiers, and dehumidifiers.Outdoors, growers can erect shelters to protect vegging plants from the sun if a brutal heat wave sweeps through.

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Airflow is vital to keep vegging plants in good health. In a grow tent, input and extractorfans will keep the air fresh. They’ll bring in CO₂ and remove excess oxygen. Airflow will also help to prevent mold formation. If you’re growing outdoors in a polytunnel, it’s a good idea to set it up in the direction of the wind or to install some fans to keep the air moving.

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (28)


Training allows growers to morph and shape plants to their will. It opens up the canopy and lets more light penetrate through. Training can also boost yield while keeping plants at manageable heights. Methods such as low-stress training can be used to change the shape of plants by bending and tying down the stems and branches.

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (29)

The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (30)


Plants grow with haste during this time. Growers will need to continually monitor them and adjust the parameters of their setup accordingly. When using Easy Booster Tablets, feeding won’t be an issue. Growers need to monitor watering closely. Again, wait to water until the top ~1.2 inches of the soil is dry. Because plants will be growing so fast, the position of the lights may need to change. If the top of a plant gets too close to the light source, it can suffer from light burn. The light source should be suspended around 11.7 inches away from the top of the plant. If any leaf yellowing occurs, it should be positioned even further away.

High humidity is important during the first two weeks of vegging. Moisture in the air will boost plant health and can be achieved by temporarily turning off fans indoors.


In addition to the above, there are several other crucial factors to consider during the vegetative phase, regardless of how or where you choose to grow.


Sexing cannabis plants is vital to prevent males from pollinating the grow space. If the goal is to produce resinous flowers, cultivators need to identify and remove males as early as possible. Once their pollen fertilises a female flower, they’ll start to produce seeds and stop resin production.Sexing can be conducted around four weeks after germination. Both male and female plants will start to produce pre-flowers—small pieces of tissue that signify sex.Male plants produce pre-flowers that are more spherical, whereas female pre-flowers resemble the shape of a teardrop. Growers can use a magnifying tool such as a jeweller's loupeto get a closer look at the nodes. If a male is identified, it should be removed from the grow space. It can be kept separate for breeding purposes or disposed of.


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Each plant needs its own space. Crowded plants will end up overshadowing each other and blocking out light. Many variables come into play here. The genotype of a strain will dictate how large it grows, however, plants can be tamed using training methods.Cultivators can plan their grow space by figuring out how many plants to grow per square metre.

  • Using the SOG technique, growers can usually fit 4–16 plants per m². This involves potting many small plants in close proximity to form an even, horizontal canopy.
  • As mentioned above, low-stress training (LST) is another technique used to tame plants. It will enable growers to fit approximately four plants per m².
  • Finally, the ScrOG method can be used to boost yield, although only a single plant will fit per m².

Topping is a tried and tested method of controlling the height of a cannabis plant while boosting yield potential. By pruning the top of the main stem, growers can promote lateral growth, which in turn can enhance yield. Growers can perform topping as soon as a plant has 3–5 nodes.This is a technique for the vegetative growth phase. Cultivators should start with a sterilised pair of scissors and snip off the tip of the main stem, causing it to diverge. Growers can repeat this process again and again to produce more bud sites, however, plants need a period of “recovery” after each time you top, which will inevitably extend the length of the veg phase.

  • Part 1: Germinating The complete guide to germinating cannabis seeds
  • Part 3: Blooming phaseJust another couple of months of blossoming and we will be ready to get ourshears out of the cupboard
  • Part 4: Last weeks of bloomingAfter weeks of mounting excitement, the long-awaited moment for harvest is finally within arm's reach
  • Part 5: HarvestThis guide will assist you through each step of the harvest process to ensure a healthy and potent stash.
The Growth or Veg phase - Royal Queen Seeds USA (2024)


How long does it take from seed to veg stage? ›

The start of the vegetative stage can be considered as soon as the first Cotyledons (first two small circular leaves) appear on your seedling. The seedling will take a couple of days to completely emerges from the soil and after up to 2 or 3 weeks you will see the first true leaves.

Should I use Cal Mag during veg? ›

You should use 5 ml/gallon of Cal-Mag Plus during the vegetative and early bloom stages. During the halfway point of the flowering stage, you might want to reduce the application to 3 ml/gallon, to avoid adding excess nitrogen to the nutrient solution based upon your plant specific needs.

What should my buds look like at 5 weeks? ›

In week 5 of flowering, you can observe the buds all over your plant becoming thicker. You may also spot new buds growing in new places such as along the main cola. With buds abounding, your cannabis plants will get fatter every day. This is a surefire sign you are in full flowering mode.

What happens if you plant vegetable seeds too early? ›

Planted too early in the year, seedlings can outgrow their pots before it's time to transplant them outside. This leads to rootbound seedlings—when roots become so tightly confined in a container that growth is stunted.

How long does it take for a seed to fully grow? ›

Some seeds take more like 2-4 weeks, such as mango and parsley. Others, depending on how warm/cold it is, take closer to 2 months, for example avocado. If seedlings haven't appeared after the typical length of time for a particular seed, it's worth trying again with seeds from a different source.

Is too much Cal Mag bad for plants? ›

However, excess levels of calcium in the soil can affect a plant's uptake of other nutrients. This can cause a deficiency in these vital elements. For example, too much calcium in the oil can make it harder for plants to absorb magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iron, and boron.

How do I know if I need Calmag? ›

Symptoms of a Ca-Mg deficiency include yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and weak stems. Benefits of Cal-Mag Supplements: Using a cal-mag supplement can help ensure that your cannabis plants have adequate Ca-Mg levels, leading to healthier growth and higher yields.

What does Calmag deficiency look like? ›

In late-stage calcium deficiency, rust-colored spots or larger-sized blotches appear on leaves. On the undersides, blotches appear to be red, pale, transparent or white. These problems start on younger leaves and later appear on older leaves.

Do buds grow at night or day? ›

Nighttime provides darkness, keeping cannabis on somewhat of a natural clock. This is why indoor growers need to make a deliberate effort to not only create long, bright days but also emulate dark cycles for cannabis to grow large full buds.

What week do buds turn purple? ›

If it's not in their genes, it could also be due to a lack of phosphorus which tends to come out during the flowering phase, maintaining a healthy green during the growth period and at around the fourth flowering week the leaves will begin turning purple, lilac or slightly red.

What week do buds get hard? ›

In weeks 6-8, the buds of your plants will begin to harden; the delicate trichome heads of your flowers will cloud and turn amber, and the once milky pistils of your buds will shrink, turn brown and become fragile. Also, as your plants continue to ripen, new aromas, flavors, and pigmentation will develop.

How long do feminized seeds take to veg? ›

Feminized cannabis seeds are generally ready to be harvested after 12 to 20 weeks from the seed, and they do not start to flower before receiving 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness each day, unlike the autoflooons, which usually flourish 2 to 4 weeks after planting.

How hard is it to grow vegetables from seeds? ›

Growing plants from seed is a great way to start gardening earlier in the season. With the right light and some simple equipment, it's easy to grow from seed to harvest.

Is it better to start vegetables from seeds or plants? ›

Larger plants do better being placed in the garden as seedlings versus seeds because of the length of time they need to grow. On the other hand, plants that are smaller in size (like lettuce plants) don't take as long to reach maturity and may do much better in your garden being direct sown from seed.

What is the best light cycle for vegetative stage? ›

A common light cycle for the vegetative stage is 18 hours of light followed by 6 hours of darkness, mimicking long summer days. This extended light period provides plants with ample energy to develop healthy leaves, branches, and root systems.

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