The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (2024)

Without the highest end hardware, especially for new AAA games, you probably have to make some visual sacrifices to play your game at a reasonable frame rate. When you get to the graphics setting menu though, there are a thousand options, but not all those options tell you what they affect, and it’s rare they’ll tell you how impactful on FPS each setting is.

For instance, how visually impactful are water reflections on a game vs performance impact? HUGE! Reflections take enormous amounts of computation to make happen. However, does your visual experience really depend on looking at a puddle and seeing your character’s blank eyes staring back? On the other end, small settings like 1st person head-bobbing while walking can massively increase your immersion into a game, but that setting takes zero FPS loss to make happen!

So, in this guide, let’s take a look at the most impactful settings on your frames per second, or FPS.

First, let’s set a baseline. More likely than not, you are using a 60htz 1920×1080 monitor. This means the screen can refresh (aka draw) a new frame 60 times per second at a resolution of 1080p. You might be familiar with that number from Youtube video quality settings. Because your monitor has a 60htz refresh rate, we’re aiming to get 60fps or greater. While a…. decent gaming experience can be had at 30 or 45fps, 60fps is where things start to get buttery smooth. If your hardware can handle a greater fps than its refresh rate, this can improve your gaming experience by reducing input lag. You’ll also be given “newer” information since the game will always use the most recently rendered frame, so for competitive games this can have a impact!


The biggest factor of them all. Similar to how choosing a higher quality option on a Youtube video can significantly affect its visual quality, that higher quality can also introduce a seriously noticeable buffer or lag. If your machine is having trouble with low graphics settings on a game, you can drop to 720p (usually resolution option 1280×720), and watch your framerate skyrocket. This will have the largest visual impact, but if your monitor is 20 inches or fewer it might be really worthwhile. Why does resolution matter so much? Look at how many pixels have to be rendered for the various common resolutions! Even the smallest game will have a hard time running at 4k on anything but the best hardware.

The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (1)


Texture Quality

This is an easy one to understand. The higher you allow texture quality to be, the more polygons object models will use to form their, well, form. Lots of games will allow you to control the difference between character textures, environmental textures, and other fine tuning options. Turning down options like Reflection or Water quality can open up a fair few FPS without much visual impact.

Frame Rate Limiting

Options like a frame rate limiter or V-sync may be trying to force your game to run at your monitor’s native refresh rate. These options can cause issues depending on a number of factors, and realistically they don’t improve the gaming experience much at all.. Try switching these on or off to obtain your desired results.

Render Distance

In many games, like Minecraft, you can manually decide how long your render distance is. This usually refers to the layers of distance from the player that the game decides to load high/medium/low quality objects. If a door is 50 yards from a player, why ask their computer to load a high quality door object? A low quality one will do until they get closer. Changing your render distance can have a huge impact on framerate without losing any detail in the objects/environment you’re face-to-face with.

Biliniear & Trilinear & Anisotropic filtering

How smooth should the transition be between those different levels of texture detail we talked about in Render Distance? Lowering render distance and increasing filtering to 16x Anisotropic filtering can make for a pleasant experience at low quality graphics settings.

In the below example, you’ll see render distance as the point where the road becomes blurry. The filtering option is represented in how quickly the road goes from beautiful texture to a coagulated mess of pixels. This example is extreme to showcase the effect — keep in mind this will not be the experience in your game.

The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (2)


Anti -Aliasing

When everything is rendered using thousands of triangles and squares, objects can get a little jagged at their edges. That’s called “Aliasing”. So, by definition, ANTI-Aliasing is the graphics setting concerned with smoothing things out. There are a few common options, and they have drastically different approaches.

The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (3)


As seen above, the Anti-Aliasing method “FXAA” adds a simple blur filter over the edge of aliased edges. Higher quality (and more FPS demanding) methods will render an object at a higher resolution, thus giving it more polygons to reduce perceived aliasing, then downscale the object to fit whatever resolution you’re using. More complex Anti-Aliasing options will dynamically decide what the “edge” of an object is and only do the upscale/downscale filtering to the object’s edge. These options can have huge impacts on FPS and visual fidelity, so play around with the settings until you find an option that best suits you.

Ambient Occlusion

Such a fancy name….. Ambient occlusion decides if objects in the scene cast secondary shadows. This adds a fair number of soft shadows and complex depth indicators for your eyes to enjoy. This setting lands in the middle of performance hit to visual interest. It’s nice to have, but will cost a few FPS.

Using a simple type of ambient occlusion, SSAO, take a look at how the phone booth casts a shadow against the wall. See how the inside corner of the wall (right side) is also darker?The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (4)

Because your screen can only get so bright, video games can use the visual trick of “Bloom” to make bright light appear super bright. While this option doesn’t have a huge impact on your framerate, it is often turned off. You’ll see why in a moment. First though, let’s look at what bloom does when it looks good.

The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (5)


That adds a lot of life to the scene! In Sci-fi and other visually interesting games, bloom can add an incredible amount of immersion.


Here is an example of where bloom can go wrong. Look at how blown out the details of the image are because bloom is doing the visual equivalent of yelling into a megaphone.The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (6)


For such a visually impactful setting, tessellation doesn’t actually impact performance all that much. However, since it does have an impact and the name isn’t terribly self explanatory, we’re opting to include it in this guide. Tessellation takes textures that, in real life, have lots of bumps/jutting features, and makes the texture bumpy! Take stone walls for example. On “off”, the wall in-game will be flat. If you turn tessellation on high, you’ll notice the stones jutting out of the wall in a lifelike way. The black marked areas in this picture highlight the “jutting out” effect of Tessellation.The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (7)


There you have it! Now that you know what these oddly named settings actually do, you can make an informed decision about what visual aspects to turn off/down to maximize your gameplay experience.

The Best Graphics Settings to Change to Get More FPS – Ironside (2024)


What settings to change to get better FPS? ›

How to boost PC gaming performance: 9 quick wins
  1. Enable Game Mode in Windows 11 and Windows 10.
  2. Lower your resolution.
  3. Change your game's video settings.
  4. Update your graphics card drivers.
  5. Remove unused programs and bloatware.
  6. Boost your Wi-Fi.
  7. Adjust your monitor's refresh rate.
Nov 21, 2023

What graphics settings affect FPS the most? ›

Here are a few common settings to turn down (or off) for measurable performance boosts.
  • Shadows. ...
  • Anti-aliasing. ...
  • Dynamic reflections. ...
  • Ambient occlusion. ...
  • Volumetric lighting. ...
  • Motion blur. ...
  • Render scaling.

How to increase max FPS? ›

How to increase FPS when gaming on your computer
  1. How to increase FPS on your computer.
  2. Find your monitor's refresh rate.
  3. Find out your current FPS.
  4. Enable Game Mode in Windows.
  5. Make sure you have the latest video driver installed.
  6. Optimize your game settings.
  7. Reduce your screen resolution.
  8. Upgrade your graphics card.
Aug 15, 2023

What is the best FPS setting for gaming? ›

60 fps is the optimal fps for PC games though most games are okay if their fps is between 30 and 60.

How to boost GPU performance? ›

How to Improve GPU Performance
  1. Update the GPU Drivers to Improve Performance.
  2. Plug Your Laptop to the Wall.
  3. Toggle Hardware-accelerated GPU Scheduling.
  4. Consider Trying Upscaling Technologies to Get Better GPU Performance.
  5. Clear Your PC to Lower Thermals.
Oct 23, 2023

How to get 120 FPS in games? ›

120 Hz FPS setup
  1. Make sure that your console is on the latest update: ...
  2. Make sure that your TV supports the 120 Hz refresh rate. ...
  3. Change your console display settings to 120 Hz: ...
  4. Enable FPS boost in the compatibility settings for the game:

How to get 30 FPS? ›

Open up your Nvidia Control Panel settings and in the Global Settings section set Adaptive V-Sync to Half Refresh Rate. If you have a 60Hz monitor, this will limit your FPS to 30 frames per second. If you don't have a 60Hz monitor then simply use GeForce Experience to create a custom resolution.

Why is my FPS so low? ›

There are many reasons why the system has a low FPS, including outdated GPUs, insufficient RAM, high in-game settings, underpowered CPUs, and slow HDDs. The best way to resolve these issues is to identify the specific bottleneck in the system and address it through hardware upgrades or in-game settings adjustments.

Will more RAM increase FPS? ›

RAM can improve frame rates and frame pacing when playing games. Check both capacity and speed when choosing RAM. Know the difference between form factors like DIMM and SO-DIMM. Get at least 16GB of RAM to play modern games, and more if you multitask.

How to stop FPS drops? ›

Select preferred method
  1. Plug in laptop into the power outlet. ...
  2. Close background processes. ...
  3. Review your game's requirements. ...
  4. Update the game. ...
  5. Change in-game settings. ...
  6. Reinstall or repair the game installation. ...
  7. Update to the latest version of Windows. ...
  8. Update your graphics drivers.
Nov 15, 2023

How do I get constant 120 FPS? ›

120 Hz FPS setup
  1. Make sure that your console is on the latest update: ...
  2. Make sure that your TV supports the 120 Hz refresh rate. ...
  3. Change your console display settings to 120 Hz: ...
  4. Enable FPS boost in the compatibility settings for the game:

Can video FPS be increased? ›

Use the "Framerate (FPS)" drop-down menu to select a new frame rate. A good average frame rate is between 24-30 frames per second. Anything lower than 20 frames-per-second will result in choppy videos motion. Increasing the frame rate beyond the original frame rate will not make the motion look any smoother.

Is there a max FPS? ›

Newer video standards support 120, 240, or 300 frames per second, so frames can be evenly sampled for standard frame rates such as 24, 48 and 60 FPS film or 25, 30, 50 or 60 FPS video.

Does RAM increase FPS? ›

RAM can improve frame rates and frame pacing when playing games. Check both capacity and speed when choosing RAM. Know the difference between form factors like DIMM and SO-DIMM. Get at least 16GB of RAM to play modern games, and more if you multitask.

Does RAM affect FPS? ›

During gameplay, if your PC glitches and response times are slow, you may need to add more memory. Having more than enough memory for the titles you want to play is recommended for any gamer who wants to improve their gaming experience. RAM will boost your system's responsiveness and improve frame rates.

Does lowering FPS increase performance? ›

Lower power consumption produces less heat, prolonging component lifespan and preventing overheating. Limiting FPS also balances CPU and GPU usage, preventing issues like lag, stuttering, and freezing during gaming and multitasking.

Why am I getting low FPS on my high end PC? ›

Low FPS can also be caused by running games at maximum graphical settings. Although it is visually stunning, it puts a considerable strain on the PC's hardware and will result in low FPS if the computer can't keep up. An underpowered CPU is another potential reason for low FPS.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.