The Five Fold Ministry | Are these 5 gifts important today? (2024)

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What are the Five Fold Ministry Gifts?

The biblical term “five fold ministry” can be found in Ephesians, chapter 4. It is here that the Apostle Paul shares a model for the Christian church structure. He mentions apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher as gifts instilled by Jesus.

So Christ himself gavethe apostles,the prophets,the evangelists,the pastors and teachers,to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christmay be built upuntil we all reach unityin the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of Godand become mature,attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13

The church (ekklesia) is not a building. Biblically the church is the assembly of people. This contrary to what many of us grew up to understand. The “church” was often the organization or a place with stained glass and statues. This was not so in the New Testament Scriptures.

To the church in Ephesus, the Apostle Paul lists the five fold ministry gifts not as a heirarchy of positional leadership, but more so a set of gifts that were prevalent in the Body of Christ, placed there by Jesus, Himself, for a special purpose. That purpose was specifically to:

  1. equip people to be impactful for God
  2. build up the body of believers and
  3. mature them to be everything that they were called be.

How do the Five fold ministry gifts equip, build up and mature God's People?

God wants you to be effective. He wants you successful in what you do. Too many Christians pass through this life not accomplishing what God called them to do.

Read More: What does the Bible say about procrastination?

Our environment is so important to our development. This is why Jesus set the 5 fold gifts in place and why the Apostle Paul was reinforcing this in the early church.

When these are operating in an assembly of believers, it builds a body of strong, impactful Christians. This is because the five fold apostolic gifts set the tone for an environment of growth.

We have a saying at Sound of Heaven. “God accepts you right where you are, but He won’t leave you there.” God wants to equip you, build you up, and help you to grow into the purpose He has for you. This is the role of the 5 fold ministry gifts.

To understand how the five fold sets the stage for a strong church, let’s look at the individual gifts mentioned in Ephesians 4.

The Five Fold Ministry | Are these 5 gifts important today? (1)

The Gift of the Apostle | Sent with a Vision and Strategy

The Apostle is the visionary. You could also say that they have a gift to pioneer new ideas and implement strategies. Remember, Christianity was a new concept in the first century and establishing congregations in regions that were less than welcomingwas no easy task. The early Apostles were the ones who examined the culture and decided the best ways to establish a place for the church to thrive.

An Apostle possesses leadership traits like communicating a game plan, challenging people to raise their standards, and motivating them to grow.

They aren’t easily swayed when things get tough and as the person that is “sent” to lead, the Apostle will judge a situation with the big picture in mind.

A congregation with a strong Apostle gifting present is one that benefits from a clear vision and an environment where complacency with the status quo doesn’t last long. Apostles put both a demand on the growth of the individual believer and ultimately the effectiveness of the church body within the region they are sent.

The Gift of the Prophet | Hearing and Releasing

When we hear the term “prophet”, we think of the unique individuals in scripture whom God spoke to and in turn they would stand among the people proclaiming God’s message of what was to come.

To demystify it a bit, think of when someone is in tune with God’s will. We have all been given the gift to “hear from God”. In fact, that is why prayer is so important. God speaks to all of us and a prophetic person commits to being sensitive to God’s voice and contributes by sharing what God is putting on their hearts.

A church that has a prophetic focus is one where God’s Word, particularly His Will for the days ahead, is released and all benefit.

But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.

1 Cor 14:3

To learn more about this topic, check out this prophetic sermon series.

The Work of an Evangelist | Invitation and Good News

Nothing grows unless the word gets out. That’s exactly what a person with an Evangelist gift does. In fact the root word means “messenger of Good News”. The Good News of Christianity is the Gospel.

The gift of an evangelist is to clearly communicate the fundamental truth that God loves and forgives people and that He has made a way for people to have a relationship with Him through salvation that cannot be lost, once received. The result is that many who hear are drawn to both Jesus and compelled to take the journey of following Him.

To put it simply, this is the gift of an invitation to a life with God. I strongand vibrant church is a group of people that aren’t afraid to step out of the 4 walls of the building, meet new people, and introduce them to the faith. It is upon accepting that invitation that the other 5 fold gifts kick in to advance them forward in their walk. But, it all starts with an evangelistic invitation.

The Care of a Pastor | Love & Security

The Pastor is easily one of the most popular gifts. Why? Because a Pastoral person is a Shepherd at heart. They love people deeply and want to see them cared for.

You may know someone like this or be one yourself. A person with a Pastor’s heart will go to great lengths to make people feel safe and secure.

This is an extremely vital role in the church body because where the Apostolic gift is forward thinking, the Prophet is looking always upward, the evangelist is outside the walls inviting new people, a pastoral gift meets you right where you are and asks “How are you? Do you want to get some coffee?”

What they may lack in challenging you for securities sake, pastoral people will make up for in helping to build an environment where people know that they are loved and cared for.

The old adage “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” was definitely thought of by someone with the pastoral five fold gift. When a congregation knows they are loved and that there are people that generally concerned for their well being, it contributes to an environment where they can set all else aside and grow with confidence and contentment.

Read More: Can a Woman Be a Pastor?

The Foundation of a Teacher | Understanding

A great teacher makes a subject come alive in how they communicate the fundamentals, even how to read the Bible. They have a gift to share principals that can be easily understood and applied. A teacher is thorough and patient and knows how to break down complex topics in a way that is easily digestible.

The Bible is a compilation of books that detail the covenants between man and God. There is so much that God has placed in there about His will for our lives, even our own identity. Also, the Word is an incredible journey and glimpse into world history history.

In Christianity, a good teacher will connect Divine revelation with wisdom and reason. The congregation that has access to a strong teaching gift will have a strong foundation of principals and understanding that is not easily swayed.

It is a very powerful place to be to know why you believe what you believe. The 5 fold ministry gift of the Teacher plays a big role in that!

Are the Five Fold Ministry Gifts for Today’s Church?

We find the 5 fold structure in the first-century church throughout the Book of Acts but it is absolutely for today too. The Great Commission is alive and well! Everyday a new generation of people is born and needing to know God.

Today’s church needs the leadership and vision of the Apostle. God’s voice has never stopped, therefore the prophetic is also vital. God is still looking for people to boldly share His love like an evangelist or love and care for people like a Pastor. And, last but not least, sound teaching and Biblical principals are needed to strengthen people’s faith and understanding. That is a role of a teacher.

We have a modern church structure that is somewhat incomplete in that there is often emphasis on only a portion of the 5 fold ministry, mainly the pastoral gifts. This makes for an interesting dynamic where people are cared for, but without the other five fold ministry gifts to also contribute, the Body of Christ struggles to grow.

Where would the church be if we took the first century church structure to heart and applied it in a way that was relevant today? I present that we would have a more well-rounded, effective, church that can be a greater light to the world.

The Five Fold Ministry | Are these 5 gifts important today? (2)

Do you have a 5 Fold Ministry gift?

Of course you have a 5 fold ministry gift! In fact, you may have read the above descriptions and said “Hey, that sounds like me. It is certainly plausible to identify with some or even all these gifts. Remember, they are more traits than job titles.

So, now that you know these are available to us all, for us all. What are you waiting for? God wants to cultivate these in you for your betterment. He wants you equipped and growing, but even better, He wants you to play a role in bettering the lives of others.

These gifts don’t even have to be in the form of ordination as church clergy. In fact, in far more cases these gifts are applicable outside of the “church building”.

Has God put a vision on your heart to bring an idea to a segment of the world? You are the Apostle He chose. Do you believe that He speaks to you (He does)? That is the prophetic gift inside of you waiting to strengthen, encourage, and comfort the world around you.

Do you have the gift of communication? There are a million and one ways to spread good news around the world or enlighten people to principals that will enhance their lives. There just may be an evangelist and teacher inside of you!

Lastly, are you someone who’s heart yearns to see others be comforted and cared for? That could be a Pastoral gift that is applied to the vocation or even professional journey of your life.

You could easily operate in more than one of these five fold ministry gifts! Now that we have broken down this biblical church structure, I hope that you can see how these traits strengthen all involved and proactively seek environments that are positioned for the health growth that come from the 5 fold ministry gifts.

The 5 fold Apostolic ministry was vital in the building of the first century church in the tumultuous time of the Roman Empire. As we face new challenges today, there is a case to be made that the reinstitution of the five fold ministry gifts are what is needed to make the church an effective voice in the world.

It is more than a church model and most certainly is not a denomination. The five fold ministry is part of God’s plan for the body of believers and, when intentionally applied, yields tremendous results.

Want to learn more about the Five (5) Fold Ministry?

You can dive deeper into the five fold ministry gifts and what is an apostolic churchby connecting with us! There are even five fold ministry tests you can take. Please feel free to contact us for more information.

Connect with the author and
Pastor at Sound of Heaven Church
Jay D'Ambrosio

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The Five Fold Ministry | Are these 5 gifts important today? (2024)


How important is the 5 fold ministry? ›

The ministry of the church is unmistakably stated as being at least fivefold in form. This fivefold form finds expression in the giftings of apostle, prophet, evangelist, shepherd and teacher. And it is through the diversity of APEST that the church is able to operate in the fullness of Christ's ministry.

What are the 5 gifts of ministry? ›

The concept of the five-fold ministry comes from Ephesians 4:11, "It was He (Jesus) who gave some to be (1) apostles, some to be (2) prophets, some to be (3) evangelists, and some to be (4) pastors and (5) teachers."

What are the 5 gifts from God? ›

The gift of the Holy Spirit
  • The gift of the Holy Spirit.
  • The gift of faith.
  • The gift of forgiveness.
  • The gift of the church, and.
  • The gift of heaven.
3 Mar 2020

What is the 5 fold ministry and what are each of their functions? ›

As the head of the Church (Colossians 1:18), He passed us His ministry in five key parts or roles: Apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds (pastors) and teachers. Each one of us has a role – not picked by us but by God – to play as we participate in His work.

Why are ministerial gifts important within the church? ›

They were sent to be eyewitnesses of Jesus' life, earthly ministry and resurrection. Acts 1:15-22. They were teachers/preachers of the Word; had to be eyewitnesses of His earthly ministry and His resurrection. They were foundational apostles because God used them to help lay down New Testament doctrine (Eph.

Why the ministry of God is important? ›

It means that we “do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Galatians 6:10). Whether we are bankers or bricklayers, it means that we aim at advancing other people's faith and holiness to the glory of God. Fulfilling your ministry is more important than staying alive.

What does a 5 fold mean? ›

adjective. five·​fold ˈfīv-ˌfōld. -ˈfōld. : having five units or members. : being five times as great or as many.

What is the meaning of ministry gifts? ›

The ministry gifts, as they are often called, are the callings and various abilities given to certain believers that enable them to stand in the offices of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher. No one can put himself or herself into one of these offices. Rather, one must be called and gifted by God.

What are the main gifts of God? ›

According to the Scriptures, these gifts include such ministries as faith, healing, prophecy, proclamation, teaching, administration, reconciliation, compassion, and self-sacrificing service and charity for the help and encouragement of people.

What is the most important gift God has given us? ›

In John 3:16, we read about a most precious gift: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

What are God's spiritual gifts to us? ›

These abilities, often termed "charismatic gifts", are the word of knowledge, increased faith, the gifts of healing, the gift of miracles, prophecy, the discernment of spirits, diverse kinds of tongues, interpretation of tongues.

What are the 7 major gifts from God? ›

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are an enumeration of seven spiritual gifts first found in the book of Isaiah, and much commented upon by patristic authors. They are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.

What is the responsibility of each member of the Church? ›

Every church member is responsible to uphold and affirm the gospel. When the apostle Paul wrote to the churches of Galatia, he chastised the churches, not the elders, for turning to a “different gospel” (Gal 1:2, 6). He held the congregation accountable for allowing error to creep in and distort the gospel (Gal 1:7).

What was the main focus of Jesus ministry? ›

His public ministry, though, seems to have focused especially around the working of miracles, casting out demons, healing people. He was known as a miracle worker.

Why are meaningful gifts important? ›

One of the main reasons why gifts matter and are so important is because actions tend to speak louder than words. Sometimes, a person needs a little lift and to be reminded that people are thinking about them and that's what a good present can do when carefully chosen.

Why is it important to use our spiritual gifts? ›

The Purposes of Spiritual Gifts

This brings about maturity and “the fullness of Christ.” We use our gifts to strengthen the Body of Christ and build it up. Peter reminds believers, “as each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God” (1 Peter 4:10).

What is the importance of giving and receiving gifts? ›

We often give gifts to re-confirm or establish our connection with others, which means that they're a reflection of both the giver and the receiver, as well as their unique relationship. Giving a gift to someone we care about allows us to communicate our feelings and appreciation for them.

Why must we give importance to the task of the church today? ›

The Church helps us to maintain organization, teachings, and to create a support system for members. By establishing a church, the Lord ensures that the correct doctrines are taught. The Church provides members with revelations, standards, and guidelines that help us live as Christ would have us live.

What ministry has God given us? ›

The apostle Paul said, “All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18). He didn't say he had “moments of reconciliation now and then.” He said God gave him “the ministry of reconciliation.” In other words, “Reconciliation is all I do.

How does 5 folds work? ›

A Fivefold Accumulator is one bet on five selections. All five selections must be successful to have a return. A Super Yankee or Canadian consists of twenty-six bets on five selections i.e. 10 Doubles, 10 Trebles, 5 Fourfold Accumulators and 1 Fivefold Accumulator.

How do you use fivefold? ›

Our deficit in that sector has increased almost fivefold in the past five years. The number of staff in the section has increased threefold in recent months, and output has increased fivefold. Even allowing for inflation, that is a fivefold increase.

What are ministry gifts in the Bible? ›

Ministry Gifts (1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:27-31): Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Helps, Administration, Leadership, Distinguishing Spirits, Speaking in Tongues, and Interpreting Tongues. These are the tools that the Holy Spirit utilizes for the ongoing ministry of the church.

Why are the seven gifts important? ›

At Baptism, we receive seven special gifts from the Holy Spirit. These gifts are freely given to us to help us live as followers of Jesus and to build up the Body of Christ, the Church. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit are sealed and strengthened within us at Confirmation.

What are the power of gifts? ›

Receiving gifts make us happy and we feel obliged to the person who has presented it to us, while giving gifts to others gives us inner satisfaction. In fact, gift giving is an important part of human interaction as it strengthens bonds with family and friends.

What is God's first gift? ›

God gives people plants and seeds for farming as a gift in the first chapter of Genesis. Genesis tells us God created plants and their seeds, “each according to its kind,” called them good, and gave to humans to eat.

How do you know your gift from God? ›

Discover Your Gifts
  1. Ask others to let you know. Sometimes we don't see in ourselves what others can see in us. ...
  2. Look for gifts in adversity. ...
  3. Pray for the help to recognize your gifts. ...
  4. Don't be afraid to branch out. ...
  5. Search the word of God. ...
  6. Look outside yourself. ...
  7. Think about people you look up to. ...
  8. Reflect on your family.

Why is the fifth beatitude important? ›

Jesus wants us always to humbly acknowledge our need for him. To be meek is to be gentle, kind, patient, and tolerant – not proud, boastful or conceited. The Savior showed his meekness by being willing to submit to the will of God.

What does the Bible say about the five-fold ministry? ›

The five-fold ministry is found in Ephesians 4:11, and it refers to the five roles that God has called Christians to fill. These roles are (1) apostles, (2) prophets, (3) evangelists, (4) pastors, and (5) teachers.

Why is the apostolic succession so important? ›

Those who accept apostolic succession as necessary for a valid ministry argue that it was necessary for Christ to establish a ministry to carry out his work and that he commissioned his Apostles to do this (Matthew 28:19–20). The Apostles in turn consecrated others to assist them and to carry on the work.

What is the purpose of Acts 5? ›

The apostles consider the judgment affirmation that they are rightly serving Jesus who died for them (Acts 5:27–42). The apostles consider submission to God the right thing to do even if the Holy Spirit leads them to do or experience hard things.

What do the Beatitudes mean for our lives today? ›

If we want the best life each of us must first make ourselves poor in spirit. We must recognize our dire situation and that the only way out is to rely on God. The Beatitudes Explained Simply (paraphrase): Blessed are those who recognize their dire need for God, for God will bring them into his Kingdom.

Why is it important for us to apply the Beatitudes in our lives? ›

The Beatitudes are a radically bold statement of Jesus' intent to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth, which will bring true peace and freedom for all who dare to follow him as his disciples. It is through those disciples that his kingdom will bring blessing to all of the peoples of the earth.

How do you live the 5th Beatitude? ›

Teaching the Fifth Beatitude by Jeanne Sparks
  1. Recognizing a need and acting upon it.
  2. Being able to "walk in someone else's shoes"—thinking and feeling as that individual does.
  3. Loving and appreciating others because God is Love and man is His image and likeness.
  4. Loving unconditionally.

What's the meaning of fivefold? ›

-ˈfōld. : having five units or members. : being five times as great or as many. fivefold.

What does it mean to have a spiritual gift? ›

A Spiritual Gift is a special divine empowerment bestowed on each believer by the Holy Spirit to accomplish a given ministry God's way according to His grace and discernment to be used within the context of the Body of Christ.

What Luke 5 teaches? ›

The chapter relates the recruitment of Jesus' first disciples and continues to describe Jesus' teaching and healing ministry. Early criticism from the Jewish religious authorities is encountered as the chapter progresses.

What is the gift of apostolic? ›

Apostolic gifting is sometimes described as a gift of leadership. As carriers of large vision, apostles have great capacity to draw other people into the work of God.

Who are the 5 apostolic sees? ›

Formulated in the legislation of the emperor Justinian I (527–565), especially in his Novella 131, the theory received formal ecclesiastical sanction at the Council in Trullo (692), which ranked the five sees as Rome, Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem.

What is apostolic succession How is it given today? ›

According to historian Justo L. González, apostolic succession is generally understood today as meaning a series of bishops, regardless of see, each consecrated by other bishops, themselves consecrated similarly in a succession going back to the apostles.

What happens in Acts 5 of the Bible? ›

OUTLINE: ANANIAS AND SAPPHIRA LIE TO THE APOSTLES (5:1-11): A man named Ananias and his wife sold a piece of property and gave part of the proceeds to the Apostles, but they lied about how much they gave. Peter confronted Ananias about the lie and God punished him by striking him dead.

What was the main message of Acts? ›

Acts shows us God's sovereignty in appointing men and women to eternal life (Acts 2:39, 41, 47; 5:14; 11:24; 13:48), in granting faith and repentance (3:16; 5:31; 11:18; 15:8–9; 16:14; 18:27), and even in the cruel cross of Christ (2:23–24; 3:18; 4:27–28).

Why God has chosen me? ›

You are chosen by God because he wants you. He loved you before time began. He chose you to give you hope. He chose you to represent him in holiness and truth.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.