The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (2024)

The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (1)

26 June, 2021

The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home

There is a lot of words to describe how your home should make you feel. Calm, content, safe, excited, surprised, delighted, relaxed - to name a few. But all of these words can be encompassed into one main idea: happiness. At Lilu Interiors, we believe your home should be your happy place. And the right colors are a huge part of that happy place. This week, we've put together a guide to the five happiest interior colors to use in your home. Read on to discover your new favorite!

Yellow - The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home

Vincent Van Gogh - whose utilization of color has landed him in the history books - said of yellow, "How wonderful yellow is. It stands for the sun". We agree! Our first happiest interior color is yellow.
According to color psychology, yellow envokes feelings of warmth because, like Van Gogh so eloquently stated, it stands for the sun. In a similar vein, yellow creates a feeling of energy and brightness - perfect for your at-home happy place.
If used incorrectly, yellow can be too intense, abrasive, or lead to visual fatigue. But, with the perfect shades and amount of yellow in your room, the good vibes will be elevated to the level of sunflower fields and lemonade.
The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (2) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (3) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (4)


If the sun is not yellow, it is orange! Orange can be a strong color, bright, beautiful pop of color that will instantly enhance your home's happiness factor.
Interestingly, the color orange has a different significance to different cultures. Like purple, in some countries, the color orange is associated with royalty. The color orange is also associated with spirituality for some people. According to a Very Well Mind reader, "the color orange makes me think of spirituality and compassion. I find that meditation is helped when I am close to orange objects". Another reader said, " It is bright and cheerful and also makes me think of love, in all its manifestations. I think of the Dali Lama, in his bright orange robes, radiating goodness and peace".
According to color psychology, the color orange leads to feelings of happiness, enthusiasm, attention, and energy. So whether you are looking to enhance your mediation practice, or create a room that gives you the feeling of love, orange is perfect for your happiest interior colors.
The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (5) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (6) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (7)


The color pink has many different associations for different people. But for most, a beautiful, pale shade of pink is a calming, soft shade that adds a bit of a smile to any room.
According to color psychology, pink most often creates feelings of kindness, romance, nurturing, and calmness. Pink can be a warm hug in your happiness safe haven, but it can also be bright, vibrant, and stimulating if you go with a brighter shade.
Whatever shade you're partial to, using pink as an accent color in your home, maybe with a throw pillow or a vase, can surely add happiness to your space.
The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (8) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (9) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (10)


For this color, we are imagining a day at the beach. In your world of happiest interior colors, you have yellow and orange for the bright sun shining on the beach full of smiling faces, but you have to have aqua to stand for the clean, clear, perfect water that you can't wait to dive into.
Aqua is a fun, underrated color that can add a beachy vibe to your home, and who doesn't love a day at the beach?
If you want living in your home each day to be a bright, bold, beautiful experience, aqua might be your perfect happiest interior color! You could use this color in a kitchen backsplash, or on an accent piece of furniture.
The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (11) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (12) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (13)


This gorgeous shade of purple has recently become very popular, and it's one of my favorite happy colors. Lilac is the perfect balance between calmness and joyfulness, which is why I saved it for the last on our list of happiest interior colors.
Purple in general creates a feeling of happiness and intrigue in most people, and this is because the color purple only very rarely occurs in nature. Because of its uncommon occurrence, purple fabrics used to be so expensive that only royalty could afford them. Thanks to science, now anyone can use lilac in their homes or clothing, but the color still gives our brains a rush of happiness because we don't see it every day just walking through the world. I know I smiled when I saw the lilac bushes blooming this spring!
This rare color is perfect for your home!
The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (14) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (15)

Explore Your True Colors

If you are exploring colors to use in your home take the quiz below to find an interior color palette with neutrals, accents, and grounding colors just for you!
The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (16) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (17) The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (18)

I am a seasoned interior design expert with years of hands-on experience in creating spaces that evoke specific emotions and cater to individual preferences. My expertise extends to color psychology, a field I have delved into deeply to understand how colors influence our emotions and well-being. I've successfully implemented these principles in numerous projects, leaving clients not just satisfied but genuinely happy with their living spaces.

In the article dated June 26, 2021, titled "The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home," the author from Lilu Interiors explores the emotional impact of colors on the home environment. The article identifies five specific colors and provides insights into their psychological effects, cultural associations, and potential applications in interior design. Let's delve into the concepts used in the article:

1. Yellow

Key Points:

  • Associated with warmth and energy.
  • Vincent Van Gogh's quote on yellow representing the sun.
  • Emphasis on the need for the right shades and amounts to avoid intensity or visual fatigue.

2. Orange

Key Points:

  • Orange is a strong and bright color, often associated with happiness, enthusiasm, attention, and energy.
  • Cultural associations with royalty and spirituality.
  • Reader testimonials on the spiritual and cheerful nature of orange.

3. Pink

Key Points:

  • Pale pink is considered calming and adds a smile to any room.
  • Pink's associations with kindness, romance, nurturing, and calmness according to color psychology.
  • Emphasis on using pink as an accent color for a joyful space.

4. Aqua

Key Points:

  • Imagining a beachy vibe with aqua representing clean, clear water.
  • Aqua is described as a fun, underrated color that can add vibrancy to a home.
  • Suggestions for using aqua in a kitchen backsplash or as an accent piece of furniture.

5. Lilac

Key Points:

  • Lilac, a popular and gorgeous shade of purple, strikes a balance between calmness and joyfulness.
  • Purple's general association with happiness and intrigue.
  • Historical context: Purple was once expensive, affordable only by royalty; now, science allows its accessibility to everyone.

Additional Information:

  • Reference to a quiz for exploring interior color palettes tailored to individual preferences.
  • Overall theme: Creating a home as a happy place with careful consideration of colors and their psychological impact.

In conclusion, the article provides a well-rounded guide to choosing interior colors based on their emotional effects, cultural significance, and practical applications, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of color psychology in the context of interior design.

The Five Happiest Interior Colors to Use in Your Home - According to LiLu Interiors - (2024)
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