The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (2024)


(Image credit:

David Levenson/Alamy


The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (1)

By Pádraig Belton19th April 2016


Under London’s streets lies a hidden gold mine.

It stretches across more than 300,000 square feet under the City, the finance quarter in the heart of Britain’s capital. There, beneath the pavement and commuters of Threadneedle Street, lies a maze of eight Bank of England gold vaults – each stacked with gold bars worth a total sum of around £141 billion ($200 billion).

The bars sit on rows of blue numbered shelves. Every bar weighs precisely 400 troy ounces (about 12kg), making each currently worth some £350,000 ($500,000), comfortably more than the average price of a house in the UK. Each bar looks subtly different depending on where it was refined. Some bars have sloping edges to make them easier to pick up; others look more like a loaf of bread.

There is no smell here: metal has none. There is no noise, either, on account of the vaults’ thick concrete walls.

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (2)

Every bar is worth some £350,000 ($500,000) (Credit: David Levenson/Alamy)

What there is, however, is one of the world’s most important traded assets. Deals are still done in gold in almost every country in the world. Its price is a crucial barometer for consumer confidence. Prices rise when markets are uncertain, and before US elections – like now.

“Gold is a hedge against uncertainty,” says Jonathan Spall, a long-time gold trader and now managing director of G Cubed Metal.

These vaults lie right at the heart of this volatile, incredibly important market.

About one-fifth of all the gold held by the world’s governments is in London

About one-fifth of all the gold held by the world’s governments is in London. In total, 6,256 tonnes of gold are stored in vaults in and around London – collectively worth about £172 billion ($248 billion).

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (3)

Beneath the Bank of England on Threadneedle Street, shown here, lie vaults that stash 5,134 tonnes of gold (Credit: Mike Booth/Alamy)

The Bank of England vaults alone hold 5,134 tonnes, including the official reserves of the UK Treasury and the vast majority of the physical gold traded in London. Gold owned by 30 other countries is also in these vaults along with the hoards of about 25 banks.

So much gold is kept in Britain’s capital partly to keep it near where the metal is traded. It’s also a reflection of the security of London’s vaults.

Hiding your stash

The Bank of England vaults were built in the 1930s. During World War II, when Britain’s bullion was secretly moved to Canada to continue the war effort if Britain was overrun, one vault was used as a staff canteen for Bank of England employees. Vintage advertisem*nts for the P&O cruise line, enticing Bank employees away to holiday, are still plastered across the walls. Later, in the 1940s, the vault was used as a bomb shelter.

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (4)

The Bank’s gold vaults were used as a staff canteen in the 1930s (Credit: Bank of England)

But since 1945, the vaults have been used primarily for gold.

Storing your assets in a huge safe might seem more fitting for a Tudor monarchy than a modern central bank

Storing your assets in a huge safe might seem more fitting for a Tudor monarchy than a modern central bank. But the Bank of England still uses not only vaults, but several 3ft-long keys for access. Insiders believe that electronic access alone could be more prone to abuse. (You do still have to speak a password into a microphone and a computer matches your voice against a saved sample).

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (5)

A number of keys are needed to access the Bank’s gold vaults (Credit: David Levenson/Alamy)

The bars arrive in London by surprisingly traditional methods, too. Some come by sea, shipped from refineries like PAMP in Switzerland or Rand Refinery outside Johannesburg in South Africa.

In the cargo hold of commercial passenger planes, you often find gold, fresh flowers, and dead bodies – Ruth Crowell

Gold is also moved on regular passenger aeroplanes. “In the cargo hold of commercial passenger planes, you often find gold, fresh flowers, and dead bodies,” says Ruth Crowell, chief executive of the London Bullion Market Association.

But more difficult than finding transport can be finding a place to house it. Because much of the City of London is on clay ground and because gold is such a dense substance, you can only stack the bars so high before the vault starts sinking into the clay, Crowell says. (The weight of a City skyscraper is spread over a larger footprint, which makes that risk less likely).

This is less of a problem in other cities. In Manhattan, which sits on bedrock, the Federal Reserve Bank can stack bars from floor to ceiling.

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (6)

Stacks of gold bars are arranged on shelves in the Bank’s vaults (Credit: David Levenson/Alamy)

As a result, there are restrictions on how much gold can be stacked in the Bank’s vaults. On the top level, the gold bars can only be stacked four pallets high. On the lower, they can only be stacked up to six.

This means London needs to spread out its gold more to stop it sinking, and needs more vaults of smaller sizes.

Each owner attempts to keep their vault’s location secret

As a result, it isn’t just the City’s streets that are paved with gold. There are seven smaller vaults inside the M25 (the motorway that encircles Greater London) owned by banks like JP Morgan and HSBC, including three at transport companies around Heathrow Airport.

Each owner attempts to keep their vault’s location secret. When CNBC journalists visited JP Morgan in 2011, for example, they had to surrender their mobile phones and travel in a car with blacked-out windows.

Getting your gold fix

It isn’t just vault locations that are kept under wraps. The gold market itself is secretive and steeped in tradition and ritual, particularly around the fixing system used for setting the price.

The price setting meetings or “fixes” – in which there are now 12 direct participants hailing from the UK, US, Canada, China and France – take place twice a day. When a price matches supply and demand, the price is fixed.

If a participant wished to pause proceedings, he would raise a small UK flag

Until 2015, this was done verbally: a chairman would try different prices on the participants, each of whom would say if, at that price, they would be buyers or sellers. From 1919 until 2004 fixes were done in person in the City of London. Originally, if a participant wished to pause proceedings – to change between buying and selling, for example – he would raise a small UK flag.

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (7)

Gold traders in Paris respond to the latest fix in November 1967 (Credit: Reg Lancaster/Daily Express/Getty)

In 2004, the fixes were moved to a conference call. Only last year did the system change to a more modern electronic auction platform run by the Intercontinental Exchange, which also owns the New York Stock Exchange.

“If everyone knows there are two key points in the day to show up, you get the best liquidity balance between buying and selling,” says Matthew Glenville, chief operating officer of the Intercontinental Exchange Benchmark Administration.

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (8)

Transactions in gold total some £85 billion ($120 billion) per day (Credit: David Levenson/Alamy)

This ‘spot’ price is then used as a benchmark for people buying and selling gold around the world, a market where transactions total around £85 billion ($120 billion) a day.

Portable assets

During good times, gold is less in demand. But when the economy is tough, the metal is highly prized as a safe haven asset – not quite like storing cash under the mattress, but still a way to hedge against risk in other markets.

Since the 1,000-point Dow Jones plunge of August 2015, the average price of the morning fix has increased each month

As a result, gold increases in value when markets are volatile. Since the 1,000-point Dow Jones plunge of August 2015, the average price of the morning fix has increased each month, rising from £705 ($1,000) in December to £870 ($1,250) in March. When stock markets slump, governments and private investors ditch equities and buy gold – like Russia and China are doing now.

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (9)

More than half of the world’s gold goes to jewellery, like at this artisan’s shop in Kolkata, India (Credit: Dibyangshu Sarkar/AFP/Getty)

Even so, only 32% of the world’s yellow metal is actually held by governments, banks and investors under lock and key. About 12% is used industrially, such as in electronics circuits. And more than half is used for jewellery.

China and India are particularly significant markets for jewellery, together accounting for half of world demand. In India alone, an average of 30 to 40 grams of gold are purchased for each of the country’s 10 million weddings each year.

“China and India, between the two of them, accounted for less than 10% of global demand in 2000,” says Ross Norman, chief executive of the bullion dealer Sharps Pixley. “Now it’s north of 90%.”

The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (10)

A bride in Ahmedabad, India; each wedding in India results in the purchase of an average 30 to 40 grams of gold (Credit: Sam Panthaky/AFP/Getty)

With the current volatility of major currencies and stock markets, it’s little surprise that gold has returned to fashion. One sign? The opening of London’s first high street gold showroom in January.

Sharps Pixley is located directly across from the private clubs White’s and Boodle’s in the heart of the upmarket St James’s neighbourhood. The building, which is owned byThe Apprentice star Lord Sugar, has anexclusive and club-like interior with dark timber, brass and a large chandelier.

If you want to get your hands on some bullion today, Sharps Pixley sells gold over the counter, in bars ranging from a kilogram (£28,058) down to one gram (£33.89).

But with prices on the increase, you’d best bring your gold card.

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The city with $248 billion beneath its pavement (2024)


How much gold is under London? ›

Below the Bank of England is one of the largest store of gold anywhere in the world. We look after more than 400,000 gold bars, worth billions of pounds. The gold is kept in nine underground vaults and we guard it very carefully. Our customers are the UK Government, banks and other governments around the world.

Who owns the gold in the Bank of England? ›

Who owns the gold at the Bank of England? We only own two gold bars. Both of these are on display in our museum. Instead, we store the UK's gold reserves on behalf of HM Treasury Opens in a new window, and we also store gold bars on behalf of other central banks and certain commercial firms.

Where did Britain get its gold? ›

Gold has been mined in the UK since the time of the Romans. Peak production of gold was between 1860 and 1909, when around 3,500 kg was found. The largest concentrations of gold in the UK are in Scotland, North Wales, and southwest England.

Why does the UK have so little gold? ›

Only America's Federal Reserve in New York holds more gold. Interestingly, most of the UK's gold reserves were actually removed from London and shipped to Canada during the Second World War. Seeing the progress Germany was making across Europe, Britain was becoming increasingly worried that an invasion could happen.

How much gold is under NYC? ›

As of 2024, the vault housed approximately 507,000 gold bars, with a combined weight of 6,331 metric tons. The vault is able to support this weight because it rests on the bedrock of Manhattan Island, 80 feet below street level and 50 feet below sea level.

How much is 1 ton of gold worth? ›

So, how much is one tonne of gold precious metal worth? A tonne, in 2022, would be priced at its highest over $65,000,000 and the lowest just under $52,000,000. To calculate how much one tonne of gold would be worth, you can multiply the kilo gold price by 1,000 for a rough figure.

Where is the largest gold vault in the world? ›

The New York Federal Reserve Bank has the largest gold vault in the world, with approximately 7,000 tons of gold stored in its underground facilities.

Can I buy gold bars from a bank? ›

Some banks in the U.S. sell gold bars and coins (as well as silver coins). This can be a good option for investors who prefer the public accountability of a federally regulated institution. However, your options may be limited compared to what you'll find at an online retailer.

Who has the most gold in the world? ›

The United States holds the world's largest stockpile of gold reserves by a considerable margin of over 8,100 tons. The U.S. government has almost as many reserves as Germany, Italy, and France, which are the next three largest gold-holding countries combined.

Where is gold mostly found in the world? ›

About 244,000 metric tons of gold has been discovered to date (187,000 metric tons historically produced plus current underground reserves of 57,000 metric tons). Most of that gold has come from just three countries: China, Australia, and South Africa.

What is gold backed by? ›

The gold standard is a monetary system backed by the value of physical gold. Gold coins, as well as paper notes backed by or which can be redeemed for gold, are used as currency under this system. The gold standard was popular throughout human civilization, often part of a bi-metallic system that also utilized silver.

Who has the largest stockpile of gold? ›

United States of America

How much gold do the USA have? ›

How much gold does the U.S. have? The U.S. gold reserves have more than 8,000 metric tons of gold, nearly as much gold as the next three countries on the list combined! Explore our world map to see which countries have the largest gold reserves in the world.

Why was owning gold illegal? ›

As mentioned before, the ban on private ownership of gold in the United States was implemented as an emergency measure to combat the Great Depression. The U.S. was on a gold standard at the time, meaning that the value of the U.S. dollar was tied directly to a specific amount of gold.

Is there gold underground in the UK? ›

Are there gold deposits in the UK? While small in comparison to countries like America or Australia, gold deposits can certainly be found in the UK. In England, ancient rock formations in Devon, Cornwall and the Lake District are likely to have the quartz and calcite veins from which grains of gold could be mined.

How much gold is left underground? ›

The below-ground stock of gold reserves is currently estimated to be around 50,000 tonnes, according to the US Geological Survey. To put that in perspective, around 190,000 tonnes of gold has been mined in total, although estimates do vary. Based on these rough figures, there is about 20% still to be mined.

How much gold is still underground? ›

Where is all the gold? The World Gold Council estimates that miners have historically extracted a total of 201,296 tonnes of gold, leaving another 53,000 tonnes left in identified underground reserves.

Which country has the largest gold reserve? ›

United States of America

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