The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (2024)

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  1. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (1)annagarwal says

    Greetings Sir,

    In example 6c, estimate the market value per share in 2 years time, my calculation shows the answer as $3.93. Please help guide me where I am going wrong.

    Warmest Regards,
    A Student

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (2)John Moffat says

      Given that the dividends are growing at 6% per year, the market value will also grow at 6% per year.

      Given that the current MV is $2.80, then in 2 years time it will be 2.80 x 1.06^2 = 3.15.

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  2. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (3)imjy98 says

    Can you please explain what is the difference between (a) and (b) of Example 8? At 27:00 of your lecture, it is mentioned that very rare to ask “(a) return to investors” but usually ask “(b) cost to company” but it seems like there is no difference in question solving between (a) and (b) except for applying tax effect on interest. Or is the tax effect IS the only difference between return to investors and cost to the company? Thank you for your wonderful lecture!

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (4)John Moffat says

      Yes. As far as debt finance is concerned, the only difference is that the company gets tax relief on the debt interest which makes the cost to the company lower.

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  3. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (5)alin.sivi says

    in ex6 C can we increase the dividend by 6.75% for two years and then discount them at 14.375%? I got 3.16 (after adding initial 2.8) as the MV of share

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (6)John Moffat says

      Although is gives a value close to the correct value, it is just a coincidence. That approach does not work.

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  4. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (7)adelletery-lewis says

    Thank you so much for these videos!!

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (8)John Moffat says

      You are welcome 🙂

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  5. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (9)SirPEK says

    Please, help me don’t understand how you arrived at 0.0419 or 4.19%.
    I clearly understood other parts

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (10)John Moffat says

      I assume that you are referring to example 4, in which case we take the fourth root of 33,000/28,000 and then subtract 1 from the answer.
      ( I assume that you have a scientific calculator and know how to calculate a 4th root?)

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      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (11)emlo123 says

        Hi, would you mind explaining how you got here, please?

      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (12)John Moffat says

        Are you meaning the actual calculation of the 4th root of 33,000/28,000 (because I explain why we want it in the lecture)?

        It depends on which calculator you are using, but on my calculator you divide 33,000 by 28,000 and then you take it to the power of 0.25 (which is the same as taking the fourth root). Then you subtract 1 from the answer, which gives you 0.0491 (which is the same as 4.91%).

    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (14)John Moffat says

      The free lecture notes that are referred to at the start of every lecture. You can download them by following the link listed at the top of this page!

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  6. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (15)momanyi says


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  7. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (16)tojik says

    Hi John, many thanks for excellent lecture. A question on Example 6 (c)
    – you estimated market value per share in 2 years time by growing the price at dividends growth rate, logic is clear (assuming the price will be driven by dividends growth only) = $3.19

    I thought I should get the same result if I actually use Ke and G in Growth Model formula (which should be the same), the result is different for some reason: P(2 years) = 20*(1+0.0675)^2 / 0.1438 – 0.0675 = $2.99

    Would you have a view on why its different, shouldn’t be different in theory (assuming price is driven by dividends growth only)

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (17)shanky95 says

      Hi there won;t be any difference. You are looking at it right except a little calculation mistake.
      The right calculation is, P(2 years from now) = 20*(1+0.0675)^3 / 0.1438 – 0.0675 = $3.19

      Reason for using (1.0675)^3 is as below:
      In growth model – to calculate market value of today, we use dividend in one year’s time [Do(1+g)], and therefore – to calculate market value in 2 years time, we need to use dividend in 3 year’s time [Do(1+g)^3].

      I hope it explains.

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      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (18)Noah098 says

        That makes so much sense! Thank you so much @shanky95! Really helped as i had a similar doubt as tojik.

  8. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (19)acca says

    Please can you advise why sometimes in Ke=Rf+Be(Rm-rf), Rf is deducted from Rm, sometimes nit. I sm very confused!

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (20)John Moffat says

      Rf is always subtracted from Rm !!!

      Rm is the market return. What is confusing you is that Rm – Rf is the market premium, and questions sometimes tell you the market return but sometimes tell you the market premium instead.

      I do explain this in the lectures.

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      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (21)acca says

        Thank you so much for the nice and quick explanation

  9. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (22)Elena says

    About the formula
    I wonder why is g added as a second augend.
    Could it be explained in this way?

    The sh.holders want to have growth not only for the dividends but for the whole business, i.e. for the P (price of a share), so the total sum of a year return = div(1+g) + P*g. The percent of return = Ke = total_growth / P = we come to the initial formula. Is it correct?

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (23)John Moffat says

      Not really.
      It is a rearrangement of the formula for the market value (Po) which can only be properly explained by proving it. It is easy to prove if you are good at maths.
      However, both explaining and proving it are outside the syllabus 🙂

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  10. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (25)avnigilda says

    Hi John,
    Question 6 part b needs calculation of cost of equity. The question has given a MV of $2.80 and EPS of 32c. Can’t we use the formula for cost of equity = 1/Price earning ratio ?

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (26)John Moffat says

      No – that doesn’t give the cost of equity!! That gives the earnings per share, which is something different.

      Have you not watched the free lectures on this?

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  11. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (27)ayeshatabani says

    Hi John,
    The answer to example 4 is coming negative -0.48. It’s not coming 4.19%. I have tried doing it multiple times!
    Can you please check this?

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (28)marslan says

      g=(33000/28000)^1/4 -1= 1.0419 -1= 0.0419= 4.19%

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      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (29)John Moffat says

        Thank you Marslan 🙂

    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (30)Giuseppe says

      Ayeshatabani, If the value has grown during the time (from 28k to 33k), how is it possible the the growth is negative? Must be positive! 🙂

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  12. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (31)claudia1 says

    Thank you sir. I was wondering though….why we need to plus the growth, when it was already added to the dividend,,,,do x 1+g for next year’s dividend. Thanks

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (32)John Moffat says

      Because dividends keep growing after next years dividend. To explain fully would require me to prove the formula – it is not difficult to prove but would be wasting time given that you cannot be asked to prove it in the exam 🙂

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  13. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (33)said1988 says

    Hello Sir,

    Thank you for the lectures,

    I have a question concerning the example 6 part C: Market value per share in 2 years time:

    Is ‘g’ dividend growth equal to the growth in share price?

    Thank you again

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (34)said1988 says

      I just need more explanation please

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      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (35)John Moffat says

        Yes. Because the market value is the present value of future dividends, the market price will grow at the same rate as the growth in dividends.

      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (36)said1988 says

        It makes sense, thank you sir

      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (37)John Moffat says

        You are welcome 🙂

  14. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (38)techie says

    Thanks a lot.

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (39)John Moffat says

      You are welcome 🙂

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  15. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (40)wincott2 says

    I’m a bit unclear how you got the answer for the example 3.1 under chapter 6. (1+g) = 4 root (33,000/28,000).

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (41)John Moffat says

      But I explain this example in the lecture! If you are asking how to calculate a fourth root, then you need a scientific calculator.

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      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (42)wincott2 says

        Thanks Sir I used the wrong process.

      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (43)John Moffat says

        You are welcome 🙂

  16. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (44)amaldev5125 says


    1) Discounting dividend give current value of company.
    2) Discounting entire cash flow also give current value of company.

    So my question is how the dividend valuation model and discounted cash flow model give same result when cash flow include dividend also?

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (45)John Moffat says

      Discounting dividends at the cost of equity gives the value of the equity.
      Discounting the free cash flows at the WACC gives the value of the company – equity plus debt.

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      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (46)amaldev5125 says

        What if the cash flow is after interest that is cash flow to equity?

      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (47)John Moffat says

        Yes, and this is all explained in later lectures on the valuation of mergers and acquisitions – I do not know why you are asking this under a lecture on cost of capital!

      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (48)amaldev5125 says

        In that lecture cash flow to equity is discounted with cost of equity, dividend valuation also with cost of equity so I got confused.

        I got this doubt, when I watched this video. Sorry and leave it.

        Thanks for the reply

      • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (49)John Moffat says

        You are welcome, and no problem 🙂

  17. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (50)haroon says

    I don’t understand how the 110 is appearing in example 8 part a of chapter 6….plz help

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  18. The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (51)kelsnjoku says

    Hello sir,

    In a situation where dividend grows at a given rate for a given number of years, who can cost of equity be computed?

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    • The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (52)John Moffat says

      Given that the dividend valuation formula is working backwards from the premise that the market value is the present value of future expected dividends discounted at the shareholders required rate of return, it would be illogical for shareholders to be expecting dividends as you state (and could not happen in the exam).
      Revising this by watching the relevant PM (old F9) lectures may help you.

      Most commonly in the exam we would be using CAPM to calculate the cost of equity anyway (and not using the dividend valuation formula.

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The cost of capital (part 1) - ACCA (AFM) lectures (2024)
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